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iamanaussiemavrick 19th Jun 2006 11:51

Working with an Airline--which license needed.

I was thinking of this thing.

If i have a CPL+IR from australia and if i work there as a flight instructor there for 1 yr in cessna's and tobaigo's...after that if i apply to Emirates..is the australian license only needed..should i have to convert my license after tht.....and if i comeback to india with little experience i said..is it necessary tht i have to convert my license..Can i work in india with an australian cpl.



SmoothCriminal 19th Jun 2006 20:23

Whoever is offering you the Instructing job in Australia for the said 1 year should be able to enlighten you on this :E

richie-rich 20th Jun 2006 03:10

i doubt if any company in australia would offer you job upon completion of your CPL. Australia trains locals every year, just the way they would train you. Why would they hire an indian when they have their own people? Dont get carried away and think its racism issue, because it is not. Airlines would rather hire own nationals rather than taking foreign expats. Same for flight schools.

If you are curious, I am from your part of the world training here in aus.

iamanaussiemavrick 20th Jun 2006 05:43

Hi richie
Hi richie,

Can i know more abt u..

The thing i was asking is tht..whether indians (having ATPL with little exp)can be hired in Emirates,SA etc.



richie-rich 20th Jun 2006 06:05

you obviously havent got a good insight on the industry you want to set your sail on.

I am doing my CPL training in Australia. Upon completion, I intend to go back home where jobs are easier to get than what it is up here. An instructor earns less wage than what a supermarket trolley pusher does...well, metaphorically. Once they are able to build enough hours by instructional work, they can then apply to airlines as First Officers.

And if you monitor the pilot industry in South East Asia, minimum prerequisite for an entry level pilot into airlines is significantly lower. You would not have to spend a number of years working as an Instructor, Cargo pilot working throughout the night to gain the experience.

Ask an airline pilot who was able to gain a job upon CPL in India. Ask the same question to pilots who are in Australia. You would get the answer then.

All the best to you.

iamanaussiemavrick 20th Jun 2006 10:33

Hi Richie,

I was talking with students from Italy etc .. that is why i asked.

I also knew that the requirements are lower in India but i never had a clear Idea about things.

Can u specefically tell what the indian airlines are looking at(Minimum). Do they ask for ATPL.

Also tell me about the license conversion. Have you done the indian CPL theory papers.

Where in australia are you doing the training.

It will be good if you can guide me.



Glorified Donkey 20th Jun 2006 12:16

Originally Posted by iamanaussiemavrick

I was thinking of this thing.

If i have a CPL+IR from australia and if i work there as a flight instructor there for 1 yr in cessna's and tobaigo's...after that if i apply to Emirates..is the australian license only needed..should i have to convert my license after tht.....and if i comeback to india with little experience i said..is it necessary tht i have to convert my license..Can i work in india with an australian cpl.



I think if you are so serious you need to do alittle more research about the job. There is no enough work in Aus for all the Australians, so most likely they wont give you work. And dont mistaken Emirates with some crappy Indian airline, they wont hire you with 1 yr experience instructing, try around the 4000hr mark with an ATPL and heavy jet time, as well as fluency in English

Best of luck

Left Wing 20th Jun 2006 12:47

pls guys stop spoon feeding this guy...does not know what ATR is and wants to become an airline pilot :ugh: :{ :ugh: := :mad: :mad:

richie-rich 20th Jun 2006 13:30

Glorified Donkey
fluency in english? i suggest you question your own fluency ...to me, someone who fails to deliver a good sentence structure must equally be ill-conversant :)

Imav, you have asked your questions under different threads. perhaps you should incorporate them into one and shoot all at once rather than opening various threads for different questions thats on your mind.

I suggest you get your CPL + ME IR at first and then think about exploring your avenues. You cant learn enough about this industry. Starting your training is a good entry point.

Glorified Donkey, some crappy Indian Airlines? I apologise but I am not indian, however, would you be kind enough to elucidate on that statement please?


Glorified Donkey 20th Jun 2006 14:21

Well thats what I copied from the Emirates website. "Fluency" Dont ask me ask them.

The Indian airlines starting up are a joke. Airlines are sending guys without ME or MEIFR to Boeing and Bombardier to get type ratings and are getting sent back. The safety is a big issue and even Indian nationals I have spoken to are quite concerned.

Then again, only in India is a 172 pilot a "captain"

The mentality there is all wrong. Everyone wants to capitalize on the booming industry. You got guys that shouldnt be flying and have no idea about the industry buying jet type ratings only to get screwed by the airline (good for them) Everyone wants to finish training and get on a jet, its an accident waiting to happen, then again with over 2 Billion for population I dont even think the airlines or government care

Originally Posted by iamanaussiemavrick
Hi richie,
The thing i was asking is tht..whether indians (having ATPL with little exp)can be hired in Emirates,SA etc.



Proves my point

Left Wing 20th Jun 2006 15:43

Hey Donkey, stop winding up....you will jump and take a job at any of these "crappy" airlines if they offered you one.

Glorified Donkey 20th Jun 2006 15:50

on the condition that I could live outside of India :E

richie-rich 21st Jun 2006 03:48

Then what point are you trying to prove in this thread? What is your background?

I am not questioning your experience/ability here, but have something positive to say to this guy who aspires to fly a jet. most of us were dreaming to fly jets since we were kids. only once we stepped into the industry for training that we realized that flying the big jet is no joke and learn how to accept reality.

anyway, all the best to you all.

Glorified Donkey 21st Jun 2006 12:24

Agree, We all had dreams to fly the jets, but we also found out on our own what it takes, I dont think any of you guys were spoonfed. If you're trying to get into this career and dont know what an ATR is because you simply havent researched, then you better get on it, because there are guys out there that live, breathe and s*** aviation. Best of luck to all those aspiring pilots.

richie-rich 21st Jun 2006 13:08

i dont know where this conversation with you is going to lead up to, but this guy is only 17 and he wants to know. leave it up to him to figure out his short coming.

and who are you to comment on indian industry? you are probably someone with a few thousand of hours (way more than i have at this stage) but you seem to be taking note about the negativity here.

anyway, i rest my case. arguing with someone like you is way beyond my reach. if you have something worthwhile to spit out, lets hear it.
btw, i am not indian, as i have said in some other post posted by the same guy, kanak. however, i do have indian friends who are pilots and i dont question their regimental sense when they are in command of an aircraft.


iamanaussiemavrick 21st Jun 2006 13:23

Thank's Richie

Thanks .. Atlast i got someone who is a pilot now to support me..

I am in my learining curve and i know tht i have a lot to learn...

The only way i can do it is by reading,,asking others etc...

Anyway i know where my dreams are and i try my maximum for that...

Hope i can reach there some day...



Blacksheep 22nd Jun 2006 01:51

I like your style Kanak. Never stop asking questions - there's always more to learn.

As for the others, be like Donkey. A true professional is never be too proud to answer an honest question.

iamanaussiemavrick 22nd Jun 2006 06:04


To get success you have to be positive. Any profession you take you will face hardships but its all about making your mind set and wanting to still go further.

Saw the number of posts by you.. It's a lot....Can i get ur mail id so that i can ask u something when i need.



ilov3s3lina 22nd Jun 2006 06:14

i'm quite new here,

but......... i noticed many of the members here doesn't like to answer questions and even flame those who asked.


iamanaussiemavrick 22nd Jun 2006 06:17

that's kool buddy..

Got company out here...

U r really spot on.....

When we have resources we have to utilise that...

good professionals always like to help youngsters.



Sunny_Always 22nd Jun 2006 07:00

if the question you ask here can be answered by a simple google search, people will get annoyed.

some of your questions like [is a conversion needed?] will be promptly answered while others like [what is ATR?] leave a bad impression of you.

there are many good aviation sites out there like this: http://www.askcaptainlim.com/ the internet is a wealth of resources:)

ASIAN FROG 22nd Jun 2006 07:23

Back to the Question: CHICAGO CONVENTION
The Question is simple:
As per the Chicago Convention, in order to be able implementing bilateral or multilateral agreements between States for Circulation of their aircraft, each State must crew its own aircraft with Pilots bearers of licences which fulfill the minimum requirements of Annex 1.
However, every State can add more requirements. As a consequence you must have a licence which is considered as acceptable by the Authority ruling the specific registered Aircraft. Each National Authority can fix its own rules of equivalence.
Also as consequence, all licences are ICAO compliant.
If an Airlines from one State is dry leasing an aircraft from an other State, as a consequence, the crew must obtain equivalence from the Aircraft Authority.
Personal example I have flown a B747 on lease from USA, being in a European Airlines. For this circumstance, I have gotten a FAA licence restricted to this particular aircraft and per equivalence with my European Licence.
If you want to fly an aircraft registered in a country XX, you have to ask to the Authority of this Country XX, if they accept your licence and under which conditions. It is the International rule set by the Chicago Convention.

masalama 22nd Jun 2006 08:54

Asian Frog,
must have been a long flight I just got back from ... but u sound like the spokesperson for UN ...man , :\ huh need to keep eyes open:8

ASIAN FROG 22nd Jun 2006 09:53

No I am not a UN man, just an Instructor, making a memo on the "facts" relative to the question.
Everybody can complain and find a lot of reasons for dissatisfaction, but at the end it is relevant of State Sovereignty.....and each pilot should know that as it is part of the CPL studies. And also the correct answer to an individual on a specific demand is from the Authority which is concerned.
(Coming back to the very general wording of the question)

And taking into account the specific background, it is the privilege of indian DGCA to give an equivalence to an individual on his particular file. Only Indian DGCA can answer accurately.
Then after comes the mood of everyone... But it is an other question!

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