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veetwo 18th May 2005 12:23

Leeds Thread
Touched down late and ran off the end of 14 around 11:45 Zulu. No injuries, but paramedics are attending to several passengers suffering from shock. A/C has been stablised and is awaiting inspection from AAIB. Airport is closed for now. Any one know any more?

timmcat 18th May 2005 12:27

Witnessed it from 14 threshold. LTE376 from Fuerteventura looked to land well past the normal touchdown point and has pulled off to the right at the very end onto the grass. Winds at the time south-westerly at 8kts, surface dry.

RT between tower / flight deck and fire crews indicate a reported brake problem. Pax being disembarked by stairs.

JohnnyRocket 18th May 2005 13:19

A plane with 180 passengers on board overshot the runway today at an international airport, a fire and rescue service spokesman said.

The incident happened at around 12.30pm at Leeds Bradford International Airport in West Yorkshire.

A West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service spokesman said there were not thought to be any serious injuries.

He said the passengers on board the Airbus 320 plane were still disembarking following the incident.

buttline 18th May 2005 13:23

From BBC (because the journalists always get it right)

Passenger plane overshoots runway
A plane with 178 passengers on board overshot the runway at a West Yorkshire airport on Wednesday.
The incident took place at lunchtime at Leeds Bradford International Airport.

A spokeswoman for West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service said it is not thought anyone was injured during the incident and there was no fire.

All passengers on the Airbus 320 plane had been evacuated. It is not yet clear whether the plane was taking off or landing or which airline was involved.

Airport alert

A fire service spokeswoman said they had been alerted by the airport at 1245 BST that a plane had gone off the end of the runway and had sent 10 pumps with around 50 firefighters to the scene.

Working in conjunction with the airport fire service they evacuated all passengers by 1340 BST.

Eyewitness Brian Bevan told BBC Radio Leeds: "We were in the departure lounge and there was this aircraft very close to the end of the runway and it looks as though it's dropped off with its nose wheel hanging off the end."

He said he could see fire engines at the scene and passengers being brought off the plane.

JohnnyRocket 18th May 2005 13:35

A Leeds Bradford International Airport spokeswoman said: "An A320 LTE aircraft
arriving from Fuerteventura at 12.40 had problems on landing which resulted in
it coming to rest at the end of the runway.
"The 171 passengers on board were disembarked using the aircraft steps and
coached back to the terminal with no reported injuries to any passengers.
"The Air Accident Investigation Team will look to identify the cause and it
is hoped the runway will be operational as soon as possible."
She said that no flights were currently arriving or departing at the airport,
but added that airport bosses were looking to resume the services as soon as
She added that the flights were expected to resume later today.

coasting 18th May 2005 14:12

Aircraft is an A320 of Jordan Aviation, JY-JAR and operating a sub-charter for LTE, from Fuerteventura, which I think is a MyTravel/Airtours IT flight.

BOTFOJ 18th May 2005 14:55

is that a can of worms I can hear popping open?

YYZ 18th May 2005 15:23

As Timmcat says, landed well after the normal point, just after the intersection for 27/09, no headwind, 5-8kt crosswind, therefore possibly a bit fast as well?

All speculation until investigation, at least nobody was injured!


Max Angle 18th May 2005 16:00

LBA claims another scalp, what a rat hole of an airport. How many is that off the end now I wonder?.

GrahamK 18th May 2005 16:04

I can only think of this one and the Caledonian?/British Airtours? L1011.
What others have their been?

Stick Flying 18th May 2005 16:30

A biz jet off the end of 14 and a Saab onto the centre grass (due to cross-winds) are 2 that I know of in the last 6 or 7 years.

leeds.flyer 18th May 2005 16:30

Max Angle - I've been on here for a while, and not often posted but felt I had to upon reading your ill-informed and rather pompus comment.

You chose to coment before even getting the facts right - the journos as usual blew the whole thing out of proportion as "Plane overshoots runway" drama actually turned into an error by the pilot who when turning the aircraft round misjudged the turn and ended up with his nosewheels on the grass.

Yes, he had a brake problem, but it had nothing to do with his error in turning!

"A biz jet off the end of 14" was also pilot error.

Don't know about the Saab.


Dylsexlic 18th May 2005 16:52

Oooerrr missus! That's told us.

BTriple7 18th May 2005 17:13

Hello Paul,

I beg to differ I am afraid.

I believe that the aircraft landed long and fast and in an effort not to go off the end put it in the grass.

He landed (from my perspective) after the 27/09 intersection. I am not going to lay claim to knowing the speed he was doing but it was higher than the usual approach speed.

Similarly if you look at the location of the aircraft when it came to a stop, its at almost 90 degrees to the runway with the main wheels on the edge of the runway. If he had been attempting a 180 he would not of done it from the centreline and there would be a distinct angle between the main wheels and the runway - unless he got it seriously wrong.

Lastly you know what the hill is like going up 14 towards the 32 end, and there is little runway remaining. I would hazard a guess he got to the top of that hill and realised how little runway remained at his high speed.

Call Established 18th May 2005 17:18

Anyone got a pic of this ???

leeds.flyer 18th May 2005 17:19

Fair point BTriple7. I wasn't there so I can only go on what I am told. If I was wrong then fair enough, I apologise.

I just get annoyed with people slagging off the airport (as Max Angle did) when what happens has got nothing to do with the airport itself, but the pilots!

Kestrel_909 18th May 2005 17:40

Pictures -


Scroll down, way down!

Pontious 18th May 2005 17:40

Max Angle was bang out of order.

Back to the thread:

No advanced warning of a problem with the aircraft (i.e. "Pan" or "Mayday") and no apparent shout to ATC on the rollout that there was a problem.

Not a particularly challenging runway in terms of length compared to the aircraft involved even if it did land 'slightly long'.

Weather- generally fine.

Brake failure anybody?

Is 14/32 it still closed?

BTriple7 18th May 2005 17:43


32/14 is now open with reduced TORA/TODA and LDA. Using it very much in a mixed mode use, ie landing 14 and departing 32.

More pictures here

LTNman 18th May 2005 17:57

Leeds flyer wrote

You chose to coment before even getting the facts right - the journos as usual blew the whole thing out of proportion as "Plane overshoots runway" drama actually turned into an error by the pilot who when turning the aircraft round misjudged the turn and ended up with his nosewheels on the grass.
Looking at the photos it is you who has a problem with the facts!

leeds.flyer 18th May 2005 18:06

BTriple7 - Did you take the pics yourself?


BTriple7 18th May 2005 18:07

Hello Paul,

I did - hence the err questionable quality ;).

Reverand Lovejoy 18th May 2005 18:27

Hi guys,

I wouldn't get too excited. ILS not in use and NDB being used for app if needed but with 30k vis cant see it being an issue. ATC handling workload <slight> fine and 32 for t/o 14 for landing. Well done to LBA staff and inbounds for continueing <sp> to keep a professional service.........as expected. Would love to know more about 320 but don't want to get involved in speculation, I'm too busy studying for a Measurement and Control exam tomorrow.

The Reverand

leeds.flyer 18th May 2005 18:31

If you don't mind me asking BTriple7 - do you work up there? If so, what do you do?


PS - Nothing wrong with the pics, but I would sort out that dust spot :D

Leodis 18th May 2005 18:33

No expert, but can an aircraft really turn angles like that at high speed???

+'ve ROC 18th May 2005 19:20

classic example of things being blown out of proportion.

not only by the word piano players i might add. is it really that big a deal?

just tow it back onto the rwy!

16 blades 18th May 2005 19:29

Is it just me, or is there something odd about his flap config? That doesn't look like a landing flap setting for me (although I'm no expert on swept-wing jets) - looks more like a 'take-off' setting. Why would they be set to that after the incident? (assuming they've been moved at all after landing).

Maybe that could explain a thing or two? Or am I just barking up the wrong tree?


Max Angle 18th May 2005 20:26

Bloody hell, "ill informed", "pompous" and "bang out of order" just for being nasty about an airfield, don't take it so personally chaps. I stand by what I said though; it's a rat hole. It's on top of a hill which means it fogs out all the time or blows a gale, the runway is shortish, not even remotely level, points the wrong way and has a steep 3.5 degree ILS on one end and nasty overrun areas. Oh and autolands are horrible there. Apart from that it's lovely. On the plus side ATC are always helpful and efficient and the other staff are very friendly. Fortunately I am an infrequent visitor nowadays.

nokia 18th May 2005 20:29

Why no chutes deployed - often situations of this nature will call for an evac as precaution - from inside it must have felt a very strange angle sitting forward and the crew would have no idea the mainwheels were still actually just on the hard surface.
At the very least must have been very hot brakes/wheels.....

BusyB 18th May 2005 20:48

I recall a British Midland DC 9 doing the same shortly after they took over the LHR-LBA services from BA.

Leezyjet 18th May 2005 21:34

Just been on Look North.

Passengers said that they sat there for "ages" before the flight crew told them anything.

Now just a minor thought, but would it not be a common courtesy to tell them something asap rather than leaving them sitting there frightened out of their minds ?.

Remember too that most of those people that were onboard only fly maybe a handful of time a year, so what might not seem like a big deal to someone who flys for a living sure is to them.


A4 18th May 2005 21:44

If I was up the pointy end sitting over the grass with my backside higher than my nose, I would DEFINATELY consider it a big deal - and a very bad day in the office!

Any confirmation this was a sub for MYT? Is it the regular carrier? MYT pulled out of LBA last year so presumably the flights have been subbed. I thought LTE were German....?

A4 :confused:

BOTFOJ 18th May 2005 22:00

it was a charter for MyTravel the tour operator by LTE, which was subbed out to a Jordanian Airline.

Flame 19th May 2005 01:07

Hi All;

Photo the the same aircraft, but not at the incident site, may be of interest to some...


A4 19th May 2005 07:24

From the picture, this looks like a "white tail" with a couple of LTE stickers on it. I think we are going to see more of this i.e. subbing out of flights to "unknown" airlines. Whilst I don't wish to be confrontational or cast aspertions, what checks are these carriers subjected to before carrying uk pax? Does the CAA have to approve or inspect these carriers?

If I booked a holiday on the High Street at Lunn Poly or Going Places etc and pitched up at LGW to find myself boarding, for example, an eastern european 757 for my flight to Tenerife I'd be a bit miffed and possibly a bit concerned to.

Tin hat on.

A4 :hmm:

BEST L/CONTROLLER 19th May 2005 08:08

Mainly to MAX ANGLE!

But there are others on here, what annoys me on here is the way everyone shoots down LBA at the drop of a hat, due to rwy length or what ever stupid reson you can think of next,

This incident has nothing to do with the lenght of rwy or what a rat hole it is, it's down to crew error of technical problems, until the investigation is over knowone knows unless you all working for AAIB! which I doubt,

Also someone mentioned the Saab, well I was on shift that day and that was down to crew error, we were listening to the RT and the tower said "the winds are 270/42G55knts your cleared for take off rwy 32, are you sure you want to continue with the departure due to winds" he replied "it'll be ok no probs," the next thing we heard in the office was the sound of the crash alarm, so we looked out of the window and saw the BMI SF340 spinning of the grass verge in between taxiway D and 28 as it was then, so not an airport problem would you say,

Also the Tristar, that goes without saying that was crew error, and from what witnesses say regaring the LTE then that was crew error, but untill the investigation,

There has been thousands of safe landings at LBA on most types of A/C B747's the lot and they've suffered no problems, even if the rwy's a little short, so that's me finninshed with now.

BTW LTE are Spanish, Volar Airlines is their real name, someone thought they were German, they used to be the Spanish subsidary of the German airline LTU maybe that's what your getting mistaken for,


sammypilot 19th May 2005 08:33

I don't see why you should be reaching for your tin hat A4. Most prudent holiday makers, when booking, check to see who they are flying with. Usually the brochure has towards it's rear, the airline to be used on a particular flight plus the type of aircraft to be used. O.K. so the operators always put in the saving clause that they may substitute other airlines and aircraft. However it is a big selling point that you will be travelling on a British Airline.

I too would be miffed to find that the aircraft that turned up would be on a sub charter to a sub charter and I would be extremely dubious about the quality of the crew and the aircraft's airworthiness. I stopped using one holiday company when instead of the nice shining B737 operated by a British company I was expecting to fly in, an ancient 727 operated by a Portugese airline with only 2 aircraft turned up at Manchester 24 hours late.

leeds.flyer 19th May 2005 08:38

BEST L/CONTROLLER - Thank you for writing that, and well said!

I just get annoyed and feel very defensive about my local airport (and the airport I regularly fly from). All these negative comments that peropl are just happy to throw about when, as you said, the incidents have been crew werror, and nothing to do with the airport!


BusyB 19th May 2005 09:01


'Also the Tristar, that goes without saying that was crew error'

'it's down to crew error of technical problems, until the investigation is over knowone knows'

Well after 2 comments like that I really hope you did read the Tristar accident report.
As I recall the crew landed at the touchdown point utilised max braking and went off the end. I think you'll find that the A/C for some reason did not stop as the performance had predicted. The criticism of the crew concerned the "before descent" checklist.
You might be the BEST L/CONTROLLER, but you are not much of a historian. Pot calling Kettle Black springs to mind.

leeds.flyer 19th May 2005 09:12

Busy B - I don't think he was pointing the blame at anyone, but just trying to point out that it was not the fault of the airport itself, however, I do believe that the last third of the runway was paved at the time, which if I remember right didn't help the situation.

I seemed to think though that he did land late? But maybe I'm wrong.


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