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Fratemate 20th Dec 2011 10:55

Separately, does anyone know if the changes to commuting conditions have also brought in any changes to benefits for expats living locally in Japan? What changes are those, mate? There haven't been any changes to the commuting conditions, so I'm a little confused what you're asking about. If you live in Japan then, clearly, you won't be using the commuting ticket, so you would get to keep the $2000/month but, apart from that, the benefits are the same for all contract pilots, no matter where you live.

If you live locally will you end up with a pretty poor roster or is everyone the same? All the contract pilots are the same. If you live in Japan then there is a bit more flexibility in splitting your days off into smaller blocks throughout the month (if you wish), rather than taking all you days off in one fell swoop. However, as far as the work, trip pairings etc go, everybody is in the same boat and, if you chose not to split your days off and took them all off in one go in Japan, then you'd end up with a roster looking just like everybody else.

729 20th Dec 2011 11:15

Thanks Fratemate, I thought 14 days commuting was an increase on the previous T&C but I've obviously got it confused so please disregard. Thanks for the reply!

meguro 20th Dec 2011 11:55

I am reluctantly going to have to differ in opinion with 'the Dominican'. I do not quite understand his profound optimism. ANA have cancelled contacts! ("you 90 days fired....gomen ne.."). It would be more interesting to hear from FO's that have failed the upgrade for spurious reasons. There is no question that other contracts have far more remuneration.
If the Dominian is working at the new AJX, he is in a minority with his view about the terms of our contract.
ANA/X are experiencing serious technical competency issues that threaten the safety of their ongoing operations.
The reality is that more pilots have left than have been recruited (and passed). That is an indistputible fact. What ever euphoric existance the Dominacn enjoys, it aint the same place I am at.

Before coming here, check how much your daily allowance is and run that by an internet search to see how many cups of noodles that gets you!

Finally; to praise the contact and equally lament the fall in the USD is simply delusional. If the USD is not worth anything then we should get a lot more of them, not sit apethically by and write it off as "exchange issues", like it has nothing to do with us!

I almost suspect you are an AJX stooge with a chronic case of Stockholm syndrome.

Can the rest of the disenchanted now speak up?

Fratemate 20th Dec 2011 12:46


No worries, I just didn't realise what improvements you were talking about but now I do.

The addition of 'commuting days' was, initially, a busted flush because we weren't able to use them to give us any more time at home and the freight guys also lost a day off each month. However, 'they' have seen the error of their ways and now the rosters are, for the most part, constructed so we can take advantage of these days. Remember that 14 includes your vacation days if you choose to use them in that particular month. So, you get 10 days off per month, plus you get 2 commuting days off a month and you also accumulate 2 vacation days per month that you can use at your discretion. I only point this out in case anyone thinks you get 14 plus vacation days.

There is an option where you can waive your commuting days in order that you can give more days to work. This is certainly not in my line of thinking but the basic premise is the Company will endeavour to give you more hours if you don't take the commuting days, therefore you might exceed 75 hours and get overtime. I'd rather have more time at home but each to his own. This would be an option for those living in Japan. They may decide 10 days, plus 2 vac days is sufficient for their needs (if staying in Japan that month) and so they can waive the CDs, possibly exceed the 75 hours and enjoy the fruits of their extra labours. I have no idea if it's worth it as I've never had any overtime in the time I've been here.

Is that the sort of thing you were after?

729 20th Dec 2011 20:23

Great info thanks Fratemate, that makes sense now. Thanks for your reply.

The Dominican 20th Dec 2011 23:44

I didn't say that there weren't issues, there are many, specially with the inefficiency of the rostering and yes, the devaluation of the dollar for those that live outside of the United States. But that is not exclusive of this job is it? most of the contracts outthere pay in USD and are going through the same thing, rostering and fatigue problems are not exclusive of this contract either since that is the major complaint that you read about in these pilot boards, sorry if you feel that it is delusional to look at facts without pride nor prejudice, that doesn't mean that I don't forcefully bring those problems to the forefront either and that I don't fill my share of pilot reports about fatigue and that I don't have my fair share of meetings with them when I do one of these ridiculous pairings. I'm just not an angry person, sorry about that

The Dominican 21st Dec 2011 00:29

the basic premise is the Company will endeavour to give you more hours if you don't take the commuting days, therefore you might exceed 75 hours and get overtime.
Several guys tried this option for the first months after the implementation and did not fly overtime (myself included) Funny how some of the angriest, most vocal ones always seem to fly overtime and get Honolulu and Singapore more often than not. Some people feel perfectly fine doing that at the expense of their colleagues roster, not angry, just stating the facts:rolleyes:

gtseraf 21st Dec 2011 06:06

Dom, I must agree with Meguro to a certain extent.

AJX was a good deal up till July this year. The merger of the freight and pax operations could have been handled totally differently. I see the attitude of co-operation which existed has been replaced with one of confrontation.

The biggest issue I reckon we have , is the fatiguing nature of the schedules. Some duties are just crazy in the way they are designed plus the combinations of duties adds up to CONSISTENTLY fatiguing schedules.

The obvious threat to safety and personal health with these schedules are a major worry for me.

It is also sad to see that cosmetic changes are made to deal with this. When we point out a fatiguing duty, they change the destinations but keep the same hours, problem solved (??)

Th USD is a big issue here, costs in Japan and at most of our layover cities have increased and the pilots who live outside of the USA have seen a huge erosion of their buying power. Remember, the companies should be paying a premium to get the quality of pilots they are demanding and for the sacrifices on their lifestyles they are are expected to make.

To sit back and say that there is nothing anyone can do about these issues is not the way to deal with it. The shortage of pilots we are experiencing should be motivation enough for them to do something about it.

As far as other aspects of Dom's comments go, he has a point, the a/c are well maintained, it is generally a pleasant environment and the POTENTIAL for this operation to be as good as it was in the past is there.

Whether those who have the power to do so, make the adjustments required to achieve this potential, time will tell.

atpcliff 21st Dec 2011 10:25

The remark about obtaining a licence conversion from JCAB to others was valid. If I obtained a JCAB based on my ICAO, is it easier to obtain a JAA or FAA because of the JCAB. As it must be a better licence than the FAA, ICAO, and JAA.
My previous Asian job gave me a local 'validation' based on my ICAO.
An FAA license is an ICAO license.
A JAA (European) license is an ICAO license.
A JCAB license is an ICAO license.

A "Validation" is where the local aviation authority allows you to fly on the license you currently have. I had a validation at one point. Normally, you will need to convert your license, to the license of the home country, to fly for extended periods on an aircraft that is licensed in that country.

What they do in Japan is convert whatever license you have to their home country-JCAB-license.

The only license that I know of that helps you get an FAA license is a Canadian one. It is VERY easy to convert from Canada-US and vice versa.

I also found out that the FAA license and documentation is QUITE different than the "standard" international license. For example, a JAA license and a Kenya (KCAA) license are almost identical. If you had a JCAB license, it would be easier to convert to a KCAA license, and I am assuming any ICAO international license, than to convert to a KCAA license. So, if you had a JCAB license, I think it would normally be easier to convert that to any international license than it would to convert from an FAA license to that same foreign country's license.

Good luck!

Conductor 22nd Dec 2011 04:35

Thanks for the answers to my previous post. One more question if I may: During the initial training period, it is possible to travel home at all, even just for a few days?


Fratemate 22nd Dec 2011 07:36

You'll do your air law, radio tuition/exams during the first week or so. After that it's CBT for the 767 (with some perf stuff etc thrown in), followed by fixed base trainer/fixed base sims/FMS. If you're type-rated you'll obviously do fewer sim sessions and will skip the type-rating test (I know I'm stating the bleedin' obvious). The non-typed guys will do the type-rating check and then some more sims before going for the ATPL check, whereas the typed pilots will just go straight to the ATPL. Immediately following your (successful) ATPL ride you'll do your medical and THEN you will get the first opportunity to go home, usually for about 10 days. Coming back to Japan, you'll then do groundschool for the airports we fly to (don't ask :rolleyes:) and commence your OJT/line training.

During the initial 2 weeks you don't have any time to yourself because you'll be studying for the exams and attending the classes. Likewise, during CBT etc there's really no time. You will find that during the sims you'll often have a couple of days off but it won't give you time to get to Oz and back, the Company would likely frown on it because 'maybe you are not showing dedication', there will be the inevitable visa problems (because the Japanese make Australia look like amateurs when it comes to paperwork for the sake of paperwork) and you'll be forking out a fair few $$s to get a couple of hours Downunder. To be honest, it's not going to happen and you'd have to accept the fact that seeing your wife/kids will be during the visiting hours they pay the flights for......unless you're single, in which case your other half can stay for as long as their tourist visas are valid.

Jenson Button 22nd Dec 2011 07:41

Is there a bond and if so how much is it ?


Fratemate 22nd Dec 2011 08:07

No bond :)

jrmyl 22nd Dec 2011 10:12

To add to the above by fratemate, you may be allowed to go home during the training. During our course, we had approximately a week and a half off prior to our systems course. Some of the guys who had pass benefits on their previous airline went home for that time. Of course it is on your own and if you don't make it back I would expect you will be looking for a new job somewhere. :hmm:

Esprit6969 22nd Dec 2011 14:51

Avoid Air Japan unless you are desperate and need to get recurrent. The J's took what was a fairly good environment and destroyed it because they thought they could reinvent the wheel. Feel free to sign on if you enjoy....

1. Being constantly fatigued/having your circadium rhythms messed with
2. Working for a dishonorable/hipocritical management team
3. Flying with anal retentive J's who can recite the entire OM yet know nothing about flying with common sense or logic
4. If your an FO planning on upgrading...don't count on it. We have seen MANY qualified and deserving candidates get shut down for silly reasons (not knowing door codes, not having majesty, personality issues-you know important reasons)
5. Following silly rules that do nothing to enhance safety

For the most part the majority of the Western Pilots are a joy to fly with, there are a couple Aussie checkers who are d-bags who go out of their way to make the job more difficult than it really is. Guys that massage their schedules at the expense of their fellow comrades. I guess every airline has these types though.

Its a shame to see what has happened here. This place has so much potential to be one of the best jobs out there, but I can no longer reccommend it to anybody.

Conductor 23rd Dec 2011 06:25

Thanks for all your responses and input guys. I've been working through this process for a while but have come to a decision now. Maybe I'll see you around in the future but it won't be just yet. :)

Stay safe.

The Dominican 23rd Dec 2011 14:01

Thanks for all your responses and input guys. I've been working through this process for a while but have come to a decision now. Maybe I'll see you around in the future but it won't be just yet. http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/sr...lies/smile.gif

Stay safe.
Have a great holiday season Conductor, let us know if you find bliss so that I can fill out an app.

Merry Christmas to everyone and best regards from Stockholm:E

galdian 24th Dec 2011 09:18

So Dom - now overseas bases, obviously Stockholm as you mentioned, what are the next exotic bases??

You know - knock them all you want but kudos when due, management of ANA - AJV/X/??...whatever it is today, well done :ok::ok::ok:

Should do something to improve morale! :ok::ok::ok:

Oh...you wern't alluding to the "syndrome"...were you?? ;)

Best wishes to all "hostages and inmates", roll on 2012.

Esprit6969 24th Dec 2011 17:10

The floodgates have opened, many are leaving or at least looking to leave.

AIR JAPAN sucks...

Their new motto should be "But we are better than China".

Theres a reason why more have left than they have been able to hire. And not all of it has to do with the JCAB.

Testingtesting 25th Dec 2011 19:45

Oh good....I'm glad I my application is being processed then! :(

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