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Eight Ball 18th Dec 2007 13:37

Azadistan ??......... In Iran ?? :uhoh:

Ever heard of Surface to Air missiles being fired over there on airliners with pilots having American accents like we do ?

okay, okay, I'll change mine and adopt a weird accent. Seriously, where did you find this one out ?

parsifal 19th Dec 2007 04:07

There are parents who have invested time and money in the MPL program of Clark Institute of Aviation. They were lured by the promise of the fulfillment of their dream of their sons/daughters becoming airline pilots in one(1) year.The promise cost about $80,000.00

The promise will be one year old on January 2008. That's a month from now. The fulfillment, I'm afraid, won't be on hand.

The ATO or SEC or DepED should look into the real state of affairs in this Institute. This is to allay the fears of these parents that their time and money won't bring them the pride and joy that a pilot in the family brings.

spinningasia 22nd Dec 2007 05:37


A Quote from Semper_Fi in the Pal Av School Forum. Some poignent words that those of you in Clark Aviation should heed as well.

Nothing in life is either free or easy. You are lucky, you may have only to wait a year or possibly a year and a half. Some have to wait years for the opportunity you now have in front of you but actually learn how to fly stick and rudder in the process., not just be button twiddlers as you will be.

Your comment on racism I find absloutely ridiculous. I think your fellow cadets would be shocked that you even think that way. Usually, those who throw stones actually live in glass houses themselves.

Shame on you. Read on and learn from your elders ... and be grateful for the opportunity you currently have in your life!!!!:D:ok:

Spinning Asia
"The world is changing so fast my head spins"

Copied from the Pal Av School Forum (For the context of the message, see the forum)

"Beauty is only skin deep.............
I've been quietly amused by reading these last few posts on this thread about what it takes to become a pilot or even a pilot for Pal. I want to tell you at this point in time that flying in the Av School is never a guarantee to get in.

If you don't know how to express yourself much more spell words, do you think you'll get in? How on earth did you pass your college course?

If you think lifting weights and looking like God's gift to women will do it, think again.

There is a reason for everything in life, if your's is because you want to brag to your friends at the local tavern and drop hints at the ladies that you can fly an itty bitty plane, you have an over inflated ego that belongs at a local pool joint and not flying or being part of a culture created an aeon ago by real men who flew real airplanes. Not like the likes of what you have today.
You will never know what it is to walk under a real airplane, smell raw fuel or even appreciate the fact that generations of people before you built up the profession to what it is today.

I feel sorry for all of you who think that the pilot's career will etch you into history books or line your pockets with loads of cash or get you the adoration of the opposite sex, it is a job now just like anything else. The real pilots are the guys that fly stick and rudder, not the one's who push buttons and twirl knobs anymore.

If you do get to the top 10% of the elite who fly the big jets, it is because you studied hard, paid the price by limiting your social life and persevered.
Piloting has its inner fullfillment, it is a profession for professionals who set their goals to do a job, the end result being someone who will fly the biggest jet around someday.

Meanwhile while you are in your own little myopic world, be humbled by the fact that you are only a person with a dream, nothing else. The fullfillment of the dream comes only when you shut down youre engines on the 65th year of your life without any mishaps, have been a productive member of society, raised and nurtured a family including your grandchildren, and have received the respect of your peers at work and in your neighborhood.

I hope all of you get your priorities straight, don't get into flying because you want to look good or feel good, do it because you have a purpose, to learn what it takes to get the job done and finish a career to the very end of your natural productive life.

Lets see what kind of response this post will bring, if you understand what I'm talking about good for you, otherwise go back to school and study some more. Life is full of choices, really.............:="

mplcadet 23rd Dec 2007 13:34

your comments are always welcome... but "shame on me"??? i think not!

you can easily say things that you may, because you dont really understand our situation here and what really is happening...

"learn from your elders too"!!! you dont comment on a recipe you havent tasted yet!!!

maybe you think you know all things.... well, you dont!!!;)

jester_icarus 24th Dec 2007 05:35

be cool
hi there cadet..

i feel for you and your fellow cadets there. but i think what spinning is trying to say is be patient. the program you are in right now is a fast track and it will take you to the right seat of an airbus faster than anyone i know right now. consider yourself very fortunate.

the worst thing you can do is to sqawk and have fellow aviators with thousands of hours and years of flying experience read this and feel sorry for you. you will get there faster than the conventional method..ie GA...

try going to the GA and let those seasoned veterans hear you about your delays and what you will get is probly respect lost. you will lose respect faster than you can lose altitude on a v1 cut fully loaded..with a micro-burst.

please dont take this as a condecending tone ...its not. you are fortunate to be in this position and please remember, you are not alone and this delay for you will not be the first nor the last.

just remember when asking ATC for clearance and you get a response "standby, theres a slight delay, heavy taking off, caution for wake turbulance." all you can say is "wilco"

while you are waiting take in all you can about navigating, general aviation, accident chain..check out the AOPA web site as they have tons of these info. Also master the jepp chacrts as this will take a while to learn. "you dont use it lose it"

...remember "a good pilot is always learning"

honestly i do feel your situation there as well as the others...

"keep the blue side up" and "keep the needle above blue line" while you are it..

mplcadet 26th Dec 2007 02:06

jester icarus
Thanks captain.... now i do get your point.... you're right, i should be patient enough to wait and understand the whole situation.

Spinnging asia,

i apologize to you sir... it was a very bad season for me and i was really in the lowest point at that time... i sincerely apologize..

Happy New year to all of you and hope you'll keep inspiring newbies like me...:D

All the best

camper 7th Jan 2008 05:58

hala ka...:}

jester_icarus 7th Jan 2008 09:47

congrats.!!!!.. sounds like you have started to fly..

-keep the ball centered
-keep your eyes out
-step on the ball
-think before you talk on the radio
-stay ahead of the aircraft
-dont fall behind the curve
-a good approach=good landing
-always side on safety
-do a checklist on yourself before you go out and fly

...and when in doubt about your approach/landing GO AROUND..dont force it.

"keep the blue side up"

Cessna1052 7th Jan 2008 10:21

To the Cadets
To All the Student Pilots out there,

We understand your excitements, your sentiments and the gripes. The training Program that seems forever to accomplish , but believed sooner or later it will come to an end.
So, for the meantime try enjoying what you like doing most, and thats flying.
Dont Rush, its one thing in our profession that we need to eliminate.
Stay on course and dont jump ahead too far, as this will deviate you from your objective.
Stop dreaming of becoming an Airline Pilot, this will not happen very soon, thats the fact. Concentrate in getting the Knowledge, Proficiency and experience that will boost you towards the career you're looking for. Do it one step at a time. Take care of yourself and yourself alone, No one can draw your future but yourself.

If at this early stage, you whine of many things. There is no way you will pass age 30 without a Hypertension. Not to mention, Your Physical fitness is the most important factor in flying. Companies will not hire a Pilot with a Bad heart, even if you have thousands and thousands of hours.(unless they're desperate for pilots). Whine when you are in the Airline, for it is an everyday thing.

Enjoy every minute of your flight trainings, its the best part of being a Pilot. Its not a job, remember you are paying for the hours. Its a joyride , and what such a wonderful way to do it, by flying it by yourself.

I wish you all success, and I hope that everyone will survive all the test.(Physically).


mplcadet 9th Jan 2008 04:08

thank you captains!!!
jester icarus,

thank you captain.. yes, we have strted flying and i am really enjoying every moment of it.. landing isn't really easy especially aiming for that perfect centerline but everyday i wake up i am always looking forward for it. thank you for your advices captain...:ok:


thank you sir!!! yes, we will enjoy each moment of it... and yes your right, too much whining will lead me to hypertension :)..

thanks to all of you captains who keeps inspiring those aspiring pilots out there..:ok:


WELCOME BACK!!! thank you for joining us sir!!!

calvin_1912 15th Jan 2008 11:06

Flight Training in Australia
Hi All!

I heard from some of you that one can get flight training (PPL/CPL/IR) at a lower cost than what Clark Institute of Aviation offers. Would you know of good schools abroad which can offer such and at how much if you are aware? I am thinking of schools in Australia... Would you know of any? :confused:

Thanks everyone! :)


spinningasia 16th Jan 2008 00:24

Flight Training Australia

Firstly, Clark Aviation does not offer PPL/CPL/IR training (even if it appears that way at the moment), they offer the MPL (Multi-Crew Pilot License) specifically designed for an A320. The flight training you see and hear about is simply part of that course.

Yes, you can go to Australia and get you licenses, ask Eight Ball about that, especially if you wish to return and fly in the philippines.

If you want to be truely global, go to the states and get an FAA license, you will have a much better chance of having it recognized in other countries.

If you plan to fly in the Philippines, what is wrong with Omni Aviation in Clark, their training is Ok and you will not have all the added expenses of travelling and staying abroard


spinningasia 16th Jan 2008 00:30


Pay attention to Jester_I, his advice will not only keep you and you passengers alive (when you get to that stage) it will make you an excellent pilot and make your experiences most enjoyable

Have you been in the pool yet? I was told in the Pub the other day that Omni are charging by the gallon for the dunkings :ok:


calvin_1912 16th Jan 2008 08:18

Flight Training in Australia
Thanks Spinning Asia! Actually, I was thinking of having my flight training abroad for the reason that there are more financial institutions there who are willing to extend credit to pilot students studying in their country. Here in the Philippines, it is very difficult to be able to borrow funds from banks, etc. Or would you know if there are financial institutions here in the Philippines who will be willing to lend out funds?

Eight Ball, would you have suggestions regarding which schools in Australia are good? Did you finish your pilot training in Australia?

Thanks everyone! :ok:

mplcadet 16th Jan 2008 12:33

Hello captain!

i haven't been in the pool yet, i guess a few more take-offs and landings.. Yes sir, from now onwards i will take all advices given to me coz i believe these will save my life as well as other people in the future..

Keep flying safe sir and please keep those tips coming...:ok:

All the best and God bless!!!

Eight Ball 17th Jan 2008 00:01

Training in Australia

Hello there. Yes, I trained in Australia from SPL all the way to ATPL.
I lived there for 21 years. I've only been in Pinas for 5 months.

There are financial institutions who can lend you money for your training but would not just lend to anyone. You must have a job and must be able to repay it of course. They will go through your credit rating as well.
One of the best is HSBC as their rates are competitive. ( and no I have no relatives working there ). :p You must have someone who is an Australian permanent resident to back you up in your application with the banks. Having said that, yes they are very generous in lending. At one stage I had an approval for 15,000 USD to do an A320 TR but aborted it.

If you need a student visa to study there, most schools will be able to help you. I recommend you do the CPL/ME/IR direct course and not go through PPL. I believe this is achivable in 12 months gathering around 200 hours flying time at the end of it. Then get a job as a charter pilot in the outback flying C206 and get the "real" experience progressing to light twins and work as a multi-engine pilot. Go to this website ( www.afap.org.au ) and you'll see that there are tons of jobs available there. People on student visas are allowed to work for 20 hours a week while studying or after finishing. Some have worked as flight instructors after graduation.

The training environment is excellent as they have low-routes for IFR flights and unlimited destinations.

The schools I would recommend are:

Sydney Flight Training Center - look for a guy named Malcolm Poulton - he is one of the best.

Whitworth Aviation - look for Bill Whitworth - he is also top notch

Aerospace Aviation - Sue Davies

BASAIR, Proflite and Crane Air are the other schools.

QANTAS Flying School - they have a cadet scheme going on but you would need permanent residency.

Regional Express is an airline desperately short on pilots amongst others.
They fly the Saab 340.

Alteon Training, QANTAS and Ansett Flight Simulators are the TRTO that have simulators for heavy jet training.



Eight Ball 17th Jan 2008 06:50

Sorry if I mislead you there. The 13,000 USD was for a type rating in the U.S. for the A320.

Try Hard 4.0 17th Jan 2008 08:15

Oh... I see
so after going for the training I have to go
AB-Initio training then
acquire a CPL then log a hundred flight hours
before going for the training . . .

calvin_1912 17th Jan 2008 09:47

Training in Australia
Thanks Eight Ball for all the information!! :ok:

I'll contact the schools which you suggested and inquire on their training packages. Maybe that's the place where I can get my flight training! :D

You stayed in Australia for 21 years! Such a long time! Did you try to apply in Qantas or in other airlines there?

airlinefan 19th Jan 2008 03:35

Type rating only - come on guys this training anywhere is well over 100K USD - how could it be so cheap.

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