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-   -   The Guvnor, exposed PPRuNer aka Neil Duncan Robertson is a convicted paedophile (https://www.pprune.org/rumours-news/93800-guvnor-exposed-ppruner-aka-neil-duncan-robertson-convicted-paedophile.html)

Andrew M 24th Aug 2003 07:13

I'm just using something called common sense

PPRuNe Pop 24th Aug 2003 14:31

And you are right AM!

McIce 24th Aug 2003 17:00

Looks like its going to be a 'sticky' for a wee while longer.
An article in todays Sunday Mail about the Gov's string of debt and his Walter Mitty character has also stated that his defence team have walked out on him, the second time this has happened. Hence his senteceing has been delayed again.
Maybe Dannys got the lawyers in on the witch hunt aswell or does it just show the true nature of this man. To be ditched by a group of people who usually dont care who they represent as long as they get their money maybe says it all.

Boss Raptor 25th Aug 2003 01:59

A Defence Team will walk out on a client if that client refuses to go-along with their recommendations as to his plea and/or his defence...i.e. continues to lie and/or go against what the defence team sees as the best course of pleading to obtain the lowest sentence under the circumstance...or a client can 'sack' a Defence Team, with the severity of his case and potential sentancing the Judge will not consider letting NDR defend himself...

It is fairly unusual I understand but does tend to indicate that Guv is possibly continuing to lie and let his overactive imagination run wild even in the face of this adversity!

As one who suffered directly due to his lies, deceit and fraudulent activities and then after 'uncovering' his lies and fraud to me was further subjected to personal slander on other boards and his petty and empty threats...

I would not call this end a 'witch hunt'...just rather ironic that in the end his paedophile activities that none of us, Danny included I think, knew anything about at the time is what caused his downfall...and not his airline related fraud. NDR bought this on himself, without any 'witch hunt'.

PPRuNe Radar 26th Aug 2003 01:28

With acknowledgement to online Sunday Mail


Billy Paterson Exclusive

A PERVERT who pretended to be a pilot has left a garage owner with a £1000 debt and dozens of unpaid parking tickets.

Neil Robertson, 37, is in jail awaiting sentence for sexually abusing a seven- year-old girl he met after posing on the internet as a psychologist.

He should have been sentenced at the High Court in Edinburgh last week but the case was deferred after his solicitors ditched him, the second time his team have quit.

Now it has emerged that Robertson, who claimed he was setting up an airline from Prestwick Airport, managed to dupe a garage owner out of a Jaguar by posing as a pilot.

Willie Hainey, who owns ARJ Vehicle Recovery and Garage Services in Ayr, sold Robertson an L- reg. 3.2 Sports Auto Jag for £4750 in March.

But after paying £2000 from an offshore bank account and some instalments, the payments stopped with almost £1000 outstanding.

Ex-squaddie Willie, 55, said: "He's a complete Walter Mitty. Not only am I due £1000 but I have been bombarded with parking tickets from all over the country - from Manchester, Dundee, Dunfermline, Edinburgh and Glasgow."

Robertson will not now be sentenced until next month while a third firm of solicitors receives instructions.

The High Court in Glasgow heard in June that Robertson took photographs of himself as he abused his victim.

A source close to the case said: "If this sick fantasist thinks he can escape justice by continually changing his story he is wrong. He is just delaying the inevitable - which will be a jail sentence and hopefully a very long one."

BIG PARTYR 27th Aug 2003 13:04

Well at least he gave you losers (who have nothing better to do on your days off) something to talk about. This web site has turned into such sappy joke! You spoilt brat boy NIGELS should all sit in the corner and suck your thumbs.

HotDog 27th Aug 2003 15:52

BIG PRAT, may I suggest that on your days off, you spend a bit of time studying an English dictionary instead of wasting every body's time with your inane drivel. Also try and not attempt to communicate in capitals, it's considered very impolite.:bored:

Andrew M 28th Aug 2003 01:15

Well at least he gave you losers (who have nothing better to do on your days off) something to talk about. This web site has turned into such sappy joke! You spoilt brat boy NIGELS should all sit in the corner and suck your thumbs.
This is the attitude that is the reason why such beasts are at large. And if anyone dare help - my god (!)

We can't be having that now can we ? :rolleyes:

It's simple - if you don't like the site then you don't need to use it. No one holds a gun against your head and forces you to post on PPRuNe.

Ignition Override 28th Aug 2003 12:57

MD80forum, and gang: Although I'm a US citizen and have only visited Britain years ago, maybe my comments here are not valid, but if they are, please count me IN, regarding the "British medieval-mob mentality" suggested on a previous page [13?], with no apologies from me. By contrast, most of the time I do have faith in our modern Anglo-Saxon justice system. The sicko who is the focus of this thread is very fortunate not to have been born many years ago. Maybe the judge over there can be counted on, once the case is proven, to hand out a severe sentence. We certainly have a number of "Wimps On the Bench" over here in the US.

The simple facts that: 1) many more people in the industry over there apparently might have made investments in that scheme and lost huge sums of money (or possibly spent money on a 1011 type-rating) and,

2) the creator of this website, "Commander" Fyne (I state this rank as a matter of respect), had the determination to not cave in to that pervert's threats and somewhat ruthless attempts to intimidate his family and publish their address etc, certainly clarifies that any discussions of that pervert are quite relevant on Pprune's forums (fora).

If that sicko N.R. escapes prison alive, people will need to track him years from now. One very infamous former church leader (convicted pervert) here in the US, who was convicted of harming many children over several decades, was murdered in prison a few days ago. Mr. Neil Robertson might just attempt to change his name, place of residence, and set himself up in the future with Youth Ministrys with a church, or large organization...

Is any of this not clear?

Tony Bowers 31st Aug 2003 01:19

Has anyone else noticed how similar the pictures of David Milner (the 46 year old guy who is reported as having gone off with 14 year old Stacey) are to Mr Robertson? Or is it just my imagination?


strafer 2nd Sep 2003 15:58

I've read a lot of idiotic posts in pprune over the years but the two above are quite simply the most stupid I have ever seen.

as very often they have very little insight as to what they are doing is actually wrong.
Exactly what physiciatric/forensic training do you have that enables you to make such a statement? None is the answer, just your pathetic liberal dogma. The very fact that these people try to cover their tracks and not get caught proves that they know exactly what they are doing. Having a personality disorder is not the same as being legally insane, nor is it often 'treatable'.
You are right however in one way, prison is not the answer. A society that allows men like this to prey on the weakest elements causing them severe psychological and/or physical pain is not civilised as you'd like to think, simply twisted.

As to Playpen (???) sneering at vigilantism. No I don't necessarily agree with that, but a legal system that doesn't reflect the concerns of the people it belongs to, will obviously lead to an increase in people taking justice into their own hands.

Console yourself with the fact that I am a right-wing reactionary and never question your own ignorance.

ghost-rider 2nd Sep 2003 16:04

Well said Strafer.

And this maybe very "un-PC" - but it's my honest opinion and I make no apology for it ... the sick b@stards should be publicly executed.

The world would be a (slightly) better place without these vermin !

I wouldn't think twice about hunting down and exterminating anyone that tries to abuse my daughter- as no-doubt would any parent -, regardless of the legal outcome that would come crashing down on me which would probably be more severe than any handed out to the sickos !

Great world we live in.

the egg man 2nd Sep 2003 16:05

horrible nasty man

ghost-rider 2nd Sep 2003 16:08

Why's that Egg Man ?

Because I'd go to any length to protect my own daughter and demand retribution if necessary ?!

If anyone commits these crimes, they should expect the worst !

ps Great first post by the way ! :rolleyes:

the egg man 2nd Sep 2003 19:14

not you ghostie
you silly old fool ,i meant the guv.is a nasty dirty perv,who should be hung by his nuts.....

ghost-rider 2nd Sep 2003 19:25

Oops ... humble apologies egg-man ! :eek: :ok:

md80forum 3rd Sep 2003 00:52

I wouldn't think twice about hunting down and exterminating anyone that tries to abuse my daughter- as no-doubt would any parent
Should that happen to me as a father, I would be grateful that there is an established legal system to protect everybody's dignity - including my own. Any action I would take in such a situation would most likely be blurred by hate, anger and fear and would most probably not turn the world into a better place. That is why most of us still place our trust in the idea of Western law and justice.

Unfortunately there, however, seems to be nothing to protect the dignity of some of those who post here, except the anonymity from behind which they shoot.

I still commend Danny Fyne for his deeds towards society and justice in this case, and I still think sexual abuse of children, yes, should be punished severely. With due respect, though, Mr. Fyne, why don't you unlock this thread now and allow these many comments to fall into oblivion ? They are an embarrassment to the professional aviation community (at least it should be to the British part of it), to this forum and soon also to yourself.

I don't know if anybody in here has the capacity of being sad about what can be read down this thread. Maybe the capacity of feeling sadness is something you attribute to inferior genders, personalities, sexual orientations, altitudes, or to passengers.

But I have it.

Jan-Erik Andelin

strafer 3rd Sep 2003 01:26

Mr Andelin,

I would be grateful that there is an established legal system to protect everybody's dignity - including my own.
Maybe in Finland, but not here. Robertson will be sentenced shortly, he'll serve (a maximum) of a couple of years in prison and when he's released, there will be absolutely nothing to stop him doing it again. Young children look to adults to protect them. The fact that the level of danger these people pose to children is not a factor in whether they are released or not, is ridiculous. And yes, that makes me sad.

ghost-rider 3rd Sep 2003 14:18

Well said Mike.

md80forum ... do you really think that there is a reliable legal system in the UK ?? IMHO it's a farce ! The lunatics really have taken over in the UK!

Look at the Tony Martin case ! ( for non-UK readers, this was the case of a farmer who, after suffering countless burglaries in the past, shot dead the latest burglar and wounded his accomplice. Martin was jailed for several years for manslaughter and the surviving burglar is being allowed to sue him for damages ! In a simplistic view, this gives the green light to anyone wanting to rob and steal from people and property and that the rightfull owners daren't touch them if caught !)

I openly admit that in such a case as something horrible happening to my daughter - god forbid - I would probably lose my dignity in my quest for vengeance. Why? I'm not a 'bad person' I believe - but like any respecting parent, would do everything possible to protect their kids ! Unfortunately, I can't see myself being able to forgive and forget under such circumstances !

Remember their is even an 'ethic' in the prison population that child molesters / perverts are the lowest of the low and get treated as such.

I reiterate that it won't solve all the world's problems, but getting rid of these vermin - permanently - would certainly help !

And as to your point about this being an aviation forum ... I think it's refeshing getting into a topic which affects everyone. Makes a nice change from Boeing v Airbus, LCAs v Flag Carriers etc etc !

And hiding behind anonymity ? Not at all ! That's purely for when we post on subjects sensitive to our continued employment ! That's common sense !

Why do you think my views an embarrassment ?! :confused: Surely you don't believe a slap on the wrist and a bit of councelling would be the way forward to dealing with these sickos ??

I actually am saddened by your posting. Am I so wrong and out-of-touch with reality as to want these 'people' dealt with ?? Has the world really come to the point where we should 'love everyone, forgive and forget, no matter what' ?!?! I hope not !

And the reference to race, creed, pax is pathetic ! We are talking about sick perverted dangerous people here. Regardless of whether they are red with green stripes or habitually smoke in airliner toilets - keep the argument on the same level !!

Boss Raptor 3rd Sep 2003 15:03

Mr Andelin you are completely missing the point!

Robertson defrauded and/or decieved many Pprune members long before he himself was arrested for Paedophilia (completely seperate to Pprune and Ppruners).

As one who assisted Robertson by alllowing him to live in one of my properties when and I quote 'he had returned from living in Africa and a short contract in Trinidad and needed some time/help to get on his feet again'. I also loaned him money to do exactly this...as did others...Well as the 'Good Samaritan' I got dumped on bigtime...as did others!

It is for this Danny, myself and others chose to bring him to the full attention of the aviation world for the fraud and conman he really was (not Paedophilia)! As a seperate issue Robertson then started slandering Danny, myself and others on other aviation forums which we then both legally (as a particular Hostmaster found out when he took no action) and practically took action protect/defend ourselves...

As host of the MD80Forum Mr. Andelin I doubt you would be very happy if one of your members started defrauded others on your forum like Robertson did on Pprune...and I think you would take the action Danny did to stop it!!!

I doubt Mr. Andelin you would like your forum used as 'base' from which Robertson (or others...) undertook fraud and deception...

I doubt you would sit and watch whilst an MD80 Forum member, whom you had removed for the above reasons/activities, slandered you and your colleagues/fellow forum members on other aviation forums...

...and I doubt Mr. Andelin you would morally sit back and do nothing when some fairly damming evidence of paedophile activities became apparent (some of which for obvious reasons was and will never be made available on Pprune)

Suggest you acquaint yourself on the full and complete history of this case and the 3 year history of Robertsons' activities on Pprune, and then consider the actions you would/should take if someone defrauded you or people you knew or people on your forum. You may well then understand the venom and anger being directed in general at Robertson by Ppruners!

We (and other Ppruners) pursued Robertson for being a fraud and liar which is why I personally am so vindictive about him...he caught himself on Paedophilia. Unfortunately this is an integral and final part of the history and his final demise which is why this thread will remain until he is sentanced - remember he has been already found guilty hence we are more than entitled to discuss it!!

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