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-   -   The Met's EC145s are about to go Operational! (https://www.pprune.org/rotorheads/264453-mets-ec145s-about-go-operational.html)

CAPTAIN COP! 16th Feb 2007 11:15

The Met's EC145s are about to go Operational!
Good new for all those Ppruners out there that have been waiting with anticipation for the Met's new EC145 airframes to go operational. The wait is nearly over!!!!

I understand that a small number of the Met's eight pilots have recently completed their type rating on the EC145 type whilst at Eurocopter, Germany. The very same pilots are now currently completing a familiarisation course with MacAlpine Helicopters, Oxfordshire with the remaining pilots to complete the necessary training in due course.

The police observers will also be undertaking further training on the updated and more advanced equipment that has been installed within the the EC145 airframe on their arrival to the Lippits.

I believe the first aircraft is due to arrive and to go operational at Lippits Hill within the next few weeks (date to be confirmed) and the second and third helicopters to arrive over the coming year.

The intention is to type rate all the Met pilots on the new aircraft as quickly as possible prior and to the arrival of the remaining two new aircraft so the Met can dispense with the existing 3 X AS355N as not to finance and keep the pilots rated on two types of aircraft at the same time.

As a result of with the arrival of the new helicopters shortly, for the first time in many years the Metropolitan Police Service/Authority have injected a large funding of cash into the ASU in order to take modern police aviation in to the next decade.

New Hanger doors have, or are about to be installed to cater for the EC145 and a heli-strip is due, again if not already completed, to be constructed within a "stone's throw" of the current T/O & Ldg area.
Not sure at the present time whether the CAT "A" T/O and Ldg will be continued?

I for one have been looking forward to seeing and hearing the new aircraft operating above London and the southeast. The Met police are taking police aviation forward into unknown areas (policing operations) and breaking new bounderies. Never before as this type of aircraft been seen operating over the United Kingdom on a military, civilian or police capability before and only anticipate that other police services with the financing will follow in due course to aquire this type of aircraft for policing.

I am a fairly new contributer to Pprune, but have been a persistant reader for the last few years. My objective to Pprune is to convey a factual account of correct information and don't believe in pure assumption or lies. Therefore, If anyone believes that any of the above information is incorrect, fellow Ppruners please feel free to correct me to the above in order that all Ppruners have been conveyed the correct information. :ok:

PANews 16th Feb 2007 19:50

Cap'n Cop

I believe you are generally correct in everything except the timing of the feast.

Unless the Met have changed their plans of just two months ago the suggestion that the 145 being operational is imminent [as in by March] I would dispute.

True they have been training on the 145s for some weeks now but, unlike more recent previous aircraft introductions, this is not intended to be an immediate changeover of types. More likely to reflect what they did in changing from the 222 to the 355 [well maybe not so long!] as there is a lot of technology to take on-board. I expect they will again be a 6 aircraft unit for a fair period in the coming year.

Runway? Yes, but again the timescale is 'Not yet' - they have yet to get planning permission on that. As far as I am aware the plans are not yet in so the horses can still rest in their field. Might make the golf at West Essex a bit more exciting with a giant fan whizzing over the flight path of the little balls!

Brilliant Stuff 16th Feb 2007 20:05

I believe all pilots are now rated but I can not remember what the nice observer was telling us. Though I can confirm the hangar doors being replaced. The runway was still in the planning stage.

Darren999 17th Feb 2007 01:42

Does the Met having any flying positions at this moment?
Just a thought....:)

SilsoeSid 17th Feb 2007 10:46

I for one shall be looking forward to the reaction from anyone in London who might want to cry "Police State" when a few doors get kicked in.

Especially as Capt.Cop says "The Met police are taking police aviation forward into unknown areas (policing operations) and breaking new bounderies."

Let them cry what they like when this lot come a knocking!!!

Not just a film anymore!


"Good Morning Sir!!!"


Would you mind accompanying us to the 'interview room'?

Pardon Sir, you'd like to speak to your soya?
Moira? Isn't she a newsreader?
Toyah? It's a mystery, sir, I just can't understand what you are requesting.
You won't talk until you see your employer!
I'm sorry Sir, I understand now, however unfortunately Kate Lawler won't be available until after the Breakfast Show. :ok:

Colonal Mustard 17th Feb 2007 19:10

"Let them cry what they like when this lot come a knocking!!!!
They`ve been here in london for a number of years now, since the mid 90`s, lets just say north of the river but close to an east london area with a long piece of concrete...":suspect: oops censored"

Thud_and_Blunder 17th Feb 2007 23:28

seeing and hearing the new aircraft operating above London and the southeast
Well, if the Exeter BK117 is anything to go by, you'll certainly be hearing them. By far the noisiest emergency services heli I've heard in UK service. Was walking the dog on Dartmoor t'other day when I first picked up the sound of that tail-rotor. Four minutes later the aircraft flew past (half a mile south) at max chat. Not sure what speed they cruise, but something that can be heard 7+ miles away ain't going to be music to Red Ken's sensitive lugholes.

Enjoy the new kit, hope the performance is up to the jobs you have in mind.

PANews 18th Feb 2007 09:28

The EC145/BK117C2 has turned out considerably quieter than the earlier BK's.

Not sure how they did it, a clever tweak of old technology it seems.

All those years [and mi££ions] going down the road of high pitched screams from fenestron's and hiding the fan inside the fuselage to get a measure of quietness and the old technology seems to have largely overcome the problem and ended up almost as quiet as the new technologies.

Still chop your head off if you get too close though! Good job its nice and high on the 145 - and unlikely to be so quiet as you will not notice it!

bell222 14th Mar 2007 21:38

one of the met 145's has been seen today over south london at quite low level does anyone know if they are online yet or could this be more tests?

AlanM 14th Mar 2007 22:05

They have been flying for a few weeks now - vectored one around the Biggin ILS in the last week.

Asked the crew yesterday on the RT and they said they are still being operated "privately" so they cannot be used for Police work, just trg and no freeloading ATCOs until they are declared fit for service.

PANews 14th Mar 2007 22:20

They have been operating more often out of Lippitts Hill more regularly of late which either suggests that they have recently moved operations from pure pilot training [mainly based out of Oxford] or just that the sun is shining and they are more visible from here!

A mile south of the 'office'

Lord Mount 14th Mar 2007 22:49

One flew into Hendon today whilst I was on a course.
Much quieter than the twin Squirrels.

Looking good lads!

treadigraph 14th Mar 2007 23:11

Much quieter than the twin Squirrels.
That I am very glad to, er, not hear! :ok:

bell222 14th Mar 2007 23:24

are all three fully kitted out yet or will one be done at a time?

jackjack08 15th Mar 2007 10:03

Have the met got external hoist capability on the 145 ? if so, anyone know where the observers did their hoist ops training ?

CAPTAIN COP! 15th Mar 2007 10:16

From my understanding the Met Police took possession of one EC145
recently from McAlpine Helicopters recently where it is now based at Lippitts Hill undergoing familiarisation by both pilots and observers.
Not sure when it goes operational, though?

As for the second and third airframes they will be delivered in due course!

All three aircraft (MPSA, MPSB & MPSC) are still currently shown on the
CAA database under McAlpines registered name.

I'm sure this will change in the near future. Keep your eyes peeled!

ppheli 16th Mar 2007 05:17

Think you may be right, they could have full possession of one EC145 now - although that doesn't mean they've made it operational yet.

My evidence? Well, you pointed out that they are still registered to McAlpine, but you didn't note that MPSB was this week marked up as "Potential change of Registered Ownership in progress" by the CAA, and this is the one that will be delivered first. MPSA is the "trials horse" and will be delivered last.

So, what of the high-time 355Ns? Any truth in the report that they will acquire VON# registrations...?

CAPTAIN COP! 16th Mar 2007 15:31

Thanks for updating and clarifying the thread with regards to the
anticipated official handover of G-MPSB from McAlpine Helicopters to the Met Police.

Your absolutely correct with regards to the CAA database. It does state that airframe G-MPSB is currently going through the "Potential change of registered ownership in progress." The last time I viewed the CAA website I didn't recall seeing the updated entry.

With regards the future of the current 3 x AS355's and the possibilty of
being purchased by the Von Essen Group - that I do not know.

Mind you, with the recent press release that the Von Essen Group has purchased McAlpine Helicopters for £20 million, I suppose anything is possible.

Captain Cop!

malaprop 16th Mar 2007 16:27

Wow! Macs as well as Premiair! They're really splashing out....

What Limits 16th Mar 2007 17:09

To set the record straight,

Von Essen own hotels
They bought a hotel with a big heliport at Battersea
They bought PremiAir which does pilotage and engineering from Denham and Blackbushe.

They did not buy McAlpine Helicopters Ltd, which is the engineering company based at Oxford.

Now for the big rumour
McAlpines will be sold to Eurocopter!

CAPTAIN COP! 16th Mar 2007 18:25

What Limits
Two days running now I've supplied incorrect information - apologises to all Ppruners!!!

With regards to the last entry I made where I stated the Von Essen Group had purchased McAlpines this is infact wrong as clarified by Whats Limits.

In your last entry you stated "now for the big rumour" regarding a possibility of a take over of McAlpine Helicopters by Eurocopter.
I was always led to believe that McAlpine Helicopters was already owned and is a subsidary of Eurocopter anyway. Is this not the case then?

Captain Cop!

PANews 16th Mar 2007 21:12

McAlpine is part owned by Eurocopter.

A handful of years ago the percentage was a mere 10% but that may have moved forward. I believe this rumour about an impending sale of the other 90% is not misplaced but I would not want to put a date on it in 2007 any more than I did in 2000 [when a similar rumour was circulating].

The owner, the McAlpine family, will of course wish to do the job eventually - just as they have with that former section of the group, Premiair formerly OSS formerly McAlpine.....

Still at least severing Premiair from the McAlpine family will at least undermine the claim they were one and the same and not two seperate commercial entities! Or will it! :rolleyes:

bell222 19th Mar 2007 17:23

does anyone have any pictures yet of the new machines the only one i have seen is on police aviation news sometime ago

CAPTAIN COP! 19th Mar 2007 18:17

I've managed to locate a recent edition of the Metropolitan Police
Service internal newspaper called "The Job. There is an article within
dedicated to the new aircraft and the future of the Met ASU.
I've also found a photograph from the McAlpine Helicopters website:

1) www.scotlandyard.police.uk/job/job977/the_job_issue_7_book.pdf.mac-

2) http://www.mac-helicopters.co.uk/news.htm


Captain Cop!

CAPTAIN COP! 19th Mar 2007 18:38

There appears to be a fault with the Metropolitan Police Service internal newspaper website link.

If you want to view the "The Job" article type Met Police EC145 into the relevant search engine. Once established, scan through the various pages until you locate the site stating:

01 Final Cover V2 indd
www.scotlandyard.police.uk/job977/the job issue 7 book pdf.

Hopefully you'll have more success this way?

Capatin Cop! :D

quichemech 20th Mar 2007 13:45

That Reg on the stab looks a bit on the small side:rolleyes:

bell222 20th Mar 2007 13:58

also there is no met police coat of arms on display

Bravo73 20th Mar 2007 15:19


This link should point you straight to the pdf that you are looking for.



CAPTAIN COP! 20th Mar 2007 20:51

Many thanks for your assistance regarding the above.

You obiviously know more about computer than I.

Once again, thank you!

Captain Cop! :ok:

bell222 21st Mar 2007 19:57

i know this will not happen but would it not have been a good idea to keep one of the 355's purely as a back up aircraft just in case the 145 fleet was grounded for any reason this would ensure some type of air cover
bearing in mind what happened last year when the fleet was grounded due to gearbox probs

PANews 21st Mar 2007 22:01

The cost of such a contingency would probably be far too high.
First you would need to keep ALL the pilots current on the 355 as a type, then you would need a second line of spares maintained [notwithstanding that some will already be in the hangar], maintain a disimilar type, and bring the single tired airframe up to somewhere near the same standard operationally as its cohorts - buying a new Wescam 15 for a start [the new aircraft are using the 355 Wescams].
If - heaven forbid - this were to be the case I suspect that once the chapter on 355 is closed it would be cheaper to wet lease in 355's [or anything] and just go fly with the local police observers to cover the gap. When the 355Ns were down they were 'replaced' by a leased in AS355F2 G-CAMB while things were sorted.
The Met is perhaps more important than some other units because of their location but such a move was reflected recently in Cheshire. They had their BN2 offline for a Wescam fit and they brought in an AS355F2 to cover the gap period. As a result their fixed wing pilot was temporarily sidelined and another brought in. Not ideal but it did resolve a perceived problem and gave the observers a fully operational mount [spare BN2s with sensor fits being rare].

AlanM 21st Mar 2007 22:03

Did I really see G-MPSA into Lippits today....??

....then Police 253 doing a 10km orbit of Hendon at 1500ft!

Interesting testing for the beast!!!!

(Go on then chaps... What was that about!???) :bored: :)

bell222 23rd Mar 2007 17:25

why is the camera grey and not colour coded unlike other new 902's and 135's

Brilliant Stuff 23rd Mar 2007 17:58

They mentioned they had to do some operational flight testing by a line pilot and crew for the CAA.

MINself 23rd Mar 2007 19:05

bell222, that could just be the colour that the manufacturer made them in, I have seen similar Wescam turrets in use in the UK (if thats the manufacturer?) battleship grey. They might even get the turrets resprayed to match the aircraft if that doesn't interfere with their internal electrickery :8

jayteeto 23rd Mar 2007 20:13

Spare aircraft are becoming rare. We are not taking a squirrel to cover the next servicing period. Money is tight, keeping 4 pilots current is expensive and rental costs are high. To be honest, no names, but our last couple of rentals were a battle of failing role equipment. We eventually stopped using it and just used binoculars.

PANews 23rd Mar 2007 21:23

The Wescam turrets on the 145s are currently grey because that is the colour they have whilst on their more usual locations under the nose of the white Met AS355Ns. They are not new units - they were acquired last year for the Ns.

I would expect them the change colour [if ever] after the dust of the handover in types settles.

chopper2004 24th Mar 2007 14:01

Suffolk County (NY) Police EC-145

Saw and took picture of the new Suffolk County (NY) Police, EC-145 fit to role by Metro Aviation, at Heli Expo a few weeks ago. Very nice

chopperdr 24th Mar 2007 19:16

both the stepmounts shown on display of the suffolk ec-145 at HAI were made by our company, meeker aviation
if you would like more info, pm me

bell222 4th Apr 2007 11:22

just out of interest what will the met be asking for their squirrels ? Will they be sold seperate or together and if they are together will there be a lower asking price

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