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Gomer Pylot 22nd Jun 2006 20:57

I think we dream about whatever is lying around in our brains, just like anyone else. The flying dreams I have are mostly about wires and hot starts. I have had dreams of flying helicopters, and of flying alone, like a bird. These usually involve wires I have to dodge, for some reason. I've also had many dreams about having hot starts, although I've never had a real one, in 35+ years, nor have I ever hit a wire. Perhaps fear can be a healthy thing. :ooh:

Im sure Sigfried would have alot to say about that
Siegfried, or Roy? :D :p :8

crispy69 22nd Jun 2006 21:58

Whoops got sigmund and sigfreid mixed up!!


7balja01 22nd Jun 2006 23:13

yous are all okay,

last night i was being over welmed by SS NAZI soldiers covered in rotten flesh and coming out of the ground. the last thing i remember was this rotten little red gremlin thing with horns approaching me. meanwhile my mens corpses were being dragged down the holes that the SS had crawled out of.


ive had a lot of those "walking around a 206 type dreams"


jetflite 23rd Jun 2006 02:11

i normally have more than one dream in a night....few of which make sense when i wake...most are tied together in some twisted way.....but through out the dream it all makes sense and works...but when you wake up...it all seems really wierd that situations can change half way through...colours, ppl etc. .
then the alarm goes off... most of then time i some how incorporate the alarm noise into the dream.....

N Arslow 23rd Jun 2006 07:13

Sadly just once - but Halle Berry. Wow!

Lunar 23rd Jun 2006 10:34

Hey all,

Just want to say I love this website, the guy poses an interesting question but is clearly an insane 15 year old who reads old war novels and probably destroys his eyesight thinking of them later on. Just read his posts. And what do we do, ignore him and post interesting replies! Go on ye ppruners!

Having said that, I have been flying for 8 years and the only flying dreams I have are ones where I have rolled the A/c or had a blade strike. The good flying dreams are the ones where I can fly without the heli, head into the wind, run, jump and fly. Love those dreams!


jab 23rd Jun 2006 14:30

Please PM me if you have had this dream, too many pilots I know have had it and I want to find out why and how we can have the same dreams.

I have only had it once but the dream was that I was flying very low over a road, between tall trees and there were literally hundreds of wires crossing the road above me at right angles. Every time I would try pull up between them, another set would appear and I would be forced back down again. Seemed to carry on forever.


SASless 23rd Jun 2006 14:36

Wildest dream.....that would be fair Whirls wearing a pink TuTu, gold lame' Go-Go boots and Bee Hive hairdo....all the while plunking on her Banjo and singing Mary's Wedding.

Usually happens after one two many Anchovie Sandwichs and a few cans of green Pabst Blue Ribbon beer.;)

500e 23rd Jun 2006 15:40

now me, I Dreeeeam !! ah well another day another dream

topendtorque 24th Jun 2006 00:26

wires above appearing, yep! been there done that heaps of times, why? maybe an expression of trying to free oneself from the smalltown cloisters that sooo many of us started at.

the big fall also, but waking before arrival every time, whether that's a prediction who knows, so keep challenging it is best i guess.

fly like a bird! yep also heaps of times and probably refined the technical techniques in more detail than any of Dave Jackson's neo-futuristic designs.

My son tried it in real time once at about age 4, first his mum heard was a dull thud, fled to the scene, gathered what looked like a lifeless soul in her arms and panic ran to the nearest medic. nearly there some signs of life appeared, she gasps "what...did....you....do...that...for?"
the reply, 'I....just...wanted...to... fly....like ....a....bird!'

of course when dad arrived home wild and woolly from a few days out bush of beating the air into submission he was regaled straightaway with the story.
To the great delight of said son's siblings but not at all to that of his mother he rejoined with, "you wanna flap harder next time son"

Said son now beats the 'air into submission' with a fair style, if i do say so myself.

EBCAU 24th Jun 2006 02:51

I used to think the dream of being trapped under wires was something to do with being an ag pilot - I know other ag pilots have this dream.
I wonder if those that have it acquired it from extended low level operations, or is it general to pilots across the board?
Any comments?

jab 24th Jun 2006 13:36

Thanks to those that replied about the wires.

I had this dream about six months after I started flying and two of my fellow students had the same dream that same night. Sounds unbelievable and too weird to be true but it happened. I cannot remember if we had heard something about wires the previous day or not but all three dreams were strikingly similar.

None of us had done much low-level stuff at that stage and we all had very different backgrounds, so the "escaping from small town" syndrome does not fly in our case.

I am sure there is a shrink out there who could shed light on this, anyone else have anything to add?


MBJ 24th Jun 2006 14:02

WIRES!! Lots of them criss-crossing the sky and you never have enough lever to get over them! Its not a frequent dream but its been around as long as I can remember.

Oddly enough there was a Belgian pilot in Schreiners, John Gerrard, who had exactly the same dream. I think he borrowed it when I wasn't having it!

SASless 24th Jun 2006 14:25

Seems a common thread here....I have two versions of wire dreams...one of high tension lines running up a hill and the other at street level trying to find a way up and out. :confused:

The one real nightmare of popping over a hill in the wilds of Alaska to encounter probably what is the only set of wires in 5,000 square miles was when I was wide awake and flying. (Well flying anyway....!):uhoh:

Simon853 24th Jun 2006 14:53

Dreams are amazing things. I have a couple of books on dream analysis, (pschological interpretations, not prediction nonsense). However, they're only really useful to the person having the dream as a lot of self-analysis is required to find the underlying theme.

What I'd suggest *may* be the theme of the endless road with over-hanging wires is a subconscious sense of not having completed or escaped from a journey or transition. i.e. a new pilot with enormous debts might have this, or someone flying for fun unable to find a flying job to lift him out of it, etc. Or maybe someone who simply yearns to progress and is feeling stifled. It is I think about a sense of entrapment.

The job I had when I started training involved me driving 50 miles each way to work each day on the motorway. One night I had a dream that I was hover-taxiing to work, stop and starting all the time, stuck amongst the earth-bound traffic on the motorway, in a helicopter. Not only that but my boss was in the back!! I understood that to be insecurity that developing this new skill may not lead me anywhere different, worried that I could spend a fortune learning to fly and still end up driving to the same job. As it turned out that's pretty much how it worked out when I had to quit the flying training due to health. (So perhaps this prediction stuff isn't all nonsense afterall, or maybe there was some part of my subconscious that knew I was ill before my doctors did?)


MightyGem 24th Jun 2006 17:24

The good flying dreams are the ones where I can fly without the heli, head into the wind, run, jump and fly. Love those dreams!
And I wondered if it was only me!:O

Also the ones where for some weird reason the aircraft falls over, or bumps into something, or I'm suddenly surrounded by trees and trying to get through the branches without hitting anything.

eagle 86 25th Jun 2006 03:29

Wires - yes sometimes down a narrow street - occasionally an open paddock.

22clipper 25th Jun 2006 04:26

Drove into the city for a show with the wife on the weekend & stayed the night at a flash hotel. The big dinner, the King size bed & the general change in routine had me dreaming more than I usually do. In my dream I awoke in the morning to find the missus gone. I checked the bathroom, no better half there, then decided she must have gone for a paper. So I dressed & caught the lift to the buffet breakfast expecting to find her there. To cut a stupid dream short the hotel was deserted as where the streets outside.

The dream was becoming more of a nightmare. In the inescapable logic of my subconscious I did the only plausible thing, I retrieved my car from the underground carpark, drove home, dragged out the R22, flew it back to the city & spent ages prowling the concrete canyons looking for signs of life. Last thing I remember, before waking up for real, was finding my way to the airport to get more avgas for my quest.

When I related the dream to my wife the psychologist, her reply was textbook Freudian, "Told you to lay off the dessert before bedtime didn't I"!

jon s gull 25th Jun 2006 06:07

Ive had the wire dream a few times. Sometimes on a recognised road, I reckon its about being trapped by a poor decision. Like deciding to fly under the wire in the first place without a proper recce.

flying bizzie 25th Jun 2006 11:55

Originally Posted by MightyGem
And I wondered if it was only me!:O

Also the ones where for some weird reason the aircraft falls over, or bumps into something, or I'm suddenly surrounded by trees and trying to get through the branches without hitting anything.

MG. Promise me you'll never approach the field from over the woods any more:p For your sake and mine, here's hoping your dreams never come true:sad:

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