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2BBA 8th Oct 2002 10:44

Britannia Stage II
I know I should be more relaxed, but the guys at Britannia did say hear "by the 9th". It's now the 8th and nothing :-(. How about all you other guys & gals??

Good luck one and all! (especially me!!!!!!!!)

Bleep 8th Oct 2002 11:50

Hi 2BBA... had nowt in my post box this morning. I hate all this waiting around ! Had to buy myself a new set of brown trousers. I reckon they'll send them all out today to arrive tomorrow - both successful and un-successful . Don't forget, the kind young lady on the assessment day said we were free to call Britannia HR tomorrow should we not receive a letter. Can't rely on the post office now days. All the best.... fingers crossed.

Nutter16 8th Oct 2002 14:35

This might cheer some of you up (well 50people to be exact!!) but Ive just received a phone call at work informing me Im through to the next stage!!!

The lady on the phone said they'll be sending the letters out soon, hopefully to be with people by Friday confirming the details, failing that phone her direct and she'll go through the details on the phone!

HTH and good luck to everyone else! See you next week!

rossco18_uk 8th Oct 2002 14:39

Well done you Nutter! I got a phone call this morning from a London telephone number (I live in Scotland), but missed the call. You think that might have been them? What is their number anyway?

Well done again,


PA28pilot 8th Oct 2002 14:42


Expect a reply by telephone (:eek: ) today or tomorrow, I've just been called and invited to the next stage :D

They'll then send confirmation by post to be received by Friday.

Venue has changed to Luton, on the 14th and 15th of October.

Good luck (especially 2BBA!)

2BBA 8th Oct 2002 14:52

Thanks guys. Just got the call as well! Great news...

Rossco - its an 01582 number you wanna be on the lookout for.

Bleep 8th Oct 2002 16:05

Blimey...just got a nice call too :)

rossco18_uk 8th Oct 2002 18:23

Hi guys,
Still not heard anything, so unless I hear anything tomorrow, I guess I'll be one of the 150. :( Anyway, always think positive :cool: so I will let you know. Did they say that they would be doing calls tomorrow, or have they done them all today?


edd2000uk 8th Oct 2002 20:05

Same boat as you Rossco. Not heard anything yet, still pleased to have got this far though, I'll be trying again next time if I don't get through. Was good to get to the last 200!


Golf Tango Romeo 8th Oct 2002 20:23

Whooppeee!!! I'm through I'm through!!!!! Did anyone ask what the stage entails?

Bleep 8th Oct 2002 20:41

Rumour has it you have to gargle salt water whilst singing "My Old Man's A Dustman" in the nude. Last 24 to gag go through ;) Seriously, I haven't a clue !? Does anyone !? Isn't it a group discussion/group task type of affair !? Although on the telephone today, the lady said I was accepted for "..interview". Whether this was just a phrase she used or there is an interview I don't know ?!


edd2000uk 9th Oct 2002 10:37

Anyone had anything in the post yet? Not heard either way still.:confused:

andyg 9th Oct 2002 10:50

fed up of waiting
I got fed up of waiting and called them. I passed the tests but unfortunately didnt make the final 50 that they call through. Letters of confirmation are being sent today according to the woman and should arrive tomorrow. If you want to call them use:

01582 424155 and ask for HR and pilot recruitment, they will then tell you over the phone.

Congratulations to all those who did make it through. Its a wonderful opportunity and I want to wish you all the very best of luck. Go get em!

edd2000uk 9th Oct 2002 11:58

Cheers Andy,

Just called, they said I did well but wasn't in the top 50. Was good experience though, I guess I can only improve now I know what the tests are like. She told me they will be running the scheme next year. Well done to everyone who made it through and heads up everyone who didn't.


pilotchap 9th Oct 2002 12:02

just out of interest whose guys that did get through what experience do you all have, hows and types flown etc.


IanBowden 9th Oct 2002 14:13

Just phoned them, didn't get into top 50. Nevermind, was good to do it, 1st time for me so I know better what to prepare for next time.

Rgds and good luck to those in the next stage, competition will be even harder I am sure.


Bleep 9th Oct 2002 19:26

Is it true that candidates will have to sit the GAPAN tests at some point throughout selection ?

wolverhamptonlad 10th Oct 2002 08:25

How did that happen?
Managed to somehow get through to the next stage - anyone know what they're going to do to us? On the assessment day I heard the lady say that we were going to have personality!? tests (questionnaires) done. :eek:
If anyone's got any more info then please post a reply.

Good luck to everyone.. especially me

Nutter16 10th Oct 2002 08:34

Well done to all those who got through,

I seem to remember something being mentioned on the day about group exercises (+discussion?) and personality profile. If so I imagine it will be similar to the BA one ie thousands of questions in 40mins, no time limit just put your first response.

The Wannabes section of PPRuNe has some sample questions in the BA section I believe.

Bleep, which tests do you mean by the GAPAN ones? Are they the PC based ones normally administered at Cranwell, ie similar to RAF tests? If they are going to make us do them the only parts I can see that would have any relevance will be the hand/eye/foot coordination tests. The paper tests we have done are very similar to all the other computer based tests (spatial perception, maths etc.)

Good luck to all,


2BBA 10th Oct 2002 09:16

I'd heard Stage II is going to be the group exercises plus personality profile - circa 3 hours all in.

HR were unsure how many would progress to the final ("interview") stage - possibly 10.

Good luck one & all......

Bleep 10th Oct 2002 11:40

Nutter.... yeah I was talking about the hand-eye co-ordination computer based tests. I'm sure someone posted about it in this thread, but I may have been wrong. I'm sure BAe do rely on them as a selection method for there FTO now days (tell me if I'm incorrect) so this seemed a sensible statement. I've never done group tasks before for assessment.... what are they like ? At least personality questionnaires are not too stressful ie. Nothing to calculate quickly etc.. just whip through them honestly and all is done. When I last went to BA they assured us personality tests are only used in conjunction with interview, and are not a barrier themselves to the next stage. Whether that's true or not is anybody's guess. By the way... how many people have been accepted without a PPL... wondering if I was the only low timer around here !!

Nutter16 10th Oct 2002 11:57

Im only guessing (obviously) but the group exercises could be anything from the BA "build something aesthetically pleasing and functional from this meccano set" to the standard sort of "your plane has crashed prioritise these 15 items to take with you" but I really have no idea!

I agree with you on the personality stuff, most say they use it to build a profile of you to assist with interviews and for the psychologist interview (if they do them). I think as long as you are honest and dont try and second guess answers theres nothing you can really do about it (unless that is you come out as a ragin psycho ;) )

For the stats I have also got a PPL (C152/PA28), completed off the back of a flying schol. many many years ago! I'm still low hours though (~60ish) Ive basically been doing enough hours to keep myself current! Looking at some other posts Im surprised I got through if they were looking for <30hrs!



mbcxharm 10th Oct 2002 12:10


I'm through to the next round with my paultry 5 hours (I must be close to being the most inexperienced...).

wolverhamptonlad 10th Oct 2002 12:11

I seem to recall as well that it was 10 being selected to go through to the final interview stage.
Just for the record - i've had my PPL for 15 months now and have been caning the hours this summer - up to 85 total time.

Good luck..

2BBA 10th Oct 2002 12:13

PPL, just under 100 hrs.

pa28biggles 10th Oct 2002 12:44

Just phoned HR, i passed the tests but wasn't in the top 50. Congratulations to those who got through, all the best of luck.

One day I will get there, be warned Britannia, I will be back, but next time with an fATPL...:cool:

Please can all those who have got through to the next stage quote their A Level subject/grades and Degree subject/grade if applicable.
Thank you for your time

wolverhamptonlad 10th Oct 2002 13:05

I know that I shouldn't really be thinking this far ahead but.. when are the final interviews? Does anyone know the dates? I've just been seconded to Germany for a week with work at the end of October and I have this horrible feeling that that's when they will be held.


Ps. Got a 2.2 in Aero Engineering from Salford

timzsta 10th Oct 2002 23:13

Congratulations to those who have made it to the next stage and the best of luck. Unfortunately I didnt to well enough to join you.

Going to be too old for sponsorships probably by next year so I I will have to fund my training all at my own expense know.

Likewise Biggles - I will be back Britannia, and with a fATPL.

Good luck to everyone who makes to Jerez, and well done to the Brits for being the first to start a sponsorship after Sep 11 - you have given us all hope.

mbcxharm 11th Oct 2002 10:38

2nd round
So, 'appropriate casual clothing' for Monday/Tuesday...

Whaddya reckon guys/gals?

Bleep 11th Oct 2002 12:07

I was called to say Mon/Tue were cancelled... it's Thur & Fri now !?

wolverhamptonlad 11th Oct 2002 13:03

Just called them (14:00) and were told we were not expected to wear suits. What's everyone else doing? I think we'll look a bit daft clambering over dirty barrels (or whatever else they get us to do!) in smart suits. Think i'll go in trousers & Jumper.

Bleep... no mention about it being cancelled for the Monday.

Bleep 11th Oct 2002 13:45

Weird... I'm going Friday because they said they couldn't get rooms booked or something for my original day. Perhaps the original day was a Tuesday/Wednesday !? I'll probably be the only one there !!! I'm having trouble getting booked in to an optician to get an eye report by next week. I have a Class 1, but it has expired. Hopefully it will be sufficient though - it's not too far out of date. Bit worried too because I gained hours in an Air Squadron about 6 years ago and haven't got a log book :eek: Looks like I'll be wearing just a casual shirt and strides the, no sweaty suit !!


Nutter16 14th Oct 2002 06:35

Its OK, I'll be there Firday too!

Got back from a weekend away last night, new suit in tow and then read the letter! :rolleyes: I now have no idea what to wear and I'll probably have to go shopping again to find something :D

I cant ever recall having an opticians report! Bleep do you know if they will accept aviation medicals?! (Ive got a current class 2 certificate)

See you on friday!

Bleep 14th Oct 2002 09:44

Well, I telephoned HR and explained that I'm having trouble getting booked in and visiting an optician within the week, but I do have a class 1 (expired though) and do not require spectacles, and she said this should be fine. The lady said if I get through this stage and they still require an optometrists report I should be able to submit it later (ie. next week). She said the main reason they asked was because several people have not got any flying experience and would have unlikely attended any medical before - therefore they have no indication whatsoever if they are likely to pass class 1 standards. I'm sure they would accept a class 2 because CAA will have your eye test results - you may be able to give CAA a call and ask if they can send you a copy, I'm going to call them myself today. Anyone else going on Friday 18th ?

expedite_climb 14th Oct 2002 09:56

Bleep, have you tried vision express ??? I got one with a few hours notice there a couple of years back...

Bleep 14th Oct 2002 19:13


Cheers.... got myself an appointment tomorrow. Is it me or is life a nightmare at the moment - trying to juggle being very busy at work, slacking off on the internet to find addresses of opticians etc...(and reading this), trying to book appointments/hotels, trying to think of yet another excuse as to why I want to take yet one more day off, worrying about affording it all !!! ;) Still... did it go okay today for those who went today ? Are there still not any PPRUNERS going on the 18th !?


Nutter16 15th Oct 2002 06:33

Sorry Bleep, dont know if you missed it but yes I'll be there on the 18th! (Im also glad to hear someone else is going to be there!!)

Still not sure about what to wear though, now that the new suit plan has been scuppered!

I think with the eye things I'm just going to take along my class 2 medical (it is current) so at least they'll know I can pass an eye test to that level!

See you on Friday


Cambo 15th Oct 2002 10:22

Alrighty folks,

this is my first time on the site but I thought i'd leave a note to say that i'm through to the next Britannia stage as well. Im going down to Luton on Wed afternoon. They'd better not change it cos i've got my flights booked!

As far as i'm aware, it's a personality test and a couple of group things...as for what to wear, i'm as confused as everyone else...thought about going down reasonably smart but with some other stuff in a backpack.

Glad I found the site though, really helpful.

All the best to everyone,


Bleep 15th Oct 2002 10:30

Cambo... don't suppose you are the young lady who stayed in the Express Inn the day before aptitude testing !? If so, I may have shared the courtesy van with you. Probably write back and say you're a bloke now !! Appropriate clothing in my eyes is the cliche "Smart Casual". Shouldn't think they'd take too much notice - as said they're not expecting suits. I'm sure this stage is just to determine how well you interact and cooperate with others. They'll probably be more likely to judge appearance in the final interview. Right... I'm off to get my 'lamps' tested at the opticians.....

Good luck,


Cambo 15th Oct 2002 10:42


sorry to disapoint but i am indeed a bloke! I was down on Tuesday the 1st in the afternoon and my first name is Neil, so i might have met some of the people posting replies here...dunno though.

Cheers for the clothing suggestions, jumper and trousers it is then!

good luck to you too.


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