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-   -   Air Atlanta Cargo incident Sharjah 07/11/04 (https://www.pprune.org/rumours-news/151213-air-atlanta-cargo-incident-sharjah-07-11-04-a.html)

Earl 25th Nov 2004 17:04

I would hate for an accident or incident to happen knowingly that I operated incorrectly.
Not only would my license be gone after the investigation but some of these third world countries put people in prison for this whenever injuries or deaths are involved.
The worst part would be knowing that I was responsible for any loss of life due to my actions, or lack of actions. yes you can fly around for many legs with this type of operation.
But all it takes is one little thing or a combination of things combined together, then you become the blame.
Best not to let yourself get in this position to begin with.
Could you imagine if this plane was loaded with 472 passengers and a fire after the rejected take off and overrun?
What if your family was on board?

Whiskery 25th Nov 2004 20:58

Frightening isn't it Earl - much safer being a Bank Clerk or a Librarian. ;)

hobie 25th Nov 2004 21:34

Emotion and flying .... bad combination :(

411A 25th Nov 2004 23:56

"Freighting isn't it Earl......"
Hmmm, gotta admit, with Whiskery's demonstrated attitude, surely it can be no wonder that AAI has the problems demonstrated so aptly at SHJ not long ago.

You have to pay the piper at some point, and it looks like AAI is rapidly closing in, with the referenced poster above at the helm.

Cowboys don't last forever, especially in airline ops.

Whiskery 26th Nov 2004 03:56

hobie you got it in one - emotions and flying don't mix :ok:

AAIGUY 26th Nov 2004 04:34

Cowboys getting fired from here everyday. It may suck in many ways...but AAI is cleaning up its act. Just ask a certain German Capt. who was termitated by his FO/FE & a deadheading FE before he got to his hotel.

No room for bullSh*t anymore..

doubleu-anker 26th Nov 2004 08:59

Oh really.

I wander if the Captain was informed, the rest of the crew weren't that happy with his performance on his last flight with AAI? Or was it a knife between the shoulder blades?

Just curious that's all.

AAIGUY 26th Nov 2004 15:25

AS I undestand it, I wasn't there. He was indeed informed and a fist fight of sorts ensued after the aircraft was shut down and checklist completed. No knives in back.

callout 27th Nov 2004 17:02

How about if we just wait till the facts are presented before we pass judgement on who is to blame. I know there's a couple of you out there who wasn't asked to come back to AAI and you're bitter. I also know that you don't know what's happening with the airline now because you've been away for a long time. Let's just wait and see what was the cause of this accident before we jump to who done what and who is to blame.

ironbutt57 27th Nov 2004 21:23

look callout n others...this a RUMOURS network...idle pilots on precious days off speculating about what might have been...some more factual than others...the facts will speak for themselves...in due time...so let the rumour mongers and speculators entertain themselves.......

doubleu-anker 27th Nov 2004 21:39


I beg your pardon.

"rumour mongers and speculators"?

How dare you even suggest that this site is not the exclusive domain of professional aviators and their valuable opinions. The authors of some of the posts on this thread are indeed aviators of high and long standing, myself included.:}

Liffy 28th Nov 2004 13:26

aviators of high and long standing""......

Just how high would that be?????

ScootCargoOps 29th Nov 2004 08:21

I can confirm AAI engineering is the biggest bunch of cowboys I’ve seen and heard of.

Engineers - would you sign off an a/c with a engine vibration and tell the crew if you don't feel happy when they get to the runway they can bring it back to stand or take the a/c to ??? (1.2hrs flt) with the vibration?

Gigarangefred 29th Nov 2004 17:44

Smells like rotten fish
Being an ex employee for Air Atlanta it's not much of a shock this occured.
I sit on the sidelines reading the post, I finally had to say something.
They were overdue!
I manage to stay in touch with a few current pilots with the company, I understand the coverups and violations have increased to dangerous levels of operations.
How continued operations as this gets by is simply amazing.
It won't suprise me that this will be swept under the rug with the rest.
I'm not a disgruntled old employee, just estatic to be away from the crap.
Cowboy operations are over.

catchup 29th Nov 2004 17:51

I don't hope, above mentioned developements reflects the future of commercial aviation.


ScootCargoOps 30th Nov 2004 08:27

MH (Malaysia Airlines - MASkargo) leases 6 or 7 AAI 747-2F and I’ve heard about 3 of those aircraft have been AOG in the last 4 days, seems the aircraft are starting to show that the lack of proper maintenance is finally telling its tail.

411A 30th Nov 2004 14:33

OTOH, Backtrack, a few seem to be in agreement regarding AAI's ah...engineering, according to the last few comments.
Me thinks the CAA was on the right track after all in '98.

And as for Girona, well lets see... the Commander departed with only 15 minutes extra fuel, into an area of very active weather, where even the selected nearby alternates were affected, then decided to make an approach with a thunderstom nearby and, couldn't make up his mind whether he or the co-pilot was to fly the approach, and oh yes, crashed a perfectly serviceable aeroplane.

Simply a bad decision day for that guy, so yes, clown about wraps it up.
And, with his prior experience, the outcome should have been much better, if only he had used a little common sense, and taken a bit more fuel, so that he would not have painted himself right and properly into a corner.

Folks who steam around with absolute minimum fuel will sooner or later find themselves up the creek without a paddle, with no good choices remaining.
The accident statistics are full of examples, if only folks would pay attention.
But, unfortunately the Girona Commander won't be the last to find himself in this situation, especially if companies have a record of keeping track of folks who take plog fuel, and telling 'em...'oh, good show', and constantly calling in others who are more prudent in their fuel decisions.

Earl 30th Nov 2004 19:25

For those that may disagree.
Look at all the post and complaints about the pay issues, violations, threats from the company.
Are we all disgruntled employees?
Some still work there.
Is there any other airline that has all these complaints listed on pprune?
Every company has problems.
This one is really got some big ones.

Whiskery 30th Nov 2004 20:49

So are we all still coming 'round to your place for Christmas Earl ? :confused:

Green Guard 1st Dec 2004 10:19

Yeah, of course,
but remember what Earl said,
you must bring
the whole of your family. !

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