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Raj Merlion 4th Oct 2007 07:10

pushing cb in until it burned
This was a dangerous practice ; MAS runs on a lot of good luck. There were numerous episodes whereby flights would have come to disastrous grief, but by the grace of Lady Luck all turn out OK. It's a matter of time when luck runs out. With the upgrading and expansion of many of the tricky local airports, MAS theatre of operations is fairly forgiving and hardly challenging as international operations are generally to well equiped/well regulated airports.
The forementioned skipper must have been one of those " nearly lifetime F/Os " who were scrambling to be directly upgraded from B734 to B744. It was mentioned somewhere that even guys who had pranged their wing tips only to be rewarded by bypassing their " clean record " seniors for upgrade to the B744!!! Such is the sad state of affairs in MAS and MAPA HAD ACCEPTED AND BY EXTENSION, CONDONED this travesty of fair play.

bungacengkeh 4th Oct 2007 08:31

The MAPA prez during the said bypass is up in kimchiland, maybe he will can to justify MAPA's positon. He must have agreed to management's plan as he was not affected by the bypass!

kamarulhitam 4th Oct 2007 22:20

2 ex-MAPA prezs in kimchiland...my,my; are the Koreans cursed or blessed by their presence? Read on some posts that one of the ex prez pranged a engine pod in NRT but did not report...no surprise here, ya guys? The snake can really slither out of tight cracks!!!

CAPTAIN WOOBLAH 6th Oct 2007 13:30

Well I agree to some of the points made by Brian and disagree with some. For example the mapa pres daaatuuk jewham. What a bloody puntz he was. As for the Pigmy he did nothing and was a brainless twit. The brains and hard work came from Nik and he is the only one I have any respect for because of his track record and his ability to talk about those days and the mistakes up to today. As for the Jurassic period with leg etc MAPA was a joke and a tea party after the PSB. G-string and the toothy one (believe he got his K9's straightened) well need I say more.

So I guess it's always better to be real. The past is the past and the future has not been written yet so to all of you fighting the good fight. Good Luck. And when it comes to Lawyers, remember our Aussie friends of 89.

To all Gong Xi Fa Chi and Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Batin.


ngapsayot 6th Oct 2007 23:42

g.stringh slithering ut of tight cracks
ha ha ha Kamarul, great one!:D:D:D

flightdeckXXX 8th Oct 2007 15:24

2 Axe MAPA Prez In Kimciland
In the 80’s, I have involved myself or at least have the knowledge of the ongoing TI and DI. Those who was involved in an incident (as MAPA member) was allowed to ask MAPA exco to participate in the DI proceeding, if member asked for it. It is not a compulsory; the choice is up to the member/s that got into trouble.

The management decides if the pilot/s concerned will face a D.I. It’s not up to MAPA to say who should be DI and who shouldn’t. Only if a DI is required by the management, the member/s can asked MAPA for a representative. Pls read your M of U before you put the blame on MAPA exco or even the Prez if any of the so called “office buddy” got into trouble but was not D.I. Of course as a line pilot, we got upset when we noted someone did serious negligence just got a smack on the hand. While a guy who was under investigation got his salary completely stop. Poor chap crying for not being able to feed his family and pay his mortgage or rental. The bottom line is, the management at their own whim and fancy decide with no respect to the company’s disciplinary order/procedures.

Those day (I could remember during Hassan time), a P.O. (punishment order) can only be given by the Director of Personnel, not even the DFO can issue the P.O. Be it no annual increment, demotion, etc…

P.S. to KamarulHitam: could your correct your statement about the wing tip incident? If you want to pass a remark about someone’s incident, pls tell the truth. It was the engine pod, some “bruise” mark underneath. Got plenty wing tip incident: in Dacca (330), Male (330), Kuching (737)…If I could scan my diary in here, you will be surprise to note so many incidents in 1996-1999 alone. Anyway, it’s always wiser after it happened. Talk is cheap. Selamat Hari Raya.

bungacengkeh 8th Oct 2007 21:29

me thinks kamarul made an honest mistake relating the incident from another thread. looks like ex mapa prezs defending their stand...a lot of **** happened during their watch.

kamarulhitam 9th Oct 2007 00:35

fltdeckxxx, a thousand apologies for indicating wingtip instead of engine pod...must be hard on yr fellow axe ( sic! ) prez. Oops! but I have now edited that post. So the incident is indeed true, but not to report it...tsk,tsk, tsk:=

Geragau 9th Oct 2007 01:08

kamarul...you are indeed a great phisherman!!!!

JaguhDunia 9th Oct 2007 02:32

phisherman??? Am I missing something?

Now for the MAPA guys, if you act helpless, clueless and without guts then the management will have you for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

As for fltdkxxx, no point storming into super ranger's office, puffing away with your legs up the table. That kind of bravado leads one to no where...super ranger was just a small fry in a dirty kuali.
For MAPA one must mobilise the members for collective action; the sad thing is that the lack of substance all over, in every bit of MAS pilots in particular the gomen mara sponsored ones. The management know this and milk this lack of gumption to the maximum.

MAS Guy 9th Oct 2007 03:30

Come mgmt, step on my head again pls!

Paishinel 9th Oct 2007 07:34

Jaguh, geragau, kamarul & fltdkxxx...I must have missed something here. What are you guys on about? I hope the fasting has not led to hallucination....Merry Raya!

Sireh 11th Oct 2007 09:58

Paishinel, do read between the lines. kamarul is indeed a phisherman...someone got outed!

Langkasuka 17th Oct 2007 01:32

Looks like kamarul phish out some apologists for MAPA's deliberate misadventures which screwed ip the career progression of loyal die hard members...members who were members well before the prezs decided to johnny come lately join MAPA much later to take over as leader leading the organisation to the pits!

camelbird 17th Oct 2007 03:40

The Hidden Hand
The trick of the devil is to convince you he doesn't exist. Capt Wooblah has some good words about Nik Whose Lan! but if he knew what this guy was up to before the crucial vote at that time, he wouldn't be so kind.
The Toad was only the face but Nikky was pulling the strings.
We talked about all the past guys in Mapa but this guy is the one that did the most damage.
He and the Toad manipulated Mapa for their own gains.Yes,the members were the one that shot themselve in the foot but it's Whose Lan! who was canvassing the junior guys in east malaysia to vote for the proposal.
Once you steer the members towards a proposal that was not in the best interest of the members, then you betray the trust of the members who voted you in.
Now he has his little kingdom in charter flights, but he got there by stepping on the heads of all members who trusted him and his gang.
He can run but he can't hide and it's about time he gets outed for what he did.

bakutteh 18th Oct 2007 01:31

Really sad...looks like nikky outdid the snaky g-stringh. Well if not for the camels's coup, the kondehless creep would have been in an audit kingdom too.

sayacayasamalu 21st Oct 2007 14:36

sour grapes
With nearly all negative comments from exmas drivers now so called basking in the land of milk and honey aka kimciland towards mas,Have you guys ever wondered why some of your comrades are sending feelers to mas management about being reinstated.Perhaps the grass is not as green on the otherside anymore.All this tough talk is to camouflage your yearning to return.Wrong move huh in the heat of the moment.Save all your unhappiness for your own airline and let those in mas tackle their own missgivings.They have enough problems on their own without you turncoats adding more fuel to the fire.Why ,looking down at your shoe with the 100 dollar bill pasted doesnt do the trick anymore?

CAPTAIN WOOBLAH 21st Oct 2007 20:12

Dear Camelbird,

I think it is a case of sour grapes here Nikki did not sell us out via an East Malaysian coup. 5 twotters and 10 F-50's does not constitute a great percentage. If memory serves correctly at that time we had close to 50 B734's. So, I would say that the majority of votes came from the young guns of the time which makes up most of the widebody middle ages now. I think he was lured to management because he is a sharp bumi and his intentions were good. But, I disagree with his decision. Regarding charter, I say good for him and I wish him luck. Additionally I think he would have made a great DFO and that he would have fought for us in that capacity.


I think you are way off base. The guys that left MAS did it because they were sick of the status quo and had the guts to cut the umbilical chord and move on to a different space time continuum rather than remain still stupid. They are the ones that have put Malaysian pilots on the international podium and perhaps even opened doors for you should you decide to move from MAS one day. Kudos to them. Now days it is not just the Europeans that can move to our shores but us to theirs as well. My penny worth.

Wooblah ;)

Mat Tongkang 22nd Oct 2007 01:47

sayacaya...are you by any chance the turbanless low life in question or are you his bed fellow? I do hear of the snaky fellow making overtures to mas mismanagement to return!

camelbird 22nd Oct 2007 05:34

Smart Bumi
Dear Wooblah,
The point I was making is that he ( Whose Lan) got his post in Mapa on the promised that he and Toady were different from the past team, and that they were there only to help their colleagues who have been exploited by the company. The East Malaysia thing was just one evidence of his true intention. Yes, he is a smart bumi but would he and the toad had gotten to where they are now if the MoU was not accepted, I don't think so.
Not one person I met have said they did not regret that they accepted the deal ( I voted NO). That's why the title of my earlier post, the toad have been flamed by past posts on this site but Nik was THE man behind the scene.
You stabbed a guy in the back and then you give him first aid. You get a medal for saving that guy's life. Sound familiar??

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