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-   -   Hero Aviation Greece (https://www.pprune.org/professional-pilot-training-includes-ground-studies/463259-hero-aviation-greece.html)

mad_jock 31st Jul 2014 11:10

They obviously have their target set on the Indian, arab and Russian markets.

The Europeans must be a bit to smart for them these days.

magicmick 31st Jul 2014 11:29

There are 2 ways to make yourself look good:

1. Dedicate the expense, time and effort to actually be good.

2. Make the opposition look bad so that you appear to be good in comparison.

Method 2 is a lot easier than method 1 and seems to be the method that they have chosen.

starz 1st Aug 2014 10:11

Yes mad jock you are totally right. Their job is to target Arabs and other easterners as they don't know any better. Europeans are much more intelligent and spots fraud from far away or atleast leaves from a place they know is shoddy.
Therefore hero doesn't have much choice. They have to target the ones easier to trick.
But since the son of HCCA Athina Marini is at hero, the owner of hero has formed ties with HCCA and that's why still exists despite all the fraud they committing.
HCCA is the umbrella for hero.

turbopropulsion 2nd Aug 2014 12:00

Hero Aviation Greece
That's quite a statement there. Do you have any proof of that?

starz 2nd Aug 2014 16:19

What evidence would you need? Go to hero and you will see a boy who is the son of A Marini.
It is an actual fact. Dimos is the owner of the school and he made sure his ass is covered. Well at least within Greece.

skymasterone 28th Sep 2014 13:16

Hero aviation
warning to everyone wants to study for a pilot's

Hero Aviation is the worst flight school in the world can not name it flight academy.
i have heard a lot of stories about it and i have contacted a lot of students there to know the true about Hero aviation and i have found that its the worst flight school in the world and the owner is crooked person not correct person ,he offer cheap price to give only some hours for PPL then he stop the training for students and create problems with them to force them to leave the school without finish them training and he never give back money to anyone who had forced to leave the school .
around 8 or 9 people left Hero aviation and went to other schools to can finish them training and none of them got even 1 euro back from them money as the owner is not correct person and he never give money back for anyone .
Hero aviation has only 2 very old airplanes in very bad condition working one day and stop for week
they have only cessna 150 and 172 nothing else , don't believe what you see on site of Hero aviation , airplanes , students , apartments ,everything there is fake .
the owner is perfect lier , working with fake papers and licenses
no one has graduated from HERO AVIATION till now and will never be even one person graduate from there
stay away from Hero aviation in Greece and will be better if you stay away from GREECE ,for sure there is good schools in Greece but maybe 1 or 2 max
don't try to get your rights in Greece as HCAA in Greece will never suport students there will take the side of school as they are Greek like them ,i heard that from many students got problems with schools in Greece and didn't get them rights there but the big numbers of students was from Hero Aviation and they tell Hero aviation pay money for some people in HCAA to cover Hero aviation but for sure there are good people in HCAA but hard to find them as you are foreigners students
hope everyone can contact alot of students in Hero and in Greece and ask if i tell the truth or no?
wish the best for all of you.

skymasterone 28th Sep 2014 16:30

Hero aviation
no one finished training at hero aviaiton and no one will finish there , its fake school .

starz 13th Oct 2014 19:53

Is it correct to say that Mrs M from HCCA licensing is giving information and tampering with students not to mention herself in exchange for a FREE atpl for her son at hero? :D
Greece has gone to a new low

mad_jock 14th Oct 2014 12:19

Tampering with students although exremely funny is not i suspect what you actually meant.

I know english isn't you first language but that statement means she is having sexual contact with students. And the next bit todo with herself is also amusing in the same way.

But then again maybe you did mean it to say that

magicmick 14th Oct 2014 14:21

The things some people will do to get free training for their kids, oh well I look forward to the release of the DVD.

turbopropulsion 23rd Oct 2014 14:12

There really needs to be a clear way to blacklist places such as these. The sheer amount of money people are spending warrants a decent feedback system. I myself and petrified to settle on a school, there seems to be a lot of sharks out there. :/

starz 23rd Oct 2014 23:48

Apparently one of the ex students of hero has a video footage....also voice recordings of dealings with the owner Dimos who talks about fake visas and about HCCA and how they under his control.....Even I am shocked :oh:

pilot12345671 1st Dec 2014 22:23

Hero aviation Greece , Kalamata,,,, worst school in europe
Let me start by giving you the truth, I was a firm supporter of hero aviation as I joined this school, I wondered what all the bad reviews were about, then I gave my money and paid in advance, and all went down hill, very fast.


hero aviation has been reported to easa from many students, the owner captain Dimos, who was a truck driver not a pilot, has taken so many students money, and all they have been given in return is a very long holiday in kalamata,
if you decide to go to this school, don't say you weren't warned.

the only schools in Greece worth talking about are Global, egnatia, fas, Olympus.


- hero is qualified to give atpl , however in the history of the school there has never been a student to this day take a atpl or Cpl because the school don't have the infrastructure.

- if you don't lick the but of the owner after u pay him ul get kicked out visa caxl and no refund. there will be a story made up about you. that you were ill, mental, mafia, extremist and so on.

- any student that has ever finished only finished from another school and had to pay again.

- there is no multi engine, 1 x c150 1x c172 and I hope u got duck tape to keep these birds together.

the good points to the school is the instructors, but you can only fly 1 day a week so good luck to finish before your to old, or you could go to megera and fly a second day a week, that 3 hr drive away, take a tent you'll need it as ul sit there all day waiting your turn to fly.

in short, I ran away from this school but lost thousands, I now fly in uk and the difference is night and day, everyone will be to scared at this school to tell you as they have paid upfront and if they say a word you get fired as a student.

so if you want to loose your cash go hero, if you don't believe me well good luck.

why the school isn't closed you ask, well its called back handers to the right people.

so if you want to go and waist your time money and dreams, welcome to hero.

nick name banana aviation

as after you pay you will be lucky to get even a banana.

Ahmedsalo 2nd Mar 2015 13:10

Before You Attend to this banana school

ask them to meet someone done CPL and ATPL in the School

Simply you will not find someone maybe u'll find with PPL Only

The owner is a truck driver and Cheater finally he got PPL License

He has only two very old aircraft's (Single Engine)


parkfell 3rd Mar 2015 19:52

Their website says it all.

Two single engined Cessna, with one upgraded for night flying !
No specified multi-engined aircraft.

The list is endless.........and who has approved this training?:ugh:

Ahmedsalo 6th Apr 2015 23:06

They let their modular students start their ATPL groundschool without obtaining their PPL first.This goes against the rules laid out in PART FCL

foxalfa 28th Apr 2015 15:43

I have been offered a FI job at HERO and I have to pay in advance €3000 as a guarantee.
The site looks quite good and even their page on facebook has a lot of "likes", but I have read many topics blaming the school and the HT as a cheater.
In the mails the person I wrote to has never signed the answers, wrote very direct and pretend an immediate availability. It is not normal....

I'm wondering about accepting the offer or not because regarding the world situation it is the only company which is hiring. :{

I don't know what to do............ :ugh:

2close 1st May 2015 15:00

Hi foxalfa,

I have absolutely no knowledge of this company whatsoever and have no axe to grind. My comments are purely objective.

You have to make your own mind up, obviously, but I would read through this thread very carefully from start to finish and then remember that (a) anyone can put together a very impressive looking website and (b) you can buy as many 'likes' as you want for your Facebook page.

I am not suggesting this is what the owners(s) of the company have done just saying that it is possible.

As for paying a "guarantee" to work as a FI, what on earth is that for? The aircraft must be insured, the students must be insured and as an employer they must insure you. The only thing I can think of is that this is the excess charge applied by the insurance company, in case of accident.

DO NOT under any circumstances take a job with anyone as a contractor - the chances are that you may not be insured by the company's insurance, regardless of whatever the company may claim. If you had any accident you could find yourself financially crippled for a very long time! At the very least make sure you read the insurance policy document to make sure you are covered.

Lastly, before accepting any job you MUST take a look at the company, the airfield and especially the aircraft.

There are companies hiring in the UK - you just need to look around and be prepared to work hard for little money.

Good luck - whatever you decide keep us posted.

foxalfa 4th May 2015 11:46

thank you 2close, your analysis is very peremptory. :ok: I have done the same as you, analizing all the data I have gathered from any page of the net and my conclusion is more negative rather than positive :( , but I still hoping that it is a serious school. :sad:
the airport lgkl is only open the mornings (and few afteroons) from monday to friday while the week end is closed.
up to now I am more and more bound to refuse the offer.

parkfell 5th May 2015 11:24


I would visit the establishment before making any decision to join as a FI.

As for paying any money in advance, this is very strange. What are you needing to guarantee ?

There are other outfits hiring.......:zzz:

PropDude 5th May 2015 12:42

Stay away fro HERO. Egnatia is always looking for FIs, pays a good salary (around 2000 euros) and has the best reputation in Greece . Global aviation also opens FI positions from time to time with the same salary.
Good luck

TheSkiingPilot 27th Jun 2015 15:28

Don't go to Hero Aviation! I hear only one student has come out of that school with the relevant licenses. It's a scam...

parkfell 1st Jul 2015 09:02

The website this morning claims they have 30 active students. A Facebook picture on 28 February showed 20 people who I assume were current students. So trade would appear to have picked up.

If you assume an even spread of joining dates throughout the training period then 15 equivalent students will need 150 hours flying plus simulator.
I shall let you work out how many hours flying etc is needed to complete the course, and from their website the resources in terms of aircraft and instructors.

And that assumes a static state without new joining customers.

With the current economic situation ~ a default on the IMF repayment last night, the Facebook reassurance about personnel guarantees from the accountable manager is to say the least courageous. :{

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