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Cabair351 21st Mar 2007 12:55

Cebu Pacific Employment
Hi Guys,
I am a pilot from the UK who is hopefully going to start an A320 Type Rating in the Philippines (or Turkey) with Line Training from Cebu Pacific (roughly about 100 hours and then possible employment). The training is due to start sometime in May.

My question is, what are the chances that i will be hired permanently by Cebu Pacific once i complete my line hour training?

Thanks for all your help in advance.

thrust clb 21st Mar 2007 20:21

hello Cabair. the last expat/foreigner CEB hired was a Portuguese/Canadian whose wife was a Filipina..and this was in 1997/8. He had experience in DC-9's when he was hired. He went back to Canada around year 2000. It really depends on the present manpower situation, and positive feedbacks from fellow pilots. Good luck!

DeltaSix 21st Mar 2007 21:58

I thought Filipino citizenship was a requirement as well.

SlamBam 22nd Mar 2007 07:47

Did I read that right? Cebu Pacific is going to conduct 100 hours of line training on newly-typed A320 trainees? Or is this another CIA come-on? Haven't heard anything about 5J Airbuses being turned into hands-on laboratories.

Alpha 6 22nd Mar 2007 12:21

[QUOTEDid I read that right? Cebu Pacific is going to conduct 100 hours of line training on newly-typed A320 trainees? Or is this another CIA come-on? Haven't heard anything about 5J Airbuses being turned into hands-on laboratories.][/QUOTE]

If ever this is true then that's good news...if not then :mad: :mad:
I guess we have to wait and see...

Cabair351 22nd Mar 2007 13:52

Cebu Pacific Employment
Thanks Thrust Clb.

In reference to the possibility of a permanent contract from Cebu, this is only what my TRTO have said. Considering what you guys have said i probably need to take this with a pinch of salt.

Just one more question... If you guys were in my position (a new low hours pilot getting nowhere fast in terms of interviews let alone job offers) would you choose this as an option?

DeltaSix 22nd Mar 2007 22:56


In your case, it depends on a lot of things :

1 - Your financial situation - If you have the money to fund this training, then yes. However, be wary of people promising the world.
If you dont have the money', then don't. Go through the usual progression and get the type rating free as a second officer.

2 - Age - If you are still young then build up the required hours otherwise see option 1.

3 - Your Training Environment - if there is a chance to become an SO first then do it, otherwise the desperate measure is to borrow money and fund your A320 TR.

When you say not a lot of option in terms of job prospects, leave your comfort zone and go to another state or country and you'll find a job. Guaranteed. I was in the same situation till I found one in the middle of nowhere and went back to the city as soon as I had the hours required by an employer where I originally came from.



Cabair351 23rd Mar 2007 12:16

Employment Prospects
Delta 6 thanks for the reply and the advice.

I am from the UK and would be willing to go anywhere to land that first job. In fact i have applied to literally hundreds of companies around the world but with out success.

Do you know of any places that are hiring low hour pilots or any contacts you can put me through to?

Anything would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again for your help.

DeltaSix 24th Mar 2007 00:17


What you said to Cabair is totally unfair. To get an airline job is very competitive. It's a "go hard or go home" situation. Do what is necessary I'd say.

Have you even heard of the new MPL ? Multi Crew Pilot's License. This is an equivalent of our currrent "frozen" ATPL. However, instead of going throught the usual PPL-CPL-ATPL licensing, they go directly to an ATPL coupled with a type rating in an A320 with a right seat job for as low as 250 hours ( maybe even 200 ).

This is already in Europe and in Asia. People do pay for their type rating, I have seen it happen and it will probably be the trend for newcomers.

Cabair351, maybe you are approaching this the wrong way. If you already have the CPL/ME/IR, then going through the MPL will probably set you back another year as the airline and Av school would require you to go back from scratch. I know someone from here in Sydney who has enquired and was told that training will be Ab-initio.

On the other hand, if you are already CPL and if you have the money for the TR then try Eagle Jet in Florida ( I'm probably sure you have heard of them). They place people in India after the A320 training. Have a go at that.


ohnoriceagain 24th Mar 2007 15:38

that was great....:}
unfortunately guys you are right it seems that aviation requires to have the TR as part of your training.

altiplano 24th Mar 2007 18:52

wangfunk is right on
Ever think what would happen if new pilots refused to pay for a type rating?

Do yourself and your industry a favour and save your money.

Besides, why anyone would want to work for a company that won't train its own pilots is beyond me... Says a lot about the corners they are willing to cut.

Flame away if you wish but that is my advice to the newb. Your first job shouldn't be on an airbus not getting paid...

DeltaSix 24th Mar 2007 23:28

Wangfunk - do yourself a favour and look hard !!! The face of aviation is changing and changing rapidly. I don't think you were born yesterday but have been hiding under a rock and you need a serious reality check.

Prostituting is if you work for free, Cabair351 is just willing to go that extra mile to achieve his dreams. Nothing wrong with that.

No one in his right mind would pay for a TR of course if they can get it for free, BUT what I am saying is the opportunity is there, airlines will offer it and people will grab it whether you like it or not.
Where I'm from, Jetstar and Virgin requires you to pay for your type rating,
and pilots are getting employed. So get over it !!!

There is nothing more permanent in this world than the word "change".
So it's either you roll with the times or you get left behind. Understand ???!!!

JetABro 25th Mar 2007 02:44

I understand that in India you need 1000hrsTT, OR 500hrs multi, OR 100hrs on type. This goes for guys paying for TR and hr building.
Can someone confirm my understanding.
If this is right then you still need to have been in the industry flying for a few years.
At the end of the day, some people are lucky, right place, right time, whereas others have the means finanically, and some even just give up. Life isn't always fair, I have found that out the hard way, so maybe it's time to try another option.
Like D6 said, the times they are a changing, couldn't agree more!

planestupid 25th Mar 2007 16:55

HEY guys do what you gotta do!!! Just remember that if you bend over for too long... it starts hurting!

for cab.... the Philippine CAR it states to hold a Philippine ATPL or CPL you must be a citizen of the Philippines. Protectionism i suppose. Why would you want to earn 800 pounds a month anyway? I guess it would be quite hard for us brown monkeys to get a job in the UK. Lets swap! (JAR has a similar rule)
Then again.. the ATO is a government organisation, so if you pay the right people enough cash....they will give you a SPACE SHUTTLE type rating!!

DeltaSix 25th Mar 2007 22:57

JetABro - I agree with the 100 hours on type but the others might be for direct entry FOs. From what I've been told by someone from India, they only require 250 hours TT, 20 in multi-engine but with a TR on the A320.

However, they would also require you to pay for the 100 hours of training in the A320 which is roughly around 17K USD.

Also, I'm not sure if a job is guaranteed at the end of it. I guess if you pay for the 100 hours, you might as well ask to be employed well after that and get more than 500 hours total in the A320 so you can fly for another airline if they do decide to let you go.


Skybound0210 26th Mar 2007 01:26

Wangfunk and Altiplano,

Yo boys...just take a look at SOUTHWEST AIRLINES - the father of all LCC. It used to be that in order to apply to SWA, you had to be 737 typed...now you don't. You can apply and be interviewed without being typed...but if they accept you...you HAVE to get your type rating before the start of your class date.

Now I ask you...are you familiar with SWA. If you are then you know that it is a leading domestic carrier in the US and the pilots take pride in the company. Oh, and its the only non-cargo carrier that didn't furlough pilots during 9/11.

I am almost sure these SWA pilots would have a word with you guys for calling them PROSTITUTES.

Wake up and smell the coffee boys. Cheers and fly safe. :)

JetABro 26th Mar 2007 01:39

Hey D6, I have been offered 500hrs on A320 for $17k USD. But then again another place has offered me 200hrs for $20kUSD.

I guess it's just a case of buyer beware.

It looks like if things keep on going the way they are, then in a few months it will be down to 100hrs on type to get a look in. I know of one recurtment company that is already there. I guess time will tell if demand encourages the rest to follow.

DeltaSix 26th Mar 2007 02:46

Hey JetABro,

They are actually predicting that it will come to the point that the 100-hour requirement will eventually be scrubbed and only a TR will be required as they will experience further pilot shortages. I can't blame the expats if they leave, they have issues with the mentality of the Indian Captains.

And yes you are right, it's 17K USD for 500 hours. Then get out as fast as you can. The cheapest place to get the A320 TR is in SimCenter in Miami, Florida.



Alpha 6 26th Mar 2007 12:11

Thanks ohnoriceagain:}

I agree with D6...if one can afford a TR in order to be more marketable and competitive to other pilots like wangfunk and altiplano, then go ahead. Specially if one has minimum flying experience and is guaranteed a position in an airline. You are going to earn it back anyway.

JetAbro...in India, according to my Indian friends, airlines there only require you to have an Indian license and they will do the rest. But converting your license to an Indian one is really a pain.


Cabair351 26th Mar 2007 13:03

Paying for a Type Rating
Thanks for the support Delta 6.

Firstly believe me when i tell you that i hate the idea of paying for a Type Rating and Line Hours but i dont want to be one of these poor guys who is still looking for a job 2 years after graduating. I have applied to just about every airline/operator in the last few months but got nowhere.

I see very few options available to me other than to keep applying and hoping for the best. If anyone else has any then i would be very happy to listen.

Delta 6 i got in touch with the TRTO you mentioned in Florida but havent received any informaton from them yet. Do you know if they have any min hours restrictions?


DeltaSix 26th Mar 2007 23:20


I actually remember now that I was offered by SimCenter an Indian posting in their B737-400 and A320 but declined it as I didn't want to go to India.

So, they are doing the same thing as what Eagle Jet is doing. Just be patient and they will eventually respond to you. Otherwise I'll forward you the email they've sent me regarding the 737 TR and job offer. The job only pays 4K USD a month though.
I think that should be enough to live on and pay back the loan for the training.

Anyone else who wants the info, let me know and I'll forward it to you.

In regards to the requirements, my guess is just as long as you have the CPL/ME/IR that should do it for the TR and job. Alteon here in Brisbane, Australia can even put a B738 or A320 rating in a Private pilot's license let alone a CPL.

So goodluck and go hard. See you in the flight deck.


JetABro 27th Mar 2007 00:44

I would be very interested in the info as I was offered 500hrs on A320 in India by the same company but was told that there would be no remuneration as they classed it as training.
Was your offer from awhile ago?

DeltaSix 27th Mar 2007 01:16


I think the offer was going back in December 06. I'll check my email when I get home. There was payment for this as it was for a B737 job. Maybe the option you have taken is in the A320 which I know are all training flights.

With the A320, you only need 100 hours on type to get the job. Not 500.
Try and re-negotiate, tell them this is the requirement and you would want to pay 1/5 only as they only need 100 on type.


JetABro 28th Mar 2007 02:06

Good idea.
Hey you PM's full.

Hey Cabair351
Sorry to highjack your thread, but I kind of know the area your in at the moment, rock and hard place yeah? That TRTO was the one that told me that they like you to have the 1000TT or 500 multi or 100 on type. If you still haven't heard anything, give them a call, found them very helpful.
Good luck


bcpilot_00 28th Mar 2007 05:17

Interested in the info also.


DeltaSix 28th Mar 2007 06:03


Those interested ( and with money ) in the B737 TR with a job offer from SimCenter, send me an email to [email protected]

Goodluck to everyone


Cabair351 28th Mar 2007 08:43

Thanks mate.

altiplano 29th Mar 2007 04:23

1) It's a race to the bottom boys and you guys are winning...

2) Southwest a "Leading" carrier... hahahaha sure - keep telling yourself that and you might even believe it...

3) Yeah you guys do what you gotta do but if you ever sit next to me and most of the guys I know you will get NO respect... Break a leg a write the cheque suckers...

This is for you and your friends... You need help...


jetcruiser 29th Mar 2007 05:19


I totally agree with you and wangfunk in this matter( Not paying for a TR), But Southwest as being the leading LCC (even if they believed so) isnt much of their concern, they're not going there anyway, and for sure they wont be seating beside you in that small cockpit of yours to be harass and ostracize.

So, unless you are a Spaceship out of this World pilot, then you are exactly just like the rest of us....SUCKERS:E

Too bad we dont have the money to afford a TR when we started, but this Newbees have, so what to do.


Cabair351 29th Mar 2007 11:18

Paying for a Type Rating
As far as I am concerned there isnt much difference in somebody paying for their ab initio ATPL/CPL/IR training and another person paying for a Type Rating.


Filam 18th Apr 2007 12:25

How do I get employed by Cebu Pacific?
Hello Kapabayans,

I recently moved here with my family to Dumaguete. I was told that Cebu Pacific and PAL are hiring pilots. We are from the States and I have an FAA Commercial license Instrument rating with a total time of 1,600 with 200 hours of muli-engine (piston) 7 hours in a turbine.

My wife and I will be going to Manila to obtain my dual citizenship and will be going to the ATO to find out how to convert my license to a Filipino pilot's license. I am new to this country and I will like very much how to play the politics here.

I have a several questions regarding getting employment as a pilot for Cebu Pacific:

1. How much is the conversion for my license' with the ATO I heard from somone they paid $3,000 to do it. I also heard Ate Fe is the person to speak with regarding the conversion.

2. My time is not current. I have not flown for almost a year. Will they accept my time and will they get me current?

3. Is there a weight requirement? I am overweight.

4. Do I need to pay for training? I understand It is $1,750,000 pesos with a 5 year bond? Will they pay it provided you stick to the bond?

5. Am I better off going back to the States to support my wife and kids?

6. What the schedules like? Can I go home to Dumaguete every few days? Or I need to be based in Manila? Other operations at home allow a pilot to go home and others require to stay in Manila.

7. Is there a blog on how to pass the interview? How to pass the training?

8. How long is training and is is paid by the company?

9. How long is Captain upgrade?

10. What is 1st year pay as a SO?

Thank you for all your help and fly safe! This will be a great help to support my wife as she goes back to school for medicine. I deeply grateful. :)



Gooneybird 20th Apr 2007 13:48

Just to go back to this paying for a TR etc.

I had to wait until I was thirty before I even had the money for a CPL/IR. Am I bitter towards 20 year olds with afluent parents? No, that's life. We all make our own luck and make use of whatever resources we have.

One distinct advantage to paying your own TR is not being tied to the airline. You are in charge of your own destiny.

17K is nothing. If you, like me have to work in the bush for a year then the loss of earnings alone is way more than 17K.

As to getting the respect of people with a chip on their shoulder even though their actually some of the lucky bunch who made it, I'm sure I can live without it.


Cabair351 21st Apr 2007 19:05

Paying for TR

I worked for 5 years as a programmer before i had enough money to start my CPL/IR training and now for another 10 months, albeit with the help of a loan, to pay for my TR. Unfortunately no affluent parents here buddy....

Gooneybird 23rd Apr 2007 13:14

We would seem to have our wires a little crossed here bro. Either you didn't read my post properly or, I didn't write it well. I was basically agreeing with you and others on this forum that paying for a TR was a good idea if leads to a job. Hell I'd buy one tommorrow if I could definitely get a decent airline job.

I wasn't implying that you or anyone else on this forum has afluent parents, nor do I care. If someone does, good luck to them. Do what you have too and damn the critics; that's my attitude.



Cabair351 23rd Apr 2007 19:20

Sorry GB, it was a long day...

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