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Fubaliera 3rd Apr 2010 17:22

Ive applied with no answer. 6500, 4000Jet 2200 Turboprop

JammedStab 4th Apr 2010 02:09

How difficult is the medical, specifically eyesight. I have 20/15 vision corrected but 20/200 or worse uncorrected.

dabssa 4th Apr 2010 02:45

555orange, did you post under a wrong nick?? All my jabs have been at wayyyoutthere for his depressing, sad and narrowminded views. This is your first post under this topic so wtf exactly are you refering to?

Is that how it's done? Have a few nicks and spew verbal diarrhea every chance you get? I'm glad you went to a better airline, equally good as Cathay, even better. I'm speechless, nothing more I can say.


TWN PPL 4th Apr 2010 05:00


Hot off the press. 25% payrise for pilots, no layoffs, 2 days off extra every month. 9th floor official news will be released on Friday.
This is what you said on April 02,2009. How did it play out?

With EVA, the only way you can be flying a heavy out of Vancouver is if you get the 747. There are no outport bases anymore as far as I know. Then once a month you could bid for a YVR trip, most of the time you will get it.
How is the duty reg in eva? I didn't know we had a bidding system. mercy from the scheduler i reckon.

wayyyoutthere 4th Apr 2010 06:44


Hey Dabssa, work better for ya? .... :)

I am simply providing a neutral and as close to truth post as I could muster. Reality is that some companies just plain "suck". Im just the messenger... but your post is quite funny.

I did go to another company, equally as good as Cathay. In fact even better. So sorry to hear you are still stuck there. Maybe Cathay will give you a second chance. http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/sr...lies/smile.gif Leaving was the best thing I ever did.

I am simply trying to help our colleagues with what "my take" was on my experience with the Taiwanese companies were. Of course its my opinion only...and of course its an anonymous forum. Your ability for the obvious is striking! And quite funny... http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/sr...lies/smile.gif:ugh:

Ryan, I did not realize you had Married a Taiwanese, and had so much experience with the country. Like Dabykins said, its different for everyone. However, I do stand true to my post. You might have a great time there then, since you will have your family with you, but don't think that it will make you a local at the company. The fact remains that the companies there really suck. I have seen many others there who were just like you, and were passed over again and again. None similar to you became captains. All that I knew similar to you (married a local etc) moved on because they kept getting screwed. And I won't even scratch the surface at how seemingly brainless the managment is! Typical top down authoritarian style management. Policy is spoken by whoever is in charge and even if it does not make sense, no one will question and it will continue forever that way. Its unbelievable sometimes. I suggest you go, and check it out, but then keep looking, and focus on a place where you will be on a seniority list for upgrade, and the pay is way better, and it NOT CONTRACT. Especially if you have a fam.

Keeping it simple: The money sucks...it doesnt compete with the rest of the world, you will be fighting an uphill battle based on your skin colour (sad but true), you will work twice as hard (this is not an exaggeration!), you will get no benefits, less vacation time, no upgrade, etc etc. If your American, you will have to pay tax to the US regardless of if your not living there anymore or not and it sounds like you are. From other countries, maybe you can get away with 13-15%. Fabykins says he paid 12%, which means he was an FO and made ***** but still loved it. LOL. Guess he forgot that the more you make the more you pay... .(hey Faby...its graduated numb*****), which makes the fact that he is defending it all the more rediculous for him since hes basically telling everyone he made a ***** salary there and loved it when he could have been enjoying life anywhere else at double the pay. :ugh:

Although You might accept all the shortcomings since your will have a better family life. However I would suggest that you consider some of the other aspects that you should look at considering you have a family and kids. Pension, upgrade, permanent nature employment not contract, paid schooling, etc. CAL/EVA do not have schooling benefit packages. So you are regulated to the public system. You will not be able to afford the private system. The Taipei/American school is about 20k/year. Just a suggestion, but consider Hong Kong to Cathay or even to the Sandbox and get an upgrade sooner. I think you will be happier as you will get double the money, more time off, work less etc etc. Or stay in your home country and go for the legacy.

Btw, I greatly enjoyed my time in Taiwan, but I hated the company. And I hated how they lied to get you there and use you as an FO, and then get you out so they could only upgrade locals. It even happened to the guys I knew that have local family! But, there is a great nightlife, but I am only dealing with what were MY and most others frustrations with the companies. But then I have seen great nightlife everywhere I have worked. Non of the foreigners stayed... thats just the fact. Think about that. Why would that be? I think Hong Kong would be the best place for you. Dragon Air or Cathay. Your wife will be happy and Hong Kong is in my opinion way more of a better experience all around. And since you have a family, it will have much better of the kind of benefits you should be looking at as a family. Paid school, retirement fund, more holidays, less work days, permanent position etc. Or go and get your 320 command at Air Asia in KUL.

Even though your wife is Taiwanese, you will still be on a contract of the length chosen by CAL/EVA. Recently CAL contract renewal was 1 year. In otherwords, every time you come due, they will look at the req's and either keep you or say goodbye. Put too much time in a company like this, eventually you will be let go and have invested 5+years, with kids in school, no pension savings, and suddenly having to look for a job, no upgrade and having to start over with a real seniority company, and no way to support your family. Taking a big chance man. Over the last year CAL did not renew most foreigner contracts no matter who you were. All nationals stayed, almost all foreigners were terminated! Read between those lines there! You will not be able to be on a local type scheme, and wouldn't want too, because that pay is even more rediculous at about 2-3k month.

Just my opinion for ya.... again! Good luck man!

dabssa 4th Apr 2010 13:02

Sure works fine oh the depressed one.

Wrong choice of words regarding bidding for trips. Sorry, you can request a trip every month. Aussie 330 guys if you wanna go to Brisbane, or Canadian 747 wanna go to YVR once a month chances are good you will get it. It's not a bid system, but just purely a request which the scheduler may or may not give you. Just live with the fact that for your time on duty they own you and that's that.

And that hot off the press stuff, just goes to prove that any cretin (including myself) can write bs and nobody will refute the claim. That is, bull**** becomes fact. It is a rumour network after all and pilots love rumours.

Just another student 4th Apr 2010 16:55

I have for a long time considered applying to EVA, mainly for the reasons listed below.

a) I assumed that they were a good employer and that the terms and conditions would be fair.

b) I would love the opportunity to operate within south east asia and EVA seem to have an excellent safety record and interesting route structure.

c) I have always wanted to fly the MD-11 and Eva offer one of few opportunities globally for an ex-pat to operate one.

Having read this thread however, those thoughts of applying have gone straight to the back of my mind. I fully appreciate the grass isn't greener etc but is Eva really that bad? It would seem a good opportunity for an FO to gain 4 years of good international ops experience and numerous heavy hours in the log book.

Nobody is 100% happy at any airline IMHO and all carriers have their faults, but as a current 737 FO who is looking to move onto heavier metal in the future, I am struggling to find anybody speaking positively about their companies, enough for me to want to take the plunge and send an application off. My current airline are a good bunch and I am lucky to be where I am, so I don't want to throw that away and spend years regretting doing so.

Its easy to say go to CX, but you only have to have a read of fragrant harbour and have a chat with some of their guys to see how their recruitment needs are being fulfilled.

Its probably too much of a risk to leave a permanent contract, for a fixed term, non-renewable (it seems) deal anyway (for a guy in my position).



groundtoflightdeck 4th Apr 2010 17:04

So does CAL use the same concept request 1 trip per month? My current airline does the same but she can make magic happen in the blocks...

cosmiccomet 4th Apr 2010 17:29

I would not move from a permanent contract B737 FO in Europe to an FO contract position in Taiwan.

You have the four stripes much closer where you are now than in any of these two companies in TWN.

At the moment I came to CAL I had the chance to go for a permanent A320 FO position in my country and I was blinded by the Mighty B747-400ERF in CAL.
All my fellows who had accepted the A320 FO position have been upgraded to Captain at the end of last year...and I am still an FO:{:{

Anyway, you can apply and see with your own eyes.

Deske1 4th Apr 2010 23:15

A real suffer.
Been there 3 years.Fed up with the double-standard ,racist treatment.They are lying on the interview,even when they ask You a question.Upgrade?ha-ha!

Written and verbal reports behind You?Yes,any time!:ok:
Corruption with rostering?:ok: Take a packed envelope every month!

Also,one more thing Taiwanese CAA is not recognised anywhere in the world.So is your Taiwanese ATPL with your annual SIM checks.If You ever want to fly outside of Taiwan and maintain your ATPL,You pay your own LPC/OPC every year.

When CAL didnt give a ***t to my contract terms and changed it,I did the same with the bond.Its a two way street.

Regarding with the bond,never heard anybody taken to the court.Not even the OZ guy from EVA,who left his uniform in his room and never returned from Home Leave.I personally know 4 guys not going back to CAL or EVA from Home Leave and nothing happened.Taiwan is not recognised as a country according the one-China statement.They cant sue You in your home country unless You enter again to Taiwan later.


flyinryan76 4th Apr 2010 23:18

Once again, thank you all for your excellent responses. I am fully aware of the shortcomings that CAL has. In fact, I am weary of going there myself but as I mentioned earlier, I do have many other reasons to be there.

I was wondering if any of you know or have seen of others making the transition from contract to permanent employment with either company? Of course I relalize you would have to be a Taiwan citizen to do this. I ask because I do have the ability to gain citizenship through my wife. Is it possible to make that trainsition? Before anyone goes off about how I wouldn't want to do this because they make less money, or..., or... That is not my question!!! I am simply wondering if it is possible and/or has been done before.

groundtoflightdeck 5th Apr 2010 00:43

There has been lots of talk on the lack of upgrades...
So what's happening here if they have expat FOs with the requirments for command and they need expat captains can you not make the switch? Is there a lack of experience or skill or is it corprate culture?


littlejet 5th Apr 2010 08:48

You are on the time limited contract. Max 3 yrs (CAL). You need few years and few thousand hrs in the company and the RP position + advanced oral test + mentoring + upgrade course. Simply there is no time.
They cannot easily let go a local so it is cheaper and easier for them to train their owns and you will babysit.
And they know that after the upgrade you will disappear....

Just a reminder.
Last year they did not renew any of the expat contract.
Instructors, Captains, RPs, FOs, all very experienced and some of them with more than 10 years with CAL had to go...
At that time locals got the raise and they built a brand new operations center.

groundtoflightdeck 5th Apr 2010 13:43

So if you were able to stick around the company for at least 1 renewal would you have a shot at upgrading?

littlejet 5th Apr 2010 16:34

If you were able?
That is the good question.
Being upgraded there is not a matter of experience and ability, as you asked previously. For them it is a privilege and a reward.
It is their culture.
If you like to gamble, say 5 years of your career, give it a try

EL CAPITAN 6th Apr 2010 16:07

FyingRyan76, you can join as an expat and gain Permanent Resident status if you stay at least 7 years in Taiwan, but since your wife is Taiwanese your case would be different, in EVA expats and locals have the same salary except that expats get either a room at their building or a house allowance, but if you become PR you loose the house allowance (I think, not sure about this if your wife is Taiwanese if your wife is foreigner you don't loose it), but the rest of the salary is the same. In EVA you get a 4 year contract, and is almost like a permanent contract, LAST YEAR EVA RENEWED EVERYBODY AND DIDN'T LAY OFF ANYBODY, I'm not defending EVA I'm just stating the FACTS, is it the best job?? I don't think so, as an FO it would a be very very long wait for upgrade, but as I'm writing this they are interviewing FO's who have been there I think for about 9 years for upgrade, if they pass it or not is a different story. If you are willing to really go to Taiwan go to EVA, not CAL, and hurry they are in desperate need at the moment. I tell you all this because I KNOW FIRST HAND.....Cheers...The CAPT.....

wayyyoutthere 6th Apr 2010 21:47


I agree with the Skipper. If you must go, try EVA. They didn't lay anyone off last year. CAL laid off lots, and ALL for foreigners who thought they had some protection of experience, or years of service, or extra work in the office. Capts were mere months away from collecting their 200k+ pension allotment after investing 10 years, but CAL let them go so that they wouldn't reach it. This is common practice for CAL.

Also, you cannot become a national (ie: Passport) even if your wife is Taiwanese. Permanent resident and "National" are 2 different things. Only Nationals are protected under the labor laws of Taiwan.

If you were on a national contract, you would not get housing pay, and you would be flying a Heavy 90 hours a month for 3k gross. You really want to put your family through that? You may like it here, but you wont for that kind of take home pay.

Good luck.

cosmiccomet 7th Apr 2010 00:32

CAL is renewing contracts to expats at this moment but in local terms and for a maximum of three years.

Depends in your face, from where you are, performance, some guys get 1, other two but none more than three.

Anyway, we are less the 60 expats in all fleets and counting down...

blackbird71 7th Apr 2010 02:06

Appears as though Eva is the best out of the two. Of course one must consider the no chance of upgrade and crap salary before one would make such a critical career and life decision.

My 2 NT's worth

flyinryan76 7th Apr 2010 04:40

I would definetly prefer EVA over CAL but unfortunately EVA is only hiring locals at the moment. No expat hiring. :(

EL CAPITAN 7th Apr 2010 08:01

Ryan76, get your application in now, they are HIRING, I tell you this because I KNOW. The salary for FO I believe would around 5K -6K, including per diem for 80-90 hrs, maybe some current FO there can help here, this is after taxes I Think............. Later......The Capt..

169west 7th Apr 2010 08:21

what are your sources? EVA isn't looking for pilots at all, and CAL will probably get saturated pretty soon too!

dabssa 7th Apr 2010 08:47

The numbers are correct for 1st year expat, just slightly more 2nd year. You have a 300h in 4 months guarantee. 13th month is a nice bonus plus at least 4500usd tax return if you're single or married with kids, parents.... 7000usd. Depends how you live, it's not too bad. We have been flying a lot. Depends on the fleet, I think MD11 has been doing the most flying. 100h block per month, last 6 months and it is not letting up for them. People come and go, don't let the eternal pessimists deter you from applying. International airline experience you get here can only help you should you decide to move on. If you get 330, 777 or even 747 you're lucky. MD11 well, not so lucky.

groundtoflightdeck 7th Apr 2010 13:43

Are you able to select a preference if type when hired?

Just another student 7th Apr 2010 15:15

dabssa, do you class the guys that get put on the MD-11 as unlucky due to the hours flown / roster?

I'm guessing that the rosters at Eva do not allow for international commuting?

flyinryan76 7th Apr 2010 17:37

I would like to know what your sources are also? EVA is hiring for locals only. I have a few people I know there (locals) who have been trying to help me for the past year or so. In fact, I even spoke with the expat recruiter at EVA about two weeks ago and he told me they are not hiring at this time.

dabssa 8th Apr 2010 05:27

MD11 guys get a lot of schedule changes, some months there is lots of positioning. Positioning on EVA pax aircraft is in business, other airlines you sit in economy:*. Can't really choose your fleet. They will put you wherever they need you. Most likely MD11 or 744. If they really really need you, might get 330 or 777.

PA44 8th Apr 2010 14:06

Hi you all,
Just a few questions, 1st is about CAL, they state that the minimus for F/O are around 1500hours with some jet experience, but really do you have any clue what have been the experience off the latest F/O entering on the companny.
2nd is what's the bond they apply to a non rated pilot on their A/C?
About EVA will they really recruit soon?
Being an F/O with an full ATPL license and 2000hours ( 1700 jet time ) with ICAO english level 6 what are my changes or options to an career change.


bmwm5 9th Apr 2010 08:25

hi you all,

looking for info regarding eva fo expat recruitment.any info will be well appreciated.thank you

SsmokK 14th Apr 2010 10:01

Hi all,

I looked throughout the post for some more specific infos about md11. I should have a screening the next month for Md11 in Eva (I think, the girl didn't tell me nothing about the company, but it's the only Md11 in Taiwan), and I'm trying to understand how can the conditions be. The lady told me there's gonna be some 8-9 days off per month. All attached? I understood the TR was paid by the airline, but as far as I read here, do they give you a training bond? Salary is still around 4400 $/month?
Anyway also a personal point of view. I come from an expat contract way crappier than one can imagine, with huge schedule change and about 90 hours med range/month. And most of all a non welcoming company who's been in the last month changing the conditions and taking out the few benefits that made life just acceptale here. I'm just interested in heavy jet experience. Is it so unlivable as many say?? Thanks!

XINHUEI 14th Apr 2010 12:53

Anybody , the two companies are recruiting only Pilot with experience or have a option for the new pilots...????

flyinryan76 17th Apr 2010 18:20

It's been several weeks since CAL began accepting applications. Has anyone yet received a response or heard anything from them one way or another? For those that currently work there or have in the past, how long does it typically take before you hear anything back?

coltrane 18th Apr 2010 20:48

Regarding EVA, how do I apply? According to their website there are no job openings at the moment. Or do they only invite people they already have in file?


L1011-500 19th Apr 2010 00:13

heheheheh, amazing

I just had a few good laughs with the ppruners here.

Amazing how feellings , points of view and oppinions difer.

well, a lot that as been said here is true, they only big difference beeing the person it came from.
I allways say: Everything depends where you came from.
A retired guy from a major will most likely get ok with it; flying for fun enjoying is life.
A newbie will love it at first but maybe will soon "open" his eyes. And for them, in my humble opinion is all good. Getting the chance to fly a B747 early in his career its a plus.
Then you have the "experienced" guy who allready came with a different perpective of aviation and he is probably the one who´s led to believe in a carreer perspective, and will very soon find about about the truth, and leave.
Last but not least the one that doesn´t really have another option other than stick with it.For him life is great, or at least he tries to make the best out of it.

So no wonder one will say this is GREAT and on the next second someone will bark at him.

regarding the money everything as been said. Not really good, but once again, it depends on each individual.

As for the "right" experience, as long has you have the barelly minimuns you´re good for it. As far as I know they haven´t called anybody yet, but should start. Fact is the company is short of pilots, again....

The bond, yes , you have to show those greenies in advance, and after 3 years you get it back ( if you still around). As for the amount it differs. based on the time you join and experience. Rule of thumg , boeing experience pays less. Sometimes it doesn´t make any sense why a guy with a 737 rating pays less for it compared to widebody experience for ex.
And that will be reflected on the training later on. But well....
If I am not wrong the last course payed around 16 to 18K . when the previous varied between 13k and 16k for B744 drivers. Airbus tends to be higher , around 20k

In my own oppinion , see it with your eyes, and judge it for your self.

best of luck

cosmiccomet 19th Apr 2010 10:25

The latest expat groupe without B737NG expirience in CAL (july 07) has to deposit in the Megan Bank U$D 21,500.
They could split half at the start of the ground school and the other half before the type rating check.

They had another two guys with 738 experience who paid U$D 16,000, same option of spliting the deposits in two.

The pleadge is for three years count from the route check, so it doesn't include the ground school and the sim period.

During the ground school and sim the salary was U$D2000 (taxable 20%) plus the hotel accomodation (no breakfast).

During IOE training, still have the hotel and the salary is increase but not full salary until the route check.

You would have 10 days off between the type rating check and the IOE training.
But CAL doesn't allow you to fly JUMP SEAT in their flights until you have passed the ROUTE CHECK.
So you would have to pay an ID90 fare with CAL plus you don't have ID90 with other zed career before 6 month of employment in CAL.

It would be good to have USD 500 for the CAL sector plus the full fare ticket from the CAL destination to your home town.

Those were the numbers almost three years ago.

Pin Head 26th Apr 2010 12:05

any news on the subject?

armchairpilot94116 29th Apr 2010 08:54

EVA and Ci have reported a very strong first quarter, which will no doubt help to ensure growth. Which could mean more pilots needed.

Taipei Times - archives

EVA reports its highest quarterly profit in five years

By Yu-huay Sun
Thursday, Apr 29, 2010, Page 12
“EVA’s earnings are turning around this year.”

— Bruce Tsao, analyst at Capital Securities Corp

EVA Airways Corp (長榮航空), the nation’s second-largest carrier, yesterday reported its highest quarterly profit in more than five years, with net income rising to NT$1.25 billion (US$40 million), or NT$0.42 a share, in the first three months of the year, from NT$200 million, or NT$0.09, a year earlier.

First-quarter sales climbed 38 percent to NT$23.1 billion, the Taoyuan-based company said in a stock exchange filing.

EVA Airways carried 17 percent more passengers in the first quarter as air travel rebounded after the worst recession in more than six decades.

Larger rival China Airlines Ltd (CAL, 中華航空) reported a record first-quarter profit.

“EVA’s earnings are turning around this year,” said Bruce Tsao (曹伯瑄), an analyst at Capital Securities Corp (群益證券), who has a “buy” rating on the shares.

EVA Airways shares closed unchanged at NT$15.40 in Taipei trading yesterday.

The airline carried 1.64 million passengers in the first quarter, compared with 1.4 million a year earlier, according to Bloomberg calculations of data provided by the company.

Increased flights between Taiwan and China also boosted the numbers and added to profit, Tsao said.

EVA Airways plans to sell 500 million new shares, the company said in a separate filing.

Proceeds will be used to repay bank loans and strengthen finances, the carrier said.

The carrier raised freight charges from 20 percent to 30 percent on average on Saturday last week, said Eric Lin (林司忠), a public relations manager for the carrier.

PappyJ 14th Jan 2011 08:57

Would like to speak directly with a CURRENTLY EMPLOYED expat pilot on contract with CAL (A340 or A330). PM me if you wouldn't mind answering some questions. Thanks

cosmiccomet 15th Jan 2011 09:19

If it is enough for you I have been employed by CAL up to last January 8th.

I was flying B744 as FO from July 2007 to January 8th 2011.

Your questions are welcome.



555orange 16th Jan 2011 13:37

Pappy, you won't get any info from the currently employed expat group because there are only a few left. Thus to do so, would be exposing themselves. And sadly, there are not many good things to say.

A few hundred expats to a dozen, and now needing them again. Why did they get rid of them or why did they all run away? Name me any successful airline globally where this has happened to this degree. They are fools running under a gov't nationalistic umbrella. Not the place to be. They make money only by pure virtue that the govt takes on the AC financing and the almighty dollar rules over safety and they employ very cheap labor. This combined with old Air Force mentality or in the office still is a recipe fo something...

If you must go to taiwan, work for a real company. evergreen.

Ps: Tip: since you will be commuting, change the law of jurisdiction to your home country. Then they can't screw with you. Expats don't have labor law protections in Taiwan. The companies know this, and now you do too.

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