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-   -   ATPL(H) theory. Same with ATPL(A)? (https://www.pprune.org/rotorheads/333958-atpl-h-theory-same-atpl.html)

bleuciel 6th Jul 2008 08:20

ATPL(H) theory. Same with ATPL(A)?
Good morning,
I look the distance training courses of flight academies for helicopters. I have a question. Is the ATPL theory the same for helicopters and airplanes?
For example, I have found the X site in Ireland that offers ATPL(H).
I also found the Z site in UK that offers ATPL but I can't see that is for helicopters. They claim that is for helicotpers too.

The exams for helicopters and airplanes are the same?


Choppers Rule 6th Jul 2008 08:35

There was an interim procedure in place in the UK. You would write 12 aeroplane subjects and then helo P of F. No performance exam. So only 13 exams for ATPL(H). There was a post on PPrune a few weeks ago that suggested this procedure was only until last month. I suggest you contact the CAA.

alouette 6th Jul 2008 08:37

Atpl (a) / Atpl (h)
Hi there,

I currently take the groundcourse for an ATPL (H), and not one subject is helicopter specific as far as I can see. The entire "ATPL (H)" course is actually an ATPL (A) course.:ok:

paco 6th Jul 2008 10:51

The syllabus is not the same. We offer UK-based JAA ATPL(H) and CPL(H) distance learning courses that are helicopter specific, and IR(H) very shortly (see advert occasionally on the bottom of the page).


alouette 6th Jul 2008 11:25

Atpl (a) (h)
Hey Phil,

Who is offering ATPL(H) specific courses (haven't seen the ad yet)? However, I think "no pain, no gain". Boy, I love the "four engine calculations" - I yet have to see a helicopter with four engines:}



bleuciel 6th Jul 2008 17:55

For me to understand,

1) The lessons of the school offering ATPL(H) will be slightly different from the school offering ATPL. ( H - focus on helicopters )

2) No matter what school I chose I will take the same exams. (that are the same for airplanes and helicopters - but no questions for helicopters in the exams).

3) So if i chose the ATPL(H) I will propably have more to read (airplane+helicopter) but I will improve my helicopter knowledge.


Whirlygig 6th Jul 2008 18:21

It depends on which country you're sitting the exams and with which school you enrol.

It sounds as if you need to ask the individual schools exactly what they are offering. You need to enrol on an ATPL(H) or CPL(H) course if you wish to fly helicopters commercially; you can't sit ATPL(A) instead.

Paco's course (CAPT - the clue is under his name!!) is heli-specific.



bleuciel 6th Jul 2008 18:38

It sounds as if you need to ask the individual schools exactly what they are offering. You need to enrol on an ATPL(H) or CPL(H) course if you wish to fly helicopters commercially; you can't sit ATPL(A) instead.
For the X school it is clearly defined in the web site that it is for helicopters.
For the Z school (UK) l i ask them and told me that the course is for ATPL(H) too.
(sorry for X and Z, I dont want to tell me I advertize or promote any school)

Sailor Vee 6th Jul 2008 19:08

You need to enrol on an ATPL(H) or CPL(H) course if you wish to fly helicopters commercially; you can't sit ATPL(A) instead.

I sat the ATPL(A) exams and then did the rest of the stuff with the company. I wasn't too sure if I wanted to transfer to planks, (I know, quelle dikhed ! :) ), the ATPL(A) theory exams count for both as they're a sight more complex!

(It also means that I can carry out and sign for a compass swing!) :8

Whirlygig 6th Jul 2008 19:19

Not wrong but maybe not an entirely complete statement. Yes, one can take ATPL(A) exams and then the (H) Principles of Flight (possibly the (H) performance with the interim system being withdrawn). You then hold ATPL(H) as well. But you still need that.

Not sure what you mean by doing the rest with "the company".



Sailor Vee 6th Jul 2008 19:26

The 'rest of the stuff' was indeed P of F(H), etc, anything appertaining to rotary as opposed to plank.

paco 6th Jul 2008 19:54

Once the interim system is out of the way I suspect you will have to do a bridging exam with a "composite paper" and a couple of other subjects (got approval for that too.)

In answer to some questions:

1) The lessons of the school offering ATPL(H) will be slightly different from the school offering ATPL. ( H - focus on helicopters )

Yes, POF and performance will be different, no questions on IRS operation (there are on the inner workings) and a couple of others, like pressurisation

2) No matter what school I chose I will take the same exams. (that are the same for airplanes and helicopters - but no questions for helicopters in the exams).

The exam questions for helicopter exams are helicopter specific in the UK

3) So if i chose the ATPL(H) I will propably have more to read (airplane+helicopter) but I will improve my helicopter knowledge

There is no studying for fixed wing, except where it illustrates a helicopter point. Certainly no 737s! Super Puma instead!


Pandalet 7th Jul 2008 08:14

If you have the option, do the helicopter-specific course (ie. the non-transitional ATPL(H)). Why would you care about how many fire extinguishers you need for 200 pax, or what the difference between a slot and a flap is?

Also, there's far fewer 'wrong' questions in the helicopter papers; as the database is new, the CAA can filter the questions more carefully.

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