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-   -   Cathay Pacific Cadet Pilot Programme (https://www.pprune.org/south-asia-far-east-wannabes/378978-cathay-pacific-cadet-pilot-programme.html)

schweizer2 1st Jul 2012 10:53

some get too much n some get too little, therefore all should get an amount that
lie in between those 2 extremes..

ixg888 1st Jul 2012 10:56

What?? do you mean? some get little some get many??

pilotpartner 1st Jul 2012 12:13

CX potential future spouse
I have read the thread with interest as my spouse is interviewing with CX.
We will be in position to be on the reduced salary with the cadet training, thanks for detailing previously what all this really means.
What seemed like a golden opportunity may no longer be, but for a pilot who is getting older, due to late start to flying career and having to work to save for the training it is getting low on options.
I have a well paid job but would have to quit this if we make the move.:(
After years of applying to airlines this is the first bite, and now I know why.
I am so disappointed for my partner who really does love to fly, but also has family to provide for which seems nearly impossible on the new salary scale.
My spouse isnt a young single person with years to wait to progress nor could I see there would be much stimulation from the the flying if what I read is also correct, not much chance to get much hands flying.

Does anyone have any advice from spouses who are in similar situation and making it work in Hong Kong?

ChinaBeached 2nd Jul 2012 03:14

A welcome change to the stereotypical head in the sand / tunnel visioned blinker attitude.

If your partner is as determined to succeed then he will, and you won't have to sacrifice standards or self worth (least of all contributing to the detriment of a once great airline).

There are jobs at the GA as well as regional level that require and set far higher standards of recruitment that CX does, and they can pay better both in real and net figures (read many previous posts regarding that point). From there your partner earns real hours that allow him immensely more flexibility and movement in his career and your future. CX chains you to a bonded existence far longer than the terms of the contracted "bond" due to the P2X rating.....

Does anyone have any advice from spouses who are in similar situation and making it work in Hong Kong?
You've answered your own question with the comment you made earlier so why be a part of something you've realised stinks to high hell:

After years of applying to airlines this is the first bite, and now I know why.
As you say, you're spouse isn't a young single person hence why I trust you see past the Top Gun movies, Playstation games and me-first GenY ignorant attitude that WILL bite them in the tail in the long term.

Relying on yourself landing another well paid job "in this economic climate" in order to hope to make ends meet is a bit irresponsible to be honest. But does that make it right for him to lower his own industry because he can be supported elsewhere? It's no different to making universities available to only the rich. If so then better qualified, experienced but not as well-off students are shoved aside for the less / zero qualified but rich kids who can "afford" it.

Do some serious research into your own job prospects and then place them beside your spouse's and note his income is at an ever diminishing rate due the fact that the insulting housing allowance is not factored to the housing market fluctuations. That $36k HKD he'll get after becoming a senior Capt will probably be worth that same pathetic $10k HKD per month he'll initially get by the time he reaches that milestone. And his age.... Will he ever see a Command due his age and seniority progression? So perhaps he'll never see that diminished $36k HKD a month. Your age is shown as being 40. If he is close to or even older than that then he'll be lucky to ever see a Command - and isn't that the real dream of pilots: to one day be Captain? So will CX allow him to fulfil his ambition if it all possible to forget about the slap in the face contract and terms?

As you've noticed, CX are relying on the gullible and SJS dreamers for this iCadet SO scheme, not the mature and experienced applicants. There's a reason those truly in the know either advise strongly against it or refuse to apply, let alone join.

(I'm assuming your spouse is male so apologies if I'm wrong - no offence intended)

blade 2nd Jul 2012 14:58


you are an idiot,please stay where you are!!

Howard 168 3rd Jul 2012 07:39

Hi All,

I'm new in this forum, its great to be one of the member here with all who shared the same dreams and passion over aviation..

I have a question, is age will be an obstacle to apply for the CX cadet Programme?

Many Thanks!

ProPwannabe 3rd Jul 2012 10:56

howard, you lazy ****!

Howard 168 3rd Jul 2012 13:55

Hi ProPwannabe,

what is **** supposed to mean?
i'm really sorry if i get u offended by asking age is an issue.

sugizo20 3rd Jul 2012 14:53

Howard, I guess you are below 20, right?

Howard 168 4th Jul 2012 11:37


lol i wish i'm 20, things be lot easier then..
the matter fact is i'm over 30!
Before that i didn't dare to think about mentioning to be a pilot, or even imagining. until recent years that i have solved some of my financial problems. Then last year, after hearing that there's such cadet programme sponsorship from CX, and it sparked me! and emboldened myself to enlist for the CX CPP.

That's why from this forum, i hope some good and wise opinions would help me to figure out that whether am i too old for these?

However, i'm currently undertaking a PPL course in HKG, that directly related to Adelaide's FTA..
will this help to further enlightening my path to the CPP?

any comment? cons or pros?

Many Thanks in advance..

K.O. 4th Jul 2012 12:50

Questions and Comments :)
What is the full form of an iCadet? How is that different from an Ab Initio Cadet?

I have recently been in touch with a Captain currently flying at CX, and I thought I would share what he had to say. (I am going to also be put in touch with a pilot who just completed the cadet program...I'll post a summary of his email here too).

Basically, he advised me to look elsewhere for a job opportunity as the current package deal they are offering to the Second Officers coming out of the Cadet program is much less in terms of benefits as compared to previous years. I'm not clear on whether pay has been lowered too. Anyone of us who gets a job with CX though this program should expect to spend at least 4 to 5 years at a minimum living in Hong Kong. This is because as a S.O. our base will be HK. It is uncommon and unrealistic to continually commute to HK everyday. CX has closed 2 bases (was not told which) with more to come. Now with housing costs being in the range of $96,000 USD/year, it seems like we'll just about be broke before we know it. Earning $45,000HKD/month = $540,000HKD/year = $69,677 USD/year is still $30k USD short and that's just for rent. I need someone to verify this housing figure. If its true, then does CX make housing available for its cadets? If not, we're sunk. The US is a better option mostly because it eliminates the bonded aspect of the CX package, although now with the new NPRM rule (if you're familiar with it) makes it impossible to get an airline job, be it regional, charter, or major, without 1,500 hrs and an ATP. His last piece of advice to me was to not be blinded by the shiny jets and the CX brand name, but to look at the big picture and decide where you want to work, how you want to work, and how much a company values you. Plan for the future now. Sigh.

I am going to write to CX HR to ask them to provide me with a detailed explanation of the current Cadet Package, benefits and payment etc. I'll post that here when i get word.

Cheers and Good luck

K.O. ;)

TruthSeeker6 4th Jul 2012 23:00

I found this article dated June 15 regarding Cathay Pacific's pilot recruitment. http://www.smartjob.com/resource-sta...cathay-pacific

If you would take note, the picture "potential pay" (it alternates between a female pilot in a cockpit and a "potential pay") shows a second officer between 1-4 years as making HK 25,000-50,000, this is different than what CX's website says as "starting salary package is around HKD 45,000). http://www.cathaypacific.com/cpa/en_...dc_so_benefits

From the article, FO 5-9 years (HK$50,000 - $85,000); website - "FO in their first year can expect to earn around HKD 85,000"

From article, Capt 10-19 years (HK$85,000 - $200,000); website - "Cpts between HKD 130,000 and HKD 200,000)

So, are we looking at some "fuzzy math" or are there something that Cathay is not being upfront about because these numbers from the article seem to be pretty specific and also suggest it may take 5 years to upgrade to FO.

Mad-Dog 5th Jul 2012 02:47

That house you mentioned for USD$96,000/yr will soon be 1/10 of it’s price in the next few years. The fact is, probably the worst global recession/depression is looming. Europe will go first when “too big to bail” countries like Spain and later Italy will need drastic measures to save itself. You think Greece is bad, the other PIIGS are thousands times worse. Right now some economists think even countries like France and even… Germany maybe at stake. The US is not doing so well, slow economy, high unemployment and massive unfunded liability will hurt the US seriously very shortly. Malaise in Europe and the US will sink China, one of the major drivers since 2008, and China is doing very bad right now with it's declining PMI and downward GDP revisions. China will have a very hard landing and it will hurt those who depend on it the most such as Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan et al. Hong Kong real estate is a major bubble as it was propped by easy money from the Mainland. Hong Kong's real estate bubble is 100% worse than Dubai and when China collapses, Hong Kong will suffer greatly. I would stay away from anything in Asia right now. India is a joke, all hype about it’s economy when it never made sense how they thought they can skip industrialization (ie manufacturing) to become prosperous by just depending on IT services and other ‘back office” contract work (plus a lot of corruption and back dealings within its government). Japan is in terrible shape with it’s debt that is about 200% it’s GDP and half of their income from tax is used to service their debt, big problem. So in short, the big bust is coming and just wait, housing will be cheap in the near future.

M Pereira 5th Jul 2012 21:34

Anyone stage 2 25/26th July?

jamessoong 6th Jul 2012 02:43

Hi all, anyone flight grading 21st July to 4th Aug?

crwjerk 6th Jul 2012 09:35

Basically, he advised me to look elsewhere for a job opportunity as the current package deal they are offering to the Second Officers coming out of the Cadet program is much less in terms of benefits as compared to previous years.
No, no, no, no!!
Listen up kids!
Cadet Second Officers never received any housing allowance, or any of the EXPAT perks and benefits previously, because they were LOCALS. Expats who were EXPERIENCED ( not cadets) received EXPAT allowances. Now that they have stopped the EXPAT allowances, they'll take anybody with a pulse, as no experienced EXPAT with a brain would even consider this contract.
So, it's not the same job, it's not the same pay, and for good reason.:mad:

pilotpartner 7th Jul 2012 12:25

China Beached,
Thanks for your reply.

Husband (you got it right:-))and I have spent more time apart, in some really not great places,than together in recent years while he tries to build hours,etc etc all on a pittance of salary. I am sure its a regularly told and heard story for pilots who do one day aspire to be Captain flying the big planes.
My well paid job is in countries where there are very limited aviation opportunities for my husband.I would leave my job so we can be together, we have both worked hard and made sacrifices for careers and it gets harder as time goes on to make them without knowing there is something worthwhile or achieving your goals and dreams.I agree leaving a well paid job is not the most responsible thing I could do, especially if I end up eating cup a noodles and live in a shoebox.We have a child and being together has become alot more important, which is going to mean some more sacrifices, at the expense of what, is a big decision when you are talking about someones passion.

jackson0211 8th Jul 2012 15:22

Hey guys,

Anyone having their second interview on the 18/7?

Skyhawks 9th Jul 2012 16:31

Anyone doing flight grading late August / September?

The_Raptor 10th Jul 2012 05:03

stage 2 july 25-26
Yes I am invited to stage 2 in HKG. Applied for the cadet program in 2009, got a stage 1 interview in July 2010 in YVR. Seemed like I failed their grading process as I recieved the "not at this time" e-mail. I pretty much much flushed it after that.

Fast foward two years, I get asked in May to update my resume, did so, and got a stage 2 invite almost right away.

Whats your application experience been?

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