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Mat Tongkang 9th Dec 2007 22:45

How about conning your cyber challenged bosses with slick computer graphics and silicon magic thingy about cost savings/fleet promotion paths so that you can catapult up to B744 or A380 ahead of your more deserving seniors? Bribe rostering staff to give you great flights to boost your hours and then bribe others to keep quiet after you have busted your yearly/monthly hours limit. Ahh...these foxy, sly MAS pilots, what a bunch!

Geragau 14th Dec 2007 23:49

Kutus crawling in the dark to get up onto the top of the head; or creepy crawlies boring to the top of the dung heap? MH pilots need to work in upholding their dignity!!

Virtual Reality 15th Dec 2007 23:47

Ya, yeh...pilots sucking up to lowly clerks and rostering staff to beg for plump flights. Tsk, tsk bringing duty free goodies to pry some info from flt ops officers for info on promotions...how can MH guys keep their heads high? These lowly bloke you guys suck up to will certainly spread news of your apalling behaviours to all and sundry; so you guys will certainly look and be identified as pathetic!!!

How about conning your cyber challenged bosses with slick computer graphics and silicon magic thingy about cost savings/fleet promotion paths so that you can catapult up to B744 or A380 ahead of your more deserving seniors? Bribe rostering staff to give you great flights to boost your hours and then bribe others to keep quiet after you have busted your yearly/monthly hours limit. Ahh...these foxy, sly MAS pilots, what a bunch!
I thought give reward or get rewarded (read corruptions) is a way of life in Bolehland, not only in MAS but everywhere and anywhere, from govt office to private sector. You could see this everyday. The only different is the magnitude.:ugh: If you could not beat them, join them. "Show me the money and get the job done" or "what do I get in return" are 2 examples how our culture had change. So use your rights and cast your vote accordingly in the next general election.:}

ngapsayot 27th Dec 2007 20:53

Cyber challenged bosses? More like brain dead!!

worldlythird 13th Jan 2008 00:23

Greetings to the 90% shirkers and slackers! This year 2008 will be historic or will history repeat itself?

Record profits will be announced. Record bonus then?

The turnaround artist will be turning his back and leaving on the airline. Will he be turning his back on the 3 milion options also.
Or will he turn and pocket the humongous easy money made from the sweat and hard work of the 90% shirkers and slackers. And leave them to pick up the pieces.

So much twisting and turning to do. Can be exhausting!

JaguhDunia 14th Jan 2008 00:58

For our Chinese brother/sister pilots; remember this is the year of the Rat! So beware of the rats that may eat your cheese!

CAT IIIB 14th Jan 2008 12:33

The RAT already eaten our EPF cheese.

Mat Tongkang 4th Feb 2008 03:05

Read somewhere about a great turn round and aiming for RM1 billion profit next. Wow, that would be fantabulous for a ratty year.

Geragau 5th Feb 2008 00:54

Big fat dreams as usual; maybe with some creative accounting and assets sale.

Mat Sabo 6th Mar 2008 00:27

I don't think MAS has any more assets to sell to boost their profits!

MasMamak 6th Mar 2008 06:43

RM851million profits!
Wow! Happy days for MH gals & guys...a whopping turnaround! Bonus, bonus, bonus..how about bonus before March end?

Geragau 10th Mar 2008 00:53

Idris Jala promised a turn around in 2 years; looks like he delivered. Come on guys, give credit when and where it is due!

ngapsayot 11th Mar 2008 21:00

Too early to tell if we have wool pulled over our eyes. For the time being it looks like he is bringing MAS back on track. The expansion in the last 2 decades had been a foolhardy attempt at self aggrandising according to the whims and fancy of an old mamak who now attempt to appoint the successor to his successor!

mascamel 12th Mar 2008 02:44

MAS Back on track!
Hear ye, hear ye...MAS is really back on track! It has been reported in national and foreign media that indeed profits was over US$248million . Good luck to our MH boys; now get the guts to demand your dues!

pendekar 13th Mar 2008 15:26

Is everyone oblivious to the fact that more than a 3rd (ie 300mil) of the RM800mil profit came from sale of company aircraft, and it's HQ and Kelana Jaya buildings...

In addition there's another RM290mil of 'other operating income'...sale of MAS' four seasons?

VSS cost of >RM1bil bourne by Gov't

Almost RM1bil in debt...

If MAS is in the business of trading planes and properties, then IJ helluva great job.

Brianigham 15th Mar 2008 10:38

Hang On.....

They couldn't have cooked the books.

There IS operating profit.

But our company although bearing the same name is now a different company altogether.

Any change good or bad, has the auto excuse of "Would you have wanted to continue down the previous path ?" The obvious answer to that is NO.

There is danger here.

The PMS system he wants to shove down our throats has this auto excuse " We are a GLC, and this is inline with GOVT aspirations/directive"

Within those 2 excuses alone, a great AIRLINE IS NO MORE.

A profitable business. Maybe thats the only future.

We still have goons in high places. I guess we always will.

pendekar 15th Mar 2008 13:49

Yeah, but somehow the profits on aircraft, building and "other operating profit" were classified under Operating profit.

Maybe an accountant among us can enlighten us....

After the VSS with almost 3000 staff and without bearing the cost of of the program, the profit is the least you would expect..

icemanfx 16th Mar 2008 11:37

MAS operating revenue increased 12% from RM13,067m in '06 to RM14,686m in '07. Believe operating earning of RM273m is helped by RM900m cost reduction.

According to MAS 2006 Audit Report;

Note 5, Other Operating Income include;
Third parties interest income
Rental income
Dividend income
Gain on sale of property

From MAS 2006 Audit Report;

MAS paid RM892m loyalty to PMB for domestic operation but MAS charged PMB RM1,111m for domestic operation. Net gain of RM219m for MAS.

MAS may not own any aircraft but is entitled to a 80% share of the gain on disposal of certain aircraft unbundled to PMB.

MAS do received some form of subsidy from the government.

tigerwood 16th Mar 2008 11:48

Management for Sale
Yeah, I was at MAS building 33rd floor one fine afternoon with the rest of the union and association leaders. The meeting was chaired by the former boss, Tan Sri Raja Mohar.

It was a great news. Declaration of company's profit for the fiscal year. In the statement made by the boss, the profit that was declared was mainly derived from the sales of 4 Airbus 300B4.

After a decade, it looks like the same modus operandi. Selling off assets as operational profit. Bravo! Hmmm, what else could MAS sell in the future? Perhaps, an ad " Management for Sale". Sure there are plenty of airlines in this world would grab the offer, since the management have proven their creativity in making MAS a profitable company in 2 years. :rolleyes:

tigerwood 16th Mar 2008 13:56

MAS annual report
Guys, just went thru MAS annual report from the 1998 till 2006. Interesting. For the last 10 years, MAS make some profits and/or reduced losses from selling of aircrafts/engines/subsidiary.

The trend, when the year MAS did not sell any assets/aircrafts, it posted heavy losses.
31 Dec 2006 31 Dec 2005 2004/2005

Total Revenue (000): 13,489,549 9,181,338 11,364,309
Total expenditure: 13,841,607 10,434,634 11,046,764
Taxation: (60,645) (18,657) (35,707)
Profits/(loss) (133,737) (1,251,603) 326,079

Prior to 2003, MAS declared losses for 5 consecutive year. One of the year, it posted pre-tax loss of 1.303 billion ringgit.

*source from MAS annual report 2006
Guys, can anyone here highlight to me when is MAS making significant profit solely from operating revenue for the last 10 years?

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