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yourarm 29th Apr 2006 13:49

General Knowledge
why shouldnt you know who the prime minister of NZ and India is? Isnt India a growing world power? Do we not fly to Christchurch and Auckland? You're going to be a pilot and be travelling the world, you should know as many prime ministers and presidents as you can. Let me give you an example, what if you become a captain and you;re on your way to Auckland and you do one of your walk around the cabin checks, seeing if everything is ok in the cabin and with the passengers and a NZ passenger poses you the same question. Wouldnt it be shameful if you being the captain not knowing who the prime minister of the country you are flying into is?
Being a pilot is not just flying a multi million dollar machine, but to respond and to react to unlikely situations. Do you know why they ask you such questions as to who the leaders of different countries are? Its to see the way you react and respond to questions that you are unfamiliar with. If I have to share my experience of my interview with you guys, just remember to expect the unexpected and if you do not know an answer to a question...don't bull**** the interviewers, just say you dont know, that you're sorry and you would find out and let them know if you do see them again. I think its a learning experience. You learn from your mistakes and you go back and you correct them. I remember in my first interview I was posed the question as to the advantages and disadvantages of the Kangaroo route. This is when you read up about whats happening around the world and get prepared to answer questions like this. It's no point going for an interview thinking its going to be a walk through the park. For all of you out there who are seriously thinking of flying with Singapore Airlines, remember prepare prepare and prepare. Keep up with all the latest news with SIA, with aviation, with happenings around the world. They'd ask you what the capital of South Africa is? And no the answer isnt Durban or Cape town. Know all the capital cities of the world. Know as much as you can about commercial planes. Especially those SIA fly. In other words, Know everything related to aviation. Its better to be prepared then not being prepared. Smile. Thats my 2 cents worth.

aftertwelve 29th Apr 2006 21:24

Hi guys.

Im back..just got home from a very fun nite out a new club in Singapore - the Butter Factory ..those of you guys who are you Singapore..plz go try ..heaps of chicks ..ahahah

A few days ago i was madly depressed and was so down. But I got heaps of support from ppl like sq_boi and kucinghitam. It really changed my outlook.

Now that I have been thru the grill of the 1st interview and bombed out i know what to expect when i re apply and have another shot at it.

After a moment pondering on yourarm's post I believe that this course that we all are striving to enter (Cadet pilot SIA) is more than merely 3yrs in another technical/theory institution. This course is life changing!

You will bascially have to change your habits. I wasnt an averd reader of the news before..now i make it top priority to read up and know whats going on in South east asia and the rest of the world - because I day when/if i become a pilot its going to affect me greatly - so groom these good habits now!

General knowledge and physics - another aspect which will be trying to educate myself more - when your flying a 160M aircraft you better know the physics and where the hell is the neariest airport if you need to do a emergency landing - so why not learn all of this before the interview?

In short - the preparation for the 1st interview is more than just remembering a few numbers from the SIA website..its life changing... when i get back to perth i will be living and breathing aviation, a current affairs and everythign related to SIA, Singapore and the rest of the global world.

NOt an easy task - but I will take 2-3months or even more to prepare. I dont want to bomb out again ... rejection hurts the soul and the ego..ahhaah.

The rewards will be well worth it - you get to work with the best people who are like minded - not to mention the "respect" that you get from your peers and parents [and the ladies ;p]. The monetary reward is also and benefit - so its all win win. Just make sure your family is ok with you not being there 20 out of the 30days in the month ;p

thats my long 2 singaporean cents worth!

OMG its 5:23am - i have to be in JB in a few hrs >_<

be cool everyone - and read thru more of the posts hotfuse it will help heaps :D


kucinghitam 30th Apr 2006 12:25

hey aftertwelve,

Don't mention about it bro. I felt for you and I know it wasn't easy at all going through all these. What does kill you makes you stronger. We'll keep in touch through MSN. Wish you all the best in everything and cheers!

Ps> IF everything goes well, I'll drop by that Butter Factory too!!! :}

thk917 1st May 2006 16:09

New zealand PM
Speaking about they asking question about name of the new zealand PM, remind me.... Few weeks earlier, there is a incident, where the NZ PM flying in the country jet heading some where, some happen to the airplane and make emergeny landing... I guess, the reason they ask this question is connected to the news i read... By the way, the ruling party of cambodia, i've got no idea at all....
Have a nice day...

Thanikasalam 6th May 2006 03:58

SIA cadet pilot interview 2006
Hi friends,recently i attended SIA cadet pilot interview...in APRIL 2OO6...i will tell you guys what i faced during that interview...please give comments on my performance and my decisions...

its just a preliminary interview and i am still waiting for my results from SIA...the officer said that they will send me a letter in 2 weeks time but still no reply....i do not know why....

Preliminary interview.
I went there as early as 11.50am (my interview was at 2.45pm). I faced a panel of 2 interviewers. They were very friendly to me ! I was not nervous or anything !I just faced them as if they were my friends !In fact they advised me to get prepared on the technical specifications of Aircrafts in SIA for the next stage of interview !They took about 25-30 minutes to interview me !
Here are some of the questions they asked me !

1. Why did you quit your biomedical science course? (that’s for my case)
2. What if we do not offer you a position in SIA?(I said i will persue my flying studies in a flying academy and then will apply to SIA to join them)
3. Why did not you join MAS?( i said my preference will always be SIA not any other airlines in this world)
4. Tell us about the Fleets in SIA?
5. Who is the CEO of SIA?
6. They asked about my football performance (i am a state footballer)
7. If you are offered SILKAIR will you accept?(If you say YES ,they will ask you why because SILKAIR is a subsidiary company of SIA)(I said YES and then i said that i will still reapply to SIA after working 8 years for SILKAIR)
8. How does an aircraft fly?
9. If there is a captain vacancy available, and there are two pilots, one Malaysian(the Malaysian they referred was me) and one Singaporean, both pilots are of equal qualification, we (SIA) will offer the Singaporean the captain position! What would be your feelings or what will you do?( i said i will wait for my vacancy)(but, they advised me to show them a better performance than that Singaporean because citizenship will only be considered if both are equal in all ways)
10. Do you know how to swim?
11. Do you know how to float in the water?
12. Are you scared of dark?
13. Are you scared of a small place?
14. What are you scared of?( I said I am scared to face the consequence that love gives to a person)
15. When will you be able to join us if you are given a chance to be a pilot for SIA?
16. Have you been on an aircraft before?
17. What is the aircraft and what airlines? (A320, Air Asia etc)
18. How many engines do the aircraft that you took has? (B737=2, B747=4 etc)
These are the questions they asked me...

U know guys,finally they remarked that,im really interested in becoming a SIA PILOT...one of the officer told me that i know more than him abt Mr.Chew Choon Seng(CEO of SIA)...then they advised me to get prepared for the technical specifications on aircrafts in SIA(because they said,i will be facing a panel of interviewers on technical specifications)...then,they also advised me to get my facts about how does and aircraft fly perfectly...
because when the asked me the question how does an aircraft fly,i told them about how the lift force is created and how
the airplane fly in the air with
the help of ailerons,elevators and rudder...the officer told me that it actually fly with the help of thrust and also lift...NOT only lift...
Then they wanted me to swim up to 200m and stay afloat in the water for up to 20minutes the next time i come...(i said i will try but the officer told me that DONT TRY but MUST BE ABLE TO)

Then finally they gave me a chance to ask them a question...

i asked them how to practice the APTITUDE or the PSYCHOMOTOR TEST that i will be facing next?
The officer told me that it is not available in the market...only in Malaysia Airlines(MAS)...he advised me to play aircraft & enemy games where u have to follow your enemy...

Then,i asked them for their permission to ask them another question...the officer laughed and said that candidates are allowed to ask only 1 question...but he said for my case,you may ask another question...
I asked,when will i be acknowledge about my result?
They said that they will send me a letter in 2 weeks time...

Finally,i had a firm handshake with 2 of them and said "hope to meet you again SIR"...but they said "you will not be facing us but different people"

Thata my very long experience....

I dont know at all what results to expect...as it is more than 2 weeks(but not yet 3 weeks)...still no reply from SIA...any ideas guys?

Any other guys wana share their experience like me?

Hoping for a reply guys...

U can call me THANI....

Thanikasalam 6th May 2006 08:26

SIA Aptitude test
Hi frens,im scared of SIA aptitude test...what kind of aptitude test can i expect from SIA?do you guys have any websites to practice this aptitude test...i got one at www.apst.com but,it could not be controlled with a joystick but only with a mouse...please help me....any websites to try this aptitude test for free...u can buy 1 from www.cockpitweb.com or www.pilapt.com ... but,i dont think think that they r similar to SIA aptitude test...

Please help me on this..


winglet_fever 6th May 2006 10:27

hi all,

dont worrry about the computer test. most avg person will be able to do it. if you can't, most prob is because you are not RTFQ/instruction, or you are jsut slightly below the avg capability required.

if you really want to have a taste of it, try searching for IQ-test online, they are quite similar.


er1cw 6th May 2006 15:45

Hi all,

Does anyone know about the Private Candidate programme offered by Singapore flying college ? Will i get the same opportunities as fellow SIA sponsored candidates to become a pilot after completion of the programme ?

Thermal Image 6th May 2006 22:52

Originally Posted by er1cw
Hi all,

Does anyone know about the Private Candidate programme offered by Singapore flying college ?

Are you referring to the programme where you pay them and they turn you into an fATPL holder?

Or the part where you just show up for ground school to sit the ATPL papers?

While they have taken self-funded students for the entire course, those cases have been very rare (IIRC near the start of their existence in 1989 and not since?).

On the other hand students (with flying experience) who show up just for the ATPL phase have been accepted at the rate of maybe 10 per year in recent years.

Originally Posted by er1cw
Will i get the same opportunities as fellow SIA sponsored candidates to become a pilot after completion of the programme ?

No. Not same as in identical. But if you network well and be best student you would get noticed. On the surface it's probably less of a gamble than doing your ATPL in UK or wherever, but that's all theoretical because there has been no cases of self funded students (to do the whole ATPL programme) in recent years anyway.

er1cw 7th May 2006 04:15

Yes, im refering to their full time CPL + ATPL programme. I've spoke to one of the lady in SYC and i was told they will accept self-sponsored student and the entire course will cost roughly 100k to 110k SGD before tax, however the vacancy highly depends on the number of SIA sponsored candidates. Btw, how many pilot is SIA training and recruiting each year?

er1cw 7th May 2006 04:22

Will ATPL training in UK a wiser choice ? CABAIR first officer programme cost as much as 55k pounds ( 165k SGD ). Im likely to burn a big hole in my pocket and I would not wan to c myself unemploy after graduating from CABAIR.

billkill 7th May 2006 12:06


The apt test, you can't really study or ace it. Preparing for them does help though in giving you confidence. Don't worry about it.

Wild Weasel 7th May 2006 14:58

Hello all. I'm wondering if SIA accepts cadet pilots with allergic rhinitis. I am mildly allergic to dust mites, and i have a diagnosis of this (diagnosed when i was 16) in my medical records. Was issued topical nasal steroids, used it for a while, and stopped using ever since. It more or less doesn't affect me at all nowadays, but the thing is that my records say that i have it. I currently hold only a SPL, and at that time i did not have that diagnosis when i had my medical at RSAF aeromed center. i have no symptoms of it when i fly and i never had, but does anyone know if SIA disqualifies cadet pilot applicants on these grounds? thanks

EDIT: coupled with that, I have a history of childhood asthma. never had an attack, or any symptoms of it after 4 though. Went for a methacholine challenge test for my SPL medical, and it cleared me of any asthma. but will it still affect application to SIA?

NinerVictor 7th May 2006 16:20

Wild Weasel,

It is the Civil Aviation Medical Board (CAMB) and not SIA that decides whether or not you are FIT for a Class 1 medical. If you are really worried about your medical condition, consult an aviation physician or get a Class 1 medical privately before you apply for SIA. If you can pass the medical, well and good. But if you can't pass the medical, at least you can seek treatment and get into shape (unless the condition you have is a permanent bar from holding a license). Like someone mentioned earlier in this thread, it's better to apply to SIA when you are in a tip top condition, rather than to pass all the interviews only to have complications during the medical clearance stage.

For self education on medical fitnes requirements, you can read Part II of the Fourteenth Schedule of CAAS ANO (7 Dec 2005 version).

Wild Weasel 7th May 2006 16:38


Thanks for the reference. I was just wondering if a history of those conditions would impair my future application, as those are factors beyond my control. Physically, I daresay i'm in a rather good condition, and my abovementioned medical conditions don't manifest themselves, however, the med history still stays there, hence me asking all this now.


billkill 7th May 2006 16:58

SIA has their own set of medical requirements which are confidential. Even if you qualify for Class 1 does not mean SIA will take you. Happened so many times where candidates are rejected after their medical. And yes, once you are rejected after the medical, it's based on SIA's own medical requirements. Any medical questions should be checked with CAAS. None of us are really doctors (some exceptions) and only specialised aviation doctors can give you the actual answer.

DonJuan 9th May 2006 06:17

RE: Would anyone have the Outline of the OBS programme
Hi there,
I was wondering if anyone out there has a Day to Day outline of what happens in OBS, Lumut. It would be great if someone could kindly pm me so that i can let you know my email addy.
Thanking you guys in advance.

RoSs|gnoL 9th May 2006 08:09

Originally Posted by Thanikasalam
Hi frens,im scared of SIA aptitude test...what kind of aptitude test can i expect from SIA?do you guys have any websites to practice this aptitude test...i got one at www.apst.com but,it could not be controlled with a joystick but only with a mouse...please help me....any websites to try this aptitude test for free...u can buy 1 from www.cockpitweb.com or www.pilapt.com ... but,i dont think think that they r similar to SIA aptitude test...

Please help me on this..


The psychomotor tests will be the least of your worries, only thing you must remember is not to keep jamming the buttons repeatedly, esp on the last test(that's all i can say i'm afraid). The questions asked in the final interview vary between each candidate, the one that came up most in my batch was describe what you would see in the cockpit of one of our aircraft(alot of other guys from preceding interviews had it also)..which is real easy...just go to airliners.net and lookup pics of cockpits. Also someone asked abt how many ppl they take in a year; we figure about one tea party a week(usually around 4 get through), and abt 10 courses a year with 15-20 in each, with an attrition rate of approx 20%, comes up to about 160 per year who make it to F/O eventually(bear in mind these are our assumptions only)...

Thermal Image 9th May 2006 11:26

Originally Posted by er1cw
Will ATPL training in UK a wiser choice ? CABAIR first officer programme cost as much as 55k pounds ( 165k SGD ). Im likely to burn a big hole in my pocket and I would not wan to c myself unemploy after graduating from CABAIR.

What do you want to be? Airline pilot? GA pilot?

Who is funding your training? Parents? Your self? A loan?

Did you apply to SIA? When did they reject you? At which stage? Do you know why? Are you going to try again? What have you done to improve your chances of selection this time round?

You may like to research this corner of PPRuNe, about the accounts of people who have done their own ATPL and what has happened to them. You may also want to read about a place where there is supposed to be a market for GA pilots, and see if you, being a foreigner, stand a chance when their own locals are begging for jobs:

If your style of writing is a true reflection of your attitude, you will not get far.

winglet_fever 9th May 2006 19:05

thermal watever,

dont think you should go personal. direct it to the issue and not to the person.

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