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Nigerian Expat Outlaw 1st Jan 2016 11:29

Never Let The Truth Get In The Way Of A Good Rumour ?

You could be on to something. It must be about time for nearly all the major contracts in Nigeria to be renegotiated/renewed/awarded or otherwise.

Let's hope that if there are to be any changes they don't add to the apprehension/misery already being suffered as a result of the oil price drop.

One thing that can't be bought or taught in a classroom is experience; that only comes with time and the ability to learn from ones own and other peoples mistakes. :ok:

I should know, I made enough of them !


Nigerian Expat Outlaw 2nd Jan 2016 15:31

What Weather ?! Oh, THAT Weather

No doubt there were/are inconsistencies, but I guess that was why we got paid the big bucks and flew with 4 bars on our shoulders ?

Always the Captain's decision when the chips are down, regardless of meetings whether official or unofficial.

Same everywhere, saw/heard it in Aberdeen and the Shetlands too.



Keke Napep 3rd Jan 2016 00:22

I would like to see the record of this 'on the record meeting during working hours'. I distinctly remember always being told by Bristow managers that all the contracts with twins are for IFR and require IFR qualified crews which is why we all have to pass an IR annually and an IFR proficiency check in the aircraft (or both in the sim if flying the S92). I have always been told that despite this it is usually not possible to fly IFR in IMC in Port Harcourt because of the lack of suitable approach aids or approved RNP procedures. It has also always been difficult for Port Harcourt, Eket and Warri crews to get recency in instrument approaches. It was for this reason that Bristow followed the example of ACN and purchased an Elite FNPT and based it in Port Harcourt (after an initial period in Lagos)..But looking at your past posts, you seem to have a rather negative attitude towards Bristow.
I'm sure things are much safer where you are in Spain :}

soggyboxers 5th Jan 2016 16:58

I don't understand how DD could have made such a statement when the majority of the Bristow contracts were IFR. Do you really imagine Bristow would spend so much money on IFR training both in the aircraft and simulator if they had no requirement to? They're not known for spending money unless they have to!
It was well known that when weather conditions deteriorated at NAF Base only SVFR flights were permitted (though Exxon/Mobil did not permit flights under special VFR so it was often the case that in DNPO official weather required SVFR departures, aircraft flying for e.g., Total and Addax would depart whilst aircraft flying for Exxon were grounded).

The FNPT was expensive (over $300,000) and whilst it was used for training for Command upgrades was also used for instrument flying practice for crews before attending simulator training so that expensive full flight simulator time was not wasted on basic IF.

njorman 27th Jan 2016 07:11

Nice to read your great comments here again. But the thread seems to be quiet lately.:ok:

Nigerian Expat Outlaw 27th Jan 2016 09:29

Nobody Is Talking ?
Agreed njorman.

Hard to believe nothing at all is happening what with a new government, oil price falling through the floor and so on.

Also, surely the existing contractual status quo is under scrutiny ? Or are they all safe ?


212man 27th Jan 2016 13:16

Also, surely the existing contractual status quo is under scrutiny ? Or are they all safe ?
I would guess "yes" and "no".....

unstable load 30th Jan 2016 09:06

Also, surely the existing contractual status quo is under scrutiny ? Or are they all safe ?

I would guess "yes" and "no".....
I think current contracts up for renewal will roll over for a while but at reduced rates.

Nigerian Expat Outlaw 1st Feb 2016 21:02

Are You Politicians ?
212man/unstable load,

Trying this on my phone in the pub for the first time.

Going by past experience I would speculate that some changes may be in the offing. Some of the long held contracts may move, maybe for no other reason than to shake things up and redistribute them more equably in the eyes of the current powers that be.

Of course time may well prove me wrong !



212man 1st Feb 2016 21:11

Hard to believe it's your first time in a pub! Have a fun night.....;)

Nigerian Expat Outlaw 1st Feb 2016 21:57

Back Home Now

I well remember those days in the Bucksburn Thistle on our Tiger course back in 90. Glory days for you and I and everyone else in the industry. Truly happy for you.

Cheers mate.


MamaPut 1st Feb 2016 22:00

CHC Delisted by NYSE
With today's news that CHC has been delisted by the NYSE, what effect do you think this will have on the future for Atlantic Aviation? Is this really the beginning of the end for CHC? Could Atlantic Aviation survive without them?
CHC Group Confirms Delisting from NYSE

Grunt92 3rd Feb 2016 19:43

212Man, NEO, said its the first time trying the phone out, in the pub. I have heard from a recent source that he's getting back up to his old size, and can be called Lard Arse, again. Great, I wil give you a call soon NEO. :D

212man 4th Feb 2016 12:40

Good to hear: I always knew that he was a skinny guy with a fat b*stard trying to get out!

Nigerian Expat Outlaw 4th Feb 2016 13:44

Lard Arse Is Back
I am indeed ! I went from a marginally healthy 96 KG complete with man boobs and love handles to a "Belsen" 40 KG, but following remission and a blocked bowel emergency operation I'm gradually reverting to my portly former self. :ok:

bluesafari 7th Mar 2016 08:00

Am a bit surprised that the story I am hearing about the MDs of BHNL and Pan African having gone to pastures new has not emerged, or is this just another unfounded rumour?

industry insider 8th Mar 2016 11:39


You are right.

The BHNL Dierctor has resigned. Currently replaced temporarily by Mike Imlach. The Pan African MD has also resigned I hear.

MamaPut 31st Mar 2016 23:18

The new MD of Pan African is now Nigerian. Obinna Ojiako, formerly with Bristow Helicopters Nigeria (though I believe Bristow and PAAN are still in reality the same company)

bellboy 1st Apr 2016 00:35

Congratulations Obinna. Hope it goes well.

Nigerian Expat Outlaw 1st Apr 2016 15:45

Congratulations Indeed !
A meteoric rise for Obinna ! I imagine the top floor in Lagos must be all National now ?

What happened to Alan Grant, his predecessor ? Pastures new within Bristow or somewhere else ?



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