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orangeboy 28th Oct 2010 11:07

hey drone, i don't suspect anyone here knows Cathay's international assessment schedule - unless they have been invited and are so kind to post on here details about it. No one really knows what their process or criteria is for selecting the next area for interviews. So they may or may not conduct anymore international interviews by year end.

you could always email Cathay and ask, but they probably won't say anyway.

it really is just a matter of waiting patiently and hopefully that email turns up one day! :ok:

Smell the Coffee 28th Oct 2010 20:04

CX tend to wait until they have a meaningful number of potential interview candidates in a given geographical location before sending out the invites for people outside HK.

As for which questions get asked at which interviews - there is definitely no set pattern here - in my experience, the interviewer will tend to basically make up the questions as they go along (although they probably have a basic idea of the areas they want to probe before you walk in).

They may create a new question based on the answer you gave to a previous question ... no one interview seems to be the same.

greentea84 28th Oct 2010 22:13

Hey guys, can someone PM me the email address for Cathay? I cant seem to find it on their website.

I applied back in Jan but havnt heard anything back yet.


orangeboy 29th Oct 2010 05:54

greentea, the email to use is the one they used to inform you that they have recieved your application - back when you first applied and a return confirmation email was sent :ok:

roxy chick, as far as i am aware, normally via email, but if you're in Hong Kong, they may ring you.

ap_797 31st Oct 2010 08:58

Hey guys,
I was wondeirng if anyone could shed some light on how detailed the flight planning excercise actually is and what level of prep is required for lower hours pilots? Do you get a calculator and do you need to do know how to convert units during the test eg. from mph to nm per hour etc?

I understand that during the excercise each candidate is left to work out the math involved by themselves, what sort of math does this encompass?

thanks all!

holdmetight 31st Oct 2010 09:58

The flight planning exercise is actually quite easy and candidates with no experience or knowledge in flight planning can do just as well as a jet pilot with an ATPL. Those with flying experience will find that the exercise does not resemble a real-life flight planning exercise in any way. So leave everything outside the door when you walk in, and enjoy yourself during the exercise.

I am not going to divulge too much information on the actual exercise itself. What I can say is that you will work with another candidate in finding the best route for a flight from A to B. You will be given a list of factors and constraints that will affect your calculations, such as flight times, expected fuel burn-off, turn-around times at tech stop, etc. To arrive at a reasonable answer you will need to do calculations on speed, distance, time and fuel burn. You will need to take ALL the given constraints into consideration, and come up with a conclusion. Pencils and paper will be provided on top of the actual materials required, and you will not be allowed to use a calculator - though it won't matter, the calculations are simple enough to be done in your head and on paper if necessary. You might need to convert units at times (I don't really remember) but if that is the case, the conversion factors should be provided in the materials.

During the exercise you are expected to work together with your team mates. Think of yourselves as airline crew; you might do your calculations independently but when you present your answers you do so as a team. Just keep a cool head, stay focused, and make sure of your answers before presenting them. Good luck! :ok:

ap_797 31st Oct 2010 10:22

Thankyou very much for that insightful post holdmetight, it's certainly helped to ease some of the concerns I had!

DDobinpilot 31st Oct 2010 15:44

Can anyone confirm if I am correct as to what is involved with Stage 2/3? From anyone who has done this stage fairly recently? As I don't think they do the Wombat test anymore do they as far as I was aware this is what it involves :

Stage 2.

Maths Test
Flight planning ex (Pairs)
Group Ex
Some kind of personality test with like a what excites you more type of questions? Such as a well made vase or a gun or something

And Stage 3 :

Management interview
English test

Am I missing anything?

ap_797 31st Oct 2010 15:56

Hi all,
Can anyone confirm what the answer to the following question is:

If you were flying at 480kts, how long does it take to travel 18miles?

I'm getting 0.038hours as my answer which equates to 2.28mins, but i'm thinking this seems wrong for some reason :/

Is there a quick way to work this out without using a calculator or pen and paper?

holdmetight 31st Oct 2010 16:14


What does your Stage 2 invitation e-mail say? I don't think they have stopped using the Wombat test, though apart from that your projected Stage 2 itinerary is pretty accurate. Stage 3 also includes uniform measurement and a briefing, though these are not assessments.


480kts = 480nm in 60 minutes = 8nm per minute

Therefore it takes approximately 2.25 minutes to fly 18 miles if your GS is 480kts. As always, use an estimate to make life easier for yourself, so you could probably use 2 to 2.5 minutes as your answer.

NightFlightsAreMagic 31st Oct 2010 16:47

Thx for the flight planning info holdmetight. I'm doing stage II and III next week - 10 and 11 Nov. - and I wasn't sure what to expect from the FP exercises.

Somebody doing stage II and III the 10th and the 11th?

Blue skies,


DDobinpilot 31st Oct 2010 16:55

Holdmetight, so far I have just got the automated email saying that I have been shortlisted for stage 2 so hopefully will get the invite soon. Also nightflights does it say in your email that there will be a wombat test?

ap_797 31st Oct 2010 17:08

Cheers Holdmetight!

DDobinpilot isn't there also the hand eye aptitude tests to include to that list? (unless you already did this at stage 1?)

NightFlightsAreMagic good luck with stage 2! It'd be great if you were able to confirm the list DDobinpilot posted.

NightFlightsAreMagic 31st Oct 2010 21:33

This is what I got:
- Personality Test (Computer-based/Time allowed: 45mins)
- Numeracy Test (Computer-based/Time allowed: 30mins)
- Aptitude test (Computer bases/ Time allowed: 75mins)
- Group Exercise (60mins)
- Flight Planning Exercise (90mins)
- Panel Interview (General and Technical/ 60mins)
- Medical
The mail only mentions one aptitude test and one interview, but I don't know if I will get two aptitudes test -the normal one + the wombat test- and two interviews.

It doesn't say anything about an English test either...Do you guys think I will not get the English test bc they do not mention it, or will I get it even if it's not on the list...It don't really matters actually, I'm not scared for the English test.

Holdmetight, what did your mail said when you got the invitation for stage II? Was it the same? Or did they mention the wombat, the second and third interview and the English test?


404 Titan 31st Oct 2010 21:47


I’m not sure if it was a typo by you but 18 miles = 15.6415 nautical miles. At 480 kts it would take 2 minutes to travel that distance.

holdmetight 1st Nov 2010 02:40

You wil get one "aptitude" test - either the Wombat Test or the traditional Cathay aptitude test. It depends on which of these you did in Stage 1; if you did the Wombat in Stage 1 you will get the traditional test, and vice versa. There is only one panel interview, it will last around an hour in which general and technical questions will be asked.

The English Test will come in Stage 3, which should be held on the day following Stage 2. You are invited to Stage 3 only if you pass Stage 2.

My Stage 2 invitation e-mail was a little different from yours. It specifically said I would do the Wombat in Stage 2, and did not include the medical. The e-mail mentioned nothing about the Stage 3 schedule, so naturally it said nothing about the ICAO English test or Management interview either. You should only get a tentative Stage 3 schedule on the day before you do Stage 2.

NightFlightsAreMagic 1st Nov 2010 07:54

Aah, oki, I thought the medical was also for stage III. Thanks for clearing that up holdmetight.

I didn't do any aptitude test in stage I. Not the traditional one, and not the wombat test. I'll just see what they'll give me.

Anyway, it seems, I'll have a very very busy day, especially if they squeeze the medical in stage II.

Thumbs up,


nmcpilot 1st Nov 2010 13:26

Reading these posts I think the Pilot Aptitude Test (75mins) is different to the Wombat test as the Wombat test is usually allocated as 90mins and they usually say on the brief they email you before hand that you will be doing the Wombat Pilot Aptitude Test (90mins) Anyone know the differences at all??

Also has anyone posted up a good link for a place to practice for the numeracy tests, obviously for Stage 1 people reccommended the John Ravens booklets for the Shape matrices, it is just difficult to know what to expect, also you don't know how much weight is put on each particular test! I passed Stage 1 but am yet to receive any information on when my Stage 2 will be.

nmcpilot 1st Nov 2010 14:54

You will struggle to find them anywhere in my experience.

holdmetight 1st Nov 2010 17:15


Reading these posts I think the Pilot Aptitude Test (75mins) is different to the Wombat test as the Wombat test is usually allocated as 90mins and they usually say on the brief they email you before hand that you will be doing the Wombat Pilot Aptitude Test (90mins) Anyone know the differences at all??
The PAT and the Wombat Test are totally seperate things and are not similar. The PAT focuses on the physical side of things, such as hand-eye coordination and reaction time etc. The Wombat Test has an element of hand-eye coordination as well, but its main focus is on multi-tasking ability.

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