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Sireh 11th Oct 2007 09:55

Brian, you're sure an impressionable not so young man. You went gaga over rabbit oh, mapa prez etc and now you want to run after blackie's balls? Come on, pull yourself up. Ya, lick your wounds, not the balls and certainly not the mgmt arses and hold your head up high. Fight the good fight; nobody should belittle your decision to stay in MAS even though you articulated your reasons in another thread.

CAPTAIN WOOBLAH 13th Oct 2007 14:46

Hey where is blackie. Maybe he is sporting a gstring these days. Brian go lick those wounds and get back here when they are better. Then keep fighting the good fight.

Brianigham 14th Oct 2007 02:27

:ok:Slurp! Smack! Burp!.....me back!:)

Langkasuka 17th Oct 2007 01:25

Blackie with a g-string or Blackie in bed with g.stringh? Two equally despicable fellows and both were ex MAPA excos! Guys, do you now see the problem with MAPA and MAS pilots?

Heard from someone nightstopping in the sandpit from kimchiland that all the allegations about his engine pod prang and endeavour to hide it were true. Apparently he had an equally despicable bed fellow who helped him licked arses to slither out of trouble. Not good for ex MAS reputation though.

kamarulhitam 23rd Oct 2007 01:21

Langkasuka, you heard right. Over the Raya holidays, some juicy stuff came out about all those low lifes. Small wonder why MAS and MAPA are so screwed up those days and still is...we still have fellas of the same ilk!

ngapsayot 28th Oct 2007 01:05

Previous posts from enlightened MAS and ex MAS guys indicated the problems in MAS mirror Malaysian society in general...very true. Politicians make " holier than you " statements of serving the country but connived in the most despicable manner to bankrupt it in everyway ( fiscally, morally,etc ) for the own personal gain as well as that of their patrons. Likewise MAS and MAPA people do the same thing. Cheat, lie, win at any cost for their own diabolical cause, step over dead colleagues for any personal gain...you name it, it's been done and still being done.

I can only say that for the average down to earth Malaysian; just bite the bullet, give a good fight to keep the torch of decency burning and survive through your own intestinal fortitude. No holy knight is on the horizon to make things better.

Brianigham 28th Oct 2007 08:22

If you are a pilot in MAS, then you have the the opportunity to tell those "liars" off.

If you dont have the balls to tell off your boss in MAS ( for whatever they have done or are still doing) then at least tell us of him here. Maybe there is someone here with a backbone who doesn't know about the rot, but would do something about it if he knew.

If you have a problem with the SGM or GM or your FM, pickup the phone and tell him, use the company mail and tell them. Use your level 6 english and word it properly lor. Jangan hantam only like in here, with no facts. Only then can you be called worthy.

You got a problem with MAPA. Tell them. Vote them out. Tell us here, maybe someone with a backbone will pick it up and tell them, or tell them off. Don't bring back stories from the past about bhai, whoselan and all. These things don't help.

If you can't do that, then you are nothing much yourself. How on earth are you going to "fight a good fight" from the couch, or fight

I may be a lot younger than you guys here who can bring back stories from the book of Genesis, but I have also seen enough of the NATO pilots. Yes, the NO ACTION TALK ONLY.

I have been asking for details, but all I see here is the same ol' whining. "Don't trust MAS, don't trust MAPA" .....like a broken record player with the story of the ghost from Christmas past.

Then someone will come along and whack whoselan,wawawi,camel,sam,bhai,etc,etc. Look up the directory , give them a call and move on.

Don't you see the major changes that are going on in MAS. The restructuring that has taken place and that might take place, is not just about PEOPLE moving. Who you are as a pilot is changing too.

If all you outspoken people can put your money where your mouth is, then we have a fighting chance.

Virtual Reality 28th Oct 2007 09:09

WELL DONE Brianigham !!!..........:D:D:D

chintanmanis 29th Oct 2007 20:45

Brian, do you think that you are so up the food chain in MAS that you know that that the abovementioned chaps had not told off the boss? I for one do know of a few guys who had given the bosses the finger and lived to suffer later...then they upped and left. You seem so full of bravado; but I think you are a budding 001. I was told that 001 had similar views like you in his days as a young commander, helping out MAPA bosses, singing their praises and even had a stint as MAPA secretary. Once drafted into the ranks of management, he was a disaster for MAS pilots. An aussiephile, he became a patron saint of the ozzies. I certainly am wary of " mata sepeks " of the likes of you.

Brianigham 30th Oct 2007 03:06

And what makes you think I haven't shown them all the finger myself. What makes you assume that I am not facing the consequences of that RIGHT NOW!. What bravado my friend? Just plain human rights to speak up when you know something is not right. I am not taking a swipe at chaps like Capt Wooblah, who comes up with the details. I am prodding at the one liners with the big tease posts.

I respect your caution for the tone you get with my post. I have that same cautious approach too and I am still looking out for the replacement agent double 'O' One. It is good to look back to learn from mistakes and also from past victories. As the little pony ( not aspiring to be the next dark horse) I too have learned heaps from folks here. LUV IT. All I am saying is lets not get stuck there in the past. If there are chaps here who have shown the finger then upped and left. Great! Thank you, and peace to you.

My finger has been out for awhile as well. Just don't want it to be a permanent pose, ruins my good looks.

There are pilots in MH who are not interested in going anywhere other than where their roster depicts. Some of us are still airline pilots my friend. We have always wanted to be and are enjoying every moment of being line pilots. Some folks just have to be in management. They can't stand the fact that they are not the boss. And I don't take away any respect due to them as well. Pork, to one man, is to the other, beef.

This ! is not the battle field my friend. The battle field is out there....where it matters.

boltak 30th Oct 2007 04:21

specifics please
dear Brian

I have been asking for details
perhaps you can start by telling us when you have

shown them all the finger myself
Then we can learn from you.

Don't you see the major changes that are going on in MAS. The restructuring that has taken place and that might take place, is not just about PEOPLE moving. Who you are as a pilot is changing too.
Please tell us how all those changes have impacted your working life. Have they made yur working life any easier.

You almost sounded like a management type.[

Brianigham 31st Oct 2007 18:11

oooooh......ha ha ha .....I almost sound like management. omigosh!
Thats like saying I almost sound stupid, selfish, short and....yes ugly! ha ha ha.
Excuse me.

mohdawang 1st Nov 2007 03:17

BTW, how do my Indonesian brothers fare over in MAS boleh? Anybody care to comment?

runes 1st Nov 2007 15:24

you're right there.. they're definitely ugly, short and conmen
that why they're in misManagement ( all lanuns)

Geragau 4th Nov 2007 20:46

Are some people posturing, huffing and puffing in prep for MAPA nominations? Seen and heard those stuff before...some broken record we got here!

ngapsayot 12th Nov 2007 01:32

Aiya, giving a good fight doesn't mean big talk, challenge the bosses head on to impress people, MAPA big talk to win vote, etc. Good fight comes in many guises...non violent or non abrasive work to rule; not doing any favours to flight ops, no duty extension, general non cooperation when asked to work " beyond expectation ", etc.

Sireh 18th Nov 2007 20:43

Ngap, righto! Just don't volunteer to fly on your off days, no volunteer office work etc! Come to my kebun and sweat it out! Then gobble on the durians, rambutans etc and next teh tarik..... just don't be a barua!

Diz 26th Nov 2007 17:18

Working on Off day?= Unethical.:ouch:

WiraMelayu 1st Dec 2007 08:09

Coolies will forever be coolies; they grab at every chance to brown nose and suck up to mandores. Sad thing the mandores are lower in the company pecking order!

Paishinel 5th Dec 2007 00:53

Ya, yeh...pilots sucking up to lowly clerks and rostering staff to beg for plump flights. Tsk, tsk bringing duty free goodies to pry some info from flt ops officers for info on promotions...how can MH guys keep their heads high? These lowly bloke you guys suck up to will certainly spread news of your apalling behaviours to all and sundry; so you guys will certainly look and be identified as pathetic!!!

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