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-   -   Vietnam Airlines. Rishworth or Parc Aviation? (https://www.pprune.org/south-asia-far-east/405194-vietnam-airlines-rishworth-parc-aviation.html)

Michi 21st Feb 2010 16:36

Hi all, just wondering what the average experience is of the joining FO's (A320 fleet). I have a current rating (recurrent 11-2009), but no actual hrs on type within the last 6 months; already one of the agencies told me -no- because of this last fact. (if I fly 1 hr on the actual bus, they would! consider me...). I have 1400hrs on the bus, 2100TT and JAA ATPL.

Appreciate any response, all the best.


Dream Land 21st Feb 2010 18:55

Not sure about average FO experience, it's not really an issue here, experience levels for expats range between low time CPL's and ex-US Navy test / fighter pilots.

Whatever your agency is telling now is what is currently required to get a screening, occasionally requirements change, good luck.

ia1166 25th Feb 2010 13:42

without a shadow of a doubt PARC is the best. By far. And if you think the RAL and PARC contract are pretty much the same then you need to read it again. The detail of the insurances. Also the money. And they're much better to work for. Just ask the RAL boys about the pay cut they've just had, which has been backdated 6 months. Truly a new low in RALs attitude to it's people.

Screening has started in earnest again. They need 140 odd pilots. I believe DPI pilot contracts are cheaper as they pay less with no insurance so maybe VAC will prefer this agency...but if you apply only to PARC they will have to recruit through them eventually. If you accept the low ball salary of dpi you will be stuck with them.

By the way some of the people saying RAL are ok on this thread actually work for them so beware!

Good luck with screening. It's only 1 session now so don't F### it up!

gipsy moth 25th Feb 2010 16:47

Many, many thanks for the specific inofo!! Some more light in the path!

High 6 13th Mar 2010 11:27

For those in the know..... What would be the average monthly salary for A320 and A330 crews (Cpts and FO's) excluding any allowances? I appreciate that each agency would pay slightly different based on their own formulas. Also what are the tax considerations?

Thanks H6

TopTup 14th Mar 2010 04:45

Sign With Rishworth !!!!
And after you do, take your "contract" to the bathroom, use it to wipe your backside as that is all it is worth and EXACTLY how Rishworth treat it. Time after time after time RAL have shown their true colors. The proof is everywhere.

I understand RAL just cut the salaries of the VAC pilots. A COMPLETE breach of contract! RAL just don't give a damn and bank (literally) on the fact that pilots will sell their soul and not stick together or defend themselves.

ia1166 14th Mar 2010 07:51


what an odd post. Are you fishing? makes me wonder who you work for.

Here's an idea. Can you all just apply to PARC and refuse to come with anyone else. That would be great.

Some of you who applied with parc were knocked back by vac only to be accepted by vac once you had applied through DPI. So you've basically accepted coming on a reduced salary and benefit package.

It's your choice.

george111 14th Mar 2010 18:36

FO A320
Im trying to get a job with VN airlines as an FO on A320. I have 3000hrs total but all on A319. VN airlines dont seem to recognise the A319 as an A320 series aircraft! The want 300hrs on 320.

Anyone else come across this problem?

flyaway777 14th Mar 2010 19:02


Yeah i've experienced the same problem. I haven't actually applied yet but according to Parc it would be an issue. I guess the best thing to do is apply anyway and see what VN say (if you haven't done so already?)

P.S. Could it be possible that you have accumulated all that A319 time in the same place I have..... ;)

george111 16th Mar 2010 07:44

Yeah, Im based in FCO, no A320s here.

Listen, I applied with parc and direct personnel, Direct got my application to VN 1st. Everything was looking good until VN came back with the response that A319hrs count for nothing, after reviewing my application. They must have a minimum of 300 A320hrs. This is crazy and really sucks!

What u going to do?

jumpdrive 17th Mar 2010 18:55


luisen1984 17th Mar 2010 19:00

Hello everyone. I sent my documents a bit later... they answered the screening process for A320 FO's is completed. Does anyone have an idea when other screenings for A320 First Officers could be held?

Thanks in advance.


Adrian Cronauer 18th Mar 2010 00:52

Open Microsoft Word. In a new ducument type the word Rishworth, then run spell check. Enough said. Go Parc or DPI.

mach 84 18th Mar 2010 09:56

the advice to go with DPI is a no brainer! you start already with a 10% lower salary.:ok::ok::ok:

superced 18th Mar 2010 21:22

why 10% less with DPI

on A320?

give us some details?

mach 84 19th Mar 2010 03:36

the F/O's which started with DPI on the 777 are on a lower salary.:(

ia1166 19th Mar 2010 15:03

DPI contracts are significantly worse than PARC. As are RAL.

Not heard much from Dreamland about this recently. Care to add you tuppence worth? or are you getting so much incoming as the ral rep that you're under the kitchen table??

Screening is going on now. 10 pilots this week that i know of. CP and FOs.

jump Drive....funny how you were so happy a few months ago. Honeymoon over is it????

jumpdrive 19th Mar 2010 20:28

well what can i say

i guess it would be the same kinda feeling
if you find your woman with another man.........dream is over!

that chapter was suposed to be closed (as told by RAL words...on COLD) & in my opinion they ****** up big time later on

the rest of the day by day here is the same, nothing has changed, insurance works fine, etc.

and to all the guys asking why less salary on new f/oīs on DPI or RAL or any of the other agencies ....its very simple

this is a political from duc (an A.hole with a desk in hanoi who doesnt like expats)............. to impres his bosses & the ones who put him were he is

cutting expats salaries....(later on giving bonuses to the locals)........WoW

any ways thats what the agencies say it went on
theres is no paper, no fax, no memo, no Nothing prooving this ever was requested from VNA...........some 4% cut only on pilots salaries....which RAl kindly lets us to pay 1.75%. for just 6 months........what its amazing its that some guys dont seem to give a damn

there is NO...................crisis....there is NO ........ or meltdown or whatever you or they wanna call it
in fact this year alone VNA said they need for all the fleets around 140 pilots

all of this its just an isolated issue from RAL.......which is not over
there could be legal actions later............lets wait

PARC didnt cut theyre skipperīs salaries......they absorbed all

V1 ....rotate

TopTup 20th Mar 2010 03:40

Where have I heard of, seen and read all this before.....? Airlines or agencies randomly reducing salaries, pilots not sticking together and therefore accepting this kind of treatment?

I know... ALL MY CAREER.

People do the research (so they say) yet still sign with scum like RAL. Their salary is lowered (breach of contract) yet still accept it but have the audacity to complain at the bar. What a brave and proud industry we have created for ourselves when we tolerate this rubbish, what's more, run toward it on occasion. What has happen to you at VAC and RAL has happened because you accepted it. They forced it on you it seems, yet what are you doing about it? (Sorry, thread divergence.)

And I'll guarantee I'll / we'll continue to bear witness to this as long as gravity rules the skies.

GROW SOME BALLS. Or is that asking for integrity, unity and professionalism as an airline pilot?

ia1166 21st Mar 2010 23:55

Actually PARC refused to accept the VAC paycut as per the contract. They didn't absorb it. They refused to accept it. That is why PARC are not getting any slots.

Maybe i'm wrong,, but the senior RAL representative pilot who earns 1000 a month extra, was in the local paper 18months ago telling the press how wonderful it was here, how everyone is really happy and how all the expats earn over 10 grand a month which is wonderful. blah blah etc etc. Anyway 6 months later we're getting a pay cut. :D

I was always told to never say life is great because management will take something away. Also to never pay for a type rating or Airline training. It's probably good advice!

It doesn't help if pilots are continually taking in gifts and money to get favours from rostering. It just gives an overall impression of being over here and over paid.

You reap what you sow..

By the way, just for clarity. VAC cut your salary. not RAL. They just accepted it on your behalf.

mach 84 22nd Mar 2010 01:54

ia1166, well written you hit the nail on the head
the guys on contract with euro pacific, got the pay cut straight away when it was announced, but only 2.5% less, not 4% for 6 months, now they are on normal pay again.

TopTup 22nd Mar 2010 02:27

ia1166: thanks for the more detailed info. Well written.

So, for those of you looking to work at VAC or anywhere else, who will you sign with? An agency who sells out its pilots and treats your contract like dirt, or one which stands up for you? This may mean that you cannot get a job at VAC. The cost of integrity?

Maybe Parc will suffer a short term loss of numbers at VAC, but I would hope they pick up much more in the long term when pilots are able to rely on a reputable company who will defend their rights and contracts, even when pilots will not defend their own.

I hope Parc continues this.

PROBEUSMC 22nd Mar 2010 17:21

DPI is new on the block and undercut the other agencies, starting the ball rolling down hill. I have heard that they treat their pilots well, but they pay less to get their foot in the door.
A couple of 320 FO's just screwed all the other FO's by agreeing to not only pay for their rating at double market rates (50+ thousand USD), then pay a training bond (?), but also to work for FO pay for a year (32,000 USD) less. The first two were the going rates here. The last is new, and they did it to jump to the front of the Q.
As long as pilots keep doing this, the jobs will get worse over time.
Rishworth are scumbags. DPI treats their pilots OK, but are underbidding contracts for market share. Parc is the ONLY reputable contract agency, period. Going with anyone else undercuts our careers. Avoid Rishworth like the plague.

Soon to be former Rishworth pilot.

mach 84 23rd Mar 2010 11:30

PROBEUSMC good luck
wish you good luck in changing contractor, at the moment parc seems to be a bit ahead, but once their margins get smaller they might drop you like a hot potato.
the whole thing seems to be going in a 5 year cycle, first euro pacific was best, then rishworth came as number one, by this time everyone was shouting beware of parc, spell it inverted (crap) this is what they are. now they are the good guys, lets talk in 5 years who is best...............

PROBEUSMC 23rd Mar 2010 15:34

I have heard a few bad things about Parc but not much. I am a newbie contract pilot. I have heard from highly experienced contract pilots that Rishworth has been pulling this same @#$%&* for 25 years. I have heard stories much worse than I have been living. It is enough for me. I am done with Rishworth. Overall, experienced contract pilots say nothing but good about Parc, over time. I lived in a house with 1 other Rishworth pilot and 2 Parc pilots. The difference was night and day.

Avoid Rishworth. My opinion.

firegrass 23rd Mar 2010 18:09

Why bother
I agree with my Jar head friend. Rishworthless. I've been a contract pilot for 20 years and in that time RA have ALWAYS had a bad reputation. Due to a series of misfortunes and convenience I was with them for 2 years. During that time the contract was useless. Their normal reply was "Oh well, due to the GFC you're lucky to even have a job" It might have been true, but not what you really want to hear from your contractor. If you have to use them to get a job, then so be it. But please don't come back here whining about it. You have been warned!
DPI are ok. Professional and courteous. I'm actually on more more money as a wide body FO than a new hire 320 Capt. However I believe that PARC have more gut's when push comes to shove.

Geebz 24th Mar 2010 06:22

I flew my first "contract pilot gig" back in 1999 for Parc Aviation. I personally watched my reps at Parc battle for the pilots with the airline on many, many occasions. They are very succinct and intelligent about their approach to dealing with contract issues. Of course, a lot of that was due to the rep who took care of my issues but he did tell me he got his direction from the CEO, who was adamant that they uphold the contract.

I fly for a US Major... so I can be pretty jaded and "hard to please" in the context of airline pilots (further you move up in your career, the less bs you're willing to put up with). I have flown 5 contracts since those days in 1999 and I can assure you that Parc is still the best company to work with/ for. Sure they're not perfect (who is?) but they balance the client relationship for both the pilot and airline quite well. Any agency is in a tough position these days. They have to cater to a very fickle group (pilots) all while competing aggressively for a limited amount of work out there of late. That Parc has weathered the downturn as well as they have I think speaks volumes about their business model.

I'm not working for Parc at the moment, but for me, I would always chose them over any other contract agency.

PappyJ 28th Mar 2010 16:47

There is none better than Parc...period!

skytrek21 30th Mar 2010 03:30

Guys....does anyone know the Sim profile for Vietnam airlines. Thanks in advance.


Adrian Cronauer 30th Mar 2010 12:27

The sim profile has been addressed about ten thousand times in other forums matey. Don't be so phukin laxy and spend a few minutes reading what's been published to death already.

Adrian Cronauer 30th Mar 2010 12:32

starting the ball rolling down hill
The balls been rolling downhill since they discovered that a Monkey could go into orbit! Since then, we've all been Chimps to that band of orangutans called airline managers.

UALSIC 6th Apr 2010 05:01

Alot of yelling and Abnormal Law......in a nutshell :ugh:

nattom 6th Apr 2010 10:07

Vietnam airlines sim check
Hi there!

Does anyone have information about Vietnam airlines simulator check?

Iīm going to have one in a week and would like to know what to focus on, what do they expect, etc...

Any information will help.

Thx a lot.

PROBEUSMC 6th Apr 2010 12:28

I don't know that there is a standard profile. Depends on the TRE probably. Mine? The SIM was brand new and the TRE didn't know how to run the panel. We flew 4 hours with no box, no FMA's no autopilot or AT. Hand flown raw data mostly single engine. Absolute chaos but at least ours TRE was not a screamer. Second day the TRE had some instruction and it went smoother. God only knows what you'll get, but good luck to you.

Not much help I guess. Most of the TRE's are good guys, even most of the locals.

Frenchymeric 6th Apr 2010 14:53

777 screening..
Can we expect the same on the 777 screening?!
Is there any french flying for vn?

PROBEUSMC 6th Apr 2010 15:01

I heard from 2 recent 777 guys that their screening was very easy. I don't know if that is standard, but they seemed to think it was. There is no standard at VAC.

And yes, unfortunately there are plenty of French pilots flying here.

Actually all of them great guys, despite my previous sentence.


Frenchymeric 6th Apr 2010 15:44

lol thx i m still waiting for a 777 f/o position with parc...if i m comin there will be one more french..sorry;)

olepilot 6th Apr 2010 16:46

There is no standard at VAC.
How true! :)

mach 84 6th Apr 2010 18:09

the screening is 2 hrs per candidate, so they will check if you can handle an engine failure on take off, do a single engine go around and a visual landing thereafter. the asesment is pretty straight forward, at least for the 777 candidates, however 2 were sent home during line training.
good advice is to try to get a contract with DPI, so you will get 10% less for the first year. rishworth and will give you the full money, but ask for 1.75% pay reduction for 6 month, as they do now. parc will give you the full pay but has no simulator slots for screening at the moment. if you try to be smart and change the contract company whilst you are in vietnam - forget about it.
5 years ago parc tried to get pilots to change the contract company in their favour, but vietnam airlines said that they would not accept any pilot changing the contractor. so everyone was staying where he was without changing from rishworth to parc from parc to dpi and and and...............

Frenchymeric 7th Apr 2010 07:08

i m gonna wait for parc slot ...:O
hope i will be flying for Vna soon..
See ya :)

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