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Heli Jock 25th Jun 2006 13:44

I had a dream about 3 wks ago that my Instructor and I were practicing autorotations and didn't recover in time and stacked into the ground. I woke up having forgotten the dream and went to the airport to preflight only to remember the dream just as I was walking out to the ramp. I thought nothing of it and carried out the preflight as usual. My instructor and I got in to the heli and I carried out the freedom of movement checks only to find that the collective was really stiff to the point where I had to really pull it really hard to initially raise it. I decided to call the flight off as the whole reason we were going up was to fine tune my autos and a stiff collective was not going to help.

I also found out later that someone else had gone to fly the same bird and reported high fuel pressure. I can't help thinking that if I had gone up and done a few autos that maybe I might have come unstuck!

Maybe it was coincidence but I like to think of it as some sort of premonition and somone watching out for me :ok:

Jock :8

Flingwing207 25th Jun 2006 14:54

...so I'm slightly drunk, and think it's a good idea to hop into the Astar we just added to the fleet (this is a dream, after all). Never flown one, but I know how to read a checklist and start a turbine, so away I go. When the engine lights off, the TOT (being shown on a gauge roughly the size and style of the depth gauge in a WWII sub) rises so fast I can only watch it fly into the red then back out.

Now I'm sitting in a running helicopter trying to decide what I should do. I really want to fly it, I know I'm in trouble because there's no way I can NOT report the overtemp but I also know that when I do it's probably the end of my professional career.

Then I woke up. :bored:

Vertolot 25th Jun 2006 18:34


There might be some Hot P**** and Cold B*** in Miri...:p

crispy69 25th Jun 2006 20:12


You just never know maybe there was something in that dream.

I am not into any of that hippy mumbo jumbo but I do believe sometimes there is more than just a dream at stake.

I had a series of dreams were over one week involving crashes. In total there were three one involved myself and two involved people I knew. All were serious enough.

At the end of the week someone I knew had a crash that completly wrote of the helicopter. Lucky for the two I knew in it they got off with only minor injury's.

None of the dreams involved the people that were in the crash but im not sure that is how it works.

Might have just been coinsidence but I very rearly dream of crashes.

Sufice to say when ever I now have a dream about a crash I get a little freaked out.


jetflite 26th Jun 2006 01:31

dream facts & tidbits


1. One third of our lives is spent sleeping.

2. In your lifetime, you would've spent about 6 years of it dreaming. That is more than 2,100 days spent in a different world.

3. Dreams have been here as long as mankind. Back in the Roman Era, striking and significant dreams were submitted to the Senate for analysis and interpretation.

4. Everybody dreams. EVERYBODY! Simply because you do not remember your dream does not mean that you did not dream.

5. Dreams are indispensable. A lack of dream activity can mean protein deficiency or a personality disorder.

6. We dream on average of one or two hours every night. And we often even have 4-7 dreams in one night.

7. Blind people do dream. Whether visual images will appear in their dream depends on whether they where blind at birth or became blind later in life. But vision is not the only sense that constitutes a dream. Sounds, tactility, and smell become hypersensitive for the blind and their dreams are based on these senses.

8. Five minutes after the end of the dream, half the content is forgotten. After ten minutes, 90% is lost.

9. The word dream stems from the Middle English word, dreme which means "joy" and "music".

10. Men tend to dream more about other men, while women dream equally about men and women.

11. Studies have shown that our brain waves are more active when we are dreaming than when we are awake.

12. Dreamers who are awakened right after REM sleep, are able to recall their dreams more vividly than those who slept through the night until morning.

13. Physiologically speaking, researchers found that during dreaming REM sleep, males experience erections and females experience increased vaginal blood flow - no matter what the content of the dream. In fact, "wet dreams" may not necessarily coincide with overtly sexual dream content.

14. People who are giving up smoking have longer and more intense dreams.

15. Toddlers do not dream about themselves. They do not appear in their own dreams until the age of 3 or 4.

16. If you are snoring, then you cannot be dreaming.

17. Nightmares are common in children, typically beginning at around age 3 and occurring up to age 7-8.

18. In a poll, 67% of Americans have experienced Deja Vu in their dreams, occurring more often in females than males.

*** number 16 seems to contradict number 3 ? ? what about people who are serial snorers. . .? ?

7balja01 26th Jun 2006 04:59

You think im crazy?:hmm:
maybe you should go and do a 4 year modern history course, and we'll see whos crazy then. then go and read my posts.
im not fifteen...im sixteen:}

7balja01 26th Jun 2006 05:03

BTW has anyone had this dream?
your flying along, instructing someone how to fly, but they cant keep the control column straight, they go nose in, you tell them to pull it back, they pull back, but dont neutralize, so now they go backwards, you then tell them to nose in, but they push to far and you dive forward, and this keeps repeating over and over....

jetflite 26th Jun 2006 07:27

? ? ?
4 year modern history ? ? at 16 ? ?so you started at 12 ? ? :ugh:

P.S: i didn't realise helicopters have control columns:eek:

R22DRIVER 26th Jun 2006 08:11

When i sleep all i dream about is being that seat!!!

topendtorque 26th Jun 2006 22:40

i'd be careful, a lithe, looong swinging leg equipped with a large platform boot! not to mention the target fixation expression.

but it's the classic photo, admit it you guys who got to see the other rear seat (no puns) pax, who by the way is way ahead of all your dreams!

Hiro Protagonist 27th Jun 2006 03:22

Originally Posted by 7balja01
BTW has anyone had this dream?
your flying along, instructing someone how to fly, but they cant keep the control column straight, they go nose in, you tell them to pull it back, they pull back, but dont neutralize, so now they go backwards, you then tell them to nose in, but they push to far and you dive forward, and this keeps repeating over and over....

that's not a dream, that's just instructing ('cept we call it a cyclic).

7balja01 27th Jun 2006 06:11

well, you do use it to control, and it is a column, but your right it is a cyclic too....there, there its alright, i didn't offend anyone did i?

no, i didn't start at twelve. thirteen mate. they make sure to cram in all the french revolution s**t, mao zedong, adolf hitler, plenty about capitalism, liberalism, nazism, communism, and a hole lot more about the vietnam war,blah, blah, blah, blar......

ANYWAY,whats the big bulging mass between that chicks thighs?:suspect:

The Nr Fairy 27th Jun 2006 06:28

7 thingy:

It's an over-wrought schoolboy's imagination.

jetflite 27th Jun 2006 06:45

kids these days
bulging mass between her thighs....haha...you are 16!!!!!:D

7balja01 27th Jun 2006 06:49


16 eh?:E

helopat 22nd Jul 2006 10:51

what do helicopter pilots dream/have nightmares about?

Funny thing...or maybe not so funny...I have dreams about (military) pilots I've trained and how they're f-ing up and its my fault.

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