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Rainboe 2nd Sep 2009 23:02

Rainbow, whatever happened to the notion of humour being made in order to deal with tradgedy.
I'm sure the widows and fatherless children will have their pain greatly diminished if they read here knowing that someone has injected a note of 'humour' into their loss to make it all a bit better!

cessnapuppy 3rd Sep 2009 00:45

True statement
Without irony comes the following;
Dead: Charles Farmer, 59 tenure with FAA (about 1 month)
Critically injured: Larry Wells, 58 3 year veteran in Jackson, Mississippi

was recently named by his peers FAA field inspector of the year in the category for pilots
They were doing certification flights when the event occurred.
Yes, I know a bit more about this particular incident than I let on the first post (and even in this one) but as some have correctly ascertained, it was an ironic statement- no intent to provide mirth but perhaps reflection, and for some, introspection. 'Uneventful' does not mean 'safe'. -regards

Brian Abraham 3rd Sep 2009 02:27

An Aussie refuse collector (Garbo) is going along a street picking up the
wheelie bins (garbage cans) and emptying them into his dustcart (garbage truck).

He goes to one house where the bin hasn't been left out, so he has a quick look for it, goes round the back of the house, but still can't see it.
So, against the rules but in the spirit of kindness, he knocks on the door.

There's no answer.

Being a kindly and conscientious bloke, he knocks again - much harder.

Eventually a Chinese bloke comes to the door. 'Harro!' says the Chinese chappie.

'Gidday, mate! Where's ya bin?' asks the collector

'I bin on toiret' explains the Chinese bloke, a bit perplexed.

Realizing the little foreign fellow had misunderstood him, the bin man smiles and tries again. 'No mate, where's your dust bin?'.

'I dust been to toiret, I toll you!'' says the Chinese man - still perplexed.

'Listen,' says the collector. 'You're misunderstanding me. Where's your wheelie bin?'

'Ok. Ok ' replies the man with a sheepish grin. ' I wheelie bin havin sex wiffa wife's sistah......

Who was it that said "What we have here is a failure to communicate". Whether it be reading the written word, or listening to some one talking, we all take away a different interpretation, and it's because of that problem that legions of lawyers are employed arguing in court about what the meaning of one particular word in a sentence REALLY means. I don't think we need to get our knickers in a twist over it though, but accept it as a problem inherent in being who we are - human. Sorry for the OT Mods, delete if wished.

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