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tonge 5th Mar 2010 21:09

Fly-in 24th April at North Weald, UK

Hello everyone,

I've had this idea for a while of trying to arrange a "Helicopter" Fly-in, I'm not sure if its because there is less of us, but apart from the safety evenings we never seem to get together in groups. The "Plank Boys" appear to organise these do's on a regular basis, and they look to be quite popular (the do's that is not the "planks" :p).

So here goes, how about North Weald (EGSX), on Saturday 24th April from about midday. If you're flying around, or wanting a reason to go for a fly, why not pop in and join me for a tea.

It's a big enough place if quite a few turn up, there is usually something interesting stuff to look at and the "Squadron" does some nice grub!!

Hope to see you there, obviously depending on the lovely UK weather ;)

North Weald Airfield Users Group

heliboy999 5th Mar 2010 22:17

I guess you'll be wanting the 300 on the 25th then Tonge?:}

Rallye Driver 6th Mar 2010 07:06

Glad to be of assistance. I hope you have a good at at NW.

tonge 7th Mar 2010 22:04

Following the post from Rallye Driver, I went to North Weald today and spoke to the "Squadron", they are more than happy to except us for a fly-in. therefore I've changed the date to SATURDAY 24TH APRIL, from midday onwards.

The food looked good and they have got fuel (Avgas and JetA1).

Let me know if you are coming along,


Pilot.Pete 8th Mar 2010 06:00

You can put me down for that.


longbox 8th Mar 2010 08:49

Count me in, I will bring something good along, maybe the 222 if she is ready:ok:

wallism 8th Mar 2010 13:46

I'm up for that so it's in the diary. The R44 knows its way there on its own by now.

Lord Mount 8th Mar 2010 16:26

I don't hve an aircraft at the moment but I wouldn't mind flying the old
Fiat to the Squadron for a chinwag & bite to eat.


tonge 9th Mar 2010 08:36

I'm glad people are keen on the idea!

Lord Mount, I emailed the school's at Redhill, if someone from there is planning to fly in perhaps you could catch a lift?


parasite drag 9th Mar 2010 10:40

If you're good boys I'll bring my Rotorway for you to sneer at :p

John R81 9th Mar 2010 12:03

Redhill - NW
Might be.... might be...

Clitheroe Kid 9th Mar 2010 12:07

Sound like fun. We'll be there in our Enstrom 480

s1lverback 9th Mar 2010 12:10

John R81, sent you a PM.
Have booked FEDA. Will have a couple of lightweights with me too:}, so let me know for w&b.

JTobias 9th Mar 2010 12:56

Its in my diary. I'll be there

Joel :ok:

John R81 10th Mar 2010 12:38

Looks like I may be going with S1lverback

PM replied


s1lverback 10th Mar 2010 22:21

and you are most welcome sir....now how much do you weigh?...cos I am heavy :ok:

John R81 11th Mar 2010 08:03

210 llbs including wallet :)

209.9999999 without wallet :(

s1lverback 12th Mar 2010 07:52

Ketchup on you then.:ok:

tonge 23rd Mar 2010 10:09

Anyone else fancy flying in for some "chopper talk" bacon sarnie's and copious amounts of tea?? :ok:


R44-pilot 23rd Mar 2010 10:12

Wish I had some blades to turn....:(

tonge 23rd Mar 2010 10:25

R44-Pilot, Could always catch a lift with someone else?? Or worst case, drive in :E

R44-pilot 23rd Mar 2010 11:04

Sadly Tonge I'm out in good ole Lincolnshire and there's not to much activity round these parts...:(

It may be a drive down... Would like to see this Bell 222 if it comes!

EDIT: Bugger just realised I'm not even in the country o April 24th! :ugh:

Pandalet 23rd Mar 2010 12:47

I'll be making an effort to get there, although it depends on availibilty, etc. Another R44 :ok:

s1lverback 23rd Mar 2010 13:23

Do we need to PPR for this?

I often use EGSX (as PA32 I use is based there), so wouldn't normally PPR unless it were a large scheduled event.

Also, I believe you need to squawk 7010 approaching North Weald (below 1500 MSL) and departing until you are clear of Stansted airspace.

tonge 23rd Mar 2010 22:42

I spoke with the Op's department at North weald and they wanted people flying in to PPR. It was just so they knew how how many to expect, I told them I was trying to organise this get together, but I couldn't give them an exact number of aircraft that would be arriving.
I guess-timated between 6 and 7 but at this rate there could be double figures :ok:


s1lverback 2nd Apr 2010 13:20


Popped in to EGSX yesterday to speak to maintenance on another matter (fixed wing based there) and spoke with Lee at the Squadron (Alan isn't working the 24th April)

Lee was not aware :} (he is now :ok: and is covering that weekend), but guess we aren't an official (i.e. local authority registered) fly-in as that requires a license.

EGSX is PPR anyhow...so see will you then.

Note: Sqwalk 7010 when on EGSX Frequency 123.52, so Essex (Stansted) know your EGSX traffic.

tonge 3rd Apr 2010 09:08

Silverback, thanks for the info!

I may have a spare seat, going from EGMC, if anyone wants to PM me.


John R81 14th Apr 2010 22:09

Bumping thread without apology - the more the merrier!

Waiting for CAA to send back my license - days drag slowly by!!!


206 jock 15th Apr 2010 08:16

If there's sufficient interest and people willing to make a donation, I might be able to arrange a static view of the Herts Air Ambulance (MD902, G-HAAT), based at North Weald. It's only operational on weekdays, so will be in the hangar.

For those requiring JET A1, be aware that there are two suppliers of fuel at NW....

G-ANPK 15th Apr 2010 18:55


The Huey and MD900 will both probably be outside on Saturday anyway as we will be setting up for "The Gathering of Warbirds and Veterans" taking place on the Sunday.
There will be marshallers working on the Saturday,as one of those`s i will try and come and say hello ,i will see what i can do about a visit if i get the time.

tonge 19th Apr 2010 10:17

That would be great if you could arrange a visit, I don't mind making a donation!!

Well depending on the great "Ash Crisis" I hope to see everyone there on Saturday lunchtime!!


ChippyChop 19th Apr 2010 21:09

Crikey is that for real 206 jock that Herts Air Ambulance only flies through the week, what happens to the poor bastards who need them on the weekend. Must remember not to take my son to any motocross track near there on the weekend

206 jock 20th Apr 2010 12:38

Yep, weekdays only. Coverage at weekends is provided by the Essex aircraft (one charity, two aircraft).

If you and your mates gave a donation of a few hundred thousand, I'm sure the charity would gladly fly 7 days a week with both. What.....you don't fancy that idea?

Kind of summarises the problem, really.

Senior Pilot 20th Apr 2010 12:43

I think a reasonable "overpayment" for the coffee they provide is well worth the investment :ok:

Friendly people at Herts AA, even if they are operating from Essex :p

206 jock 20th Apr 2010 14:08

even if they are operating from Essex
I think we prefer the term 'Hertfordshire borders', but your logic is irrefutable:)

s1lverback 20th Apr 2010 16:29

John R81, you have a PM :ok:

DMW2007 23rd Apr 2010 12:26

Hi All
mercilesssly bumping the thread one more time... Just booked some R44 time so will be calling in tomorrow. Hope it's a good turn out.

John R81 23rd Apr 2010 14:41

Unfortunately a backlog of work & meetings as a result of ash-based disruption to air travel means I must now go to NL to meet Finnish clients this weekend. Have a great meet!

With regret


md 600 driver 24th Apr 2010 06:56

What a nice day for A trip is it still on?
anyone got any times ? what's the landong fees ?

tonge 24th Apr 2010 07:56

Have to agree, it is a nice day! Well we are still going, lets just hope the machine is ok.

Aiming to get there for midday, can't remember what the landing fee is, seem to remember I made a donation to the "Squadron"

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