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SilsoeSid 20th Apr 2007 15:51

My friend was swatting up on his mountain flying notes, as he still wasn't sure of the 'substantial experience requirement', and thought this vid might be of interest to the competition!


The guy in the right hand seat is TC, right? ;)

Bertie Thruster 21st Apr 2007 12:22

What does the panel think a Police or EMS pilot should earn for a years work?
This goverment website suggests between £45k to £60k per year:


SilsoeSid 21st Apr 2007 12:48

Nice find Bertie, I particularly liked;

Helicopter pilots may be paid allowances for overnight stays or visits to inhospitable areas.
So night duties at certain places would get you top wack then???

Under the 'Annual Income' it does say between doesn't it?

Basher577 22nd Apr 2007 08:25

inhospitable areas!
I bet you could get Travel Lodges to fall within that discription.

wallsend 22nd Apr 2007 09:32

What about Woodhouse Moor HLS?

Bertie Thruster 22nd Apr 2007 20:55

What does the panel think a Police or EMS pilot should earn for a years work?

£54k, basic.

Whirlygig 22nd Apr 2007 21:16

Surely salary would depend on which area of the country said police/HEMS pilot works? £54k in London is not that high a salary at all irrespective of profession. Up here in Noorrrfolk, it would be considered very comfortable indeed!



ShyTorque 22nd Apr 2007 22:03

Whirls, that figure doesn't include London weighting. The Met boys are on a bit more :)

Whirlygig 22nd Apr 2007 22:09

OK. Replace "London" with "Oxford"! It's still the same point in that uniform salaries across the country do not equate to a uniform standard of living. But that's public sector pay policies for you!



Max_Chat 25th Apr 2007 23:06

I phoned my local tax office and had no problems with getting the allowance. How unusual for a government department to give differing answers to the same question asked more than once.

Bertie Thruster 26th Apr 2007 17:12

Well done for getting your allowance Max Chat, especially if you are a police pilot.

BALPA fought a long battle to ensure all the Police and Hems guys got the same FREA (fixed rate expenses allowance) that BALPA had negotiated for commercial pilots.

This is what the Taxman finally said:

............. It is clear that these helicopter pilots are a very different breed from the airline pilots who were the focus of our negotiations over the FREA. However, I am now satisfied that they are likely to incur allowable expenses of a comparable amount and that (contrary to my initial impression) they are indeed “commercial” pilots. I therefore confirm that HMRC will apply the agreed FRE to pilots employed by PAS/HEMS, BAS and any similar operators....................

..... and if TC is happy to claim his allowance, I wonder if he will retract his snide comment about BA lapel badges?...... :hmm:

Head Turner 27th Apr 2007 15:12

The job vacancy in Cumbria is still open for someone with the right background and qualifications. And as I said before, it would suit an AAC, and IR is not required. There are other duties that the person would be required to take up at times when not flying. There is quite a bit of trans-europe positioning, low flying, mountain flying, hot and high, confined areas and looking after the customers, unusual hours and long days. But it's interesting.

paco 28th Apr 2007 01:47

Hot and high in Cumbria? :)


Whirlygig 28th Apr 2007 07:18

Yeah, you might have to fly over Sellafield :} :eek:



paco 28th Apr 2007 13:39

Ah, central heating for kids....


Hoveronly 28th Apr 2007 18:32

A 3 fold salary increase in 10 years?
Just read that house prices have gone up 3 fold in the last 10 years. When I left Police work in '96 I was on 32K. now others are being offered 39k by a well known company. 54k sounds much more like a liveable figure which takes into consideration the risks and conditions of the job.

902Jon 30th Apr 2007 07:21

Bertie check your pm's please

SilsoeSid 1st May 2007 09:15


Remember...don't employ anyone who is unlucky!

Take all the applications, shuffle them about a bit, and then shred and bin half of them.

Thanks to David Brent!

What Limits 1st May 2007 09:17


No agenda, but would be interested in how many have applied and how many you are considering.


Thomas coupling 1st May 2007 10:20

What Limits. Application closing date was yesterday. We appear to have 6 responses!! Not had time to sift yet. Compared to 4 yrs ago when there were 16 and 2 yrs previous to that 24. Spoken to numerous other operators and there is a stark shortage of suitable pilots, it seems. Time for a market correction perhaps???? Another operator has had even less applications than this.
Oooh err.

SilsoeSid 1st May 2007 10:56

I'm surprised at the low numbers TC.

As my earlier post, perhaps something is amiss, as I know of one person who sent in the CV etc right at the start and despite now being past the closing date, still no application forms!

Were these application forms actually applicable for this post, or will the interview invitations be going out based on CV, photo, letter information?


'beth ewyllysia bod, ewyllysia bod'.

ShyTorque 1st May 2007 11:51

I would apply myself, but not at the pay rates. Market forces prevail and one eventually gets what one pays for.

That sounds arrogant, it's really not meant to be:O . IMHO, Police pilots in UK have been undervalued for years, especially taking into account the qualifications / experience required.

Helinut 1st May 2007 12:30

I was also interested but have taken a stand on the salary issue too, and not applied. I have also decided not to apply for one or two other police jobs on the same basis. Just one person's view but perhaps repeated?

Because it is of interest to me, I have been enquiring about the going rate. It seems to vary quite a lot. I was also told that one of the major contracting organisations was paying £39K for police line pilots. Another smaller one is paying £45K, while yet another (probably soon to be an ex police contractor) is paying various rates covering that range and more.

Thomas coupling 1st May 2007 14:53

Silsoe Sid: If you know of anyone who has applied for an application pack but not received one, get them to e-mail me on here ASAP and I will guarantee to review their CV. As you said the applications are few in number and if someone out there is qualified and has missed out, I'd love to know about it please?

Many thanks,


Helinut, you should invest while the market is low...it can only go one way;)

SilsoeSid 3rd May 2007 09:55

Having re-re-read the thread, I am very surprised and in wonder that with TC earlier saying ;

I can assure you, that this 'package' for an entry level police line pilot, will escalate past the 50K mark very very quickly. That, in my opinion, is satisfactory remuneration for the post.

Why were there only 6 applicants?

Thomas coupling 3rd May 2007 10:38

Let me put it in perspective Silsoe:
We have had 6 applicants. A neighbouring police unit has had less success. The Welshpool Air Ambulance is finding difficulty supplying anyone to work there full time and so too is the Caernarfon Air Ambulance.
A police force down south can't find pilots and even one of the biggest service providers who advertised at the same time as us, is finding difficulty filling their vacancies.
I can only assume that the market has reached rock bottom and most pilots have been scooped up. It can only auger well for salaries methinks?
I remember a thread about 3 yrs ago discussing our (pro pilots) position on the salary ladder. Where exactly do we come in comparison to say doctors/accountants/tanker drivers/train drivers etc?

And why have my number of posts stopped going up?

SilsoeSid 3rd May 2007 10:48

Police Force down South?

How south?

As for the post numbers, the totals are updated on all your posts as you post new posts, so your previous post will have the same number of posts as your next post.

Whirlygig 3rd May 2007 10:48

I can't speak for doctors etc but a Chartered Accountant in North Wales would be typically earning between 35k and 70k. This is a qualification that requires a degree and at least 3 years subsequent training to an academic level higher than ATPL!



PS Thomas, your post count looks fine unless you post on Jet Blast and then they do not count!

Thomas coupling 3rd May 2007 10:53

During my deliberations whilst defining the direct pilot contract, the police asked me to quantify the ATPL qualification. I was officially told by Bristol University (eventually) that an ATPL was equivalent to a two yr credit for a science degree. So that would fit in nicely with whirly's statement, no?

airborne_artist 3rd May 2007 11:53

TC - I guess the number of applications received is a) a reflection of the terms offered for this post compared to the market and b) shows that the number of RW pilots leaving the military is now shrinking fast.

SilsoeSid 3rd May 2007 12:10

Unfortunately the OU doesn't recognise this apparent equivalency!
Here is a reply from an e-mail enquiry I sent them.

As I understand it, the CAA does not meet the higher education quality assurance standards necessary for us to assess
their qualifications for credit toward our degree programmes. As we are monitored by the Quality Assurance Agency
ourselves, we need to show absolute evidence that any professional courses we award credit for meet their criteria, and
in this case we are unable to do this.
I trust I have answered your question, however if you would like any further guidance please do not hesitate to contact
this office.
Yours sincerely,
Kila Miller
Credit Transfer Adviser
You can however get a few points from more recent Military flying courses;


paco 3rd May 2007 15:38

I was officially told by Bristol University (eventually) that an ATPL was equivalent to a two yr credit for a science degre

Fixed Wing or Helicopter? The FW one has a higher standard. I get the OU's points about consistency, though.


griffothefog 3rd May 2007 16:06

police job
I think all you guys are getting a little bit anal about this job application... This thread has been running for weeks and I suspect most of the comments have been made by under qualified people. If you have what they want, then apply and negotiate your terms privately or get off the bus:{

Whirlygig 3rd May 2007 16:30

One of the differences between Direct Employed police pilots and those working contracted operator is that direct employed come under rules similar to all public sector employees i.e. very, very little room for negotiation!



soggyboxers 3rd May 2007 18:35

I never even got an acknowledgement or a reply either. Just because I'm over 60 and legally prohibited from flying single-pilot on operations such as this, doesn't mean that I'm completely gaga and incapable :mad: . I manage to fly 6 days a week in an environment considerably more hostile than North Wales, but that of sourse counts for nothing any more. Oh well, another few red infuriators too many in the short (remaining) slide to the grave :\

Thomas coupling 3rd May 2007 22:25

Soggyboxers, I did respond to your PM, that's if you are the gentleman with 11000+ hrs and working in Nigeria??
You answered your own question. How could we possibly take you on (even though your quals are outstanding) if you can't fly for us legally?

Time to close this thread now I think eh?

Whirlygig 3rd May 2007 23:08

Originally Posted by Thomas dahling
Time to close this thread now I think eh?

Just as I was girding my loins for a full-blowm macro-economic treatise on employment markets and supply and demand, you want to close the thread? Deprive a girl of her fun eh? :rolleyes: :}



SASless 3rd May 2007 23:17

Dear Whirls,

Is girding one's loins similar to putting on yer Kevlar Y-fronts?

Heliport 4th May 2007 01:31

Closed at TC's request (as thread originator) as the deadline for applications is now passed.

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