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tallinnman 26th May 2006 10:53

Hairy Chuckles
Quote "Ryanair is emasculating once proud and occasionally profitable airlines, and overwhelming their traditional markets with better service,"

The Camel is having a Giraffe!

Pigsfly 26th May 2006 10:57

Ladies n Gents.

One must remember that one does not get Justice in a Court....You get Law !!!!!!!!


Rosta Change! 26th May 2006 11:22

No wonder Ryanair are upset:

"It also claims that unknown persons, allegedly known to the defendants, are engaged in a concerted process of intimidation, bullying, harassment "

Isn't that their job?!!

Bronx 26th May 2006 12:15

Grim Repa

Anyhow back to your post,they have become so banal
Pots and kettles. :rolleyes:
You've made 234 posts since you registered in 2004 and only 9 out of 234 aint been giving the world your views on Ryanair.
It don't suit you but some folk think a discussion is more interesting if you get to hear both sides.
Maybe if you were more selective and you posted on some other topics other than Ryanair you'd have some credibility.

the grim repa 26th May 2006 12:21

Bronx,thanks for the reality check.my purpose here is to counter ryanairs management propoganda machine by telling the truth.while they sing a merry tune here,they are F**king my colleagues and friends royally.sorry that does not amuse you.I am not here for amusement,this is a task i perform.

camlobe 26th May 2006 12:33

Originally posted by Pigsfly

"Ladies n Gents.

One must remember that one does not get Justice in a Court....You get Law !!!!!!!!"

Funny thing that. When I was speaking to my solicitor (works for well known firm of litigation specialists) yesterday about an up-and-coming case, I stated that I looked forward to Truth and Justice prevailing.

His response.....


sugden 26th May 2006 12:35

With the exception of Bronx and Camel, I hope you lot understand flying better than you understand capitalism, corporate management and the balancing of costs and revenues.

Grim Repa, if you hate Ryanair so much, get another job.

the grim repa 26th May 2006 12:57

I Am afraid that you misrepresent my position here.I Do not hate RYANAIR.I Detest the manner in which its management feather their own nests on the backs of young hard working men and women who seek to make a better life for themselves and their famiiles.The management do not tell the truth and entrap and exploit young workers.Changing their contracts of employment at will when they know that these vulnerable kids are ensnared by doubts and huge debt.I Care a lot for these,my colleagues and if that is anti capitalism,communist or ignorant,then that is what i am.I Remember being in a similar position only a few years ago.I Will not be flying the hammer and sickle over my flat,but hell i will not stand idly by and see peoples lives and human rights made a mockery of.

Leave,why should i.Run like those who turned their backs on the jews.Who will be left when they come for me.
Get another job,and have to face this **** for the rest of my career.Forget it pal.I will face the consequences of my actions in due time.But i will have done my best for others and that for me is the most important thing.

Bronx 26th May 2006 13:19

grim repa

sorry that does not amuse you.I am not here for amusement,this is a task i perform.
Amusement don't come into it.
If both sides get told folks can decide for themselves which side is telling the truth or if the truth is somewhere between the two.
Being a man on a mission is all fine and dandy but it don't help your cause if you lose your credability by coming across as a man with an obsession. Folks will have all different views but speaking for myself I wouldn't take what you said about Ryanair unless it was confirmed by someone who came across as more balanced.
Just my 2 cents FWIW.

sugden 26th May 2006 13:44


Are you seriously comparing a debate about terms and conditions at ryanair with the genocide of Jews and gypsies perpetrated by Adolf Hilter? I don't know if that is laughable or contemptible. Either way, it calls into serious question the value set that you employ in determining your response to Ryanair issues.

Still, I'm sure the vulnerable kids are grateful for your guidance in their time of need. After all, they're only good at flying passenger jets, not at thinking for themselves.

I suggested that you leave Ryanair for another job. May I now revise that suggestion? Leave Ryanair and go to University. There you can espouse your blinkered, utopian world view on the union steps in the tradition of many a starry-eyed kid, full of youtful optimisim and with a mind completely uncluttered by the complexities of reality.

Jump Complete 26th May 2006 14:11

Not directly connected with this thred, not wishing to join in the Ryanair bashing, just an observation....
Flew in as a pax last night on Ryanair, no complaints about that (40 mins late departing, but hey, with 25 min turnrounds how can they possibly stay on time?)
At 0015 I walked out to the bus station at Stansted (isn't it about time that got rebuilt, the one in my parents market town in Norfolk is far better!) and was suprised to see Ryanair flight deck and cabin crew slumped on the benches waiting for a bus. Don't they deserve a quick taxi to the hotel after a long days work?

the grim repa 26th May 2006 14:23

Bronx - point taken.

Sugden - no i am not drawing comparisons between the two.It is an impossibility to do so.i am just highlighting the fact that doing nothing is not an option when faced with the treatment of people we are witness to everyday.

yamaha 26th May 2006 16:37

Ryanair......NO way
On Leo's list from Oct 8 2004. VBIRD

Great time, great company, great atmosphere, low pay.
I would go back tomorrow as its also a great shame.

Pilots pay and everyone else's for that matter was low. So Leo hairy whats your name, you have managed to fool most of the people, so far, for most of the time.

Your day will come and you and ryan air will financially bleed to death.

There will not be many mourners.

You would do well to take a leaf out of VBIRD's book and treat ALL EMPLOYEE'S with respect.

Faire d'income 26th May 2006 19:10

Unions in general, and pilot unions in particular, are, with tiresomely familiar regularity, the Angels of airline death..."
Interesting comment using death as an analogy, considering Corporate Pressure has been found to be a contributory factor in many fatal accidents.

atse 26th May 2006 20:14

(1) What about all those suggestions to 'key' the cars of those pilots who showed up for work in Dublin? (2) What about the wickedly false attacks on Ryanair maintenance standards and quality of training, both of which I can tell you are world class? (3) What about the LO'C 'fatigue' beatup? (4) What about incitement to 'sickoffs' and other forms of industrial disobedience? (5) What about nearly destroying JG after he good-naturedly offered to bulwark REPA's pathetic opening gambit?
Leo I have quoted no less than 5 significant claims above. Three of these I do not recognise - as in they are new to me (1, 2 & 4). Are you saying that these things have been organised? I think you are. Wow! (3) I know about and (5) I know about, but do not recognise your version.

I have heard about developments in court in Dublin over the past couple of days. It looks to me from what you say above as though you have been speaking to some management figure, because you seem to have taken the same line as FR management took in court - a line that helps them justify what they apparently believe BUT CANNOT PROVE.

Just a couple of points: The fact that a fatigued pilot is not believed does not make him either wrong, or a conspirator, or worthy of demotion. The fact that management in Ryanair became convinced that a particular captain was involved in REPA and, via REPA, in intimidation does not in itself mean that he was.

What I have been told is that the entire management notion about captain Goss - bar your REPA bit - got aired in court in the last 48 hours. Leo let me be the first to tell you: IT DOES NOT HOLD WATER and it was taken to pieces by the lawyers. However, my informant tells me that while everybody else can see the screw-up for what it is, FR management cling doggedly to the notion that they are right, but seem to think the only problem is that they just can't prove it. (Exactly the tone of your post).

The case is not over and I certainly don't know what way things may go - but the following were reported to me: (a) the Ryanair IT specialist claimed that accessing the REPA website improperly "was unethical and illegal", (b) it was suggested to a senior FR manager that his sworn testimony was inaccurate and he agreed that perhaps it was "under a particular interpretation" [or words to that effect], (c) the source of original accusation against captain Goss turns out to have been a management pilot - who reportedly was told by another pilot that captain Goss telephoned him (so we now know the source for the claims about the famous intimidating telephone calls) – "small" problem: the named pilot turned up in court and emphatically denied ever having been telephoned by Goss, (d) other pilots testified that they disagreed with the FR version of events (at one point one of the pilots called as a witness by FR was nearly declared a "hostile witness" by the airline's lawyers - HAVING DECLARED THAT HE WAS INTIMIDATED BY RYANAIR, NOT OTHER PILOTS). What are the odds that FR management are by now convinced that there is a now a new conspiracy built on lies (not their’s, of course!)?

By all accounts FR cannot sustain their argument BUT neither can they grasp the reality that you have not grasped either - which is that a BIG, as in MEGA BIG error of interpretation led to a series of really stupid management decisions.

Leo you are going to have to get real here: the fact that FR management are convinced of something does not make it true. The 5 points I cited at the top of this post are so close to the views of the besieged FR management team that you had better come up for a breath of air and common sense. Ultimately evidence - the facts - count. Especially when you get to court. Geddit?

Leo Hairy-Camel 26th May 2006 21:34

The company of strangers.
Get real, atse? Come on, now. You make my case for me better than I ever could. You evidently take the view that any divergent opinion is, by its very existence, sedition and inviting of attack. So much for debate, eh. So much for discourse. So much for the fairplay of ideas.

You have inserted a post about a different country, about a different issue, in this threat about a subject that you clearly know little about - presumably in order to score a cheap point in another another argument. The Ryanair pilots have started to pull together and your post is not welcome (by myself at least and, I suspect, by many others).

Why don't you take your argument off to a different place? You could start by deleting your post, unless you wish to join with the "ordinary Ryanair pilot" Leo who makes a career out of attacking his colleagues for not wishing to be the pawns of a management which cares little for them.
Bronx and sugden, you seem to have the mark of our man Dim Repa. But you're being a tad unfair. To really know our little pal, to really know what makes him tick, you could do worse than have a read of this gem from his personal Pprune archives of not so long ago.

i personally have no sympathy for you guys who buy your rating.you line up like a bunch of morons and part with your money,in turn screwing up the market.you do a chit chat with some knob from hr and then struggle through a 737 200 sim check.then most importantly sign the cheque.you come in with 200 hours and believe that you have earned the right to sit in the right seat.you cannot expect the respect of your peers and let the company ride roughshod all over you.you are no more than slaves and that is how you shall be treated.
And this from a London based B737-800 first officer, on almost 4000 pounds Sterling after tax each month. Would-be mouthpiece of the downtrodden, friend of the working man, deflector of slings and arrows, champion of the oppressed, and an individual who believes, one presumes, that he's earned the right to sit in the right hand seat and enjoy the respect of his peers, whereas others who seek to emulate his fortune have not. Dear oh dear, Didimus, have you really thought this through?

It is this particular post by Dim Repa, my personal favourite, that I think exposes the true moral north of the man, and the nature of his character. You don't give a fiddler's about your brother pilots, Didimus, do you? You're about the maintenance and expansion of your own personal circumstances by whatever means necessary. As your chums at IALPA so regularly demonstrate, Didimus, with their monotonous and predictable regularity, why trouble one’s self with honestly and decency when guile and hubris will do just as well? I was well informed a long time ago, that one can tell a great deal about a person by the company they keep. It troubles me to admit, Dim Repa, but I find myself uncertain as to who's the worse done by. You for knowing REPA, or REPA for knowing you...

atse 26th May 2006 22:04

You evidently take the view that any divergent opinion is, by its very existence, sedition and inviting of attack.
Leo to take a selective quote out of context proves little. The appropiate quote, which is the antitheses of what you claim, is contained at the end in my post above:

Ultimately evidence - the facts - count.
That is something that applies to myself, as much as to yourself. However, one of the many characteristics of your contributions here is you utter unwillingess to face up to inconvenient facts or to engage at a level beyond the throwing of ill-founded accusations. (I did notice that you always ignore inconvenient facts).

My point was that it is this very weakness which has led your chums into what appears to be a cul de sac in court. I await the court's decision. What do you await?

Clandestino 26th May 2006 22:17

You would do well to take a leaf out of VBIRD's book and treat ALL EMPLOYEE'S with respect.
VBIRD is dead. Nothing to do with being nice to employees though, but surely something MGT wants common peas... I mean employee to believe.

Ryanair's MGT knows it's next to impossible to get names behind the nicks and it's not that they're after. Ultimately they'll fail to discover the Ryan-haters' identity but true mission behind this escapade is just to keep the pressure on their employees because it's good for the productivity. Let's face it: if it wasn't for the slavedrivers, there would be no pyramids.

Faire d'income 26th May 2006 23:33

if it wasn't for the slavedrivers, there would be no pyramids.
Did you mean pyramid schemes? :hmm:

yamaha 27th May 2006 06:36

The point I was trying to make (very badly) by mentioning VBIRD was that an airlines presence on that list of now defunct airlines was not due to high crew wages.

Furthermore due to the excellent atmosphere within the company VBIRD got a lot out of their crews.

Contrary to LHC's almost paranoid views, VBIRD was most certainly not about money and pilots demands being too high.

In my opinion the below the belt tactics and attitude from LHC will catch up with him. His legacy will not be a positive one.

However he has made his fortune and we are still stupid enough to fly for him.
So he has managed to fool most of the people for most of the time.
Until that changes posts like this will go on forever and ever.

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