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EjectEject 26th Aug 2010 17:42

Of course it can be enjoyed - depends on what side of the "face" your on - bom bom.

Smart arsed banter. :E

hueyracer 26th Aug 2010 17:55

Dudes, i lost the line following this discussion....

I do not care about the sex of a pilot-especially among the (male) pilots there are lots of "good guys", who do a great job flying out there-and there are a lot of them with whom you can enjoy the time after flying (for B-B-B)...

But there are also big a**h***s among them....

Why should it be different with female pilots?

Up ītil now, i have only met a few female pilots that had been good aviators, had a "good character" and who did not hover when they were back on earth...

But the few i met have just been "comrades"....

So what?

CYHeli 26th Aug 2010 22:15

You mean a male-dominated environment inhabited by dinosaurs who have no intention of broadening their perspective?

Would be fair Whirls to summarize what you have been telling us that your arguments are not about censorship, but simple respect?

And that by posting photos of female helicopters we are not showing our sister pilots (any) respect?

Since I also guess, that I am one of those who you believe that needs to broaden their perspective, how then, can we admire female helicopter pilots, for their character, their passions, their skills and their beauty and still show respect? After all, men are programmed to admire beauty. It is how they respond to what they see that defines their (the male) character.

There seems to be a problem with locating the invisible line...:=


Whirlygig 27th Aug 2010 06:37

There seems to be a problem with locating the invisible line...
Thankfully, most men have no difficulty in that. :ok:



iwtbsttw 28th Aug 2012 00:31

hi I am a woman wannabe and I am so willing to get your advice on how to get there. It is my childhood dream (not very original probably, but who cares!). I already have planned for work, first step "how to finance my commercial licence" with zero money. I live in Montreal, Canada. Any self-made woman who did it, please advise me on how to get there! Best regards,

mfriskel 28th Aug 2012 07:08

People who were "woman wannabe's" used to have to travel to Sweden, but now you can take care of that more locally. Miracles of modern medicine, but you still can't make yourself into a woman!

Sorry, I just could not resist that.

Anthony Supplebottom 28th Aug 2012 07:20


Whirlygig 28th Aug 2012 21:05

Curious as to why you think your sex would make any difference as to how you would finance your "dream". :}

Banks won't care whether you're male or female, your parents certainly wouldn't care, schools won't care (as long as you pay!) ... the route is exactly the same.

As we progress through the 21st century, female pilots are less and less of a novelty. :ok:



topendtorque 28th Aug 2012 21:15

how then, can we admire female helicopter pilots, for their character, their passions, their skills and their beauty and still show respect?
CY ....? easy man, didn't you just done it? a no-brainer.

Whirlygig 28th Aug 2012 21:27

'Ere TET ... get with the programme ... ;) there's been a two year hiatus in this thread during which time, the aviation world and the ratio of male/female has improved. Things have changed in this short time (for the benefit of iwtbsttw) ... either that, or I've whipped you all into submission. :E



Gordy 28th Aug 2012 22:03

I've whipped you all into submission
I seem to have missed out on the whippings..... :E:E Where is SASless when you need him...I am sure he will have a witty response to that one...

griffothefog 29th Aug 2012 05:11

He's probably tied up somewhere, or lashed to his deck :E

topendtorque 29th Aug 2012 10:20

or lashed to his deck
never decked for a lashing, me thinks;. titivated for a reason? we'll standby to hear, unless it's to silence it's been.

my resolve ain't shaken - regardless of a reported overwhelming of numbers.

CYHeli 29th Aug 2012 10:22

He's off reading 50 Shades of Grey ...;)

rotorfossil 29th Aug 2012 13:39

In my fairly long experience of training, the number of professional women pilots is roughly proportional to the number who really want to do it.
Women don't seem to be encouraged towards aviation as a career by educational organisations (in spite of the efforts of the British Women Pilots Association). They don't habitually read aviation magazines when they are young or generally turn up at hangars and pump fuel/clean aircraft etc. It quite often seemed to be the case that their interest in becoming pilots was rather a late thing after considering other careers, hence they didn't show up well during selection, unless they had family connections in aviation.
However, those who really wanted to do it and put in the effort often came out better than their male counterparts.

helibabe 1st Sep 2014 01:53

Hi Ladies,
This is a group for women in the aviation industry. Feel free to post your job description, location, age, years flying /dreaming about it, dream position and anything else :)
The guys have their groups, I hope we can as well! I'm 23, I currently have 240 helicopter hours | Commercial and Instrument rating obtained in Orlando and and 2 more exams to pass in my home country before I can apply for a position as Cadet:cool:

Non-PC Plod 1st Sep 2014 15:01

TC - half an hour down and no bites yet! Are you losing your touch?

Helilog56 1st Sep 2014 16:26

Once a knuckle dragging Neanderthal......always a knuckle dragging Neanderthal...:rolleyes:

Non-PC Plod 1st Sep 2014 18:49

Helilog - everything is not necessarily as it seems. Its just that when things are quiet, for entertainment TC likes to pull the pin and see if anything explodes!

Thomas coupling 1st Sep 2014 19:18


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