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Flying Lawyer 20th Jun 2009 10:18

Now I happened to mention this on YouTube and it prevoked a big reaction
The reaction he provoked on YouTube was much the same as the reaction he's provoked in this forum.


Go post your request on pprune, you have already proven yourself immature and incapable on here.

I just want to make sure that the rest of the aviation community knows what a complete tool you are.

You have no concept of the futility of bragging on the internet, and are only demonstrating your immaturity

Senior Pilot 20th Jun 2009 11:17

It is interesting that two of the most "popular" threads recently have been started by new sign-ups, who have left PPRuNe within a short time of their posting, never to log in again.

Why captain? was started by Davey Croppet, who (in one or other of his 4 guises) last signed on 4 or so hours after starting the thread, and hasn't logged in since.

Adam_mc27 signed out one minute after starting this thread, and hasn't logged in since :hmm:

Have you all heard of the expression "Trolling"?

:hmm: ;)

helimutt 20th Jun 2009 12:50

Senior Pilot, see post number 18. Do I win a prize for spotting the troll the quickest??

Spacer 20th Jun 2009 17:57

I'm just gutted. I have it the other way round..... 5 years later and I'm still no better than when I started :sad:

jimjim1 20th Jun 2009 22:20

V close to circuit in R22 within 30 mins

Just another data point.

I did about 45 hours fixed wing and then 15 years later had a 30 min
lesson in an R22 for fun.

Was pleased that I managed to lift off, and fly a circuit on my own (well with much detailed instruction but no physical interventions) at the end of the time. Could not however finish by landing from a 3ft hover. The hover took everything I had, not a thing to spare. Instructor let me try a few times but as soon as I moved the collective down even the slightest bit the damn thing started waltzing around the sky. I guess it was the diversion of attention from the cyclic to the collective/pedals that caused the loss of fine control.

Found the 60mph "take off run" at 3ft quite scary though:)


Adam_mc27 23rd Jun 2009 23:10

Wow...didn't think I would get this much of a reaction but here's my reply. And for those who are talking about "trolling"...I've actually had a life to get on with instead of checking pprune all the time for replies! For a specific reply I have arranged them in order of when the person posted me a reply...so find your name and read.


Epiphany: I would have applied for the armed forces but I don't have 20/20 vision so I wouldn't pass the medical, so I didn't ever bother applying.

Camp Freddie: Old bean, makes you sound rather cute ;) But anyway, I've got a few other things to spend money on at the moment, but when my money is more expendable then I shall do that, but I must congratulate you on such a fine idea...it's a shame you didn't use your brain before posting and maybe you'd have thought of something like my answer.

Whirlygig: Unless the instructor controlled the aircraft with his thoughts alone then I see it fit to say I done all the flying as he wasn't covering the controls, his hands were fairly near the first time, a couple of inches, but the second time his hands were resting on his lap...and I was also highly amused at a scratch of you know what ;) Also...I've only seen pictures of the inside of a robinson and assumed that due to the way the controls are laid out, that it operates differently. Also, with regards to me going to RAF Kenley, that's on OK distance. The reason I said Blackbushe is because I'd be unable to go to very large distances, more than 2 hours away, such as Scotland.

SASless: Maybe holding the wings level in a light breeze did help. But it is annoying when somebody breaks the winch and we have to have a cup of tea and biscuits...horrible I tell you!

ShyTorque: Fair point. How did Silverstone go? Hope you got a go in an F1 car, they look like such a blast.

Whirlwind: I think you could back me up more than anybody. The guy I flew with was also CFS(H) from Shawbury, so with proper and decent instruction it's more than possible for people like me to learn it quickly.

Um... lifting...: My ego's small enough to fit into a glider so I'm sure it'll fit into any chopper, but thank you for your concerns.

Trans Lift: Surely if your student got it all in 5 mins then it must be easy? :P But I've love to have several trial lessons or even go all the way for a PPL, but it's just money at the moment, but it is on my lovely list of things to do.

Heli-Phile: Well if I owned a house then I would remortgage it...but as I rent I can't do that. My mother's kind of disabled and live's in a council house so I can't mortgage hers either. The only reason I said I didn't want to go to far was just in case I get people from scotland or even other countries offering me...lets face it, that's a bit far so I thought I'd say Blackbushe so people knew where I was.

Canuck Guy: lmfao Yes, real funny, anyway... Have you thought about the fact that money doesn't grow on trees?...or are tree's different in canada? But if you're offering to polish my boots then please do. Also with regards to my car, it's MOT is due next week. It only gets cleaned once a year so again, very much appreciated. last but not least...keep the sarcasm coming, it makes me hard, so hard I'm close to coming...muppet!

Hughesy: Now now, don't brag about me to much :=

Jeepys: Well well well...somebody is extremely sensitive about parting with many thousands of pounds of hard earned cash just for somebody to say its easy. If you were any more touchy I think you'd either die or cum, depending on the circumstances of course. But I'll tell you this...flying a glider and doing a circuit is easy...pitch, roll, yaw! However...being able to soar and stay up for an hour isn't easy, but clearly you think you could do that then with no previous experience?...I'd love to see that too :hmm: If anyone is interested in a few return glider flights then I'd be more than happy to do it, provided my CO didn't have a problem with it.

Helimutt: I prefer to call myself a fanny...you know, you are what you eat and all. Going by your reply I smell the distinct smell of s***, looking at your post, it wasn't hard to see why.

airbourne artist: Perhaps if you didn't spend so much time posting on here you might be able to come up with better sarcasm :}

Kelly Hopper: F1 drivers are paid so much money because they are so much better than you at driving...simple really. Out of curiosity, do you know how many F1 drivers there are compared to how many chopper pilots there are? Money boils down to statistics...less F1 drivers = big money.....thousands of chopper pilots = good money but nowhere near as much as highly sought after F1 drivers.

enq: That actually was funny and I mean that. I've had so many spam e-mails like that, it's nice to see someone with a sense of humour on here!

Dragman: I wouldn't say I'm a legend, seriously, lots of other people have done it! And sometimes holding your bladder isn't nice...slightly off topic, I once took a smoothie up with me, needless to say with so much fruit I was finding my ass a struggle to hold!

Heliringer: If I do then I will video it. But if I don't get an offer on here then you'll just have to wait until next summer for a trial lesson video. But on a serious note it's not a wind up...im sure if you searched the net you could find a little info about the course I done it on.

Blue Rotor Ronin: There we go...I think the first part of your post speaks volumes. Just to many people who don't like to accept flying comes more naturally to other people all because they had to pay for their licence and feel they have to protect it.

Biggles99: Thank you very much for the offer. Feel free to PM me details about contacting you and stuff and let me know what you'd like in return for your troubles. I don't think badly of all helicopter pilots at all.

CDP200: Right, I'll explain myself. I do think the pilot of this chopper is very skilled indeed. However, some tard said that his skill helped him walk away from the accident. My argument was skill had nothing to do with it, just a coinsidence he wasn't 20 feet lower! 20 feet higher and he wouldn't have crashed in the first place. That's how the arguments started.

Senior Pilot: You ever heard of the term "sad c***"? I didn't even know there was a name for people who joined sites, posted once and then left. And to be honest, I didn't want to join pprune...but if you didn't already know, you kind of have to join before you can post things. But just so you know...I've had more important things to do than come on here at the earliest opportunity, hence why I've only posted now and it's a big reply to everyone. But thank you for being so observant at my activities.

Well...that's my reply over and done with. If I get more spare time then I shall check up on this thread and see how it's going. But thank you all for your comments and I hope my reply clears a few things up.


Whirlygig 24th Jun 2009 07:28

Adam, I'll say it again, if an instructor was covering the controls, you would not know what inouts he was making. You can't see his left hand on the collective, you can't see his feet.

As a few have conceded that some rare peole have been able to hover in a few minutes but sixteen of you? All with one instructor? Nah :}

I shall check up on this thread
You reckon after having having a pop at a mod?




Senior Pilot 24th Jun 2009 07:41

Originally Posted by Whirlygig
You reckon after having having a pop at a mod?


Originally Posted by Adam_Mc27
But just so you know...I've had more important things to do than come on here at the earliest opportunity

Then you either have no manners, or no respect for those professionals to whom you have requested help. Most of them have important things to do, but many of them had the grace to try to reply to you. No wonder you received such scathing replies :ugh:

I think our new chum has just about had his day, don't you think :hmm:

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