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women pilots in SIA?

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Old 24th Mar 2000, 08:06
  #1 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a
Unhappy women pilots in SIA?

Hey, I just heard that there are no women pilots in SIA? Jokes aside this is blatant discrimination. I am told that the Singapore Air Force has non-jet drivers that wear skirts but the much lauded "world's number one airline" doesn't. China Airlines, Cathay, have female drivers, so hiding behind 'it's a culturally accepted practise' doesn't wash. Is it that it might undermine the soft sex sell of the "Singapore Girl" or are women not encouraged to become aviators in Singapore. Anti-discrimination laws in Singapore must be a total joke.

The "world's best" doesn't appear to follow the world's best management practices now does it? Get with the times SIA or you will lose public support with your outdated attitudes!

Old 24th Mar 2000, 10:41
  #2 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Ditto for Gulf Air, Emirates and Saudia....and many more actually.

In the 21st century you would think that the women have equal rights to jobs as men, very much not the case I'm affraid.
Old 24th Mar 2000, 12:32
  #3 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Don't shoot me out of the water over this.
Just ask any management pilot how much grief SOME female pilot's cause them. Not in terms of their performance but more to do with maternity leave, baby sitter problems, PMT etc.

I do not want to project a disciminatory tone here, as many female pilot's are very good, as we know. The cost of the above problems, according to some management pilot's is not worth the hassle.

There are of course plenty of useless male pilot's who do not deserve to be in a job such as ours. The system unfortunately allows these idiots to get through from time to time.

Some intellectual debate is warranted in this area!
Old 24th Mar 2000, 13:00
  #4 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Would you feel comfortable sitting in first class with a "Singapore Girl’s" arms and legs wrapped around the controls of a shiny big Boeing?

For the uneducated, why not try a taxi ride or two between the kampongs of Singapore and you’ll be quickly enlightened. Tut Tut!
Old 24th Mar 2000, 15:03
  #5 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

I understand the SAF has some female pilot's flying the herc's- may be in time SIA will open door's for them when they leave the airforce.

Ask most of the Singapore Hostie's if they'd like to be a pilot- and they will simply tell you it's a man's job- it's their attitude that needs changing first- before SIA opens the door to them- and have no applicants!

Old 24th Mar 2000, 16:24
  #6 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

I didn't know that SIA has a transition program for flight attendants ???

Old 24th Mar 2000, 17:30
  #7 (permalink)  
Self Loading Freight
Posts: n/a


Have you ever used a minicab in Basildon? Try one of those at 2am on a Saturday night and then tell me you'd be happy for anyone from Essex to fly you on a Boeing.


"...or we'll be up here all day..."
Old 24th Mar 2000, 18:27
  #8 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

shakespeare - any management pilot in our company who expressed those opinions where anyone could hear him would be immediately vaporized. that is discrimination in its worst form.

how draconian can you get?

check your records for female pilot sick days versus male pilot sick days. i think you'll be surprized.
Old 24th Mar 2000, 19:35
  #9 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Draconian would be an under statement. SIA fires cabin crew if they get pregnant. SIA management basically dosen't recognize any human rights, only money money money money. Can get money for my mother also can sell.
Old 24th Mar 2000, 20:10
  #10 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a


Would you feel comfortable sitting in first class with a "Singapore Boy's" arms and legs wrapped around the controls of a shiny big Boeing?

I find even the use of the word "girl" is so diminutive. Cat is right about the soft sex sell of the cabin crew. SIA would hate to lose that angle I'm sure.

I feel sorry for any females in Singapore who are educated and have a desire to fly. Because of discrimination they are denied their chance to enjoy a great career in their home state. Just what if a woman choses not to have children? Poor woman can't work as a pilot in SIA.

Must have children-lah.
Old 24th Mar 2000, 20:19
  #11 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Skeltor; That used to be the case- It no longer exists as far as I know.
Old 24th Mar 2000, 20:53
  #12 (permalink)  
I Have Control
Posts: n/a
Thumbs down

I really can't believe some of the replies from you guys - where were you dragged up? Where have you been living for the past 25 years?

So you reckon you have to be 'educated' to be a pilot do you. That's typical of the oodles of self-esteem that some of the pilots I've met seem to spread over themselves. Your comments regarding women are not only offensive, they are down right ignorant. Some of the male pilots that I fly with have some of the most appalling sickness records and their level of "education" is at times quite staggering. In fact most of the respondents on this forum display an incredible lack of knowledge of spelling, punctuation and language in general.

Futhermore, most (not all) of the pilots I have worked with are lazy, arrogent, self-opininated and have the most unbelievably naive views of the world in which we all live.

I can not think what the average punter who dips into this forum must think of some of you out there - I would imagine that a substantial number would rue the day they ever had the misfortune to travel as your 'guests'.

God help us all.
Old 24th Mar 2000, 21:51
  #13 (permalink)  
Sir Algernon Scruggs
Posts: n/a

Shakespear, you are well out of touch on that one. I suppose the management pilots you have spoken to (how many and from which airlines?) fall into the biggoted dinosaur category who pull statistics out of thin air. As Strikemama says, check your actual records. I would be prepared to place money on it that the true statistics would prove you to be very wrong.

Most female airline pilots have had to work much harder than most of us to get their coveted positions due to the discrimination and bigotry of some of the dinosaurs who hold outdated values. I for one find that the vast majority of women I have had the fortune to fly with as either my copilot or captain over the years has performed to as high a standard as the best male pilots and occasionally even better. There has been the odd one who falls short of the standards but then I would bet that the percentage of those are lower than for their male counterparts.

"Babysitter problems!" Don't make me laugh. Not even worthy of a response. "PMT!" Again, a pathetic excuse without any probable evidence. "Maternity leave!" So what? I know of many male colleagues who have also taken maternity leave to be with their wifes/girlfriends and to help out. Someone has to incubate the next generation and I think you would probably be very glad it isn't you! To discriminate just because a woman gets pregnant is pathetic. I have absolutely no doubt that any woman who has taken the decision to become an airline pilot and gone through the hoops to get there does not 'just become pregnant' for the sake of it.

You said that we shouldn't shoot you out of the water for your comments but that will not protect you, especially on Pprune. I suggest you verify your 'management pilots' statistics before you fall into another trap.

'I Have Control', I don't know who you work for or even if you are a pilot yourself but your statement is far too generalising and is probably just as ill thought out as Shakespears. There are many pilots out there who fall into the various categories you have mentioned but to state that 'most' are like that, in my experience, is just not true. As for spelling and grammar, I would blame the education system and not the individual. Also for many contributors English is not their first language.

On the other issues, don't forget that in Saudi Arabia women aren't even allowed to drive, never mind fly. Also one south american airline I recently flew for fire any male stewards they believe to be gay. Just shows how many places there are that are still waiting to be dragged into the 21st century and the world is a poorer place for it.
Old 24th Mar 2000, 23:29
  #14 (permalink)  
Pete Otube
Posts: n/a

Why have women got small feet?
Old 24th Mar 2000, 23:36
  #15 (permalink)  
Captain Ed
Posts: n/a

Those Singapore cuties make such great hostesses, it would be a crime to make them pilots.

On the general subject, why have women airline pilots at all? Have we run out of men? Who want's a captain with PMS, cramps, morning sickness, labor pains, genital herpes, vaginal warts, and the like?
Old 24th Mar 2000, 23:44
  #16 (permalink)  
Grandad Flyer
Posts: n/a

Just out of interest, I understand that there are only around 4000 women airline pilots in the world, the majority of whom work for airlines in the USA.
There are many airlines which still do not accept applications from women, I did not know however, that Cathay now employ women pilots.
I don't understand what the problem is, if someone is capable of doing the job they should be given the chance, be they male or female.

Old 25th Mar 2000, 02:06
  #17 (permalink)  
I Have Control
Posts: n/a

Sir A.S.

You make some very reasonable points - but, between you and me, I was playing the Devil's Advocate earlier on - however, I did have a message to convey.

Keep up the good work.
Old 25th Mar 2000, 02:48
  #18 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a
Thumbs down


Bang Bang Splash

Captain Ed

You're dead too

Old 25th Mar 2000, 03:48
  #19 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

You've got to be kidding haven't you? I thought that the "should we have women pilots?" issue was dead years ago!

For God's sake, it's about as relevant a question as "Should we have pilots with ginger hair?"

In my Company it just isn't an issue - nobody ever discusses it - we've been flying all-girl jet crews for years and we'd have ground to a halt without them a long time ago.

It is a great shame that there are still western airlines that are still back in the 50's - the eastern attitudes are another matter of course, and not one I'm qualified to comment on, but over here? Get real! The girls must be yawning their heads off!
Old 25th Mar 2000, 20:26
  #20 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Yeah CX has about 14 female pilots so far... Wow...big deal out of about 1300 (?) pilots.

Aviation is one of the areas where physical strength is not an issue. It makes me mad to see flying competions divided into male/female entries...hmmmm...maybe thats for the guys benefit!!!

While in my home country (NZ) at least, women are now making up more than 50% of doctors and lawyers in training, we still lag way behind in women pilots but it is getting better. I think expectations and access to money unfortunately play a large part.

Best person for the job, end of story.

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