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-   -   Training for tests! (https://www.pprune.org/professional-pilot-training-includes-ground-studies/360559-training-tests.html)

Celtic Pilot 7th Feb 2009 19:18


you are only 16 years of age,,, why are you getting so uptight about these tests. You will pass them when required to, you will be a more mature person in years to come, so just concentrate on the main area of acedemics in school.

this thread is pointless!!!!!

fabbe92 7th Feb 2009 20:07

One thing that you guys need to understand (if you do understand this you will stop saying that I am only 16 years old) is this,

Oxford is still 3-4 years away. But this free school I am talking about. The only intake is in the 2nd year of the upper secondary school. Which means that my shot is in august this year (2009). If I decide not to go there, then the only option left are the ab inito programs like OAA (because modular is the last way out for me). So it would be nice to know now if I can enter OAA, CTC etc in 4 years because if I decide not to begin at the free school in agust, that chance is gone. So if I donīt enter OAA, CTC etc then I will probably regret not taking this shot.

So you get it now? I canīt make the choice of how I am going to start my career and life, in 3 years. I have to decide right now.


Swinglow 7th Feb 2009 21:07

What fabbe92 is talking about is that in Sweden we have two public schools which have an combined natural science/commercial pilot programme.

The programme is state sponsored an you will get CPL/SE/NQ and 150h (more if you need it.), all for free. The schools accepts applications from the whole country and anyone who has finished the first (aged 16) of three years at the natural science programme or the technical programme (the two most accademic demanding upper secondary programmes in Sweden) can apply.

The first phase of the selection is based on your previous grades, and if you make the first cut you are called to and assessment in Stockholm. This include psychometric tests, interviews and a medical class 1. Things the assessment people look at specialy is maturity, because if you make it throu selection you are expected not only to cope with regular school, flight school, but also to move away from home at the age of 16,17 years to your own appartment with every things that comes with that. The final phase is an ranking and 70-80 highest ranked students are offered to start training.

As you can guess it's highly competitive to get in. I don't have an exact number of how many that apply every year, but I have heard anything from 400 up to 900.

/Ex student

White Otter 7th Feb 2009 23:20

Yes but if you go to the free school you can always decide to go to Oxford, etc later if it doesn't work out whereas the other way is a no go.

bajadj 7th Feb 2009 23:34

Please decide right now and stop spamming up this forum with your constant and tedious drivel. You clearly have no capacity to make any kind of decision yourself, which is a shame, because that is EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE REQUIRED TO DO AS A PILOT.


JohnRayner 7th Feb 2009 23:35

So it would be nice to know now if I can enter OAA, CTC etc in 4 years
Wouldn't it just? That level of prescience would also probably win it's owner any lottery you might care to mention.

But this free school I am talking about
Is that free flight training? Upto fATPL level? Seriously? Ģ50k+ of commercial flight training provided by your state for free?

If the above is true, why wouldn't you go for it? I mean, I read an earlier post of yours that states you would only plump for the free school if you had no chance of making the grade for e.g. OAA.

I don't understand why you'd pass up the opportunity to get all that training for free in exchange for spending Ģ100k at in integrated FTO.

I'm not sure about this bit (corrections gratefully received) but if you commercially trained for free, then went off and "had a life" for a bit, while paying to keep licenses and ratings current, would it not be quite a few years before you spent the equivalent of what the training might have cost in the first place, especially somewhere like OAA?



JohnRayner 7th Feb 2009 23:43

Making a decision!

Isn't it though?

The alternative theory is that a decision has been made, and our young friend is casting around hoping for someone to tell him he's doing the right thing.

Like, I get the impression he might seriously be considering passing up free training (if such does indeed exist), in exchange for training at the shiny schools, based on his subsequent likelihood of flying for BA et al.



Adios 8th Feb 2009 00:21


Let me see if I have this right. In August 2009, you can take a Class 1 Medical and a Psychometric test to hopefully get onto a state run school for free. The course will get you a PPL, night rating and 150 hours total time and it won't cost you anything. Is this correct?

Now to help you hear what people have been saying. You will probably grow up enough in four years to pass OAA or CTC's assessment, at least for self-sponsoring students. Quite a few people here think you have little chance of passing them now because of immaturity. By the way, you can't take them until you are 17 or 18.

Have you ever called or written to OAA or CTC? What sort of advice did they give you? How do you plan to pay for either of their courses, since their banks only lend to UK residents? The free option gets you about 1/3 of the way down the modular route. The remaining parts will cost you about 1/3 of what OAA or CTC will want.

To get back to your question on psychometric tests, have you tried Googling the word? How about looking on Amazon.com: Online Shopping for Electronics, Apparel, Computers, Books, DVDs & more for books on psychometric testing for pilots? There are dozens of them.

They should not be called tests though, because there aren't any right and wrong answers. All they are trying to do is get insight into your personality.

Here's an online one you can take, but it is not aviation related. It will give you an idea what they are like. Just taking one should help you unwind a bit, as you will realize they are nothing to worry about.

Personality Test - Keirsey Temperament Website - Look for the free Temperament Sorter.

Celtic Pilot 8th Feb 2009 11:44

all of the above comments are excellent, so FABBE read them carefully, understand them and make your own decision, no-one has the right to tell you what to do in life so make up you own mind which is best for you.

This whole '''free'' thing im not too sure i believe or there would be hundreds applying. Go to a local flying club where there will be pilots and ask them face-to-face '''what their advice would be??'''

if this is a representation of the way your personanlity is in the group assessments or interviews (which you will find much tougher than these so called tests) then i believe that the FTO will see right through you.

A key comment made above regarding the decision making is VERY important. If you show an FTO any reason that you are unable to make a decision yourself quickly then I dont hold much hope for you at all. Hesitation is the last thing you want to show an FTO in selection, its all about confidence in yourself and your ability.

so hopefully to end this painstaking thread, read all of the above comments by John Rayner, badjaj, and adios, all very well constructed posts for your question.

fabbe92 8th Feb 2009 14:09

I didnīt want to bring this up again. I just said why I want to train now for the tests!

For you guys that donīt know.

It is a school where everything is paid by the swedish government. You go to a normal school and learn normal subjects but 2 days a week (monday, tuesday) tou study aviation. So the normal education is paid by the state. The flight training is payd by the state and the ones ho operate the training are Scandinavian Aviation Academy. www.bfsaa.se . So you get the same teachers and training as the ones att SAA.

What you get at this school is, CPL, 150 hours, NQ and you learn to fly with glass instruments and you learn to fly with gear raiesd up.

So this is what you get if you go to this school.

After the 2 years, 30% of the students will be selected to come and train with SAA and gain ME/IR, ATPL, MCC and everything you need to be a airliner pilot, FOR FREE!!!. So these guys get from 0 hours to type rating for free. (not the tr tough!) For the other 70% there is the same training. But they have to pay 2300 euro for the ME/IR etc.

So its free. This is good. But you have grades in the CPL subjects and since I will have so many subjects to learn, the grades will not be as good as if i do my cpl after upper secondary education.

The fact is that some of these graduates gets a job with Ryanair. But the majority of the graduates are working as flight instructors now (2-3 years after graduation).

I donīt want to work as a flight instructor for 2-3 years I want the best chance to get a job on an airline. And 90% of OAAs graduates, gets a job on an airline. All the people who have gone to this school, lives and works in Sweden or Scandinavia. I donīt want that. I want to live and fly in the UK, Germany, Belgium whatever. And the fact is that many of the graduates from OAA now works for big airlines. They may not work for them at the start but after 10 years or something. I canīt find any graduate from the free school who works for a big airline. Not even SAS.

So I have pretty much decided that I am so passionate about flying that I am willing to pay a large amount and sacrifice in order to get the best of the best. Maybe you guys donīt think like me but I am I and this is how I see it.

Lets stop this thread now:ok:

Whirlygig 8th Feb 2009 14:18

Fabbe, let's not stop this thread. Please, please listen and HEED what other people are saying. They are more experienced and qualified than you and have been through the system. Instead of getting shirty and irritable with everyone on here, a little humility and gratitude for the advice and pointers you have been given might not go amiss. I'd be very interested to know what your parents advise?

If you have an opportunity to be trained to CPL level for free, then you must be nuts not to take it.

Have you thought where you're going to get the money for OAA? If you have the money anyway, then you can use it for a type rating after SAA which will make you much more employable with an airline.

And where did you get your statistics from about OAA's employment rates? From them?



akindofmagic 8th Feb 2009 14:21

I donīt want to work as a flight instructor for 2-3 years I want the best chance to get a job on an airline. And 90% of OAAs graduates, gets a job on an airline.
If you are genuinely passing up the chance of state funded training based on this, you are living in cloud cuckoo land. I honestly can't comprehend someone making the decision you seem intent on making.

Beat me to it Whirlygig!

fabbe92 8th Feb 2009 14:26

Yes I got it from them. My parents think I should go to the free school but they allso say that I should do what I think is best for myself.

And I have seen that people who train in Sweden, works in Sweden as 50 year olds. I donīt want that! I want to work for foreign airlines when I am 50. I want to be on the big airlines at the age 0f 50 but shouldnīt I be that, I can work for a smaller airline but just as it is in another european country because I would like to live and work abroad.

I think that if you want to work for BA for example. Then the best way is to train in the UK. If you want to fly for Brussels airlines, then train in Belgium. Isnīt this correct?

And I donīt want to work as a flight instructor for 5 years. People are captains on 747 at the age of 26 I want to be a airliner pilot at that age.

And since airlines choose their low hour pilots from OAA since they make less misstakes, then I take this as a proof that the training si better there.

I do appreciate your ideas tough and since everyone seems to have a different oppinon, I will have to rethink.

I know a SAS captain that is retaired now. He thinks that I should go to Oxford since this free little school is not known among the airlines. And he probably has the greatest experience of us all.

Whirlygig 8th Feb 2009 14:38

How do you know that all pilots who train with SAA stay in Sweden? How are you in a position to know any Swedish pilots who've left the country and work abroad. There are some believe me :hmm: You're talking about 50 year old pilots who would have qualified nearly 30 years ago. The aviation world was a very different place 30 years ago; no JAA, only national licences which may not have been recognised abroad.

Up until recently, Sweden was not part of the EU and therefore there was no automatic right to work in other countries. Therefore, these older pilots may not have been able to work elsewhere in the world and they didn't have the appropriate visas.

Also bear in mind that many people actually want to stay in their own country, they have family there, maybe married and have children and no wish to uproot to move elsewhere.

You seem to have this idea that the major airlines simply to to OAA at graduation time and just take all the recruits; they don't. Also bear in mind, that OAA has a lot of foreign sponsored students who are pretty much guaranteed jobs in their own country - they use these students in their statistics as well which will skew the percentages.



Frankly Mr Shankly 8th Feb 2009 15:23

And since airlines choose their low hour pilots from OAA since they make less misstakes, then I take this as a proof that the training si better there.

Ooooooooh wait for it, wait for it...........:E

White Otter 8th Feb 2009 17:55

Firstly if 90% of OAA grads went to the airlines then we'd all be there with them. Remember what Benjamin Disraeli said ("Lies, damned lies, and statistics").

Also why don't you want to be an instructor? You should get into flying for the love of it not for the love of a 747, BA, nice uniform, whatever and instructing is flying and probably more fun than a 747 anyway (as you'll have more time actually flying rather than monitoring an autopilot). Personally I cannot wait to get my instructor rating and I'll be very happy to do that for quite a few years.

fabbe92 8th Feb 2009 18:01

Common! Instructing, yes:) I will be glad to wake up in the morning and know that my job is to fly and thats what I get to do every day.

But if you can choose between being an instructor in the c172 and flying the 738, Iīd take the 738. Because flying is my dream but airliner is everything I ever wanted. And since I know that it is possible to go from school to f/o in an airliner jet or turboprop, I have that as my goal.

And guys I am not saying that I want BA and LH as my first job. That I wanted a few months ago but since then I have learned that it is not possible so I am not aiming for that. And since BA are retiiring their 737s now I will rather fly for JET2 or Ryanair at the begining then to fly those awfull a320s. No just kidding any plane I get to fly will be good for me.

Adios 8th Feb 2009 20:30

White Otter,

Instructing could get old very fast if there are very many impetuous, wet behind the ears, youngsters out there who refuse to listen to older, wiser, more experienced pilots (i.e. such as their instructors!).

fabbe92 8th Feb 2009 21:16

My PPL instructor who is a atpl and works for a commercial school says that at the free school you get a lousy education and a lousy flight training so he wouldnīt recomend it.

I mean I seems to close out everything and just see that you get good flight training with OAA. You guys seems to close out everything and just see that its free. I do appreciate your posts and I understand you guys. But how can you say that you think its the best when you donīt even know the school. You have no information about the school whatsoever.

Frankly Mr Shankly 8th Feb 2009 21:45

Go to OAA. There. Job done.

Right. Next.

Vems 18th Feb 2009 19:05

Just tell me one thing, from where the hell did you get that :-

"And since airlines choose their low hour pilots from OAA since they make less misstakes, then I take this as a proof that the training si better there."

If you're a good pilot, then you're one, if you stink at it, well.. then.. you stink at it. That's all there is to say.

Answer one more thing, why do you really want to become a airline pilot?

I don't want answers such as 'it has always been my dream' that applies to me too, but that's not the only reason.

And what the hell, if I could instruct and live off the instructor pay for 5 years then I would, just as long as I'm flying.

Don't aim to be a BA captain at the age of 25. Newsflash.. it's not going to happen, you would probably get promoted to captain after 7-10 year service for them.

Just sit down, chill out, think..

Why do I really want to become a pilot? What's so special about that? What's the main reason for doing it? Money? Passion? it's 'cool' as someone said to me before? Because if you're doing it JUST for the money or because it's cool, then when I get my PPL I would hate to be anywhere near you.

Just think everything through, before you make a big mistake.

A lot of us don't have free training. Some of us work their ass off to get money for an hour of flying. Some have family, some are at college and university.. but we have to work for it.. and sometimes.. it gets really tough.

Another thing.. did you consider what would your life as a commercial pilot be? I mean time away from your family and loved ones..? You don't fly when you want to.. you do it everyday for a certain amount of time..

REALLY, have a think through everything and then come back with an answer.

Good luck anyways!


fabbe92 18th Feb 2009 19:09

The reason for me wanting to become a airliner pilot is passion passion and again passion! Not the money and of course its the coolest job ever but its my passion.

Many pilots on their blogs wrights golf or sailing as their hobbys. My hobby is aviation.

Since the age of 3 I have day dreamd about airliners every day. More than I think of girls its airlines. I was at the local airport every day when I was a little boy. My mother says that when I was a little kid I used to run around and talk like pilots talk to atc:}

So donīt think that I do it for the money or because its a cool job. Its my life!!

Vems 18th Feb 2009 19:24

Yes. It will be a big part of your life. Of course.

About the hobby's, everyone has a few hobbies. I love aviation with all my heart, but I feel like a fish when I'm in the water. I love swimming and I swim quite a lot. I also do horse riding, which is fun.. my friends usually takes me with her. :E

Everyone needs something to do to chill out. Being a pilot, then becomes your everyday job and sometimes when you're tired, guys.. wouldn't you just want to go, relax and play golf.. or whatever? I thought so.

Apart from the fact that it is a 'cool' job.. it's a big responsibility. I hope you realise that. Don't do it because your friends then think you're cool because 'Oh my God, you fly? You're so cool, I want to do that!' I heard that a million times. ( What a pity, my grandma hates it :rolleyes:)

What happened.. how did you actually start to like aviation.. how did it all started?


Notice.. it's an airline pilot not an airlineR pilot. :)

fabbe92 18th Feb 2009 19:44

I donīt give a dam about my friends and the girls and what they think! I know it is a responsible job and I am trying to be as calm and as proffesional as possible as a person in order to do this job.

I like to travel, that is my hobby besides aviation!

It all began when I was 3-4 years old when we flew to Italy with the BA 732s and 734s. I remember that I began to count the days as the last monthe before the travel came. The night before the flight I couldnīt sleep. I was so happy when we went out to the airport it wa the happiest day of the year. When I entered the plane and fellt the smell of the cabin and felt that cool sound of the electrical system I was in love. Thats something that got me hooked. I remember that I liked the sounds of the engines, flaps. apu etc and I liked how the wing began to shake when we took of and all the special details about flight. I attached my seat belt and Listened carefully to the safety demo and I loved when the flaps came out and we began to roll on the appron. When We entered the runway in early morning whit all the lights, it was so beautifull! Here my heart began to tick like a bomb. When They began to increase the power I leaned back into position and closed my eyes. And then they opened the throotles! Those seconds where the best of my life and they still are. Being up there was so fun. I looked out the window and tryed to see where we are. Sometimes I got to go and visit the cockpit and I got to turn on and of landing lights etc. I was so hoked! After the flight I was depressed for weeks because it was over.

Flying is my life and it allways will be! Some people want to become singers or soccer players and thats their lives. I want to be a pilot and that is my life:ok: So I donīt want anyone saying that I do it for the money or because its a cool job etc. I do it since it is my passion and I want to do the best job possible. Many people want to work for KLM since they have the highest salary in europe etc. I want to fly for the big airlines since I grew up with them and I find it as the best career.

Enough with this now:ok:

Vems 19th Feb 2009 09:30

Having the best career, doesn't neccesarily mean that you have to work for the best airline in the world.

Have you had a trial lesson yet?

mtanz0 19th Feb 2009 09:52

This dude's mental. I think they should give him psychological tests in the class 1.

Continental Drifter 19th Feb 2009 10:37

I'll give you some advice about "how to train for mental tests"(?)
Firstly, stop your inane, rambling posts. You have very little experience of life, never mind aviation. There are people on here with vast amounts of both.
Listen to them.
Formulate a plan. Think. Stop being so reactionary. If you want to get into this industry and want people to stop refering to your age, you're going to have to demonstrate a lot more maturity than you are showing now.

nick14 19th Feb 2009 11:16

You have to admit though, it does make an ammusing read!

Brightened up my day.


Celtic Pilot 19th Feb 2009 14:20

this lad is comic...lol...

i liked the post with '''people on here have other hobbies well mine is aviation'''' cracked me up,,,

fabbe now come on lad your past the stage of dreaming and all, just get to work on it.... it all a bit pathetic to be honest reading it....you are very immature, so work on growing up a little before starting the tests for airline...

it is funny though.....


Vems 19th Feb 2009 14:33

About those other hobbies.. most of people that are here have a few hobbies but are passionate about flying the most.. otherwise.. would they even be here? It's everyones own choice of what they want to do in life, well, at least it should be. So as you say Fabbe, flying is your life.. Flying is our lives too.. just let me say one more thing.. you really got to grow up. I came to this forum when I was 15. At first I was fine, then it all started messing up in my head.. I thought I knew everything when really, I didn't. I admit to it. :E I went off for a while, did a hell lot of research and realised that I should start kicking my ass off and getting to work on what I want to do. It worked. It also took me some time to realise how sometimes I annoyed people on here, but you, boy damn it. You even beat me up on it, even I got annoyed by it. :rolleyes:

There's loads of info on this forum about the thing that you're asking about it. There's an option called search here. It's helpful. Trust me! :ok:

The way to become a pilot is really hard, there's lot of work ahead of you. It's a looong way, really long way and if you don't change your attitude it's going to end up bad for you. Keep that in mind. Just take the advice, do your research and then come back with a final decision on how, where, when, why and what you're going to do.

We can't tell you to stay at this school, because this will be good for you and it will get you a job with the airline.

Welcome to the real world. You have to make your own decisions, it's not up to us, your parents.. or whoever else. It's your and only your choice.

We can only advise you about what could be a good choice, talk to your parents, tell them about what you want to do and how you going to do it. Keep them informed and ask what would they think would be a good choice.. then when you have listened to tens of people.. Make up your mind.

fabbe92 19th Feb 2009 14:59

Well its not my fault that Verms brings up my old thread again! I donīt care anymore about your comments about me. Anything new? I am mentally ill, I am stupid anything more? You havenīt said anything rasistic yet maybe you should try that.

What do you want with OAA now. I am going to go modular. Please read before you start bullying people half your age, please!

I donīt understand anymore. Verms asked me how I got hooked with aviation and I told him about my first flights. And you start bullying me for this.

Donīt worry guys I will do like you want. I will never apply for BA and LH I will fly regioanlly for my entire life in northern Sweden. Even when I have 10 000hours and Speak english perfectyl and have good reputation I will not apply for BA because I am mentaly disturbed if I do it.

Come on guys! Anything more you have in mind? Please keep it up you make my selfconfidence grow so much!:ok:

Celtic Pilot 19th Feb 2009 15:10

so fabbe whats wrong with regional flying than BA jumbo's,,,

--- 1 You are flying as airliner pilot (as you call it)

--- 2 Your getting paid money for doing what you like

Time to grown up here,,, all these comments are a dose of reality for you... count yourself lucky you arent getting laughed at in front of your face when you come out with these comments to people...

Half your age (come on now when i was 16 i knew what diection i was heading but i kept my head in the books at school)

p.s Grant me i never have to share a flight deck with you EVER!!!!!

fabbe92 19th Feb 2009 15:28

You never will share a flightdeck whith me either! Because I am doing what you guys tell me not do do. I am aiming high with my life!

Go ahead and aim low if you want! I know that its very difficult to work for big airlines and not many people get to go on the jumbo. Myabe I will fly smaller regional planes for all my life. But I am aiming as high as possible!

Since you donīt care and you only want to fly for small airlines then do so! You donīt have to fly with me! You canīt bring me down. I donīt know what the problem is maybe you are yellous since you where not this motivated at my age?

I am very dissapointed. I had finished this thread and Verms decides to bring it up again and he asks me a question. I respond on that guestion and you guys donīt even read this thread. You only wright the things that would hurt me the moast. You say that you want to help me and to give me advices. But the majority doesnīt. You only wright bad things about me.

Hey I may be imature but I donīt spend my time/life bullying people that are younger than me.:ok:

Now I know that there will be 20 comments with provocating and really awfull comments here. You will do everything to make me mad so I can post something more. But I will not. I am to busy living my life. I am still young I am doing fine at my flight training and I will reach my goals.

Have fun bullying me, and I do thank the few people who really gave me advices and helped me! Thanks for showing the good side of adult people:ok:

Whirlygig 19th Feb 2009 15:49

Don't worry fabbe; if you think that working for a big airline is the top spot; it ain't. Us helicopter pilots look down on the lot of you for having no ambition.

Listen ...people have tried to give you some friendly advice, you act in an immature manner and say you're being bullied.

You're not; it's criticism and if you can't cope with it here, how will you manage when a flight instructor makes you feel like you're the worst pilot on earth.

This is meant nicely Fabbe (as nice as your Mum could be); you need to develop some more maturity in your manner and way of writing/speaking.



SW1 19th Feb 2009 16:14

Just do me a favour Fabbe. Read what you've written before you press the submit button.

You know that sharp tingly feeling you get running up your spine. I get that when I read your posts so please think mate before rising to challenges. What doesnt kill you makes you stronger!!!!

fabbe92 19th Feb 2009 16:31

Com on guys! I only whant to be friends with everybody here and make some friends inside the industry so I can learn. This guys is mental, is not a very nice thing to say to a 17 year old guy who is confused about his future. Many of the things you have said to mea have really gotten to me. You have basicly said that I will be a bad pilot and you will fear to fly whith me and that I will probably risc the passengers life. Verms brought this thread up again! The posts before Verms are a feew weeks old now. I have learned a lot since I joined here.

I am going to go to a modular school here in Sweden where I will have the time of my life. I will study french since I like languages and I want to learn it fluently. Then I will study english and physics/math when I go to this school which is a upper secondary that gives you CPL training as well, for those who donīt know. Since I only get the CPL here I will try to get into the completion course after that where they give you the rest for free. If I donīt get in, the school offers the completion for a pretty good price under 20 000Ģ. After I have completed my training I will look at the curent situation. If the market looks kind of good, I will apply for every possible airline in Europe. I will allso apply for airlines in the UAE and Asia.
I will of course apply for airlines like Régional, Lhcityline but I know that its unlikely to be called for an interview. I will try to get whatever job I can. Many of the graduates at this school currently gets job with Ryanair, Tyrolean and Air Baltic so this looks very promissing. I will allso try to get in whit airlines like SkyEurope, Airone, BMIbaby because these airlines seems fun for a first job. However the market may look bad and then this school has it secured for you. They offer every graduate that doesnīt get a job, a position as flight instructor whitin the school. This means I will go of to Phoenix in the US and live and work there. This seems kind of exciting now since I can work as a flight instructor and maybe study at the university there. I could study language and maybe it would be fun whith a degree in airline economics or something like that.

Many of the people here have learned me lot in a few months. I am making misstakes and I am learning every day, I am just asking people here to be gentle whith me and not make these comments. I still have the goals of flying a large jet for a big airline in the future. It may be 10-30 years from now. I donīt care, someone has to fly them and I will do everything I can to be one of them. But for the moment I think realisticly and I will just enjoy my PPL flight training, the schools and spending time whith my friends. The middle east and Asia looks like an exciting job market in the future som maybe I will work there? Who knows, the only thing I know is that I will fly for the rest of my years if god permits.

Vems 19th Feb 2009 16:52

You need to learn to read between the lines.

First of all, my nickname is Vems, not Verms. And I'm not a lad, I'm a girl. Plus.. I'm not half as old as you are darling. I'm at really similar age. I'm not even 20 yet. :oh:

I haven't bullied you at all, no one is trying to. You may think we're all against you at the moment, but really we aren't. All you get here is criticism as Whirlygig said.

And who aims low here? We all have to set up a goal every once in a while. My goal is to gain PPL by the end of october. Next thing will be gain ATPL by the end of 2010 and beginning of 2011. You build up your career step by step, you haven't even started yet and you have plans for the rest of your life up to retirement. It's not going to work. This is reality, living the dream.. oh that ended. I will be aiming high, you can trust me on that one, but the definition of flying isn't 'fly airliner for the best airline in the world'. It doesn't matter if you fly small aeroplanes, you glide or whatever. It's still flying, always has been, always will be. Don't set one goal to just fly for BA. If you would already be a captain in BA ( :uhoh: ), would that be your final goal?

Right now you should be concentrating on school/college and getting on with your PPL. Set up your goal to finish it by some time this or next year. Then when you'll be finishing, sit down, think and set up your next goal. And NO, I don't mean BA F/O or Captain. Get your license first and then think what's next. Take life as it comes, don't plan everything. Life is full of suprises, you never know what could happen. Did you think about a back up plan if you don't pass your medical at some point? Are you sure that you're going the Class 1 medical at all? There's loads of things to think about before you really decide that this is what you going to do for the rest of your life.

I don't want to fly only for small airlines. Well I could to be honest, I would even be happy with working for a charter or as an instructor for a number of years.

Don't take it the wrong way, I'm trying to give you advice here. Yes, there's a dissapointment here.. you're not getting the answers you wanted here. You're not going to get into BA by time you're 20 or 22. It seems to be that the only thing you want to fly is the Boeings for BA/LH. Is this all that flying means to you? When I hear the damn loud engine of light aircrafts such as Cessnas or Pipers, I fall in love with them all over again. I'm always looking at the sky searching for a/c. It's something that really means really much to me. Did you even consider doing anything else if you couldn't find employment for some time, as if you want to go straight into airlines, it's going to be a bit hard to get in with 250/300.

I'm still young and I keep my head in the books most of the times, studying at college, working part time as my flying school isn't free and my parents are not really up for paying it all ( they do help me financally though, until I'll be able to go into full time employment :E ) and I study for the PPL exams hard everyday. It'd not easy you know, and it's not going to be for the next at least half a year until I finish college. So if you're going to be still at school when you start training.. or even just at the flying school, you have to put your head in the books, and as you're going modular you're not going to have ground instructions for every single exam and you'll probably have to study at home, which sometimes it's a bit hard when you don't understand something.. (but save the questions, and ask instructor before your next flight). I really wish you well, I hope your dream does come true but you have to work on your maturity and setting up goals in your life, you're not always going to be at school, training or whatever.. Bear in mind that as you're pretty young, the choices we make now will affect the rest of our lives.. and your career as a pilot it's going to last for at least 30 years.

You need to take in all the comments. Bad & good. There's all helpful. I wouldn't spend time bullying you as you call it here, writing this massive posts.. I'm trying to be helpful but my nerves are currently going a bit off!
You're going to have tough times through your PPL when you mess something up, if the instructor will make you feel bad, what will you do then? Tell him that he's only saying that to ruin your career? Ermmm. Think about what you're writing and the purpose of your writing. Because on the last post, you sounded like a 12 year old kid. Sorry.

Just tried to give you good advice, if you don't take it, I hope we won't meet in the flightdeck some years from now on.

Anyways, good luck.


fabbe92 19th Feb 2009 17:09

Hehehe I see Vems. Sorry I saw wrong. I thought Verms was a strange name:) How nice to see a girl that wants to go the pilot way. Unfortunatley there arenīt many like yourself. Thank you for your kindness!

Here is a perfect example of what makes me sick of these forums. Rougegog or whatever the idiot is called, just canīt stop can he?! I just excused myself and wrote my future plans and what you guys have learned me and the first response I get is a stupid comment made just to piss me of or to make me feel bad. I thought that when you excuse yourself adults whill understand but clearly you like teasing youngsters. Maybe you didnīt have friends in school or what? Since you have a class1 I think you are a pilot? A proffesional pilots that acts like this. Hehe incredible. If I make it to the left seat I hope I donīt start to bullying people that are less experienced than me?

May I just ask a question to all you people that seems to be so proffesional, experienced and moraly correct. Do you think its right of Rougegog to make such an answer after writing an appologize?

I canīt bloody even appologize and try to be better. What do you want me to do!!!!!

BitMoreRightRudder 19th Feb 2009 17:38

What do you want me to do!!!!!
Calm down, stop posting on here for a while and go do some flying.

You'll feel better in the morning!

Good Luck fabbe ;)

Whirlygig 19th Feb 2009 17:47

There's a few things you can do Fabbe; firstly, your post #77 above is a much better demonstration of the sort of attitude and maturity that many of us have been talking about.

Secondly, when someone posts something insulting, you need to learn to rise above it. You're right; there have been some unfair comments so ignore them. You will come across prats in all walks of life and you need to learn how best to deal with them.

It sounds to me as if you've made the right decisions at the moment so absorb yourself in your PPL.

...and there are quite a few females here but it's been a long time since I was called a girl :}



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