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LS2002 11th Jul 2002 15:10

Sorry to shatter you beliefs Ringwayman, but the link you posted was related to the a local manchester evening newspaper.

MANs resident reporter is employed by this newspaper and like all of the airport, is controlled by the individuals on the top floor of Olympic House.

It is commonly known that the beneficial stories are allowed to be reported, with the bad things being refused publication at high levels.

This practice continues unchalenged as the newspaper can not afford to upset the applecart and risk being removed from the airports residency. Heaven forbid they would miss a photo of Beckham.

As an ex MAPlc employee, can i say to anyone considering challenging the ivory tower of Olympic House to be very carefull. It is surprising how underhand and ruthless the MAPlc management team can be. Dont for one moment be tricked into thinking....... 'They wont do that................. will they ???'

Astronut 11th Jul 2002 17:15

who own's the roads?
I know this sounds odd but do MAplc own the roads into the airport or do the council? There seems to be new speed cameras
on the approach into the airport on the gantry outside the Holiday Inn/ Hilton just before the departures ramp upto T1. Who gets the fine? MAplc or the council? Can MAplc impose speeding fines? IF its private land ie not council , can they fine you.?

sharpshot 12th Jul 2002 12:47

Well said article says voted the best for second year running.
Goes on to quote, "totally focussed on excellence" !

It's good to hand out the forms to trusted friends, but if this thread continues to hammer EGCC and they are the best, where does that leave all the rest:D :D

jocko0102 12th Jul 2002 13:39

Saying that Man is a dump or the worlds worst airport is stretching it a bit.No airport is perfect but when you travel a lot as passenger or crew you get to see many more airports and then you are better able to compare.
So while there are problems covering all sorts of issues here lets not go off on some crazy notion that if its at Man it must be crap,that simply is not true.Anyone who thinks that all the other airports in the UK are better obviously have not really thought about the reasoning behind that very well.
Man has been developing non stop for over the last 10 years and will continue to so problems are going to occur.
I dont think management at MAPlc are fully in touch with the real world but dont you think that the individual companies that employ lazy,ignorant and badly trained staff are also to blame?
The fact is that whether you like the place or not it has provided tens of thousands of jobs and generated a lot of money for the economy.

forget 12th Jul 2002 14:11

The airports in UK are disgraceful; to call them third-world is a slur on most of Africa and Asia. Take Stansted; the 'flagship'. The man who designed it (Foster?) was given some fancy 'architectural' award yet he didn't have the wit to separate 'pick-ups' and 'drop-offs'. The result, you have the two sets of road traffic both scrambling for the one area. What's made it much worse was the 'Stansted solution'. For the past year or so they've had red and white bollards stuck along the road to 'separate' traffic. Now what really irritates me is this. The bollards are now dark grey and black - filthy. In over a year, and the airport manager must see it everyday, no has had the gumption to tidy the bloody place up! Picky picky? Not so. It's an indicator of how the airport is run, and evidence to our foreign visitors of what a shabby country we really are, and that we can't even put right our cock ups to any effect.

I've got a spare day next week. Would anyone at Stansted mind if I turned up with a bucket and sponge, and maybe a broom? The only proviso is, I won't use your long term car parks. Life's too short to spend that amount of time on an airport shuttle bus.

Indiana Jones 12th Jul 2002 21:43

Lets put this all into perspective,...MAN,LGW,LHR are not the worst in the world, far from it, but for a country that is supposedly so 'cool Britannia' our major three airports arn't! They are not the 'Welcome to Britain, what a great first impression' they are supposed to be.....they are under funded, ill conceived and generally becoming dark,dank dingy in airline related areas, yet well lit, sexy and wonderful in the shopping areas.The fact that £478m of the £553m BAA earnt last year came from the shops bears testimony to that. The airports suffer from many bolts on and more sticky back plastic than in the average episode of Blue Peter.LHR and LGW's long and winding corridors are another good example of underfunding. The yanks build the better terminals, look at Pittsburgh, Orlando and the new terminal in Detroit.....have the airline and their customers first, well thought out terminal, light and spacious.At a recent Fire Seminar for LGW, was asked what would I do if the fire alarms went off...'clap' was the answer, as that would be the only way of getting a replacement South Terminal.....anyway, been a long day,...worked at worst airports, such as Mogadishu, D Day plus 1 in 1992, Minsk2 1993 and Vnukova in 1994........but come on BAA MAN PLC and the Government, sort yourselves out and do something about the state of our airports!!!..........
PS Dead chuffed BAA might not get a dual till as a result of the latest comment of the CAA.....they wanted to keep the revenue that our passengers bought them in the shops and increase the airline user fees by having two tills........

My vote for Londons South East additional runway is Lakeside or Blue Water.......hahaha

sapco2 13th Jul 2002 08:27

Indiana Jones

LGW & LHR are good examples of poor gateways to Great Britain but neither of these airports even begin to compare with the bad management attitude to customers and staff at Manchester.

Manchester airport has got to be voted the the Worlds worst, ask anyone based there or who uses the airport regularly. The airport directors are extremely content to march briskly backwards at an increasingly confident pace.

jocko0102 13th Jul 2002 17:23

why is man worse then, give an example of heathrow/gatwick outclassing it.
the way people are rubbishing man you would think that it was at a standstill and there were no freindly people there.

canberra 15th Jul 2002 17:47

man v lpl
personally i think management at man have got smug and complacent. theyve tried to become lhr 2 and its not working. it would be great if woodford became an executive airport, but i somehow cant see it happening. what i can see happening is lpl taking a lot of business at man. and to think that burtonwood was offered to both councils in the late fifties as a joint airport!

unwiseowl 15th Jul 2002 22:23

One thing that Manchester has and Gatwick lacks - RUBBISH and lots of it. MAN is The FOD capital of Europe!

Moneyshot 15th Jul 2002 23:59

Happened to stop at MAN Post House/Crown Plaza the other day. My courtesy bus driver said that all the alterations being made to the hotel are purely for the games. Afterwards it's all going to be changed back. I didn't ask why because I would not have been surprised at the answer.

Rongotai 16th Jul 2002 07:43

Here is a customer response. I am a British citizen living in New Zealand. I am SLF into Europe about 6 times a year, and have been doing this for the past 10 years.

Since changed schedules made it impractical for me to finish off my 28 hour trips by flying from the US into Glasgow, I now specify AMS or FRA as my first European stop and get over my jetlag there, rather than through ANY British airport. They are all utterly awful (with the possible exception of Barra).

However last month I ended up at Heathrow despite all efforts to avoid it. Arriving over Southend from SIN (where touchdown to kerbside had taken 25 minutes) at 05.40 we touched down at 06.15, then waited for a gate at Terminal 4 until 06.50, disembarked at 07.05, got my luggage at 07.45, and then (heading for Sussex) spent a happy 90 minutes on the M25.

Four days later I flew LGW-AMS, and from touchdown to my Central Amsterdam hotel took 50 minutes. However checking in at the Gatwick North terminal had earlier taken me over an hour.

If any of you feel inclined come back with rude comments about Wellington - you must have been there within the past four years in order to say anything that is currently correct.

frazhm 16th Jul 2002 22:18

Well has EGCC bribed someone to win awards??? I seem to recall that they have won a number of these things over the past number of years- is it a fluke or what??

Fundamentally any airport with such a huge catchment area, population wise, is always going to be an economic success even if has been controlled in the past by people more familiar with organising refuge collection and allocating school crossing patrols- only joking!!!

No seriously. with a motorway on the doorstep and 10M+ people within 1 hrs drive how could they fail?? It does seem that the airport has grown very quickly in the past 10 years in particular and has suffered from being badly hamstrung from the lack of space for expansion. With forecasts, even post 9/11, of 40M by 2015 things may get worse before they get better.

Soddit- I noticed several replies back that consultants have suggested developing Woodford. As a point if interest who were these people? E-mail privately if you want.

EGCC4284 17th Jul 2002 00:42

Why not develop Barton into Manchester's 2nd Airport

usernothername 17th Jul 2002 10:06

Barton is a waterlogged field. What possible advantages does it have over any other waterlogged field in the Cheshire/Lancs area that make it a candidate for development into an airport.

BryanC123 17th Jul 2002 19:34

The MAN Apt thats there is fine it just needs a face lift. As in MAJOR face lift......................:mad:

ShotOne 18th Jul 2002 09:13

I don't think any of us have a problem with the individuals employed ther, 24R (except perhaps some of the rough characters employed by Excel parking). The lack of concern for airline staff comes down from the top.

Airline staff are treated far worse than passengers, and slightly less well than on-site staff in terms of amenities generally and specifically for the important matter of parking. For example, most airport staff responsible for overseeing parking work in Hale Top House -where they can park outside theie office. Perhaps if they had to put up with the hassle suffered by the rest of us, things might be better.

Scottie Dog 25th Jul 2002 13:39

Maybe the bosses are listening
I understand that EGCC bosses have possibly seen these pages and that action may be taken - or possibly even has started to be taken.

About time in anycase - having frequented the airport since the mid-50's - I have seen the vast development that has gone on and the lowering of standards over the last year. EGCC can be a good airport but just needs - as previously stated by numerous souls - a management team that is permitted to spend money at a time when income is lean.

How about some constructive comments rather than just moans. At the end of the day we are all looking for the same results. Perhaps the boss raptors might take heed of helpful suggestions.

Lets get the place moving in the right direction!

Scottie Dog

ps - Most be Commonwealth Games opening day as the clouds have been spreading from the west all day!!


AOG-YYZ 25th Jul 2002 21:41

MAN can only be the worlds second worst airport, after YYZ. But! soon we will open the new 60mil capacity terminal, then close the two cattle pens T1 & T2.

But what do you think of the UK Governments proposals for the furure of UK air travel? A third runway for MAN? Now someone is really dreaming in Technicolor.:D

spud 26th Jul 2002 03:53

If they do ever build a third runway, it would be nice to break with tradition and build a level one.

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