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3646flyer 5th Oct 2012 09:08

Korean Air-why are pilots bailing out?
Hi all. I am currently in Korea visiting and I'm interested in flying for Korean Air. Do you think it would be worth while to go to KA HQ and have a chat? Would it help my chances of getting an interview? Or are things only arranged through places like GAP and Rishworth so it's not worth my time?

babisiliop 5th Oct 2012 09:26

As long as you are already there,you have nothing to loose by going
and ask for an appointment with the recruiting people.
If you don't ask you will never know.


3646flyer 5th Oct 2012 11:01

Korean Air-why are pilots bailing out?
Thanks babisiliop. I will call them on Monday. You wouldn't happen to have a number to PM me would you? If not I'm sure I can find it online.

fullforward 5th Oct 2012 14:00

Don't waste your time 3646
KAL don't hire expats directly.
They only pick guys from agencies and even so they are terribly nit picking: there's a complex and long pre-screening process before they ever think about inviting you.
Furthermore, recruitment department em SEL is very busy all the times.
99% chances they won't even take your call.
Sorry to take the cherry from the cake.

3646flyer 6th Oct 2012 04:44

Korean Air-why are pilots bailing out?
I see.... Well 1% is better than 0%, but I get what you mean. I guess it's worth a shot anyway since I'm here.

Calvin Hops 6th Oct 2012 08:49

If a good brown noser at the flight admin recruitment knows how to play the game, she/he will probably direct you to contact a pilot recruitment agency connected to Fiona. Good luck!

fullforward 6th Oct 2012 15:01

Please share with us the outcome.:ok:
Which fleet/position you're seeking?

Good luck!


Chuck Canuck 6th Oct 2012 22:01

Fiona? Are you on weeds Calvin or is it a code for someone?

3646flyer 7th Oct 2012 05:21

Korean Air-why are pilots bailing out?
I would go to any equipment type, but I fly a citation X now, so I don't have the right type ratings. That's why I need all the help I can get and thought I could visit the office since I'm here. Looks like my chances are pretty slim though.

KAL__Aviator 7th Oct 2012 10:47

Mate your chances are next to zero..
KAL has been known to be real picky as they are always flooded with mostly rated guys or at least Airbus or Boeing related rating. Don't bother trying to convince them otherwise, they are rigid in this area.
All the best anyways.

haejangkuk 8th Oct 2012 05:16

3646flyer...there is an easier option. Do like quite a number of KAL expats did, use the good parker pen! Find some odd European, African or Central Asian outfit where you have good mates there who would certify your parker pen hours. You can easily have airbust hours and 757/767 time easily connable for t7 DECship. Our nincompoops at recruitment ain't any wiser. Don't believe me; ask a certain pet halftrack who is now riding high on the t7 volunteering his much touted computer and photoshopping skills.

TWN PPL 8th Oct 2012 14:31

Sinceyou’re there, you may stop by Asian which is located on the same block. now you have 2% chance working inKorea.

Teg Bahadur 7th Dec 2012 21:27

How's poziah's ex - KCH based beau doing in edtahi? I heard geng geng over there setting him up for instant instructorship! This is going to rile those mat sallehs instructor wannabes.

gerago 10th Dec 2012 15:33

How's poziah's ex - KCH based beau doing in edtahi? I heard geng geng over there setting him up for instant instructorship! This is going to rile those mat sallehs instructor wannabes.
Ya, how's this imperial pipe smoking golf wunderkind doing ? His fast track there in edtahi must a Malaysia Boleh way exporting umno style cronyism to the sandpit!!!

Sireh 20th Apr 2013 11:26

Poziah's ex-KCH misadventure soon to be cronymade TRI in aboo darby, so I heard.

Bwanah Kumbaya 21st Apr 2013 05:52

Hey you Malaysian malaises, don't you bring your corrupted cronyism to the sandpit! Ya, all the crooked old boys fast tracking this taliban look alike to TRIship. Awfully low lifes bringing your sickening culture over here! shoo....go away!

Sampan Angkasa 22nd Apr 2013 19:08

AK sources said changchanggchongchong went to mainland China for sim preemployment but terkandas. Noisy....ain't all Air farce fellas bellicose? A far cry from those grovelling days as eff-oh on the B734 with yes sir this and yesiree that! At one time even boasted he was the one to coach jimmy how to handled the sidestick when they were up in kimchiland training! If you run into him at KLIA, you should see the swagger as if he is in the super league... pathetic
Ha ha ha, chingchangchongchong has bailed out of KAL and is now in Air Asia X....maybe to comfort sweetheart bhai gurcharan now on the mend after heart bypass. Bhai's comfort woman missing! I am sure he wants to teach bhai how to sidestick!

CDRW 22nd Apr 2013 22:40

Bwanah - I thought that the Malaysian Mafia had well and truly infiltrated and settled in " the airlilne that cannot be named"!!! ?? And what about the English accented plump despot from Pakistan who is usually involved in the first meeting with new wannabees!! It's a right royal harem!

jandakotcruiser 27th Apr 2013 18:48

Quite a few expats were involved in some minor infractions and decided to bail out. The " punishment culture " in Korean is terrible. The only way they can ever think of dealing with problems is punishment and more punishment. They endeavour to instill fear. A lot of first officers become almost dysfunctional worrying about possible punishment than carrying out their duties professionally and competently.

Gypsy King 22nd May 2013 04:25

Can anyone give me some advice which one is worse... QR or KAL??
Sounds like KAL is also not a nice place to work...:hmm:

Captain Partzee 22nd May 2013 09:59

Gypsy King
This it is a really tough question :E

zlin77 22nd May 2013 11:30

I did 7 years in KAL...no visible wounds, not the easiest place to work, but if you learn their SOPs, ask no questions, agree to anything they tell you..it is Ok..it still is one of the best commuting contracts available, it gives you your choice of days off, confirmed seat to and from Seoul, stable roster, I had maybe 3-4 changes in 7 years, extremely well maintained aircraft, you just have to be happy with long sectors with little conversation from your F/O, lots of meals eaten alone around The World (Maybe not a bad thing:) ), the only reason I left in 2007 was because they were unsure if they would take pilots over 60..had I received an affirmative then, I would have stayed.....

squarecrow 22nd May 2013 14:49

No offense Zlin but maybe there has been some changes since 2007.

fatbus 22nd May 2013 15:10

SC , maybe you can pass on some personal experiences then.

RV6 22nd May 2013 15:16

Gypsy King
It depends: for Captains, QR is better. However, F/O's seem to be treated equally badly at both airlines.

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