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Flap 80 5th Feb 2008 14:16

I wonder why BALPA offered so little support to those 185 Dan Air pilots,the majority of whom were BALPA members,when they were unfairly dismissed in October 1992.

Over the next 2 years BALPAs reccomendation was that those pilots should accept BAs offer of GBP 1500 each, subsequently increased to GBP 2000 each because they did not stand a chance of winning at the Industrial Tribunal which was the target of the Pilots Action Group.

The end result ,as is well known ,was that the Croydon Industrial tribunal found in the pilots favour and eventually a sum of GBP 3 Million was paid to those Pilots.
Now BALPA appear to be giving unconditional support to OS pilots who do not as yet even have contracts or an airline to work for.

Mick Stability 5th Feb 2008 14:39

For all those who are concerned about being left in the lurch by those nasty striking pilots; consider this.

About 40 years ago, the high seas were plied by British merchant sailors of the highest calibre.

Now the English Channel is peppered with the wrecks of flagged out carriers and foundered vessels. Our (diminishing and hopelessly underresourced) Search and Rescue, RNLI, and Coastguard personnel are regularly called to pick hapless and frightened foreign sailors out of the cruel sea.

Now think of that situation transferred to the skies over England.

Willy and his mates are about to make themselves very rich by flagging out the sort of people who a couple of weeks ago helped 150 passengers walk away from certain death.

Now what about that holiday?

No longer ATC 5th Feb 2008 14:48

Well said Mick...Wee Willie has said that OS pilots may not pass BA selection processes.....

BMed Boy 5th Feb 2008 14:55

Pick the right fight
You guys are picking the wrong fight. Who cares if your company want to start another airline in Europe, what has it got to do with you?
You weren't bothered when I at BMed or others at GB flew from LHR in BA colours, you've done nothing about GSS.
You chickened out over your pensions when that was your business, BA have now recorded big profits and boast about how some of that was from pension savings.
Don't forget Nigel if you go on strike there are plenty of us who are prepared to cross your picket line and help WW beat you. Reject a strike or regret it.
Yes we've got chips on our shoulders before you say it.

goldcup 5th Feb 2008 15:00

Thanks. For. That.

Maybe next time you reply to a thread, you might want to read some of the stuff that has gone before. Just a suggestion. Otherwise you might make yourself look a bit of a dick. Like you just have.

Hand Solo 5th Feb 2008 15:27

How is life at bmi these days?

fruitbat 5th Feb 2008 15:35

BMED....It's funny how in 2001 when Cathay sacked 49 pilots you said,
"This looks like the big one, stick to it chaps and good luck"

So you support Union action when it has nothing to do with you but now you are calling to break a strike and help WW destroy BA Mainline. As if you are even in a position to do so from where you are..... Thats some chip on your shoulder....

BMed Boy 5th Feb 2008 15:46

That is what I meant about pick the right fight. 49 guys sacked is rather different to your employer starting a new airline and offering new jobs.
Goldilocks I think you will look the knob if you strike. I look forward to seeing you warm your hands by the brazier in true union pose.

Tandemrotor 5th Feb 2008 15:58

Oh dear.

Not enjoying shorthaul then Chippy?

fruitbat 5th Feb 2008 16:07

BMI isn't an airline, its a collection of slots waiting to be bought. So when someone does, I guess you'll take it lying down when they don't require your services? You sad, sad loser. What goes around, comes around. Good luck though....

Halfwayback 5th Feb 2008 16:27

Hey - just 'cos someone called BMed Boy winds you up with his noxious blathering cxxp - don't knock bmi!

If he has that kind of chip we wouldn't want him either (but then there's nothing to say he works for bmi now) He certainly hasn't got access to the bmi forum that I moderate.


BMed Boy posted in 2004

I left (BMed)some time ago because of the length of time away from home
I can now also assure you does NOT work for bmi.

LHR747 5th Feb 2008 16:33

Quote: "Why is it that pilots need public support if we go on strike, but if you are a farmer or a buss driver you dont?!!?! The way I see it we do not need public support because we are not protecting public T&Cs, we are protecting PILOTS T&Cs! All the way! "

If you lose public support (assuming you ever had it in the first place) you lose the argument and strengthen management's hand. It is noted that you equate being a "professional" pilot with that of farmers and bus drivers.

biddedout 5th Feb 2008 16:34

A good observation Fruitbat and probably spot on.

Just like BRAL was also part of the BMI group and collection of peak time LHR slots when BA bought it. Shortly after grabbing the slots they realised that they had unfortunately inherited an airline. Bugger they thought until they came up with the great idea of using it to rub out BARegional before dumping it.:rolleyes:

Hand Solo 5th Feb 2008 16:41

Originally Posted by LHR747
If you lose public support (assuming you ever had it in the first place) you lose the argument and strengthen management's hand. It is noted that you equate being a "professional" pilot with that of farmers and bus drivers.

Welcome back Robin/Colin (or whichever of the wunderkinder you are). Nice to see that you are sticking to the LHR747 persona instead of Compass Centre or UKPilot2 but you still aren't convincing anyone. We know you are a BA manager so I'd like to take this opportunity to tell you that I don't need public support for a strike, never expected and it's absence is certainly not going to strengthen your hand. I'll stay out on strike until your puppet masters are dragged back to the negotiating table to thrash out a schedule K that's fit for purpose. I'm sorry if that is not what you wantedfor your new toy airline but the reality is that this project either works with us or not at all.

Airbus Unplugged 5th Feb 2008 16:45

It is noted that you equate being a "professional" pilot with that of farmers and bus drivers.
I thought that was BA management policy?

LHR747 5th Feb 2008 16:50

"Human Factor" is masquerading as..."Human Factor". Comments on this site are all posted Anonymously. Have you not noticed?

LHR747 5th Feb 2008 16:54

Quote form Demomonkey: "I think we should leave the posts on as this isn't a Stalinist state just yet. And just because someone disagrees with us doesn't mean they should be censored or abused. Enough has already been written regarding the pros and cons of this subject. A few posts from a 'loose cannon' attempting to cause mischief isn't going to sway the overall community".

Thank you for your support; although my cannon is firmly focused, not loose as you have eluded.

Hand Solo 5th Feb 2008 16:57

Yes I had noticed, but we still know you are management, we still know you attempted to masquerade as 3 different users but are actually just one and we can still find out who you are with a little bit of digging. Still it seems unfair that you are required to do the 'lions share' of management dirty work on pprune. Chocks away!

courtney 5th Feb 2008 17:00

What an arrogant bunch of clowns you Nigels are. So Mick Stability, you boys are the only one's capable of flying aeroplanes heh. Not a sentiment shared with the rest of the aviation world I'm afraid, there are more than a few cock ups in your cupboards. It would seem that you believe the Daily Mail and all aclaiming your 'heroes' for saving 150 pax from certain death, fact is of course apart from a bit of a flare they were as much a pax as the rest. Do grow up. If BA wish to set up another operation that doesn't affect you or your contracts what business is it of yours? People have got to be crazy to book flights with BA, one can never be sure that you prima donnas will bother to turn up for work.

Hand Solo 5th Feb 2008 17:04

Taken too big a bite of the lemon today Courtney?

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