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Snowyman 18th Dec 2004 13:18

Eva and bigbrother
What do you think will happen to eva within the next couple of years? Do their bigbrother have any affect on their future plans and expansion with all the new laws being introduced?


navtrack 18th Dec 2004 14:38

What's your opinion ?

typhoonpilot 18th Dec 2004 14:45

What are you talking about ? Who is EVA's big brother ? Do you mean Evergreen Shipping, the world's largest containerized shipping company ? or do you mean the government of Taiwan ? , perhaps the government of the PRC ? Further, what new laws ? Are you talking about cross straight links ? or perhaps Taiwan permitting private aircraft ?

Please clarify your question :ugh:


Snowyman 18th Dec 2004 16:18

Sorry guys, I ment the relationship between Taiwanese and Chinese goverments. China is proposing a new law that could "legally" deny Taiwans independence attemps in the eyes of other goverments. Just curious:sad:

typhoonpilot 19th Dec 2004 03:49

Okay, fair enough, that clarifies the question. The Anti-Secession Law that you speak of has yet to pass, but it appears to be an attempt by the mainland to justify an invasion at the world court/UN level in the event of an actual declaration of independence by Taiwan. The PRC has been engaged in this propaganda war for so long that most people actually believe that Taiwan is a part of PRC, a renegade province, if you will. It didn't help that Chiang Kai Shek's ( otherwise known as Cash My Check ) policy after the Nationalist loss in 48/49 was that they were still the legitiamte government of mainland China and that they had a policy of eventual reunification.

When Cash My Check and two million of his followers fled to Taiwan in 48/49 they slaughtered and/or brutally suppressed the native Taiwanese who objected. It is the native Taiwanese who don't see themselves as part of mainland China who are now close to the majority in government, along with those former Nationalists who have given up on the idea of reunification.

Another important point to remember is that the island of Formosa was controlled by Japan from 1895 to 1945. It was given to the Nationalists as part of the armistice at the end of WW II. So the PRC claim on Taiwan is tenuous and only based on control at varying periods prior to 1895.

Kind of a simple summary, I know, but the gist is correct. I make this post to help deflect some of the mainland's propaganda. They presently have over 400 missiles lined up on the Fujian Coast pointed at Taiwan. Any invasion of Taiwan would start with a missile barrage.

What will happen and who might get involved is anyone's guess. The pro-independence movement in Taiwan just suffered a little defeat in that they did not win a majority in the government and Chen Shui-Bian is stepping down as head of the Democratic Progressive Party. That will keep things at an impass for now and probably the next couple of years. Further, with Beijing being the host of the 2008 Summer Olympics is is unlikely they will do anything prior to then so as not to turn world opinion hostile towards them and ruin their Olympics.

I would be pretty comfortable going there for a 3 to 4 year contract.


Hong Xing 19th Dec 2004 09:06


Your analysis of the cross straits situation is correct except that you fail to acknowledge that Taiwan actually does belong to China (as does Tibet). In my opinion the sooner the Taiwanese accept this fact and link up with the Motherland the better off everyone will be. They can then return the National treasures stolen by that arch bandit Chiang Kai Shek and rest their conscience. The only good thing Chiang Kai Shek did for China was to organise the "Northern Expedition" (against the warlords )which then put down the stepping stone for Chairman Mao Tze Tung to start the revolution. It's a pity Mao Tze Tung did not grab Chiang before he fled to Taiwan because if he had then today's problems would not be with us. Tai Wan shu yu Zhong Guo.

Hong Xing

typhoonpilot 19th Dec 2004 16:51

Your analysis of the cross straits situation is correct except that you fail to acknowledge that Taiwan actually does belong to China (as does Tibet).
What part of my analysis did you not read ? You are suffering from the delusion of the PRC's propaganda. Taiwan belongs to mainland China as much as the United States belongs to England. Just because a country once ruled over an area doesn't give it the right to claim rule over that area in perpetuity.


They can then return the National treasures stolen by that arch bandit Chiang Kai Shek and rest their conscience.
While I am no fan of Cash My Check, I completely disagree with this statement. Again you have fallen victim to the PRC propaganda machine. The Nationalists, the then ruling power of the mainland, crated up all of the artifacts and treasures from the Forbidden City and other places and kept them away from the Japanese for the duration of World War II. They then took them to Taiwan in 48/49. Had they not done so they would have been destroyed during the cultural revolution in the PRC during the 1970s. The mainland lost all claim to any historical artifacts or treasures as a result of their actions during the cultural revolution. The treasures are now shown at the National Palace Museum in Taipei.


P.S. Your use of pinyin gives away your educational background steeped in PRC propaganda

rdr 19th Dec 2004 22:43

Your assessment on the x-strait issue is forthright and accurate typhoonpilot. Its time people got to know the truth about the "butchers of Beijing." Unfortunately quite a few ex-airforce types in the ROC are under the delusion that the sun rises out of China's a..e every morning. These are the guys with a second home in the US or Shanghai and are smarting from the current nationalist upswing. Still, dangerous times or a big bluff from big brother?? I believe its the latter.

etops777 20th Dec 2004 02:12

Very correct assessment by TP.

Taiwan is Taiwan and never will be a part of China.

Hong Xing 20th Dec 2004 08:39

Well well well what a tirade of nonsence heaped upon someone who just happens to have a touch of patriotism. Your reference to PRC propaganda and its effect on my thinking is as laughable as your historical understanding of China's claim to T'ai-wan and Xizang. According to your reasoning Argentina has no right to claim las islas Malvinas and Chin Peng because he devoted his life to driving the Japanese and British out of Malaya was not a patriot.

As far as the stolen treasures are concerned your mention of the Cultural Revolution is the same old rant put up by those bourgeois who don't or don't want to understand. The treasures belong to China and the day is not far off when the "qi huo ke ju" will be back where they rightfully belong.
Hong Xing

P.S. By the way it is not "impass" it is "impasse" and just for you : qi huo ke ju means "precious commodity worth cherishing".

Snowyman 20th Dec 2004 09:21

Ok, thanks guys-I get the point:hmm:

etops777 20th Dec 2004 10:14

hong xing
you have no clue at all. PERIOD!!!!!!

Taiwan will declare its independence someday and the people in Taiwan is determine to make it happen. IT WILL HAPPEN.

Hong Xing 21st Dec 2004 08:27


I never cease to be amazed that in this modern world of informatin availability there are still people who think like you.
There is a special Chinese way of describing your problem and it goes : Gu Zu Bu Qian which means "non-advancement due to self imposed restraint". (May I suggest you go back and read that once more).

Hong Xing

etops777 21st Dec 2004 11:16


no need to argue with you. it seems that you are living in your little dream world- that's right, little man with big dreams.

get on with your life mate.

typhoonpilot 21st Dec 2004 18:53

Sorry the thread got a little off track Snowyman. I was just trying to help you understand the issues. It's actually nice how Hong Xing came in and helped to demonstrate the mindless arguments of the PRC on the issues. You cand see right here on Pprune a mini cross straits exchange That's about how it goes between the two political bodies as well. They will never agree with one another. While all this has been happening right here on Pprune, the USA has changed policy and will now have active duty military officers stationed at the quasi embassy in Taipei. That is actually a nice thing to see from the standpoint that it will give the PRC further pause in initiating any aggression across the straights.


P.S. Here is one for you HX, Yi Zhi Ban Jie :eek:

Hong Xing 22nd Dec 2004 08:42


Surely you don't think that the presence of a few over medalled "military officers" (your words) from the USA being positioned in Taipei is going to effect the strategic planning of the Motherland. Brothers and uncles of those same "military officers" were humiliated in Korea and Vietnam to say nothing of their present dilemma in the Middle East so I doubt if they will have the stomach for more of the same. The issue will be settled after much yizhang yichi 一张一弛 (tension alternating with relaxation) but the outcome is obvious.
In today's South China Morning Post the headlines are: quote
" The United States is not required to defend Taiwan if Beijing launches a war against the island " unquote, spoken by USA Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage. He then said quote" There was only one China and that Taiwan was part of it. " unquote. What have you got to say about this??

Hong Xing

P.S. Regarding your pinyin statement yi zhi ban jie 一知半解 I assume you are referring to yourself. It's big of you to admit "you have only a scanty knowledge of world affairs" which is what you have said.

Deske1 22nd Dec 2004 10:27

Just a Qs:

As I am working in Taiwan and my wife is with me;are we in danger?:suspect:

Jim Morehead 27th Dec 2004 14:41

No danger...Just don't eat meat that is still making noise or has funny colors to it....

Freehills 30th Dec 2004 10:27

Yes, and BTW, Argentina doesn't have a legitimate claim to the Malvina's. And Chin Peng became nothing more than a pathetic bandit when he continued to hide in the jungles post '57 rather than take his chances in an independent Malaysia...

Hong Xing 31st Dec 2004 07:51


Las islas Malvinas
Spain was conned into ceding the Malvinas to Britain in 1806. When Argentina evolved from Spain they (Argentina) claimed the islands back but Britain refused. Argentina continues to press its claim to sovereignty but the British government rejects change in the status quo.

The British government saw fit to award Chin Peng two campaign medals and an Order of the British Empire (OBE) for his leadership of the Malayan Peoples anti-Japanese army in their fight against the Japanese occupiers. When he continued to oppose the re-occupation of Malaya by the British after the war they (the British) branded him a terrorist. Imperialist thinking had him a hero one day and a villain the next !!! However it was Malaya's leader Tunku Abdul Rahman the doyen of Merdeka who said that Chin Peng was responsible for advancing independence by three years. That alone makes him a patriot and certainly not a terrorist bandit.

Hong Xing

Omark44 31st Dec 2004 09:25

Oh please Hong Xing, give it away.

Chin Peng was a communist terrorist, nothing more, nothing less.

Chin Peng jumped on the bandwaggon and supported the British whilst it suited him, for which he was suitably rewarded, not just with British decorations, either.

At the end of the war he expected, (rather foolishly, I think), that Britian would simply hand over Malaya to him, to become a Communist state. He could not be more wrong, he served his purpose and was given the opportunity to leave gracefully, his pockets overflowing with British gold, by the way.

Possibly a loss of face issue here, similar to the IRA of today, but Chin Peng felt he had to fight on in order to retain any credibility amongst his followers who had blindly followed him, taking huge casulalities, for many years previously. Simple as that.

Spout the mantra as much as you like Hong Xing but please don't come on here spouting rubbish, many of us are old enough, have been there etc. to know that you are talking straight through your bottom.

Hong Xing 2nd Jan 2005 08:38


There is a Malay saying that perfectly describes what you say. It is "setengah masak" which refers in context to half cooked rice meaning it can't be eaten or swallowed.
To claim Chin Peng was rewarded with "pockets of gold" for fighting the Japanese is ridiculous. The only gold around in those days went straight from the tin mines and rubber plantations of Malaya into the banks of England. Public confirmation of this came from the UK Colonial Secretary who informed the British parliament in 1947 that quote: "it is by far the most important source of dollars in the colonial empire and it would gravely worsen the whole dollar balance of the sterling area if there were serious interference with Malayan exports". unquote.
The so called emergency was all about domination and money and I think you know that without me telling you. Even the name "emergency" is a misnomer as it was actually a war. The British specifically called it "emergency" as this kept their insurance premiums lower.
Call Chin Peng by whatever name you wish but you can't escape the fact that his actions accelerated the development of Malaysia and Singapore into the first class societies they are. Hilang jasa beliung, timbul jasa rimbas.

Hong Xing

Omark44 2nd Jan 2005 10:49

"To claim Chin Peng was rewarded with "pockets of gold" for fighting the Japanese is ridiculous. The only gold around in those days went straight from the tin mines and rubber plantations of Malaya into the banks of England."

Nonsense Hong Xing and you know it! The monies that most definitely were paid to Chin Peng should not be confused with the revenue from the mines and plantations. Chin Peng's money came from the foreign office, as you should well know and would have been paid in such a way as to have avoided him being seen to be taking a pay off, his followers would have been most disappointed!

Your mention of such term as 'Emergency' and 'War' lead me to think that you don't know a whole lot about the insurance industry, either.

BlueEagle 2nd Jan 2005 21:04

OK - An interesting discussion but hardly relevant to the thread title.
I doubt you will ever agree on the subject of Malaya/Malaysia etc. but if you feel the need please continue your dialogue via PM or email. Thanks.

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