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Capt Turbo 15th Mar 2011 08:08

Casper: From the jumpseat I have witnessed 737 touchdown speed of 164 kts (flaps full). If you know how, try to calculate if it landed "nosewheel first"; then we can discuss denial....
I have failed an instructor pilot for kicking in wrong rudder during a (slight) X-wind landing.
I have witnessed a widebody go-around from a few feet over the grass when the (experienced) F/O didnīt know how land during normal ops.
I have seen an instructor pilot loose control completely a few seconds after loosing normal speed indication (the SIM crashed).
I have failed an experienced, famous captain for retracting flaps instead of gear on a heavy widebody (Thanks Airbus for the wonderful protections).
I have seen quite a few CATIII qualified pilots who could not make a CAT I approach - even in full auto flight.
Is it bogus papers when airlines sign out pilot qualifications that the pilots do not have?????
Which Indian pilot can honestly say he or she is fully competent in LVO, RNAV,RMP,ETOPS,RCF planning,CPDLC,RVSM etc, etc, even if they are cleared and have the papers?
Does it contribute anything to safety wen you have to sit for six (6) days learning by heart the names of various committee members and being tested in your knowledge of the height of the wall surrounding BOM? These days would have done wonders if used for an ops course instead of AVSEC.

The patient is very sick, and now some of the doctors are being expelled, ironically on medical grounds. With luck sheer time can cure a disease, even when the wrong medicine is administered, but for the Indian Aviation Disease I fear that something will break first (but not on my shift, I hope :\)

Yours "soon-to-be-expelled" doctor T.

casper63 15th Mar 2011 12:41

Capt Turbo, It is obvious from your post that you are a very experienced Instructor. My only question to you is - in your entire career how many nose wheel landings have you witnessed in a jet aircraft or in the Sim? If the answer is none then how do you believe this media rubbish of several nose wheel landings without any damage to the aircraft? I have no issues with the other points raised by you, in fact I agree with you that the rot has set in and it needs to be cleaned up ASAP:ok:

StinkyMonkey 15th Mar 2011 13:06

Indeed, the patient is very sick. I expect that all the pilots the DGCA will be forced to single out will all curiously not have powerful relatives...

I understand that Casper is upset, because I just happen to know that he is an outstanding professional with a difficult mission due to this rotten system.
It is indeed easy to forget that there are many very qualified pilots in Indian aviation whose reputation suffers in the current situation.


Capt Turbo 15th Mar 2011 16:05

Casper, youīre right
Only once, and that was a Turbolev.....have seen 3-pointers, but that was 737s, never a 320, although 321 can come close (due to the aft-loaded flaps).
Point taken!
Fact seems to be that some damage war incurred to the nosewheel, and we have seen plenty of "nosewheel slammers", havenīt we....Is Indigo landing Conf 3 SOP?
So trying to avoid the "press trap", could it be a case of excessive de-rotation from a high (Conf 3) landing attitude?

Has anybody heard about a 320 nosewheel/3-point landing??

Thanks for pointing this out!


rdr 15th Mar 2011 16:59

look chaps, quit singling out the pilot. this issue is about the system. it dont matter if one is JAA, or FAA.............etc. the system from the PM, then the minister, the ministry, DGCA is crap. STOP running round in circles.
nobody in India refuses to accept that 5000 kids die a day there due to preventable reasons, rape is justified in the North, because women must be put in their place, corruption is a neccessary way of life......................

merely faking a flying licence is a walk in the park............
who cares ?? these bastards in the DGCA will walk free, the pilots will get vitimised. and, the whole of India, will believe the crap in the papers.

JotaJota 16th Mar 2011 04:14

Has anybody heard about a 320 nosewheel/3-point landing??
Never a NW landing for a A320 series (19-20-21). Even my old co. does CONF3 landing as SOP, never heard of one.

3 Pointers, seen a few from low time boyz, never done one myself in a transport AC in 15,000+ hrs... :=

P51-Mustang 16th Mar 2011 06:47

Glad steps are being taken on this..!!

CBI-DGCA probing 'fake' flying schools - The Times of India

rdr 16th Mar 2011 07:17

nothing will happen. the CBI is used to satisfy the public temporarily, and then kill the issue in the CBI itself. can you tell me of a single scam, case which has gone to trial after a CBI inquiry ?? the idea is to stop any issue about politicians/babus from reaching the Supreme Court.
a few pilots here and there will have to be sacrificed, but the real thieves and bastards will walk free. its good to see your trust in the system, but the reality is a different issue, until an uproar costs them votes.

P51-Mustang 16th Mar 2011 07:55


More than my trust in the system, its desperation that makes me believe that something is better than nothing..!!

Its the public memory that lets these people walk away after a lil bit of hue & cry. In a few days when a new scam comes up this will be forgotten.

P51-Mustang 16th Mar 2011 16:15

One more
Another Air India pilot caught for forging marksheet, grounded - The Times of India

What is wrong these people..!!

planeboy_777 16th Mar 2011 17:44

These guys sould be hanged mann:mad::mad::mad:........making the skies as well as the Ground unsafe for us live...

Sandy pilot 17th Mar 2011 06:21

I am very HAPPY as the CORRUPT DGCA is finally exposed. No pilot dared to bell the cat as DGCA would make his life hell and probably loose all his files and make him run pillar to post and see that he never flies.

I am going to the extent of saying NO RULES ARE FOLLOWED.


Quoting yesterday's example, a friend went to IGI regional branch of DGCA to get his license renewed. The officer quoted that the pilot concerned is given a wrong rating. The official was either a total nincompoop or very smartly tried to fleece the pilot because he completely twisted the rule.

Such officials should be simply terminated as they are the termites in the system. Coming to DGCA examination. DGCA examiners made sure that there is no proper syllabus or syllabus remains with all the loose ends that are impossible to tie together. The reference books run in hundreds and there is NO vision to WHAT A REGULATOR LIKE DGCA WANTS TO REGULATE AS FAR AS THE EXAMINATION AND THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE PILOTS ARE CONCERNED. THE FOCUS IS HOW MANY PILOTS CAN BE FAILED.

The ATPL, Airline Transport Pilot Licence, the ultimate licence for a pilot, also has oral examination. The people who conducts forget the syllabus and ask the questions totally out of syllabus because they themselves are not current with the subject. The examiner who sets the paper like NAVIGATION has no boundaries of syllabus and for example would ask about autopilots that is very specific to each aircraft and no single pilot can answer question about any autopilot of any aircraft just like that.

Examiners has no understanding or vision as to what is he looking in a safe and professional pilot. Recently, IGRUA, I believe has filed a complaint as the examination is out of syllabus. A bit on communication test called Radio Telephony (Aviation) conducted by Min. of Comm. It is another most most corrupt place in India. They are living in world war II times. The examination is completely arbitrary, without a head and tail and far far off from the reality. For example, in examination it is expected that the budding pilot knows all the routes by heart and that too the routes that may have existed some 5 or 10 years back. Pilots are expected to know how a transmitter works as if he is expected to carry out a repair, though DGCA would cancel the license of the pilot if he ever tries to carry out any repair on it himself as there is a specialized engineer for the same.

It also has an oral examination. The pilot is asked about the rules of air and other air legislation that he anyways is expected to pass with DGCA to be a pilot. He is asked how much wattage a bulb or a tube has, how a refrigerator works, or how a Public Announcement system works and draw its diagram. It is so bloody STUPID and biggest farce in the name of the communication skills and again far from reality. :ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh:

captjns 17th Mar 2011 09:54

As I've said in the past SWIP and the Indian Airline Pilots Union are fighting the wrong battle in trying to get rid of expats.

SWIP and IAPU need to grow a pair. I'm sure with their vast number they should be able to. They have to step up to the plate and demand reform from their own DGCA regarding training, checking and upgrade requirements!

After all there is enough influence within the government concerning other industries... why not the aviation side?

Too many short cuts have been taken by god knows how many fakes operating in airspaces overseas.

P51-Mustang 19th Mar 2011 05:20

Now one more..!!

SpiceJet sacks 2 pilots for fudging flying hours - The Times of India

yash 22nd Mar 2011 12:54

The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) | Nation | Scan on flight schools

seems like everyone is going to be under the scanner from ATPL to CPL holders

cvchetan 22nd Mar 2011 13:35

In the other thread about the youngest female commander - she & her mother did their flying from YASH AIR in INDIA and I am more than confident that out of the logged 200 hrs needed fr CPL, she might not have done an actual of more than 50 hrs..

YASH AIR has been ever known for false logging and is a perfect place for budding FARZI pilots...

flightknight 23rd Mar 2011 03:24

Southeast Asia
One of the contributing factors in southeast asia is the amount of pressure exerted by families on youngsters to achieve careers due to social status. I have come across many southeast asian students who were not inclined or lacked the aptitude to become an aviator. Many of these youngsters already had jobs lined up for them even before they commenced their flight lessons. This problem is not unique to India. Hopefully, some folks will learn from the current crisis and decide their options of pursuing a career that requires aptitude, heart and perserverance.

fatbus 23rd Mar 2011 07:24

Southeast Asia is not India !

olepilot 23rd Mar 2011 12:57

Today I understand...
...all pilots coming from India to Vietnam thinking most is working rather well in Vietnam Airlines.

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