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maxalt 3rd Oct 2003 18:53

Pontius, if you work at Emirates you should know this.

Maurice Flanagan

The first FOM was a Paddy too....Lar Smith.

Spartacan 3rd Oct 2003 20:25

Aha ! A navigator . . .

White Knight 3rd Oct 2003 21:21

Millers court - my dear fellow, I definately don't need £500,000 in my pocket to enjoy my life and lifestyle. Obviously you are one of those boring types who talks about pensions and stock options the whole damn time.
So, I no longer qualify for accelerated command. I'm not crying over spilt milk, I knew enough about Dubai before deciding to move here that things can change, and you can't do anything about it. There are a lot of commands coming up in the next few years and with some 26 years to retirement for me I'm happy to accept the three years. No choice really so just get on with it - besides it'll probably all change in the next few months again anyway when they can't find enough suitable people. It is actually a FIVE day screening process folks...
411a- Remember that the worlds worst civil aviation disaster was caused by the chief training captain, 747 at KLM. All your talk of needing 50,000 hours is BOLLOCKS. A guy with 10,000 hours of which 8,000 are long haul is not as EXPERIENCED as a guy with 4,000 hours shorthaul. Maybe the wool in front of your blinkered eyes means you just can't understand that.
If I have to fly with a DEC that's fine by me - I always do my job as professionally as possible. And I'll even talk to them as I'm generally mr nice guy. :ok:
Can't say anymore as my wife and I are going out for drinks and dinner in a short while - no lifestyle heh??

411A 4th Oct 2003 00:07

White Knight,

EK management (not surprisingly) don't seem to agree with your ideas...they still want that 10,000 hours.

Better luck next time.:E

fullforward 4th Oct 2003 01:49

Updating application
What is going on when updating an application with EK?
You go there, update it and the next time you check your application you realize it is the very same you had BEFORE you entered your last update.
It seems that the updating engine is not working properly.
Any ideas?

dicksynormous 4th Oct 2003 02:32

I have just recieved a job offer from Ek.

The interview took place in the masonic lodge in hong kong over a very agreeable port, as is normal in the expat world.

Unfortunately i have turned it down, mostly because the 3000hrs i have on wide bodies and 10000 on other bodies actually refered to my youthful prediliction for fat birds.

felt i should come clean.


it may be your duty. BUT in the world of uk mixing with the payroll is a like having the clap and thus your actions would not over flow into your personnal life. Not so in the expat world.its all one cross company bar bque world with a veneer of pleasantnes and smiles, and a reality of character destruction.

officially on the record you wouldnt be judged as a sneak and you be praised for your professionalism but you can bet your bottom dirham the barbque circuit will ruin your reputation.Fact of expat life i'm afraid. particularly if the chap you report has some old school mates already in the company. aviation is a small world and dubai and the like even smaller.best sort it out in the cockpit.

just a thought from experience.

dont try to argue the case for how god dubai is as i was expating before you got a licence.
have fun and dont scratch an arabs car.

Its all in "expating for dummies" by Tex Free at ali babas book bazaar

max AB 4th Oct 2003 13:41

Cut him some slack Fish he's from San Francisco. I think it's compulsory there.

DADDY-OH! 4th Oct 2003 16:14

Maurice Flannagan is actually English. Born and raised in Lancashire according to the interview with the Emirates in-house magazine.

Pontious 4th Oct 2003 16:41


...by name, enormous dick by nature. Are you ex-(or soon to be ex) Cathay by any chance?

Same question applies to High Cirrus & Millerscourt.


dicksynormous 4th Oct 2003 17:44


No but i did go out with a girl called cathy once. So that would make me cathy's ex

All 'm saying is its different to the way things are in uk.
be careful. you are only as secure as your last row with a local,and chances are may take on a skpper with more expat political savvy than yerself.

good luck.

highcirrus 5th Oct 2003 13:20


I had already made intimation on the subject, in my post of 25 Sept, but your subsequent posts to date would seem to confirm both your strident immaturity, as exemplified by your propensity for serial name calling and your worrying naivety in matters professional and social, as pointed out by dicksynormous.

I’m afraid that you really do not make a very good case for the efficacy of the EK selection process and I’m sure that, if indeed Fish is correct and your senior management is looking in on the unedifying spectacle provided by your clumsy debating style, they will be deeply worried that not only have they been landed with an individual of such transparent limitation but that there may be many more such individuals within the ranks, who at least, though, have the saving grace of not revealing themselves as the fools they so patently are.

Dumpvalve 5th Oct 2003 18:22

Highcirrus (as opposed to low cirrus??), by taking the cheapest of cheap goading shots, did you hope to fire up the EK masses, by insinuating that many of them are, quote "fools"?
Gotta learn to take that six-shooter out of the holster before pulling the trigger - your credibility is in tatters.

jstars2 9th Oct 2003 09:29

Hmm…. Seems like EK is having a bit of difficulty in making the numbers of suitable DE candidates who would be prepared to jump from SQ, to man the new A340-300’s. Could it be pilot inertia or maybe the modest EK benefit package on offer?

millerscourt 9th Oct 2003 13:39

jstars2 I don't think that EK are seriously expecting any SQ A340 Pilots to join not only because the Salary Package is as you say well below making it worth considering but also all these A340 guys are now on either the B777/B744 with a 3 year Bond.

Also EK expect DEC's to take a weeks leave and spend 5 days jumping through all these hoops. This alone will deter a lot of suitable candidates from elsewhere.

411A 9th Oct 2003 15:16

Suspect that many of the younger guys (at EK and elsewhere) have never fully come to understand that when an airline recruits DE Captains, the road is paved with the expectation that these guys will not put up with BS....and they usually do not.

The airline recruiting either wants professional experienced Captains, or they do not, junior co-pilots opinions notwithstanding.

White Knight 9th Oct 2003 23:38

Obviously 411a the Arizona sun has fried the last little brain cell you had in your thick head. Have you not worked out yet from the EK posters here that the majority of FO's here at EK are not "junior" FO's like in most of the worlds airlines. A large proportion have had considerable PROFESSIONAL COMMAND experience, as well as holding TRAINING and EXAMINING positions.

Oh well, you are wrapped up in your little "I'm a wonderful management, test pilot, walter mitty kind of person" Get a life - you spend too much time at the keyboard spouting cr*p.

411A 10th Oct 2003 00:03

You seemed to have missed the point completely, White Knight,
as the First Officers at EK now were hired as...First Officers, irrespective of their previous experience or exhaultd positions.

The company could use any selection process it wanted (and apparently did) to entice these folks to join, in anticipation of a, more or less, rapid upgrade.

Clearly the thinking within the company has changed however, as DE Captains are now required.
Guys hired directly into the left seat are harder to come by than co-pilots, and in every company that I have been associated with, these direct entry Captains (and especially training Captains) have been eased right into the operation with the minimum of problems, a few disgruntled co-pilots notwithstanding.

If these co-pilots within the company now had wished to be Captains at EK, they clearly should have applied as such, and not accepted a junior position.

Promises are one thing, a signed employment contract quite another.

Looks like the junior guys at EK fell for the 'promises'....the direct entry Captains will certainly be just a bit smarter.

It has always been thus in the ex-pat world, and certainly not likely to change anytime soon....like it or not.

millerscourt 10th Oct 2003 02:36

411A Have you noticed how the likes of FcU, White Knight and Pontious can only hurl insults and abuse which demeans any point they are trying to make and merely shows how intellectually flawed they are???

Just have a look at their previous posts and you will see what I mean. :8

411A 10th Oct 2003 09:13

Without a doubt, millerscourt...the folks you mention have a lot to learn about the expat scene.
They were stupid enough to buy the BS that EK spread 'round...now they will just have to sit back and watch others, who undoubtedly, are far more experienced, lap up the gravy.

Break out the small violins, my heart cries for them....not.

Tough beans.:{ :{ :{ :E

Anotherpost75 10th Oct 2003 12:03


Just returned from Singapore where I saw a number of my SIA cronies. Seems you’re right about the bond – a lot of the boys are stuck with it and now that SIA have fired, quote “the ones we wanted rid of”, the airline is not keen on letting any more guys leave. Also people are hanging on as usual for the rest of 2002’s bonus payment, the 13th month payment in Jan ’04 and the return of their cash currently hijacked – err, sorry, held by the airline as a 22% pay cut (some say as an interest free loan) and apparently only returnable if SIA makes S$700M+ profit for 2003. So even though the boys are absolutely livid about the pay cut plus, incidentally, a unilateral move to dump the Pilots Provident Fund and loath SIA even more than they did, they are unlikely to go through the hassle of a shift to a LHS position with EK that would seem to pay them about the same pittance. The only guys in a position to transit from SIA to EK, of course, are the ones who were “let go”.

Also the reputation of EK seems to have diminished amongst our SE Asia colleagues. They perceive EK going along the same lines as SIA – stealthy salami cuts to benefits, staff travel, housing etc plus growing indifference to the welfare and aspirations of their work force. I guess we’re seeing this latter with the kick in the slats to the FO’s with the recruitment of DEC’s. I would imagine quite a few of this group, who in the past seem to have had their heads in the sand, will be highly miffed that they gave up previous commands to join EK and are now being sidelined.

Isn’t ex-pat life wonderful?

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