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rockrats 17th Jan 2009 08:42

Tattoos and the Airlines.....
Hi everyone,

I'm just about to start my training, but I have a question;

What is the airlines views on tattoos? Would it hinder me getting a job,especially now as i'm nearly 32 and only now starting training....:eek:

I have a small letter E behind my ear, a my kids names on my forearms, and the rest are hidden!!! The visible ones really are quite tasteful, not exactly full sleeves...!!

Many thanks, as you can understand is it worth me spending out on my training if there is no way i'll get a jod because of my ink?!!

Cheers guys,

rockrats. :ok:

Reluctant737 17th Jan 2009 09:16

Good morning rockrats!

First of all, I should warn you, there will undoubtedly be a few replies to this thread telling you anything from you haven't got a hope in hell, to chaps merely stating their distaste at your personal preferences. All are opinions, and all are equally valid.

That out the way, this is a very mixed argument - to cut straight to the chase, I am a first officer with a particular low cost Irish airline based out of Stansted, and half my back sports a very trendy looking Chinese dragon. Whether I regret that (which I don't) or whether it will look as 'trendy' when I'm stood in the shower aged 80 (which it probably won't) is not the issue here. Tattoos in themselves do not hinder you whatsoever in achieving a Class 1 medical, and so they shouldn't. The reason I mention this, is that some airlines perform their own medicals on you as their medical requirements are slightly more stringent or particular than the JAA Class 1. Whether the tattoo is on your back, the sole of your foot (ouch!) or your forehead, they may or may not accept you on this basis alone, I couldn't possibly comment. A prime example is British Airways who perform their own medicals on air crew.

However, my tattoo is obviously not visible when wearing a suit (as I did for my interview at East Midlands) or when in uniform, and it wasn't a problem because my airline don't conduct their own medical - so long as you hold the Class 1, that's not a problem.

Of course had I shown up to the interview and they saw the edge of a tattoo, for the sake of argument, on my wrist, they may have brought it up, or they may have said nothing and sent me the polite 'no thank you' letter a few days later, I honestly don't know.

As a summary, my opinion is this may prevent you from flying for CERTAIN airlines, but there are many (if not the majority) that don't have their own internal medicals (discounting random drugs testing), and so long as you are a professional individual, and when you turn up to that interview, or are at work, that tattoo is hidden from sight, I shouldn't think there would be a problem. Also remember that we mustn't consider only the itty gritty legal stipulations here, but professionalism, and I always wear a plain white T-shirt underneath my work shirt to make absolutely sure it is invisible to the eye.

The tattoo behind your ear, whatever sentimental value it may have for you, I would consider having that removed by laser surgery, as I have never seen nor know of an airline pilot with a tattoo anywhere on their neck or head.

Regarding the ones on your forearms - if I were in your position and made it to an airline, I would have all long sleeve shirts - that way, you can keep them down when you're interacting or within sight of passengers/airport staff etc, then simply roll them up if you wish on the flight deck. I have flown with a couple of captains in the past who have done this, no problem.

You seem like a decent chap, the best of luck to you :ok:


p.s. in case you haven't heard, the economy's bad at the minute. Try to spread out your training over a couple of years or so at least if you can!

Blighty Pilot 17th Jan 2009 09:17

We have a tattooed person working for us. I have heard it being spoken about in the crew rooms but I think the individual is aware of this and always wears long sleeved shirts (don't know if it is his choice or the companies insistance :ooh:)!

Reluctant737 17th Jan 2009 09:21

We have a tattooed person working for us.
Ooooh gotta watch out for those tattooed folk! :p

rockrats 17th Jan 2009 10:08

Many thanks Reluctant737. I also have a large back piece, I am currently a High Speed Train driver, and also wear the white tshirt under my uniform..!

My company are also quite strict regarding tattoos, but nowhere near as the airlines.

I feel tattoos willalways be a love/hate affair, and people should never judge someones ability of suceeding.......but, rules are rules.

I appreciate your opinion on my ear tattoo, and laser removal is something i have been looking into already.....ouch!! ;)

Chesty Morgan 17th Jan 2009 10:11

They can be quite handy as they can be used to identify you should the worst happen:eek:

At least that's what my AME told me when he asked if I had any.

Reluctant737 17th Jan 2009 10:17

l@ser removal is something i have been looking into already.....ouch!!
I've heard it's about ten times worse than having it done :E Ah well, there's a price for everything I guess!

"What did your training cost you?" "Umm, well £35k, and it wasn't half a pain in the neck!" Sorry, I'll grab my things...

student88 17th Jan 2009 11:25

I know a Captain with full sleeves, a covered back and front. Don't worry about it!

Bombs Away 17th Jan 2009 12:56

What about long hair :confused:

johnnyDB 17th Jan 2009 13:26

tread already exists somewhere. however, i do also know of one pilot with a tattoo on his upper arm.

londonmet 18th Jan 2009 00:37

Oh please

Originally Posted by rockrats
The visible ones really are quite tasteful, not exactly full sleeves...!!

How? Tattoos aren't tasteful. They're disgraceful. Well not generally but airline pilots are professional and smart. Tattoos aren't.

Originally Posted by Bombs Away
What about long hair

See above.

L Met

future.boeing.cpt 18th Jan 2009 03:04

I don't see the problem with a tattoo that is not visible in a working uniform. One with bodily tattoos or even sleeves could maintain a professional appearance whilst wearing a longsleeved uniform.

Tattoo's aren't all distasteful londonmet, some can have a very emotional message to the bearer.

Rockrats, I'm afraid if your ink looks anything like this, you have no hope..


rockrats 18th Jan 2009 03:25

"Oh Please..."

Londonmet I feel your comment was a little uncalled for? As future.boeing.cpt quite rightly said they can - and mine do - have a very emtional meaning. I agree that some are a little OTT like the full face one for example, but to say ALL tattoos are disgraceful is a little unfair?

What gives you the right to judge somebody because they have a tattoo?

The thread is asking for advice as to weather the airlines take HIDDEN ink into consideration, not for your opinion on the rights and wrongs of tattooing. This is not a tattoo forum.

You never know, one day our paths may cross and we may work together. I am not the sort of person to ram my ink in peoples faces, but should our paths cross, i would expect you to treat me as you would any other pilot? Like a professional, not some walking freak show in a pilots uniform.

Anyway - How does having a tattoo make me a lesser pilot?

Sadly, and i was warned, this thread has attracted some mixed views, and i apologise for any one if i have offended them - londonmet in particular. It is a pity that some people aren't as open minded as the majority and realise that some of the nicest people in the world have some ink somewhere that you may not know about because you cant see it. That doesn't make them a disgrace. londonmet is making me out to be some big hairy @ss'd hells angel type fella with 'love' and 'hate' on my knuckles!!!!!!! ;):D:D:D:D;)

Anyway, thanks thus far for your views, keep em coning!!

The "disgraceful" tattoo'd guy. Lol!!....;)

future.boeing.cpt 18th Jan 2009 07:39

Pedalz' idea of sending anonymous emails to a few possible future employers seems like a decent thing to do.

Agreeing again with rockrats, how does the addition of a tattoo to somebody's arm defect the way in which they fly? If you didn't know, then what difference does it make?
I think also, at the age of 31, rockrats doesn't seem to be the type of guy who will hastily go out and get inked up all over just for the sake of it. As he states, his tattoos mean a lot to him, and I see, in no way, how a hidden and personal memorandum of his family/children is 'disgraceful'. Maybe ten years ago, but society has advanced slightly since then. Many highly, highly successful people, in a variety of excelling 'professional' jobs will in no doubt have the same type of thing.

No need for the personal attack.

MikeAlphaBravo 18th Jan 2009 08:46

londonmet, :ugh: the only thing that is disgraceful is your attitude....I have tattoos as do many of my colleagues, including the FCTM. Ink never stopped anyone driving a plane. Get a life...
With regards the "hair" comment, I presume you dont have any?:D

londonmet 18th Jan 2009 09:35


By no means a personal attack. Just an observation. The majority of people in the UK don't have a tattoo. People don't have a tattoo for the reason they don't like them. Ergo the majority of people don't like tattoos. Why? Well there are obviously quite a few reasons why.
Tattoos in the any form aren't really "smart" are they? I couldn't give a toss if it has an emotional meaning? The fact is if a passenger (whom didn't like) tattoos saw it they wouldn't give a toss either.
Just look at all the tattooed vest wearing yobs abroad. They're very smart aren't they?

L Met

future.boeing.cpt 18th Jan 2009 10:20

The majority of policemen I know have tattoo's. They aren't frowned upon and they also hold a very high status amongst civilians.

Don't be so old fashioned. Tattoos are acceptable in many professional careers, and if it's hidden, then how is a passenger going to see anyway? Nobody needs to know. As rockrats said, he doesn't go shoving his arm in front of every second person saying "look at this", it's personal, no need for a show to anyone, no passengers would ever know.

However, if rockrats happened to be a 'tattoo wearing yob', then maybe that would be the case for calling his tattoos disgraceful. However, they appear not to be.

londonmet 18th Jan 2009 10:24

Originally Posted by future.boeing.cpt
They aren't frowned upon and they also hold a very high status amongst civilians.

Yes and no. LOL. A whole different discussion point I feel.

Yes, if they're hidden then what's the problem. I'm talking about ones people can see. That's completely different. Bit like earings on gents too.

TugaFly 18th Jan 2009 13:28

Hello guys,

I am cabin crew, and I´ve seen loads of CPT and FO with tattoos, but they are not visible in uniform!

About ur ear tattoo u can use a DERMABLEND its make up to hide tattoos, thats what my collegues use.

Reluctant737 18th Jan 2009 15:04

TugaFly, I bet you have!

And londonmet - I fear I may fall into one of your deluded catagories :( In the Summer I happily stroll around in a tank top which does allow Joe Public a fantastic view of parts of the enormous dragon on my back! I wear a baseball cap also and torn jeans... I guess you would refer to me as a tattooed yobbo!

And then the next day I hop in a 737 again with some other chap :ok:

rockrats 18th Jan 2009 16:50

Alas, I too am one of the vest wearers in the summer. I am proud of my ink, so why not show it off? I too have to keep my back piece covered up all day everyday in work so why not show it off....? :cool:

I once read a letter in a tattoo magazine from a Doctor who had full sleeves; although he saves lives for a living in the theatre, he is still discriminated because he has tattoos.

I feel kind of.....bizarre? I feel I have opened up a can of worms that is walking a fine line of getting personal, but I never had any intention of starting a slanging match over tattoos?!! I was just asking for some friendly advice from the peolple in the know, doing the job I dream of doing.

I guess at the end of the day, being realistic, I may have a tougher time compared to somebody who is...'ink free' shall we say?

I feel I will be whizzing to London and back in my Intercity 125 for a few years more LOL!!!!! :p

Many, many thanks for those who are sticking up for me, and indeed the tattoo community. :ok:

rockrats 18th Jan 2009 17:00

Alas, i too am a vest wearer during the summer time. I am proud of my ink, especialy my back piece so why not flaunt it. Its not as if i go around scaring iold people and have a spiders web tattooed on my face, or swear words inked on my forehead?!!!

I feel at the end if the day i may have a tougher time getting a job than somebody who is....'ink free' shall we say?!

I guess i may be whizzing around the country in my Intercity 125 for a few more years yet LOL!!!;):p

Many thanks for everyone who has stuck up for me, and indeed the tattoo community. :ok:

shaun ryder 18th Jan 2009 18:59

Get the E for ear or whatever it means removed, or forget it. I know if I was pax and saw the flight deck sporting any facial/ neck tattoos, I would be questioning their judgement. Needless to say, it seems unlikely that any airline would employ you with that on your head. Not saying there is anything wrong with a tattoo, but on the facial/ neck/ ear area, you have to wonder why?

As for ripped jeans and tight tank tops, tattooed yobbo? I would be thinking something quite different to that.

rockrats 18th Jan 2009 19:11

"E for Ear".....that is hilarious, not thought of that one :D
I know what you mean about the ripped jeans or whatever; could come across as a chav or whatever they are called?!

This is getting bitchy.............????? Trust me, not what I intended. :sad:

Reluctant737 18th Jan 2009 19:11

I would be thinking something quite different to that.
Love? ;)

Time for bed now - my four days off have come to an end... goodnight sweetcheeks :zzz:

edit @ rockrats - I think the term he may be referring to is 'puff'!

rockrats 18th Jan 2009 19:14

Reluctant737 that is funny... :ok: puff pilot

I mean i haven't even started my training and i'm already the butt of some peoples jokes?!!!!

Crazy fools.....;)

Reluctant737 18th Jan 2009 19:16

It definitely goes in your favour if you have thick skin in this industry - aviation sometimes seems to be one big pisstake, but I guess that's where the fun lies. Helps keep us witty for the ladies aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!

One humble chav pilot is now signing off for the night!

rockrats 18th Jan 2009 19:18

Cheers for now 737, safe flight tomorow, and see you for round 2!!!:ok:

suraci 18th Jan 2009 20:12

Never mind the tattoos, are you sure you can handle the salary drop from High Speed Train driver to pilot?

rockrats 19th Jan 2009 07:45

I know.... that is something i have been, and continue to think about...:bored:

Being realistic it would be a hell of a drop, but i would try to convince myself that it is an investment?! lol...:confused:

leeds 65 19th Jan 2009 12:03

londonmet i agree with you

Tattoos are generally for pikeys,chavs,chimbos,gooks and crooks

i find it so funny to see the stereotypical chav on a beach in playa de .burnt red with bottle of san miguel or german pills,bald,fat(but thinks he is a bodybuilder),earings and piercings(also his girlfriend wears those hoopy ones!!) and those bloody bulldog designs on the arm.:ugh::ugh::{:{

to be honest i just laugh at them(and there thinking = 'who da hell is he laffin aaat')

bottomline = chavs or alternatively pikeys,knackers and tinkers

also they look stupid when your an old prune of 70.we are not sexy for life unfortunately.

beckham loves them.pro soccer players = pikeys.look at the difference between soccer and golf for example ;)

rockrats 19th Jan 2009 17:49

What the.......???????
I agree, chav's are fools. they think they are something so special...
They bring the country into disrepute, and listen to all that 'hip hop' and 'rap'....thats rap with a capital C....!!!

I ride a 996cc sports bike, and i'm sick of these chavs on there scooters in just a hooded top and tracksuit bottoms.... they then have the nerve to laugh at me for wearing full race leathers in the middle of summer?!!!

I'm big into 80's and 90's classic rock, and tattoo's are widely known in that scene... Although one of my idols - Bruce Dickenson - i'm sure you are aware he is a 757 pilot, but also Iron Maidens lead singer, hasn't got any if i'm right.

Some of the respondants to this thread sport tattoos, and /or know Captains/FO's with them...some with full sleeves!! Would you be calling them pikeys? ;)

Anyway, as i said a few posts ago....this is getting to be a "what i think about tattoos" thread, not what the original question was?
Instead, apart from the odd few people, i am getting a negative opinion about pilots...? I absolutely dream of doing your job, i considered you all to be very open minded about everything, with a balanced opinion. I am not sure of your personal interests, but i am damn sure i wouldn't slag you off because of it? generalising yourself and tarnishing everyone who has the same interest with the same brush.....??? i hate soccer, i hate golf. iam sure there is at least one pro golfer with a tattoo???????!!!!!

Im thought a few of you would be a little more open minded, and not so up yourselves?

Rant over, i hope you see my point.:ugh:

theballetbrusque 19th Jan 2009 17:50

A Lesson in Human Nature from Neanderthals
Evidently, several posters to this thread are stuck in some peculiar timewarp where it's only criminals and sailors that have tattoos.

As for the insinuation about homosexuality, perhaps you can jump into your cosy seats and fly all the way back to 1950, and do a little gay-bashing before you go home drunk and beat your wives.

Frankly, your views are appalling.

You are perfectly entitled to your grotesque opinions, but I am no moral relativist, and so will tell you what I think of you, that is, reactionary neanderthals.

leeds 65 19th Jan 2009 19:05

After re reading my post i agree its a little harsh - but an awful lot of it is true!

I just dont like them

There will be a headset around your ears anyway so it wont be noticed on your ear.

And no not EVERY person is chavy who has one but someone who has loads is chavy,ie David Becks,boy band dudes etc. You know the type!they cant spell CAT basically.

Generally i dont think the airlines care too much.if you meet the required standard then your in.Its not as if your whole body will be in view,you will be in uniform,unless of course the capt needs to take a piss and the hot babe is left with yours truly momentarily up the front ;)

Ten West 19th Jan 2009 19:26

In case any of our foreign readers wonder what a Chav is:


Search for your town's Pikiness index! :ok:

MikeAlphaBravo 19th Jan 2009 19:33

Rockrats, that wouldnt be a nice shiny Italian 996 that your riding would it?:cool:

rockrats 19th Jan 2009 19:49

;) it sure is!!.... A nice red one at that!! :cool:

You ride too, yes?

MikeAlphaBravo 19th Jan 2009 20:27

1098S but mines black:\
Might have a tattoo of her on my back LOL:ok:

rockrats 19th Jan 2009 20:52

oh my god i want a 1098S?

Not too jealous...lol ;)

Pity its not possible to tattoo the sound of a pair of Termi's?!! :cool:

rog747 19th Jan 2009 21:08

go and fly for monarch?!
all the chavs go on hols wiv them so having tattoos wont be an issue.;)

ooh i wanted to be a train driver before i got into planes in the 1960's,

im soooo jealous you are an HST FGW driver,
do you drive the night riviera too? class 57 ?
(dont any of you dare call me a geek)
i live at paddington too, can have a cab ride please ?:O ta ever so,
(i'm serious)
or are those banned now too like letting boys n girls into the cockpit now incase they blow you up?:ugh:

do you realise what you are getting into wanting to be a pilot nowadays!
i think you are mad!!
stay as a train driver (much better pay too and much more green, planes wont be fashionable anymore soon anyhow lol)

btw pikey seamen in the old days after the war in the merchant navy went on to be the first airline stewards for BOAC and BEA and loads of em had anchor tattoos or 'i love elsie' tattoo'd on their arms,
for the older ones amongst us the services and especially the navy had lots of chaps wiv em...

i was in marks and spencers buying some grub the other day and the chap on the till had a tattoo on his head
hmmm i wasnt impressed sorry....
i mean marks and spencers, how very dare you,

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