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-   -   BA cabin crew threaten to poison pilots (https://www.pprune.org/rumours-news/222040-ba-cabin-crew-threaten-poison-pilots.html)

M.Mouse 19th Apr 2006 22:27

I think the gentlemen who wrote the letter was not being brave or deliberately controversial but was certainly naive and, if I read things correctly is a little contrite and embarrassed over the whole business.

I see it as such a shame that an honest opinion cannot be countermanded with sound argument instead of unpleasant abuse and physical threats, however seriously or otherwise they were meant.

The whole business rather epitomises the sad attitude of some, but far from all in BA.

As one of the many thousands who work very diligently to do the best for our passengers, despite our management, I read this thread and despair that it makes all BA flying staff sound as though they are still at primary school and hate to think what any intelligent member of the public at large makes of such aggressive, unpleasant and puerile writing and behaviour.

christn 20th Apr 2006 08:08

The "us and them" culture is deliberately created and nurtured by management. Just imagine the industrial clout if flight crew, cabin crew, engineers,ground staff etc etc stood together!

NLB 20th Apr 2006 09:18

Returning to the original topic.
Cabin crew 'interception' of flight deck crew food & drinks is certainly not 'urban myth'. Try asking a few junior crew in any airline & you will find many who will confirm that it happens on a regular basis.
It is certainly not only a BA phenomenon, in fact it is probably more prevalent in other airlines who do not have the option of being able to select their crew from a large number of candidates. The charter & lo-cost airlines have to take whoever they can get these days.
This is a flight safety threat which must be addressed. I would suggest as a start that all flight deck food should be sealed. This can be addressed very easily & cheaply. The issue of drinks is obviously not so straightforward, many flight deck crew now do not risk hot drinks & settle for a bottle of water.
The sooner these issues are dealt with the better, whether it be instigated by the media, a court case, or some other means. I am sure a prison sentence for endangering an aircraft would provide an excellent deterrent to other crew to re-consider their actions.

OzzieO 20th Apr 2006 09:48

Happens on a regular basis? I don't think so in fact I think someone is pulling your plonker.

I have been in the airline industry for 20 years now with two carriers and I still maintain the whole subject of "eyedrops" is urban myth.

However I do think in the unlikely instance that anyone is caught putting eyedrops into food/beverages/etc should be made to account for their actions.

Bang Or West 20th Apr 2006 12:28

Police now involved allegedly.

Hand Solo 20th Apr 2006 12:37

That you know of......:E

captcat 20th Apr 2006 13:40

Frankly, this thread is worrying and ridiculous. To see grown ups send their knickers in a twist over the Big Bad Cabin Crew is disarming. I've been a CC for more time than I care to remember, and never ONCE I've heard someone even joke about putting anything on a pilot's meal/beverage. Only people talking about it are a very small number of pilots (who incidentally are the same people who seem to think that CC are not flying on the same plane as them) that can swear it happened to them/got it from someone they know/happened in their pal's company. Too bad no one ever bothered to prove it. If this phenomenon was so widespread as someone in bad need of anti-paranoia medication seems to think, why is it that no one, not even those who claim they were victims, bothered to substantiate the allegations?
So yes, let's seal pilots' meals, or why not provide a taster, or even better, make the Big Bad CC taste it first?
Am I the only one to find all that ridiculous? :rolleyes:

Rainboe 20th Apr 2006 15:55

Captcat, you obviously haven't been reading the thread properly. I would say on at least five occasions it has been proudly admitted to me that food for certain individuals has been tampered with, including extremely unpleasant actions on the food of one or two Captains regarded as unpopular in BA. This was always done when tongues were loosened with alcohol, and obviously when no witness was present to hear. They were saying it, I assume it was not just bluster. From symptoms I infrequently suffered, I am convinced that one or two old dragons at Gatwick took such action on me, but I could never prove it. To simply deny or shrug it off is not going to work when so many people have admitted indulging themselves.

JohnWaynePlane 20th Apr 2006 19:28

Oh my god, please help me - what does eye drops taste like ! ! ! ! ! :{

tristar500 20th Apr 2006 19:49

Whats the big deal with eye drops... Maybe Iam blind to their detremental effects here but this thread is focusing on eye drops, as a 'poison' to put in crew dinners etc.

Would someone in the know please explain...

JohnWaynePlane 20th Apr 2006 19:50

Many apologies to my grammar I should have said what DO eye drops taste like not to take too much focus from the issue.

Golden Ticket 20th Apr 2006 20:02

John Wayne Plane, they taste like chicken, or is it that the chicken tastes like eye drops.

JohnWaynePlane 20th Apr 2006 20:05

Ok so it's beef for me from now on!

tristar500 20th Apr 2006 20:07

Golden Ticket

Been advised by a friend (Captain Birdseye) they taste like fishfingers:ok:

click 20th Apr 2006 20:17

So, they constrict yer bowels and open an orifice. Now the question begs, how can you tell if your food's been spiked if that's the same reaction I get with normal crew meals? Twenty minutes before TOD and I am breaking out in cold sweat:E .
Since I married an FA, should I expect the eye drops to be replaced by strychnine in twenty years? :}

tristar500 20th Apr 2006 20:43

Well said CLICK! Have you tried the BA meals? I wouldnt give my next door neighbours evil dog one...:yuk:

JohnWaynePlane 20th Apr 2006 20:46

Next doors dog is probably what the meal is made of - Jesus think about it what the hell are we eating never mind everyone trying to poison us !!!!!

tristar500 20th Apr 2006 20:47

Have you seen the expiry date on some of the BA food? It will outlast all of us!:uhoh:

ChewyTheWookie 20th Apr 2006 20:53

I can't believe that this minor joke has been taken completley out of context... Absolutely pathetic...

For a start, when you are at the back of an aircraft flying along at 500mph and 35,000 feet, why on earth would you deliberatly endanger one of the only 2 people on board who can safely control it? It's idiots overreacting about tiny jokes like this that force the cabin/flight crew divide wider and wider...

Rainboe 20th Apr 2006 21:03

Why do you say it is a joke? People have admitted doing it. They are grown up- if they didn't, why say they did? I did not see it as a joke. Unfortunately I know there are only too many people out there in the cabin who would do such a stupid thing.

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