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cyclic 11th Feb 2004 04:39

Network, network and then network some more. You must know someone who is working on the outside. The onshore market has a small turnover but there are jobs that are never advertised. The money is not great but with a pension you can just about break even. The flying I have found to be challenging and varied, and flying is all you have to do.

The offshore market - just read this forum for an idea of opportunities.

The grass is greener (if you don't mind living on contracts) but is just as hard to cut!

Hueymeister 5th Jun 2004 21:31

Rotary Job Market..How bouyant is it?
With some (major?) cutbacks in the military in the offing, what's the job market on the outside like for those of us facing a P45 through the door? Where are there good opportunities, good packages, and what do the police helo units/air ambulance outfits look for for recruitment?

Hueymeister 8th Jun 2004 21:40

Just putting this back to the top...any ideas?

Heliport 10th Jun 2004 12:03

Hueymeister 10th Jun 2004 14:31

Guess not then!

The Nr Fairy 10th Jun 2004 14:52


I've heard tell of a 3000 hour civil pilot, instructor rated, Twin Squirrel rated, with a reasonable amount of turbine time, who's currently the newbie pilot at an ASU in the UK.

Perhaps that's what HOGE means, or - seeing as the post was some time ago - perhaps he means something else.

Whirlygig 10th Jun 2004 15:24

Sorry Huey, welcome to the harsh real world. Basically, there are no good opportunities, even fewer good packages and Police/HEMS want thousands of relevant hours.

There have been a number of threads on this subject so please do a search. There is a lot that you would need to consider and research including IR and type conversions.

I'm afraid the lack of response is because nobody has anything positive to say or it has already been said.

Best of luck



EESDL 10th Jun 2004 18:18

Whoooaaaaahhhhh there boy!
Does that mean that you've had enough of the Blockheads and are returning to these shores?
Now why would someone like me tell you where the jobs are when I'll be looking for a job too?
Met Nivs and Langers a couple of weeks ago, they'll tell you about the civvy job market...they're working for PAS and PDG respectively.
Get yourself out to the Gulf, that will sort you out, plenty of opportunities for people who can't choose where the money comes from!!
Hope all is well, but I'm afraid my int is oonly valid for the Frozen North!

Hueymeister 10th Jun 2004 19:25

EESDL..have you got their contact details? Would be nice to talk to them both after soooo long.

Whirly-Wotsit..Ta, Yep I'm not under the impression that I'll walk into the perfect Job without a bit of searching/hard work and compromise...however I do have a lot of very varied experience (sea+mountain SAR/chasing naughty chinese drug+car smugglers) and would hope that might help persuade the likes of PAS/PDG/Bond/Bristows etc!!

Oogle 10th Jun 2004 21:47

Flying around a mega-rich middle east family on their over-expensive aircraft and getting paid bucketloads.

My presidential accomodation would have to be air conditioned.

Can anyone get me THAT job??


SilsoeSid 11th Jun 2004 05:03

For me, I'll have to go along with Johns first post on this thread

Mine, because I enjoy (nearly) every day, don't feel jealous of what the next guy is doing, and have a different type of flight almost every other day.
Without the nearly or the almost! :ok:

autosync 11th Jun 2004 09:41

Dream job?

Sitting in a hover, in an Apache, outside the third Reich headquarters in Gatwick house, and levelling the place with Hellfire missiles.

Randy_g 11th Jun 2004 17:41

My favorite was fire fighting. The crews were professional, and fun to be around. The flying was interesting, and varied. Flying initial attack, and performing a hover exit. Then putting on the bucket and helping to cool off the area until the crew can get the hose to it. There is also the high of helping to save peoples homes, and property.

bondu 11th Jun 2004 19:22

The best job has to be SAR/EMS.
I spent 18 months on an EMS unit: it was my best job ever! I am ashamed to admit that I moved back to the North Sea for the money (and the promise of SAR - shafted by company during week one!).
The high you get when a patient comes back to say 'thank you', is unbeatable! I had one where a 17 year old motorcyclist came off his bike, giving himself multiple life-threatening injuries. My paramedic team did a fantastic job keeping him alive during the 10 minute flight to the major trauma hospital. Hot unload at the helipad, and straight in to Resus, twin chest drains etc. He came to visit the unit (in our leaky portacabin) about 4 months later, still on crutches but looking much better than the last time we had seen him!!
Makes all the sh1* worth while! :ok: :ok:

SilsoeSid 12th Jun 2004 05:00

Nr Fairy,

I've heard tell of a 3000 hour civil pilot, instructor rated, Twin Squirrel rated, with a reasonable amount of turbine time, who's currently the newbie pilot at an ASU in the UK.
He would be a newbie pilot in any ASU in the UK.

1. Newbie for being the most recent to join. (I thought that would be too obvious!)
2. ASU pilots(UK) are all civil pilots.
3. 3000hrs is probably low for any ASU pilot.
4.Twin Squirrel rated, who isn't? (+ they are being replaced.)
5. Instructor rated, what use is that in an ASU? (until he/she moves on?)
6. 'Reasonable' amount of turbine time! (Normally a lot is required!)

It's just that you sounded surprised. :confused:

jayteeto 12th Jun 2004 05:57

The jobs are there in the police world and like any other career... If you have the skills, you will get a job. It might not be the 'golden' one, but you should be ok. JT

Bladestrike 12th Jun 2004 12:27

Flying offshore on Canada'a East Coast. The people are the most down-to-earth and friendliest people I've ever met. Lots of flying, plenty of nasty-winds, fog, ice and bad weather to keep it interesting, good pay and a great schedule. Home everynight and out surfing almost everyday...granted in a 6mm wetsuit!

That or perhap's TC's job of flying Magnum around the Hawaiin Islands in that 500! (Heard George Clooney is doing a movie)

The Nr Fairy 13th Jun 2004 18:13


I suppose the word I left out was "civvie trained" pilot. I know they're unusual in the EMS/SAR/Police flying world - and my point, far from being surprised, was that it is possible - if you have the right skills, the right attitude and a little bit of luck.

SASless 13th Jun 2004 22:48

At the risk of starting World War III....

To be the Little Bird Pilot that guns down Osama Bin Laden...forget the pay!:O

....But I would settle for being the Chinook driver that gets to cart his ambient temperature carcass to the press conference.

6Z3 14th Jun 2004 19:46

For me (going back a bit):

Summer Season - "The SHARKS"

Winter Season - "The Ace of Clubs"

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