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RDRickster 29th Nov 2003 22:09

Awesome video of Schweitzer aerobatics...
I came across this today, and it is the absolute BEST video I have ever seen of Schweitzer aerobatic maneuvers. Great examples of some of the maneuvers you just can't (shouldn't) do in a 2-bladed system. Totally awesome pilot skills (don't try this at home)...

:cool: :ok: :ok: :ok: :cool:


(make sure you have Windows Media Player installed to view movie)

Jcooper 30th Nov 2003 04:45

If I ever get terminal cancer I'll give it a go in the robbie :)

Aesir 30th Nov 2003 05:20

woow, excellent stuff.. and all with a white shirt and tie on :ok:

flyingadventure 30th Nov 2003 18:34

that guy is a legend!!!!!!!
thanks for the post ...great bit of film...:ok: :ok:

[email protected] 1st Dec 2003 02:30

I have control...not bad for your first go at hovering Bloggs, now lets try and smooth down some of those control inputs shall we? Follow me through.......

Practice Auto 3,2,1 1st Dec 2003 03:44


Would love to see the video but all I'm getting is lots of funky wavey patterns and the sound (I think from the video).

Any idea's anyone :confused:

Oh, am using the WMP that comes with XP and I've tried right click and saving target as but still no joy.........

Confused of London :uhoh:

Triple Matched TQ 1st Dec 2003 04:32


Normally Helo aerobatics are like w@"*ing - "great to take part in, but crap to watch", however I take my hat off to this man.

RDRickster 1st Dec 2003 05:52

Video Flicker Problems...

First, you should try an update your computer. At a minimum, you should load XP Service Pack 1a, any updates for Media Player, and any updates for your video card. Go to...


Click "Scan for Updates" and select the three things that I listed above. Do not select the others right now, but you should go back and download them later. If you are still having problems, then you probably have an older computer that was recently upgraded to XP. As a result, the hardware compression may not be capable of "keeping up." Try slowing down your hardware compression...


2) Double-click DISPLAY

3) Click "Settings" tab of "Display Properties" dialogue box

4) Click "Advanced"

5) Click "Troubleshoot" tab of "<name of video card> Properties" dialogue box

6) Move the arrow from right to left (closer to "None")

Move the arrow one level at a time and try the video until the flicker stops. If this doesn't work, take your PC to your local computer geek and have them take a look.


Practice Auto 3,2,1 1st Dec 2003 06:34


RDRickster, thanks alot, following your lead I downloaded an update for WMP and the video now plays as it should!


What a superb display of helicopter flying by Mr Kenyon, must try and get down to Shoreham next time he's doing a display and see it for myself. :ok:

Un-confused of London :D

Flying Lawyer 1st Dec 2003 06:45


The pilot, Dennis Kenyon, is one of the best helicopter display pilots in the UK. He's an ex-RAF Squadron Leader, and has been displaying for years. I'll introduce you when you come over - maybe get you a flight if you're up for it! :)


rotaryman 1st Dec 2003 07:33

Very Talented
Some very talented flying!

Just can't make my mind up ifs its Skill or just plain stupidity!!!

Nigel Osborn 1st Dec 2003 08:18

Trouble is I don't think Denis knows how to fly straight and level.:ok:

RDRickster 1st Dec 2003 20:47


Your welcome. Don't forget about going back for some of the other updates. Most (not all) are important for the health and performance of your PC.


Sounds good, but I think I'll have to take extra dramamine for that flight! I'll be across the pond in March (Africa), so I'd love to spend some time in the U.K. (April or May).

Dennis seems like an impressive chap... any other videos out there?

Wunper 1st Dec 2003 21:44


It's skill with a capital S not stupidity,

believe me, I have been watching him since the early 70s and making an Enstrom(his more usual mount until recently) dance like a dressage thoroughbred must require skill by the truckload!:O


rotaryman 2nd Dec 2003 04:17

Thanks for your comment WUNPER!

But as the saying goes!!



just because someone has been doing these stunts for years does not make it right,

I have seem many execellent air displays in my years of flying and the Guy in the H300 is very good, i'm not knocking the fact that he has skill, I just wonder how he perfected the routine with out killing himself.

Like i said i havent made up my mind if its Talent or Stupidity !!


Wunper 2nd Dec 2003 05:06


I have no wish to sound cute but what category would you place

Bob Hoover in?



Or maybe a mix of the two?;)



rotaryman 2nd Dec 2003 08:20

Sorry old chap!

Silly me, i thought we were discussing HELICOPTERS!!!

Reminds me of that young chap in Newzeland, Thats how they speak LOL..

anyway i believe he was the youngest guy to obtain a CPLH in that country, he was well known for his aerobatic showmanship..

He also used to do loops and rolls etc in a H500..

Then oneday while flying he bought the farm!!
sad really

as they say its all good fun till someone loses an eye!!:ok:

Wunper 2nd Dec 2003 15:16


I could'nt agree with you more.

Cyber pissing contests are not my bag , I'd rather leave those to the heavyweights such as Lu..;)

The point I was trying to make, evidently rather badly, by making a reference to fixed wing Bob Hoover is that there are some exceptions to every rule.

That said the No Old + Bold pilots rule is probably the most watertight one of the lot!

The reason I posted in the first place is that I am an unreserved fan of Denis Kenyon and his flying skills, he has been doing it for years, and if ever there is a case of "do not try this at home folks" attempting to emulate him is the one.

Wunper , out :ok:

Old Man Rotor 2nd Dec 2003 18:13

RDRickster and Others....
Nice fun......sometimes I miss the freedom.

But on a less serious note...there is nothing "Aerobatic" in this flight sequence....after all the RFM for the H300 [yes I am a traditionalist] prohibits any Aerobatic Maneuvers.

It’s just a chap having a heap of fun in a nice machine.

High Nr 2nd Dec 2003 18:43


A chap having fun?? Indeed.

But what a landing. Then a scrape of the skids to try and make it better, then settle for a position short of the pad. Close but not quite there.

But that will do, no one will notice.

Thats a Wrap Wrap.

RDRickster 2nd Dec 2003 20:50

Old Man Rotor, perhaps you are correct. However, if those maneuvers were ever performed in the U.S., it would definately be considered aerobatic. Pretty much anything that has a turn greater than 60 degrees fits that category according to the FAA.

High Nr, either you are joking around or you must be one of the hardest people on earth to please! :}

CyclicRick 2nd Dec 2003 22:39

I was wondering if there are any official helicopter aerobatic training schools?
The fixed wing bods have loads of them all over the place.
Would be interesting to know where it is and with what type they use.
I've done an offset loop in a Gazelle (NOT ME but in with our Sqn QHI at the time, no names just in case!!) which was pretty exhilarating to say the least.

Marc Tower 3rd Dec 2003 20:57


When you and Ray F. were working on the helo air-to-air manual, Ray had the Scouts (58's) doing a nifty 180 from low level.

As I remember, zip along the tree-tops at speed, pitch up, start pulling power, roll 90 degrees (or as close to it as pucker-factor allows), keep the power high to keep things positive and the next thing you know, you're going the other way!

Lot's of fun but you sure had to keep track of your teammates if you started with another scout or in a pink team.

As close to aerobatics in a semi-rigid as I ever want to be!;)

Heliport 5th Dec 2003 05:58

The two aerobatic threads are now merged.


Heliport 5th Dec 2003 06:41

Helicopter videos
We occasionally have links posted to interesting helicopter videos. I thought it might be worth collecting as many as possible on one thread.

Ill kick off with a few.

The first is a big file which takes some time to download even on broadband, but it's an interesting video.
First test flight of the Comanche

I'm told everyone survived this CH46 carrier-landing

I know the crew survived this mishap .... Will we get through there?

Please add links to any other interesting videos you find.


gnz 5th Dec 2003 19:01

Have a look at this NH 90' demo

LowhoursUK 5th Dec 2003 19:45

Not sure if this is the same CH46 carrier-landing but according to this report four people died



RDRickster 5th Dec 2003 21:07

Here's another one...
H269B Crash, 1987, Student Pilot

Corresponding NTSB Report

I have about a dozen of these, but they are on my hard disk. I'll have to upload them to a site somewhere and post the links.

Heliport 7th Dec 2003 19:59


I suspect it may be the same CH46 carrier-landing.


This may arise in the future.

Is it inappropriate to link to videos where people have been killed?
What do members think?

If you have any strong views either way, please e-mail me or Pedalstop so we can assess the general feeling of members.

NB: E-mail - please don't post views on this thread.


[email protected] 8th Dec 2003 06:09

RD, call me old fashioned but I thought you were supposed to give the student some lessons before you sent him off on first solo!!!!!!

Heliport - if other deaths can be avoided by watching and learning from crash videos then I think they are worth their weight in gold.

nulian 10th Dec 2003 22:52

I agree with that - few sights have been more sobering to me than the video of the low-rotor RPM stall shown at the Robinson safety course.

Time Out 11th Dec 2003 06:29

Is it only me, or do some of the links above not work? I can't get any of Heliport's to work, and LowhoursUK's link only leads to a members' page with a story but no video.

To see a video rescue on a news site, try this link
I hope that one keeps working!!

Aser 11th Dec 2003 07:07

Maybe a stupid question...
but is it possible to buy/find the videos from the Robinson factory course?

Tickle 12th Dec 2003 09:30

Bunch of videos
A high-res clip of Panther spinning about and BO-105 doing some impressive fast and low flying: http://airwing.uplink.com.au/downloads/heli_promo1.wmv

Here's a bunch of videos, some relating to Victorian police and EMS operations:

Police N3 Dauphin hovering: http://airwing.uplink.com.au/downloads/pvg_hovering.mpg

C1 and N3 Dauphines flying together: http://airwing.uplink.com.au/downloa...th_air_493.mpg

N3 Dauphin climbing out: http://airwing.uplink.com.au/downloa...ascending2.mpg

412 taking off and flying over: http://airwing.uplink.com.au/downloa...ff_flyover.mpg

BlenderPilot 12th Dec 2003 10:22

A 300 doing an extremely nice routine!
I guess most of you have seen this, having been filmed in England, it left me speechless when I saw it. He apparently back flips the machine once. (Dennis Kenyon, Shoreham Arpt.)

Just beware its a large file (20MB), but its worth every second of the wait.

Download to Disk link

Heliport 12th Dec 2003 17:18


This video was posted by RDR in the 'Helicopter Aerobatics' thread a few weeks ago. We'll leave the link here as part of our collection of videos. I mention it only so those who downloaded it last time know it's the same video.


Time Out 13th Dec 2003 12:07

This is a short clip of a prang.

I hope it hasn't been posted above, but I still can't make some of those links work, so I can't be sure. Let me know if this one is a duplication and I'll remove it.

Thanks to John Eacott for hosting it.

Dave_Jackson 17th Dec 2003 13:53

The following site, which may not have been mentioned before, has a collection of helicopter videos.

The Video Vault Archive

jerry712731 17th Dec 2003 17:18

A stunning Rotary Display
The following is a link to a Stunning Display by Dennis Kenyon.
As a former freestyle world champion he makes it look so NORMAL

Already posted by RDRickster. Go to Awesome video


GroundGirl 17th Dec 2003 17:32

Dennis' displays are second to none in my opinion. Having been lucky enough to work closely with him at Shoreham airport, it was always a treat for everyone to see him on the airfield practising his routine. Heres hopingto see him in action again soon.


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