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-   -   Hijacked MAS flight MH 653 on 4th December 1977 (https://www.pprune.org/south-asia-far-east/285937-hijacked-mas-flight-mh-653-4th-december-1977-a.html)

treacletopping 10th Jul 2012 16:43

Another Daughter of a victim of MH653
Hi "Daughter"

My father was also killed in this tragedy! I am very new to all of this as I have only just come across this site today 10/07/2012.

It was in fact only 2-3 years ago that I learnt there was actually a memorial site built and because of circumstances in my life I was unable to follow this up until now, so for nearly 35 years I was unaware of this as well as the circumstances in which the plane went down!

I don't know if you can help me but do they have a memorial service there every year or do families of the victims do there own thing or visit at other times? Because of the nature of the crash and having young siblings it became a taboo subject to talk about my dad and what happened! consequently it has affected us all to different degrees and it's only now we are older and maybe wiser:) that we now talk about it, even to this day it still hurts and is upsetting but it has to be faced and dealt with and for some peace in our lives we have to put a closure on it! not to forget dad in any way because that won't happen but for each of to find that peace we need.

We have spoken about the site and possibly a visit although one of us won't make it through a terrible fear of flying.... sadly this awful tradegy has left her with this fear. It seems that when I registered for this site all mention of MH653 is gone and the site starts much later....I do hope you get post and can maybe shed some light on a tragedy that should never have happened x

Just an added note!! Is there a reason why everyone on this part of the site is OFFLINE? If there is another site to use Please would you let me know :)

Sampan Angkasa 12th Jul 2012 20:39

MAS do have an annual commemoration ceremony at their former training school compound at Subang. There is a plague there honouring the crew of that tragic flight. However the passengers has an actual memorial built somewhere in the state of Johor. I believe the yearly ceremony in Johor is handled by the MAS station office in Johor Bahru. Maybe you can google up the MAS JHB office for their contact number and ask the staff there if there is going to be a major ceremony for the 35th anniversary this year end.

treacletopping 13th Jul 2012 05:58

Hi Sampan Angkasa

Thankyou so much for that information :) every bit of information is a huge help to the family.
I will try and contact MAS JHB Office wish me luck :)

Mat Kilau 15th Jul 2012 00:22

As far as I know, MAS JHB sends wreaths of flowers every year without fail to the memorial on December 4th. Normally 2 MAS staff will represent the airline at that simple ceremony. So for this coming 35 th anniversary I suppose it will be the same. If you are able to get in touch with the MAS office in JHB they may be able to check if their HQ will extend an invite to jointly participate in this year's commemoration. Good luck!

treacletopping 15th Jul 2012 07:04

Hi Mat Kilau :)

Thank you for the info! I will contact MAS
Kind regards

BlackMamba444 17th Jul 2012 10:56

Sorry to interrupt in treacle's quest but I just like to check if the dato g string is a certain former jet airways pilot seconded from MAS and then fired by Goyal's mob? Is he now in Air Asia X? Just need tp know as riend working at AAX has some trouble with a lowlife there who coul be this chap. Thnks!

Kal Niranjan 18th Jul 2012 02:01

Yes, he is. I am retired now, away from bolehland. Maybe some insiders in AK can update.

Mat Sabo 18th Jul 2012 10:16

Just a little side track, heard from sources in the sandpit that lato gstring's KAL golf kaki has bailed out of kimchiland to Aboo Dubby! Time for bollywood escapades again!

mokham 18th Jul 2012 17:12

Would that be Mr Nose? He used to be the casino kaki of gstring too.

mascamel 19th Jul 2012 23:52

I was told the kimchiland chap moving to ey is thr former pipe smoking aa. He must have missed what tiny was enjoying for a while...bollywood trysts. Anybody remembered his " singing in the rain " with poziah at KCH? It was hilarious!

tarmaruddeen 20th Jul 2012 09:14

Poziah? PI, fonz's and syed aziz's nightmare? Oolala! Wow, that must have been some dance routine....where? At aurora or holiday inn?:ok:

ngapsayot 22nd Jul 2012 09:52

Time flies, sigh!
It's amazing that almost 35 years had literally flown by since this tragic incident. It's also very sad that the victims' families have not found closure. I believe the government have done them a unforgiveable injustice by keeping a lot of secrets. Good Lord, it is already almost 35 years...what good is there to keep us all in the dark just to protect the reputation of a psychopathic ruling class of imbeciles?

nasree 22nd Jul 2012 20:36

Hopefully the current ruling regime can be toppled and we can write a new chapter where transparency rules. I feel for the innocent victims' families. They are still waiting for answers after some thirty over years.

The rubbish about the Japanese Red Army was pretty disturbing as it tied in with what the Palestinian Liberation groups were doing at that time. It was a great disservice to those freedom fighters who certainly did not see innocent people as viable collateral damage.

I was told the kimchiland chap moving to ey is thr former pipe smoking aa. He must have missed what tiny was enjoying for a while...bollywood trysts. Anybody remembered his " singing in the rain " with poziah at KCH? It was hilarious!
Wow, I thought he was riding high at KE...made instructor despite some FOQA incidence some years ago. I guess golfing with the Korean bosses helped!

treacletopping 23rd Jul 2012 08:23

Hi nasree

You are right we would all like the truth! I don't think we'll ever get it!

treacletopping 23rd Jul 2012 08:32

Hi ngapsayo

Thank you on behalf of all of us left behind for your sentiments, it's good to know that there are other people out there who still care apart from just the families :)

Munajeeb 23rd Jul 2012 18:12

Agree with ngapsayot that we really need a regime change in order that this tragedy be brought to closure. It's a tall order as even though the former PM Tun Hussein Onn's nephew was also killed in the crash, but it was deemed as to be in national interest to to reveal the real culprits behind the tragedy.

As for a.a, isn't he the rahim noor (the PIG who belasah DSAI ) lookalike? Also I don't think he is good friend of Tiny...wasn't he, RR and the whole bunch in Phnom Penh who tried to screw Tiny, Mr Nose and batchmates by restricting their 737 hours through bad rostering so that they could jump ahead for upgrade to the 777?

Geragau 24th Jul 2012 07:59

As for a.a, isn't he the rahim noor (the PIG who belasah DSAI ) lookalike? Also I don't think he is good friend of Tiny...wasn't he, RR and the whole bunch in Phnom Penh who tried to screw Tiny, Mr Nose and batchmates by restricting their 737 hours through bad rostering so that they could jump ahead for upgrade to the 777?
I don't think tiny was affected by aa and cohoot's attempt to leap frog over them for the t-7 command as tiny went down for command earlier and was already on the A330. The ones affected were Mr Nose, bunny, hussein and others who got their command later. Just to clear the air a wee bit.

Jambu Batu 28th Jul 2012 06:55

Wow, I thought he was riding high at KE...made instructor despite some FOQA incidence some years ago. I guess golfing with the Korean bosses helped!
Golfing and arse-licking certainly helped. To be fair, the Korean boys awarded him a trophy for hitting an eagle in one of their games! G string must have been mighty jealous!

Mat Sapu 31st Jul 2012 00:36

Welcome to the sandpit, Ariffin! Life is sweet, no fermented stinky stuff here. Golfing in the " panas terik " conditions can be challenging though.

Mat Kilau 4th Dec 2012 01:26

It has been 35 years since this tragic event. Looking forward to new developments which can enlighten us about the circumstances leading to this tragedy. Many good people perished; we are all waiting for their blessed memories to be revived with dignity and clarity.

To Babu Ganjoor and his gallant crew, rest in eternal peace. Let the truth set us free to close the inconvenient doubts, misgivings and recriminations.

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