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-   -   Female Helicopter pilots..... (https://www.pprune.org/rotorheads/169562-female-helicopter-pilots.html)

MightyGem 1st Sep 2014 19:46

Once a knuckle dragging Neanderthal......always a knuckle dragging Neanderthal
Helilog, TC started this thread way back in 2001.

Helilog56 1st Sep 2014 20:57

Then a Neanderthal with waaaaaaaay to much time on his hands....:p

owen meaney 2nd Sep 2014 00:21

Rosemary Arnold, Whirly Girl 99, first Australian female PPHL, 1965
Heli musterer, lifter of 200L drums of Avgas, got the better of the sometimes obnoxious JW at VRD. Legend.

Nigel Osborn 2nd Sep 2014 02:50

Captain Flameout, that's a name from the past!! Didn't know she tried mustering!! I think Rosemary started her career as a hairdresser which paid for her flying lessons. I think the process cost her a marriage or two. Haven't spoken to her for 25 years, so I guess she must have retired.:ok:

owen meaney 2nd Sep 2014 04:01

Damn Nigel, you are correct, was Rosemary Mcrae of the helimuster days.
Whirly Girl 530, the title of her book also I believe

Nigel Osborn 2nd Sep 2014 09:29

Also Rosemary Harris!!

WG99 6th Nov 2015 03:49

The Rotary Nostalgia Thread
I have recently become aware of your words #1909, below, and claim my right to reply:
"I am assuming that Rosemary Arnold (Australia's first woman helicopter pilot) must have been a friend of yours given that she was flying at around the same time as you!" ...

I have never been a friend of Nigel Osborn, nor do I recall meeting him since I started flying at the start of 1962, which I believe was years prior to his arrival in Australia. I strongly object to his posting my photo and adding an erroneous caption to it. His comments relating to me are inappropriate and full of inaccuracies, as are other comments on Australian rotary-wing history; such as VH DMR's pilot was Noel Dodwell, a friend of mine, in 1964 and was later upgraded to a Bell206; Dan Tyler was not in the country and was not employed in Australia until 1978. Dan has been a close friend since he assisted me in forming the HAA, 1977.

I became Australia's 1st woman helicopter pilot in 1965, WhirlyGirl No.99 and first in the Southern Hemisphere. I attained my two Australian Commercial Licences in 1967 (later added French and USA) - fixed-wing and rotary-wing. I became Chief Pilot of my own helicopter charter company in 1977 with a Bell47J2A VH THH, later operating other helicopters; i.e. Enstrom F28C, Hughes 500 and 300, Hiller 12E. All accident and incident free. In 1969 I flew the first Hughes 500 off the assembly-line, for commercial use in the World from California to Florida, as a guest of Mr Rea Hopper, Senior VP Hughes Tool Company; logged 33hours.

Yes, as a single mother of four I could not find employment in aviation so went into debt buying my own helicopter and working three jobs to pay it off. Not many male helicopter pilots can claim such an effort. It was not "pink" as sneered at but it was floral with floral interior to match my fuel-truck, a Mini Moke with its 11 jerry cans. My maximum was 75 take-offs/landings in an 8-hour flying day and max PAX 276 in one day. I carried thousands of joyriders and always donated 10% gross takings to the fund-raising charities.

I am offended at Nigel Osborn's public discussion on my personal life of which he knows nothing; how I financed my flying?; I was never a hairdresser!; what my husband(s) thought and that my flying "cost me a marriage or two". I have four children and I was married to their father for 17 years; they do not need to be subjected to harmful untruths from a person presuming to know me. I object to criticism of wearing "pink" and to the "very, very ugly floral upholstery" that I chose for my Triple Happy Helicopter." I paid for it and it was highly suitable for the barn-storming.

I graduated with my Bachelor of Aviation Degree at age 70 then lectured at University Western Sydney on five aviation degree subjects 2004-2006. Started Helicopter Weddings above Sydney Harbour in 2004 with Chapel in the Sky. Am the author of history book "First Females Above Australia - first 100 years of Australian women pilot firsts 1909-2009" (I knew 70 of the 100 I wrote about). Recent book about my career is "Smile at the Sky" and will now be adding a further chapter on the treatment still being aimed to discredit me by so-called professional aviators. Where is the level playing-field?

Misogyny has always been healthy in Australia and believe me I felt it but am surprised to be subjected to it 53 years later. At 81, I recently travelled 20,000km donating books to school libraries and talking to groups on aviation. I've given more to aviation than most. An apology would be nice?


Skydoc 6th Nov 2015 20:46

You go girl!
Apology should be demanded

Bravo73 6th Nov 2015 21:02

Originally Posted by WG99 (Post 9171210)
I have never been a friend of Nigel Osborn, nor do I recall meeting him since I started flying at the start of 1962, which I believe was years prior to his arrival in Australia. I strongly object to his posting my photo and adding an erroneous caption to it.

I've got no bone in this 'fight' but FWIW, Nigel Osbourn didn't do either of those things. The photo was posted by another user (who no longer posts on PPRuNe).

WG99 6th Nov 2015 21:55

You missed the point #2529 Bravo .. FWIW.

This forum's stated purpose is:
"A haven for helicopter professionals to discuss the things that affect them"

Nigel Osborn certainly put "words that I quoted" on several threads, about my personal life. " ... attractive even after 4 children!" "... paid for her flying training with her own money, so her husband couldn't complain" ... "the process cost her a marriage or two." How dare he discuss my finances, my husband's attitude, my failure to maintain a family life for my children because I became a pilot. Disgusting for a professional aviators' forum. How did my personal life affect him? so why did he feel the need "to discuss the things that affect them"

Take a look at the female bashing that was allowed by the moderators:

You must have had a mother, so how would you feel if she wanted to take flying lessons and her "pink bits" and size of mammary glands were discussed on a public forum "Oh dear, Beware". I'm sure your mother had pink in her closet, so would that be an issue along with the CofG if she leaned forward in a R22. If your mother was pulled over for speeding would that be an issue affecting her flying lessons and a video posted of her misdemeanor? Think again and read my words with a clearer perspective. Wrap it all up together ... Nigel Osborn played his part.

As for that caption and the photo ... it was directed to Nigel Osborn, who replied so he is big enough to take some responsibility. I think he had a mother, too ... at least I know he has a wife with the same name as me. She is also an author about 2 ducks, but is that relevant to this forum "to discuss the things that affect them". No that is his personal life but he felt the need to discuss mine, didn't he? Take responsibility for inappropriate actions.This is not a locker room.

Bravo73 6th Nov 2015 22:38

Originally Posted by WG99 (Post 9172507)
You missed the point #2529 Bravo .. FWIW.

No, I read your various other points.

Originally Posted by WG99 (Post 9172507)
Other stuff

Are you now aiming your ire at me? Please don't involve me in your agenda. If you've got a problem with someone's posts, report them to a moderator. There is an icon at the bottom of every post.

WG99 6th Nov 2015 23:24

The Rotary Nostalgia Thread
Sorry, Bravo73 but I thought when you wrote "Nigel Osbourn didn't do either of those things" that you were speaking on his behalf. Did not mean to look like I was shooting the messenger.

And yes, I had previously complained to the Moderator(s) with the hope there might have been female representation amongst them ... but no acknowledgment.

Senior Pilot 7th Nov 2015 03:12


It is not easy dealing with your concerns when the posts and threads referred to are 2-3 years old, and in one case the link around which the thread is based is no longer active. I also have no record of hearing from you with a previous complaint, maybe it went via a generic report to the site admin rather than to the forum moderators?

Firstly, if you are offended by Rotorheads and posts then I regret that you feel that way, but mysogyny is the hatred of women and something totally absent from this forum. I have never seen any mysogynistic post here on Rotorheads in my time on PPRuNe; indeed most (all?) of us blokes have a deep and abiding love of the fairer sex!

If you feel that some posts have been untoward then please report them and I'll deal with the report, but I am having difficulty finding some of the comments that you attribute to Nigel, even allowing that your first reference was to a post made by Savoia who no longer visits this site: not Nigel, who then responded with compliments on your achievements and your beauty. At least two of the references that you also make were made by topendtorque, and were also in a later post which was complimentary of you and your achievements.

We have always welcomed helicopter pilots from around the world of many nationalities and their gender has always been an irrelevance: all are equal here. Within reason a degree of banter is good for any community, and only when it becomes overtly insulting would there be need for moderation. If you will report the post(s) that have offended you and the reason(s) then such reports will be acted upon, but please accept that no-one here has ever shown hatred of women such as you imply.

I have moved this discussion out of The Rotary Nostalgia thread into Female Helicopter Pilots, as a more appropriate location.

WG99 7th Nov 2015 04:45

The Rotary Nostalia Thread
To Senior Pilot No. 2531:
Thank you for responding to my concerns.

These posts were recently drawn to my attention, mentioning my personal life and rising doubt as to my achievement of 1st woman helicopter pilot in Australia due to similar names, yet careers 20yrs apart. This was to do with a nomination for a high award which needed verification. Doubt lingers now, sticking like mud.

Some comments were only 12months old, not so long in people's memories and made by strangers who claimed the right to state such "facts" 50years after the event when they were not even residents in Australia. Hearsay.

Re display of hatred towards women ... I ask that you get your mother, sister, wife or daughter to read the thread "Oh dear Beware" and get their reactions to having a "prospective student" discussed in such a manner. The colour "pink" appears to be a red rag to these men. Female anatomy is ridiculed and a motorist misdemeanor video is posted. Relevant? Hatred towards women? Inappropriate comments aimed at a student female pilot whose high-profile could have brought increased growth to the helicopter industry (I have no knowledge of this media TV UK personality).

My name was drawn into it, having worn pink ... no my helicopter was not pink but had pink floral artwork externally, as was the hippie era in the 70s and most attractive to the joyride circuit. The upholstery matched my fuel-truck Mini Moke. All these comments are completely outside the realm of your forum for genuine aviation matters. Why should they care; I paid for it.

If this is not a dummy-spit at women's intrusion into the rotary-wing field then I can find no other reason for such expressions of unprovoked hostility. It could not be interpreted as supportive to a "prospective student" whoever she is and whatever pink vehicle she drives in whatever manner.

As for Nigel Osborn's reply and voluntary comments to the photo question, he made no denial but augmented the query by stating personal "hearsay" not based on personal friendship as he indicated. I remain offended.

DOUBLE BOGEY 7th Nov 2015 06:17

SP I have to say that WGs comments on the "Oh Dear Beware" thread are spot on. That thread was an appalling display of discrimination on many levels exposing a few rotorheads to their own jealous iniquities.

Setting aside the technical difficulties of tracing the comments that have offended WG, taken at face value, she has every right to feel offended that her private life should be so blatantly discussed on this forum. What about her right to anonymity!

WG, Bravo for standing up for yourself and more importantly those milestone achievements! However, if you do not mind my saying so, whilst I agree and support your position, some of your posts above are in "Transient Overswing" and some people will never change their views. At your age best now to forget them and enjoy your achievements.

SilsoeSid 7th Nov 2015 09:52

That thread was an appalling display of discrimination on many levels exposing a few rotorheads to their own jealous iniquities.
Fine words from someone that recently said on another thread;

"She's tall, slim, big eyes, wide mouth, good figure. And can handle a joystick! Ummmmmm......pretty in my eyes! Went to specsavers cos Doc says my eyes have started to suck. Got two pairs. She's still pretty with them on or off!

Tracey, if you are reading PM me. Could be the start of something beautiful!"


nigelh 7th Nov 2015 13:22

You got him Syd ... DB repeat after me " i must not pretend to be a new age kind and sensitive man to try to get in with the girls ..." .

Thomas coupling 7th Nov 2015 15:41


DOUBLE BOGEY 7th Nov 2015 17:51

SID you have me over a barrel in one sense......but absolutely not the other. It may have escaped your incisive attention....but my comments are nice....very nice in fact. Whereas the vicious garbage posted about our dear national treasure Katie is uncalled for, unsolicited and most definitely misosojinistic (can't spell that word but you get my drift)

Try harder Sid!

WG99 7th Nov 2015 21:20

Female Helicpter pilots.....
DB: its "misogynistic" I looked it up. Thank you for your comments elsewhere. Much appreciated ... it gets lonely being pink! And no I can't slow down for I have a lot to do in the ten years I have left, aviation-wise. Also I probably can destroy a couple more of my marriages due to my audacity to be a pilot? PS: I do wear other colours but do have a pink mink flying jacket with pink captain bars on the epaulets ... PR promotion in OZ for breast cancer awareness, started by FlyPink Qantas pilots, who are wearing them and they painted an a/c pink. "Pink" is not a red rag to every bull.

nomorehelosforme 9th Nov 2015 04:23

With Pink been seen to be the calming comment on this thread maybe divert interest to an Pink charity?

Arnie Madsen 11th Nov 2015 12:18


... Google ... Dini Petty Pink Helicopter ..... When she was 22 (1967) she flew a Hughes 269 for 5000 hours over Toronto Canada doing News reports

Later she went on to have her own (excellent) afternoon talk show and was the only person Red Skelton would do a one-on-one interview with , some of it is archived on Youtube.

She is still around , must be about 70 now , great gal.

ShyTorque 11th Nov 2015 12:24

Arnie, are you telling WG99 to research the history of herself?

Arnie Madsen 11th Nov 2015 13:39

Arnie, are you telling WG99 to research the history of herself?
HUH ??? ... I believe WG99 is Rosemary from Australia , Dini Petty is from Canada.

whoknows idont 11th Nov 2015 14:41

Originally Posted by Arnie Madsen (Post 9177525)
When she was 22 (1967) she flew a Hughes 269 for 5000 hours over Toronto Canada doing News reports

Now that's impressive! So she flew 57% of the whole year, that is almost 14 hours every day... and that in Toronto weather! :D

Peter-RB 11th Nov 2015 14:57

I have great respect for Lady Pilots (or should it be Pilotess) I was taught by a really nice gal called Wendy, she was patience personified , and never got into a sweat in my early lessons when all my mistake kept on occurring, she taught and spoke so clearly that I understood everything she said..it was making my hands and feet do what she instructed that took the time... much respect to all Pilotess's.... especially Wendy who's skill allowed me a new multi dimensional freedom eventually.. :ok::D

Thomas coupling 11th Nov 2015 15:41


WG99 11th Nov 2015 20:12

Female Helicopter pilots ......
Whirly Girl history shows that Dini Petty was born in the UK and became WG 131. Think this was in 1967 at age 22. She was a TV Personality and flew her pink H269 doing traffic patrols in Toronto, Canada. Very experienced and highly regarded. Believe she was born in 1945 and at 70 was/is still flying. Google shows some great photos. Maybe this is on interest.

Australia had first Whirly Girl in 1965 (No.99), second was No.248 and third was No.332. Not sure if any in between but had a highly experienced No.530. The numbers signify order in which their helicopter pilot licences were attained. Originally the group was formed for the first 100 in the World, but has grown somewhat since. Hanna Reitsch was WG No.1 and is reported to have been the first pilot to fly the first practical helicopter, in the World.

Ref: Hovering , by Henry M. Holden, Black Hawk Publishing Company 1994.

ShyTorque 11th Nov 2015 20:16

Thanks for the clarification! :)

Peter-RB 12th Nov 2015 15:03

TC,....:D but not normally, but in her case yes..!:ok:

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