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Krysten 10th Jan 2005 10:31

bmibaby Ops Dir resigns (Who shot JR?)
Heard on the wire that bmibaby has got shot of JR!

So MD went last month, Ops Dir this month, pay dispute continuing, what a good looking baby it is!

MaximumPete 10th Jan 2005 10:50

Yup, it's true!

I reckon he jumped before he was pushed.

Good riddance.

A very happy MP:D

alterego 10th Jan 2005 13:36

Is there a for sale sign on the door of the Pathfinder at NEMA?

one four sick 10th Jan 2005 13:49

Great news, should 'ave happened yonks ago.
JR - please don't come back like the real JR did!
What a boost for morale.
WHO's next????????

acbus1 10th Jan 2005 18:02

The biggest mystery might appear to be how he got there in the first place.

But then we all know the technique from observing the others "in power".

*Lick, lick*


TwoDots 10th Jan 2005 19:35

Also worth noting that BALPA (also today) have published the baby strike ballot ...

A whopping 97% have voted for industrial action - 88% of which are prepared to take full strike action !

Arkroyal 10th Jan 2005 19:46

Your source, twodots?

alterego 10th Jan 2005 20:41

The info' is accurate, from the BALPA cc.

Max Angle 10th Jan 2005 21:19

A whopping 97% have voted for industrial action - 88% of which are prepared to take full strike action !
Lets hope it gets them further than us in mainline. Strong ballot, six months of hot air and then role over. Good luck chaps.

Chalky 11th Jan 2005 09:46

Strong ballot, six months of hot air and then role over
A bit short on accuracy as usual, Max Angle - but then why let the truth get in the way of a good snipe at the union?

By the way, it's "roll" not "role":cool:

Arkroyal 11th Jan 2005 09:52

The info' is accurate, from the BALPA cc.
Possibly alterego, but that is not the same as 'published' as claimed by twodots.

TwoDots 11th Jan 2005 10:48

ArkRoyal, appologies ... the words were mine, not a direct quote.

Here's the actual quote from the Balpa indicative ballot result:

"Asked if they would be prepared to support industrial action in a formal BALPA
ballot, a total of 97% said yes. And, when asked to indicate what sort of action they
would be prepared to support, 12% of those said action up to – but excluding –
strike action, with a massive 88% saying they would support strike action as well."

Hopefully it will never come to that ...

Best foot forward 11th Jan 2005 14:52

So is that 97% of the total pilot work force or just those that are balpa members, what is the % membership of balpa?

Anne.Nonymous 11th Jan 2005 16:14

Best FF

I think the answer ot the first question lies in the title - a 'BALPA' ballot! Doh!

As to the second question of percentage of BALPA members within the pilot workforce, I would think it about 50%. Perhaps Young Paul could give a more accurate figure?

Anne :O

alterego 11th Jan 2005 16:40

According to the latest chat with a cc member membership is @140 out of 171 pilots. Approx 82%

Arkroyal 11th Jan 2005 18:24


Now have the letter, which may explain a lot!:D

Count von Altibar 13th Jan 2005 17:46

Have to say I like JR. As a manager though I think he's pissed a lot of people off. More power to the bmibaby pilots. I hope they go for an all out strike action.

As far as the bmi mainline cc are concerned they should go hide under a stone somewhere. They were given mandate after mandate and in the end delivered a poxy payrise. Disgraceful! I could not believe that they recommended the company final offer. They have ruined BALPA representation within bmi mainline and should start learning from the baby!

I for one am not leaving BALPA just yet but I'm certainly thinking about it. Most of my mates have left.

DRJ 13th Jan 2005 19:02

Never had a problem with JR myself.....

As far as all out industrial action ......
Guys wake up Your no longer fighting against Austin Reed.......

The group new CEO is not going to roll over and play dead guys ..
If you think you'l hold him to ransom think again .
God guys its almost time to sort out this years rise and you guys havent even settled last year .

Your the only part of the group left to settle......

TD has gone and anyone touting for his seat is going to be keen to be seen to support the group ceo is his pledge to keep costs down .....

Incase you hadnt realised the aint a money tree gowing in the pathfinder !



Miss Management 14th Jan 2005 08:15


You sound like one of THEM!!!

FYI, if a strike action is called and indeed executed the stark choice faced by management is this:

Today thay have a company worth some money.

With their backs to the wall, after the strike they will have nowt!

Most baby pilots are leaving anyway and since no one is seeing their future in baby at the moment, I mean interviews everywhere etc, people need to get what they deserve if they are to stay even one more year.
Your posting therefore is defeatist and hardly productive sir!


alterego 14th Jan 2005 09:56

According to Sir Michael a few months back in the press, Baby was the only part of the group making money.

This is on the back of all staff who have been dumped on time & again by 'management'! There is alot of movement in the industry right now and Baby pilots are worth more than they are getting at present.

We are not looking for a large raise this year but 1.5 % together with lifestyle improvements. If we don't fight for these now we will never get them. Next pay deal must bring us back into line with other 'Locos'.

Staff turnover this year is already going to be horrendous. The new CEO will realise that is going to cost BMI.

Stelios 14th Jan 2005 13:58

Absolutely right Alterego -

The company will pay either way by way of wages having to go up or, constant recruitment and loss of personnel.
The performance of management to date equals one very dim lightbulb, maybe 15 watts or thereabouts.
We'll see what next Monday brings, they had better seen the light by then, or I can smell a lot worse than a cup of coffee coming up!

RAFAT 14th Jan 2005 15:08

For too long Airline Managers have been spouting the standard post 9/11 phrase of "you people should be thankful you have a job." Hopefully the message is now getting through that this attitude is now way way past its 'sell by' date.

DRJ 14th Jan 2005 19:50

Miss Management ..


You sound like one of THEM!!!
Oooh sounds llike you might be getting a bit personal ... refering to my skin colour ? sexuality ? gender ? religion ?

White male heterosexual catholic

Oh you mean baby management ????

Wrong !!!!

FYI, if a strike action is called and indeed executed the stark choice faced by management is this:

Today thay have a company worth some money.

With their backs to the wall, after the strike they will have nowt!

FYI, if a strike action is called and indeed executed the stark reality will be :

Yesterday you worked for a company doing the job your wanted to do ...

Today the company ceases operation.. and you find yourself looking for for another company ..

Tommorow baby emerges from the ashes looking for staff on new contracts and who knows what terms....

Believe me SmB and NT wont be held to ransom .

You seem to have overlooked the fact that EVERY other bmi group employee has accepted 1.5%.

And with some baby staff earning barely 9K 1.5% of your salary is considerably more than the increase they accepted (You previously quoted your salary on pprune )

If im not mistaken the life style improvements you seek are changes to your current contracted terms .... A contract that you freely signed of your own volition.... If you didnt like the contract you were free to decline the offer and seek other offers (Having checked your previous postings it would seem you joined WW from the ashes of duo...)

Your posting therefore is defeatist and hardly productive sir!
My posting is closer to to reality than you realise

The writtings clearly on the wall 1.5% is all thats on offer from last April accept it and move on to this Aprils pay talks.

BALPA didnt get more for mainline and wont get more for you.
If you strike the only ones to suffer will be fare paying pax and your pockets .


White male heterosexual catholic NON baby management

captplaystation 14th Jan 2005 22:40

selling numerous of his charges down the river when he was on PLC then a nice round of golf with Dennis followed by a couple of pints down the lodge my heart bleeds for the slimey fat b*s*rd.One of the many very undesirables to have vacated Toad Hall.Sorry dont have a spare week to list them all maybe someone that gives a sh*t would like to chronicle the ignominious list.

acbus1 15th Jan 2005 07:37

captplaystation, superb post! Puts my effort to shame! :ok:

As for listing the other toads of the same "character", one could start with those who were formerly on the BALPA CC. If your tongue won't reach, get on the BALPA CC and "work your way up" (so to speak) that way. :mad:

Mentaleena 15th Jan 2005 09:05


You don't sound like a baby pilot at all.
Your highly/over defensive words against Miss Management makes me too feel suspicious about you.

Not one of us would have written what you have just been garbling on about.

Your giving in to 1.5% in the manner you are doing it is what's giving your 'non baby pilot' status away.

So, stay away, as you're attitude is not paticularly what we need right now.

alterego 15th Jan 2005 11:21


You are wrong mainline have got alot more than 1.5 % when you take into account the addition of annual increments, etc.

We are not looking for more than 1.5 % but lifestyle improvements.

The feeling among the pilots is strengthening due to managements inaction. We have guidelines that they agree to that aren't adhered to & high turnover of staff that will only get worse unless the rot is stopped now.

For 3 years the workforce has made this company, despite the weaknesses that management could and should be avoiding. This with no payrise. The line in the sand has been drawn. As a profession we cannot let our terms and conditions deteriorate more and more whilst it becomes more and more expensive to get qualified and demand for our skills increases.

This is all coming at a time when there is choice for experienced pilots. You could argue that we should all leave for greener pastures but that is not always practical or possible. It is sometimes better that we make a stand and ask for/demand a reasonable response from the company.

That is why things have come to this.

Arkroyal 15th Jan 2005 12:41


Don't know from whence you hail, but if mainline, your charge:

If im not mistaken the life style improvements you seek are changes to your current contracted terms .... A contract that you freely signed of your own volition.... If you didnt like the contract you were free to decline the offer and seek other offers
is hardly relevant.

Mainline also began with CAP371 and evolved into the AFS protected state it now finds itself in. BALPA did that for them, and baby are setting out in that direction.

1.5% plus a few improvements to the worst disruption and hardest working pilot force in the UK. Not much to ask, but seemingly too much to deliver.

It's not a case of holding anyone to ransom, either.

I take it captplaystation won't be seeking an invite to the leaving do, then:p

Banzai Eagle 15th Jan 2005 15:29

Seems strange that Thomsonfly can offer its Pilots some sort of scheduling agreement year 1 into its Operation whereas Baby Pilots are up to 900 hrs flying with no protection whatsoever.

Does'nt sound much of an ask to me.

The Mad Russian 16th Jan 2005 11:22

Excuse me for butting into a meaningful tread…

But... the 'JR' talked about here is not a certain John Robertson Ex Oman Aviation?

If so I joined BM with him in 1986 on the Friendship, if it is the same, I find it hard to believe your talking about the same chap?? I’ve long since left BM, but thought he was a good guy back then with a great sense of humour…

alterego 16th Jan 2005 11:45

Mad Russian

You are thinking of the same Guy. Maybe a nice man but there is a difference between being nice and any good as a manager.

acbus1 16th Jan 2005 19:17

Whilst I don't agree with the sentiments of the last two posts, lets just say that even apparently nice men catch diseases.

Some diseases are local to certain companies where the breeding conditions are allowed to spread unchecked.

Ambitionitis and Promotionitis, for example, are easily contracted. Lack of ability and low intelligence don't offer the usual immunity. A**e licking and willingness to shop one's colleagues seem to leave one especially exposed.

Fortunately, they're all kept in quarantine in a place called Toad Hall. Seldom do they venture anywhere near a cockpit where they could cause harm.

Hope that clears things up.

captplaystation 16th Jan 2005 19:53

Yes back in the days when he was a jovial F/O who liked a beer and taking care of certain brummie based hosties one could be forgiven for liking him.Unfortunately he utilised the standard BM springboard (other peoples necks) to catapult himself seamlessly from BALPA rep to management.Many before, after& even now continue this treason;paying 1% to have 2 people trying to crucify you in a Disciplinary leaves me unable to have him described as a nice guy without adding historical perspective.I was not alone in being shafted thanks to his particular brand of help.(& no definitely not invited to the leaving do, not in the right club/when I shake hands there is only one meaning!) Best of luck to all of you still under that nasty little regime in fact getting so p*ss*d off that I left was one of my better career moves...As that other fat bloke sings NO REGRETS!

straightnotlevel 16th Jan 2005 21:19

can i join as an f/o and work my way up to ops dir???

acbus1 17th Jan 2005 06:50


can i join as an f/o and work my way up to ops dir???
In your case, yes! You definitely demonstrate the necessary low level of attention to what people have been saying. :rolleyes:

You may wish to think again when you realise exactly which body part you need to "work your way up" in order to succeed. :yuk:

Anne.Nonymous 17th Jan 2005 21:37

JR has always 'liked a beer and 'taken care of someone'. I think it is blxxdy condescending of Captplaystation to 'forgive someone for liking him'

I am not defending the man (Heaven knows, he did me no favours!) but the vitriolic comments of some here should be balanced by the fact that he was a thorn in the side of the company when he was Chairman of the BALPA CC. He for one kept the AFS alive.

Anne :O

Carl Rawson 18th Jan 2005 06:34

John hasn't actually gone then?
I've just seen him (0715z 1/18/05). He couldn't stop he said he was called out to an AMS flight.
S'pose the benefit of not working directly for him is that he is/was popular with a lot of the ground staff.

Krysten 19th Jan 2005 14:33

JR Called from Standby!!!!????

No connection with the Ezy sims and BA recruitment going on yesterday and a shortage of baby aviators then.

wonky 20th Jan 2005 20:26

Ooops director
My partner saw one of the Heathrow managers upstairs at D Hall today. To be precise, one of the "good guys". Could this be true.Is our life about to change? Lets start praying fellas!

captplaystation 24th Jan 2005 22:03

Dear Mr/Ms Nonymouse , think you will find I wrote " one could be forgiven" as in the royal we,and yes I have forgiven myself. "thorn in the side"? Mmn. . not how I remember it , glad to hear he did you no favours at least I cant accuse him of being inconsistent. Apart from your response (the greatest insult is faint praise?) the underwhelming lack of defence would seem to suggest acbus1 and I pretty much hit the nail on the head?NUFF SAID.

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