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Baby Diesel 19th Dec 2003 03:33

PICMA - Pilot in command Monitored Approach
Gidday Nigels,
What is the latest on these types of approaches??
Weather close to minima then F/O flies and Captain manages in an unloaded environment - Captain takes over at the minima and lands or if not visual, F/O carries out miss.

Does your airline fly this system?

Did your airline fly this system once and has since changed to another - if so - why?

Precision (only CAT1 in this neck of the woods) and non precision - comments welcome.

Scuttle has it there is a move away from PICMA - why is it so?

Good subject this - let her rip Nigels and Merry Christmas Shags

Baby Diesel

MasterBates 21st Dec 2003 03:50

My company used to have the F/O´s flying the CAT 2 apps, but then it was moved to the captain. Reason given was that a switching of controls is better under more relaxed cincumstances. In sims, there were alway instances of premature ejacul... sorry, go-arounds if the captein hesitated a little at minimums. Now the old man does the approach (actually George does) and he is on the lookout and the wheel throughout the last phase. The F/O is glued to the instruments all the way down. We are very happy with this arrangement and beleave it is working very well.


Baby Diesel 28th Dec 2003 03:55

Thanks for the replies.

Interested to hear from any Airbus drivers out there on this subject.

What is the philosophy coming out of Toulouse in this area ?

The only small arguement is the low level takeover especially from a non runway aligned NPA but you are usually taking it from George anyway.

The heads up pilot should definitely transition better to the visual but does he have the aircraft "feel" from not being "on" the controls?? (even though George should be flying )

Would appreciate your input.

Baby Diesel

m&v 31st Dec 2003 05:25

any aircraft that can 'do' a single eng'AutoLand in zero vis' conditions isn't all bad.Well that was my statement to people who queried the difference from the 727/320..
PMA approaches developed by british european in the late 50-60's.Had 'checkered' acceptance by BOAC crews after the meld.
Used by some Airforces around the world(Canada)and by Canada3000(military influence??)..The majority of Co's seemed to have adopted Fail operational Autoland,with 2 managers??
The Cat3 'headsup displays'enable the non 'autoland'people to get lower to see...(that should throw the cat among the chickens)

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