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captainyonder 3rd Oct 2006 14:46

Well I've made my decision and I'm starting at Egnatia aviation on the 6th of November. Looking forward to seeing some of you out there!! Thanks for all your help in the decision making progress guys.

pilot-320 3rd Oct 2006 14:49

See you then mate!!! us the students we will be waiting for u at the airport to pick u up and show u around!!!

See you soon!!!:D


wbryce 3rd Oct 2006 15:11

Just learned of Egnatia aviation! Pricing looks fine...infact their whole package looks fine! especially with the sun!

My plan was to complete ATPL theory full time over here in the UK and jet off to Riverside in the US and do their proficiency package but Egnatias package and pricing is certainly one thing to consider!

Can anyone tell me what their ground school process is like? i.e. books, material, instructors, phases (2 modules or 3?) and class room times etc!

p.s. I have 120hrs TT, class 1 with PPL+night so it wouldn't be the full 0 to atpl course, it would be a more structured modular course! (would this exempt me from 19% tax?)

pilot-320 3rd Oct 2006 15:24

Atpl Ground
Hello Wbryce!!

I have posted details about the gorund school here at EGNATIA but i will give u more information .

I am doing my ATPL GROUND at the moment here and we are using CATS ( Cranfield Aviation Training) books and materials. Ground training consists of 3 phases and no 2. The instructors ( ground) are all English and come from CATS. At the moment dr Stuart Smith ( our head of training) is teaching two subjects of the first phase every day from 9:00 till 17:00. For the first 5 weeks is all classroom with the sixth week being a stydu week and seventh a consolidation! After that phase one exams chrismtas holidays and moving on with recharged batteries to phase 2! It is intensive and i find the whole process helpful.

Although full time if lets say u are doing your hourbuilding like i do ( 15 hours left) you can use the weekends for some relaxation up in the skies !!

Any more questions ?



wbryce 3rd Oct 2006 15:42

Thanks for that info mate!

Im making a financial plan for this new route I have in my head...could you give me an idea on living expenses in Greece? and If exam/test fees are included in Egnatia's prices! :)

I'm hoping I can complete my hour building in a twin to gain more ME experience so I hope I can do my MEP rating first (subject to meeting requirements of course) with around 30hrs ME time (thats if the ac is available for solo hire, i dont know what insurance restrictions may be in place).

pilot-320 3rd Oct 2006 15:52

Everything depends on the way u are palnning to live! Accomodation , exam fees and transportation are included in Egnatia's price. All the apartments are equipped with kitchens and everything needed for self cooking. With this route u can expect something about 300 euros per month expenses. the rest are obvious: if u want clubbing and night life u can add roughly 200 euros a month!! all are rough figures from my experience!

as for the twin it can be hired but i dont really know how many MEP hours u need in advance.. i can ask for u or u can try sending them an email or call them directly!!

hope that helps!! check ur PM please matey!:ok:

wbryce 6th Oct 2006 11:07

Just booked flights to go over and see Egnatia in the second week of November, will let yous know how it goes!

P.S. Anyone considering visiting them my findings where BA to SKG (Thessaloniki) and bus to Kavala/Keramoti (2hrs) as the easiest options or someone from the school may come and pick you up! I tried for a direct flight to Kavala but its only weekly charter flights by Thomson and Exel.

matt85 11th Oct 2006 20:02


Im currently giving serious thought to having a look at Egnatia as the value for money looks unbelievable but I still have a few questions and if anybody would be kind enough to answer them it would be most appreciated

I will of course also give Egnatia themselves a ring for the official line but if anybody has any slightly more impartial views to express on the more subjective questions I would really welcome them. No particular order, here goes...

1. In the full £30k what other expenses other than living are involved as medical, CAA fees, skills tests all seem to be covered? It seems too cheap!
2. I presume you require a Class 1 before you start the 0 to fATPL and notice it is included. How is this not insignificant cost reimbursed when you enrole?
3. The quality/experience of instructors/pass rates for skills tests/groundschool?
4. Quality of acommodation (sp) / Social life?
5. Is the price for 0 to fATPL on the website still accurate at £29,465 and is it correct that VAT is not charged as per the website states?
6. Is pay as you go flying available at the same rate as paying upfront (i.e you still only pay £30k in all)?
7. How easy (expensive) is it to convert your licence(s) to UK versions and does the fact that it is completed solely in Greece detract anything from the value over a British FTO in the eyes of potential employers?
8. How have previous (although admittedly so far limited) ex-students faired in gaining the elusive first jobs?
9 And finally, if there is anything else that you feel may be of relevance please tell me!

Much obliged as ever.



rogueflyer01 11th Oct 2006 20:52

p320 was kind enough to send me this pic of inside one of the apartments..


rogueflyer01 11th Oct 2006 20:55



pilot-320 11th Oct 2006 21:56

1. In the full £30k what other expenses other than living are involved as medical, CAA fees, skills tests all seem to be covered? It seems too cheap!
2. I presume you require a Class 1 before you start the 0 to fATPL and notice it is included. How is this not insignificant cost reimbursed when you enrole?
3. The quality/experience of instructors/pass rates for skills tests/groundschool?
4. Quality of acommodation (sp) / Social life?
5. Is the price for 0 to fATPL on the website still accurate at £29,465 and is it correct that VAT is not charged as per the website states?
6. Is pay as you go flying available at the same rate as paying upfront (i.e you still only pay £30k in all)?
7. How easy (expensive) is it to convert your licence(s) to UK versions and does the fact that it is completed solely in Greece detract anything from the value over a British FTO in the eyes of potential employers?
8. How have previous (although admittedly so far limited) ex-students faired in gaining the elusive first jobs?
9 And finally, if there is anything else that you feel may be of relevance please tell me!

Hello to everyone!!!

ROQUEFLYER THANKS FOR THE REPPLY MATE !! even though mr scroggs will be angry but hopefully we will not be punished from him! As you know we are not allowed to post fotos here and i asked for his permission prior to sending!! Lets see!:oh:

Here are the questions that MATT85 asked and even though some of them have been answered i have no problem writing some more about EGNATIA.

Q1) As far as i know no other costs or hidden costs are involved. Everything is included thats confirmed but i have to mention that if you wont inish your course at the time given then you have to pay the extra accomodation! thats of course only if its your fault! If for example the weather doesnt help or an a/c is u/s then EGNATIA will cover tha extra accomodation! here i would like to answer question 2 too. The first class medical here in Greece costs a lot less than in the UK and is coplimentary so i would suggest we dont ask why!! it is like that they offer it so u just have to accept it!
Q3) Instructors mainly come from the UK and all of them are fully qualified and most of them unrestricted too. They use UK standards and most of them have previous work experience in the UK .At the moment every single pilot has passed their skills tests first time and just yesterday two friends of mine completed one of them the CPL and the other IR test succesfully!! Of course they have had their ATPL GROUND EXAMS as the school's first bunch of of theory students is us (including me). After the end of November i will be able to post the pass rates on that!!
Q4) The quality of accomodation has been shown with some photos as you can see and me personally i do really enjoy my living here. Social life is really good ... abit quiet now as its winter time but that doesnt mean theres no things to do!! We the srudents are always organizing parties and social meetings!
Q5) It is actually very accurate at the moment that is waht is happening. Studying in Greece means that u can avoid the vat!! please check the post from georgez he is one of the direstors.
Q6) Pay as you fly it is available! thats what i use and yes its the same rates! the school encouraging this method as well!
Q7) This is a question asked many many times all over EUROPE! As an english airline employer or english citizen you will be able to change your licence anytime! If it looks good now i have to say that it depends! Theres an interview to pass and some airlines require an integrated course to offer you a job as a low hours pilot.. Simply i wont apply there for my first job! I have a friend who did his 0-ATPL with FTE and he has been issued with a spanish licence, now he is instructing in the UK . I hope that helps a bit!
Q8) One of the ex-students just passed every stage of the AEGEAN AIRLINES interview here in Greece and soon we will know the final result! The school is too new to have statistics yet.. hopefully in the near future we will be able to share our experiences with you..
Q9) I have to say that after all the doubts about egnatia before joining i can now say that 'cheap' training doesnt immediatelly means low quality. I love what im doing and i trully believe that at the end of the story it is going to be my skills which going to help me find a job! I hate promises that are not met in the end and egnatia never promised me a job after graduation! Although as i said i have seen and heard some airlines interested in some kind of cooperations.

I hope i helped and wish you luck with your final decision!! whatever it is make sure you enjoy and have fun!!:O :ok:

scroggs 11th Oct 2006 22:11

mr scroggs will be angry but hopefully we will not be punished from him! As you know we are not allowed to post fotos here
As far as I know, there's no rule that says you can't post photos. People can elect for photos not to be displayed (it's an option in your Control Panel), and I don't want the forum inundated with pictures - and I'd be grateful if they're not too large - but I don't mind you posting them. Just don't let them detract from the purpose of this thread.


pilot-320 11th Oct 2006 22:18

Thanks for the repply mr scroggs!

Take care!:O

matt85 12th Oct 2006 18:52


pilot-320 thanks very much for answering my questions. Its still looking impressive and I shall ring the school first thing to arrange a trip over there.

Any other views/experiences of/with Egnatia obviously still welcome.



pilot-320 12th Oct 2006 19:03

Hello Matt85!

Im glad that i could answer your questions! Of course by ringing the school and even better arranging a visit will be a more in depth research about it! I can only express my own experiences and opinions..

Hope to see you soon and we might be able to have a face to face chat not only with me but with other students too!

Take care and if anything arises do not hesitate whenever able im replying and i bet other students will do !:ok:

Seagull61 15th Oct 2006 11:54

Just wondering is there are any wannabees who are on the DL ATPL course? On the website it isn`t clear how the course is structured so I was wondering how it is scheduled throughout the calendar year...is the DL part first (192 days I believe) and then is it a case of goin over there and doing all the ratings?
Also any info on enrolment would be good.

pilot-320 15th Oct 2006 13:08

Distance Learning Theory...
Hello seagull61

The distance learning theory here at Egnatia follows the Cranfield aviation school system. It is as normal homestudy split in 3 phases and at each phase the distance learners join the full time ones for a consolidation week.I am doing it full time so not really sure about the schedule . I suggest you send an email directly to the school and they will send you back a full programme.
The enrolnment its a simple application form with no prior to join testing as i said to my other post. You will be screened during your course though. As far as i know you will have to pay a small amount as a deposit and for the application processing. Again an email to them will answer all of your questions. I heard that the site its being updated and it will be finished very soon.

I hope i helped a bit and wish you good luck and patience during your decision making!! :D

pilot-320 18th Oct 2006 04:12

A Small Advice
I just learned today that egnatia will be at the professional pilot training show( seminar) at London Heathrow in Novemeber. Unfortunately us the students will not be able to attend due to the exams but it will be a very good chance for everyone to meet these guys there. I met them there last year and i truly believe that a face to face conversation always helps to reach your decision!
It is an advise as many schools and interesting new stuff will be there too! Shame im going to miss it but for those whith some spare time i do reccomend it, it helped me a lot last year and im really glad UK as a forerunner in the aviation organizing shows like this one!

If you go enjoy and make sure you get as much info as you can (not only leaflets) make sure you speak to people !

JediDude 19th Oct 2006 00:49

I have been considering Egnatia for my flight training but have a few questions....

I would be intending on moving over there with my wife and 2 kids. I understand that family accomodation is available. What is this like and what is the local area like for families?

Would we still be eligible for our usual child/family benefits from the good old UK governement whilst in Greece?

Is there anybody who is actually out there just now with family who can give me some advice on this?



GrkPilot 20th Oct 2006 17:24

anyone converting their FAA CPL/IR at egnatia??

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