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-   -   Hijacked MAS flight MH 653 on 4th December 1977 (https://www.pprune.org/south-asia-far-east/285937-hijacked-mas-flight-mh-653-4th-december-1977-a.html)

Kentot Gemuruh 6th Jan 2011 20:50


Dec 4
33rd anniversary of this tragedy this week. Back on leave in the vicinity of Mt Ophir and I guess I will make the trip to the crash site to check out the " spooky " stories that surfaced after the accident. I am sure the Malay language tabloids had run many stories about spooky going ons around the crash site.
How about invoking the spooks to haunt the evil ones who perpetrated the bad stuff before and after the tragedy?:eek:

Mat Sapu 17th Feb 2011 16:53

Any updates on fengshui master reinu bolakrishnan? Year of the rabbit mah, must have some good lucky rabbit foot mumbo jumbo to dig up the truth about this incident.

ipohmali 25th Feb 2011 18:27

Ya, whatever happened to his plans to cream off RM 30 mil from MAS with his frivolous law suits? And what is going on with his pariah bai sponsor?

Mat Kilau 28th Feb 2011 05:32

cream off RM 30 mil from MAS ?
Believe me, that ain't gonna happen! Unless he has the right lawyers like a certain vt and certain judges like...................

gerago 9th Mar 2011 06:33

Easy only what...cyber troop for the gomen, have an interview at with pm at his residence, open up........and b4 u can say jack rabbit, some one higher in the malaysian food chain can order mas to settle!

nasree 10th Mar 2011 22:23

Not forgetting that in RMC, pariah bai was asked to d**k lick and arse lick to with the then " maha putras ";):ok:

Fair.Pilot 11th Jun 2011 08:16

Foreplay : Aircraft crash links to Gov greediness for oil $$$


Laying old Sabah ghosts to rest | Free Malaysia Today

Vel Paar 11th Jun 2011 14:22

Was G string an ex RMC putra?

ipohmali 16th Nov 2011 22:02

Yep, G-stringh was ex RMC. Wonder how close was he to camel who was ex RMC too! Capt Klepto was also ex RMC.

nasree 17th Nov 2011 00:10

34th anniversary of this tragedy comes in less than 3 weeks! Will the ghosts of the aggrieved victim rise to exact justice on the dirt bag?

Akali Dal 17th Nov 2011 22:56

Does Malaysia Airline System carry out any memorial or commemorative exercise on every anniversary? That would be a nice gesture besides a good PR exercise.

Namor 18th Nov 2011 16:09

A Malaysian expat in the sandpit told me that only the cabin crew department carry out some commemorative ceremony near their training shool which have a plaque dedicated to the crew of the tragedy. Anyone care to confirm?

Kalistan 28th Nov 2011 18:26

Years ago on a visit to their training centre, someone directed me to a commemorative plague quite close to the then transport office. That must be the one you are talking about.

Sireh 3rd Dec 2011 06:14

Tomorrow is the 34th anniversary of this tragedy. May our thoughts be with Babu and his crew as well as his esteemed passengers; they remain in the hearts and fond memories of all just and decent fellow aviators.

Kal Niranjan 4th Dec 2011 08:57

R. I. P to the unfortunate victims. May they enjoy the fond memories of their loved ones eternally.

OTOH, may the perpetrators of injustice and the low life meet their just desserts.

datogu al MONA 4th Dec 2011 21:04

Any updates on fengshui master reinu bolakrishnan? Year of the rabbit mah, must have some good lucky rabbit foot mumbo jumbo to dig up the truth about this incident
He has resurfaced on the SQ runway excursion threads, fengshui compass swinging wildly!

gleneagles 6th Dec 2011 18:49

Will be visiting Singapore, Batam and Langkawi over the year end holidays. Would like to make a visit to the memorial in Johore state; would kind Malaysian ppruners provide precise directions as I am quite time constrained on this coming trip. How long and far is the trip from downtown Singapore? Any permit required or any cultural/religious taboos to be observed at the memorial site? Many thanks.

Fair.Pilot 7th Dec 2011 14:58

RIP to the victims. But in Malaysia, air accidents like any drugs cases could be a planted job.

“It seems to me that there are so many unanswered questions, so many doubts that lead me to believe that if you put together this doubt and this question, you begin to wonder why the oil agreement was not signed in Labuan; why some people left the plane against the protocol; why the plane mysteriously crashed; why certain people left the plane just to see a cattle farm; why these said people survive to sign the agreement; why the agreement was rushed to be signed given the tragedy of such magnitude; why didn’t the state government take the opportunity to bring this to the State Legislative Assembly or the Cabinet before it was signed,” he questioned.

Read more:

Air crash more than historical event

MMBenar 7th Dec 2011 15:42

He has resurfaced on the SQ runway excursion threads, fengshui compass swinging wildly!
What's wrong with this aneh fella? Hasn't he heard of vastu? But sometimes when you have strange bedfellows, the thinking can go awry!

cipanics 26th Dec 2011 02:42

Condolences to all realtives
Hi All,

I came across this forum through a blog that highlighted the events and mishap that befallen MH 653.

After going throug all the post, I felt MAS did lose a good pilot and crews. Nonetheless with all the people on board malaysia did lose a bunch of good nationals and a few shadowy figure. I pray that all of them RIP.

Just to add on the conspiracy and i am asuming there is. Remember the stories from people around the scene after the crash. people mention about RM5 dollars bill that were floating and scattered around. dont you think its a bit wierd and odd. a bill on any of the passanges wont be flying around. For a crash of that magnitude the RM5 bill (Now days could be equal to RM50 notes or more in terms of purchasing power) survived. it can only mean that it was packed in a bag or briefcase that could withstand the impact or broke during impact. How much do you thnk was on board the flight 1 mil 2 mil..... adding this into the picture could justfy the motives of the bodyguard (Is it possible that gunshot was fired in the cabin first before the hijackers confront the pilot).

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