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SkyRocket10 20th Sep 2004 18:54


[/QUOTE] i had a great time at the groundschool in naples...
but flying there was such a different story....[/QUOTE]

I heard exactly the same comments from other students curently on the groundschool, or at least those that completed any part of there flight training @ NAC.

What is your honest opinion of the groundschool?

raceeend 20th Sep 2004 20:30

I'm Interested in that too, Has anyone been there, done the JAA-ATPL Groundschool and got the T shirt :-)

Hope to hear from you guys!

Catans 22nd Sep 2004 16:45

I was wondering...

Is there anyone out there with a Swedish CPL ATPL who has done a flight check at Naples Air Center?

I live and work in the US and I have a Swedish certificate that needs renewing. If I do a checkride at NAC will the Swedish CAA (Luftfartsverket) accept the checkride and update the certificate? If not...does anyone know of a different scholl in the US that can help me?

Thanks in acvance.


AndyDRHuddleston 23rd Sep 2004 00:33

.......well, I'm here at the moment doing the residential JAA ATPL's and plan on being here until June next year doing hour building and the CPL. Before I get bombarded with emails - I've only been here 3 days and haven't yet started!

All the people I have met so far have been really friendly and helpfull. Facilities are good and the aircraft, though a little older than what I'm used to at home, are good little trainers. What more can you ask for?

I'll update you all as I progress!


Sensible 23rd Sep 2004 08:53

Good luck Andy and I hope you have a hurricane proof umbrella with you. It looks like it may be necessary. The weather can only improve from now on – can’t it?

If you think the aircraft at NAC are old and well used, you haven’t seen what a lot of the training aircraft at other schools are like.

My best regards to all at NAC especially Richard, Nikki, Bea and Jatin


AJ 23rd Sep 2004 11:12

If it makes any difference, a First Officer now at easyJet used to be an instructor at NAC, and his words to me were "very professional".

So I think that goes in the 'compliments' tray.... :O


J1mbo 23rd Sep 2004 18:06

Changing the subject slightly......
Just wondering, do u know how he got that job at easyJet, i thought u could only be a FO if u go through the CTC scheme?

I still think NAC comes out pretty well compared to all the other schools so still going to head out there, starting the career pilot program on 25th Oct, as long as the visa interview goes ok. Hopefully see some of u out there.


AJ 23rd Sep 2004 18:59

He didn't come to easyJet straight from NAC, but as you say, via CTC.

spritezero04 4th Oct 2004 20:28

All i have to say about NAC is that there administrive staff at the front desk leave alot to be desired. From my experience there the staff (owners) were absolutley atrocious, never cared at all about students only interested in getting your money, if you had a problem there response was they dont care as its not there problem. Found them rude and ignorant. Continually over charged on 90% of bills i received, had to go over every bill i recieved in my time there and compare it to my own records which i had to start keeping after the over charging started which i dont think anybody should have to do. Would most certainly never go back, i have stuck to good old blighty since, now got ATPLs and CPL done with absolutley no problems encountered. Maybe more expensive but at least your treated with respect, no over charging (at least not on that scale) and nice pleasant staff who actually listen and care about what you got to say. The one positive thing i have to say about NAC is that there instructors (mostly then all european) were quite good. Hey, i made a mistake by choosing to go there and now i gotta live with it, but at least i am giving a heads up to anybody else who reads this and is considering going there.

Sensible 4th Oct 2004 20:37

And yet another one post wonder crawls out of the woodwork :} :rolleyes:

spritezero04 4th Oct 2004 21:17


After reading your response i have done a search on your posts and guess what, numerous amounts of your posts have a plug for NAC who you portray as the perfect school ( ON THE PAYROLL ARE WE ? ) I could not care less what you have to say, i had something to say and i said it. How people respond is there choice, i am just giving an honest account of my experience. If every body does a search of your posts they will see for them self what i mean.

Sensible 4th Oct 2004 23:02

Well now you are gaining some credibility because that's a total of 2 posts that youv'e made:rolleyes: :rolleyes: NAC is in my view the best training establishment that I have visited - and I have seen a few now!;)

spitfire747 4th Oct 2004 23:50

I am sure it will not be too long until mine or Charlie Zulus name is brought up.. however I am sure if you search through my posts there are those that I made about another school in Florida, one i did my PPL in and was almost threatened with court action for..

I have attended 5 training establishments,4 good one bad and NAC in my opinion was the best of those 4... the other 3, if a question came up on this forum about them, I would be only to happy to add good comments about them aswell

lets stop all this bi**hing as it is a waste of time and bandwidth.. and do something more constructive

Spit :ok:

Charlie Zulu 5th Oct 2004 00:11

Oh no not again!!!! You called Spitty??? :D

I'll second Spitty's comments above.

Personally I've only attended three stateside schools, two of them good the other I wouldn't touch with a barge pole and yes I am very happy to give out my name, contact details etc.

Otherwise I've attended two schools here in the UK both but they were my primary ppl training all of those years ago and the club I'm presently a member.

I'm not on any payroll of any club, indeed sometimes I wish I was, it would boost my measly income from the IT industry quite well. Mwa ha ha ha. :D

scroggs 5th Oct 2004 11:27

spritezero04 your accusations are quite serious. Perhaps you would care to e-mail or PM the moderators with more details so that we can determine if your complaints are genuine or not? We would require your identity, your dates at NAC, and the specific nature of your disagreements with NAC.

Before anyone cries 'conspiracy' or "NAC cronyism', you will note that we require exactly the same confirmations for any potentially slanderous posts of any school - perhaps you'd care to look at the OBA sticky thread at the top of this forum.

Now I'm going back to my death bed to nurse my 'flu. Don't bother me again unless it's really important! :ouch: ;)


Alex Whittingham 5th Oct 2004 11:47

I hope spritezero04 does decide to contact Scroggs. Naples generally gets very good press but the speed at which dissent is quashed is a little disconcerting. You would have to feel quite strongly about your opinions to persist with any criticism.

Ninety-Nines 5th Oct 2004 12:59

Quite bold of you to encourage or tease a further response of disent from a student of another school who offers the same courses as you:E

Alex Whittingham 5th Oct 2004 14:18

Who, me? :E

Its a point, though. I hear good things and bad things about most flight schools in the US. Most of the stuff about NAC is good but whenever someone disagrees it is always defended by the same three stalwarts. I'm sure they have quite valid views but they do tend to flame dissenters.

WX Man 7th Oct 2004 09:07

I hope spritezero04 does decide to contact Scroggs. Naples generally gets very good press but the speed at which dissent is quashed is a little disconcerting. You would have to feel quite strongly about your opinions to persist with any criticism

(applause and standing ovation for Mr. Whittingham)

PPRuNe Towers 7th Oct 2004 17:43

it is always defended by the same three stalwarts
One of whom was personally thread banned by me ohhh, let's see, 3 weeks ago:E :E


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