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mad_jock 20th Mar 2004 12:20

All I said was i didn't get on with Stuart. There was no comment at all about his teaching abilitys or flying skills (and i wish I could handle like he can)

Duir don't worry LFS is very good and they do put the effort in to get you through. If I had to do my training again I certainly wouldn't change them for any other FTO for doing my CPL/IR.


duir 22nd Mar 2004 10:27

Thanks MJ
They are still top of my list. Will just have to go and have another visit to discard any nagging doubts this bloody thread had created!!!!:)
PS does anyone know what has happened to the LFS Website??
Can't seem to access it at the moment

Jesus H 22nd Mar 2004 23:09


Just got straight onto it.

Follow this link http://www.leedsflyingschool.com

Probably just temporarily off line.


duir 23rd Mar 2004 22:24

Thanks Jesus H!!!

radarcontrol 25th Mar 2004 22:31

Hi Guys...

I live 10 mins from LBA and assuming I pass my Class 1 in late May I'm hoping to start my PPL training at the airport straight afterwards.

Can someone just confirm that LFS no longer offers JAA PPL training? I cannot reach their website.

If that is so, I am left with multiflight who I have a somewhat tarnished opinion of having read all 5 pages of this thread. Does anyone know if multiflight will allow you to pay for the course bit by bit?



mad_jock 26th Mar 2004 07:32

If you are that close why don't you go and visit them both?
We were discussing the commercial training on this thread not PPL.

I don't have a clue what multiflight are like for PPL.

There are alot of yorkshire pilots in the Private Flying forum who would give you a much better review of PPL training at the airport. As for PPL at LFS I am sure it is the same high standard as the rest of there training.

But LBA is not know for nice wx and there are so many great GA airfields within driving distance of Leeds. Sherburn comes to mind.

Good luck


pa28biggles 26th Mar 2004 08:16

I did my PPL with Multiflight, though it were over 3 years ago. You can pay bit by bit; thats the way that I paid since I funded my lessons from my part time job. I was happy with the training that I received. I completed my PPL in 52hrs, due to the British weather, and fitting the flying in around my A Levels.
The weather always seems to be worse at Leeds than anywhere else, but there again I have flown out of leeds with 20K vis, whilst on the other side of the pennies at Manchester vis was 5K.... Certainly if Leeds is a much more convenient location for you, do your training there. :ok:

YYZ 26th Mar 2004 11:51

Im amazed at some of the opinions on this thread directed at specific FTOs, people need to know of problems & issues but not personal distain, these people need to make a living when your finished.

I was one of the many dropped by LFS & did feel somewhat put out & I believe it could of been managed much better.

However after spending quite some time at LFS I would say (as would most) that the staff there are always professional & courteous & not one struck me as arrogant.

Whilst doing my PPL it would prove difficult to talk to the FIs at CPL/IR level, as they were often busy with there current students but they were fine when they had the time.

Planes not ready or out of service? Occasionally but who hasn’t?

Free flight time to take the planes for service, If Dillon wants to call me ill do it now, who moans about free flight time, there is not much free in aviation!

You cannot blame anyone for the weather!

Even after reading this thread & being dropped by LFS I still would not discount them as an option later in my training based on MY experience at there FTO.

This site is a chat forum based generally on opinion & some fact all of which needs to be taken with a pinch of salt, people have formed there own opinions so do listen but do not assume everything you read must be correct.

Flock1 26th Mar 2004 18:29

Dear Radarcontrol,

I did my PPL at LFS, and passed about a year ago. Although I found it annoying that I was going to be seemingly 'dumped' in favour of the University Students, I was proved wrong. My instructor (JF - if he's still there) made sure that I finished off my PPL. He, and LFS is general, pulled out all of the stops to make sure that I passed. And I'd like to thank them again for that.

Reading some of the comments on this thread has made me laugh and feel puzzlement in equal measures. I flew with virtually all of the instructors at LFS at one point or another, and all of them were top notch pilots.

KR made me laugh, and he gave me lots of encouragment after a particulaly low point in my training.
GM was a down-to-earth sort of bloke. He would tell you how it was, and how it could be improved.
JJ was my favourite instuctor (becasue he taught me up to the first solo - but he's with the airlines now. How are you?)
SH annoyed me a bit, but like every other instructor, he was an excellent pilot. For a lot of students, he was their favourite. He had a certain style. He is an airline pilot now. Good luck to him, and if he's reading this, I'm sorry for acting like such a c***t.
JF - He really gives a sh*t about his students. He becomes like a man possessed to get them through the course.
JD - Quiet and assured. Taught me a lot, even though I only ever flew with him for 10 mins.
And DD. Without him manning the desks, I'm sure that LFS would end up in all sorts of knots.

I would recommend LFS to anybody who wants to be taught in a professional manner. Sure, there will be days when there is no aircraft available. And like others have said, the weather leaves a lot to be desired. But if you've got aspirations to become a commercial pilot (which I don't) then LFS would be an excellent choice.

Having said all of that, I know a few pilots who did their PPL with Multiflight, and they swore by them. Check out both schools. See which one tickles your fancy.

jsf 29th Mar 2004 16:09


I think your post is a very fair and honest appraisal of LFS, but then I am slightly biased as you gave me good press. Thanks, the cheque is in the post:)

I think the fact that you had so many instructors at LFS was poor and should have been dealt with better. As I was the last instructor you had, I was happy that your training had not been compromised as a result of this, a fact that most FTO's should also be able to assure because they are required to carry out regular standardisation training with their instructors. It does however P*ss the students off and is not good for that reason alone.

Hope things are going well for you Flock1. Are you still flying with Doctor M? If so send him my best wishes when you see him next.


G-LOST 29th Mar 2004 20:01

Gidday Flock.

Business as usual flying the barbiejet. Still loving it!! Hope you are still getting airborne once in a while.

Get Dylan to give you my ph. no for a chat. Email has changed.


Flock1 30th Mar 2004 17:53

Jsf, G-lost,

Nice hearing from you both.

Yes, I am getting airborne once in a while, and Jsf, I do fly with Dr M every now and again. I tell him you said hello!

G-lost, glad you're still enjoying the jets, but I bet you miss the old C-152's deep down! Out of interest, have you been in one since you moved up in the world?

I'll get your number from DD, and we'll have a chat.


ubriaco fradicio 15th Apr 2004 13:55

Well I did my CPL/ IR there a couple of years ago. I got a first time pass in my IR.

On the whole it was a pretty good experience, i did have a couple of problems but they're not worth going into here.

I found the people there pleasant, some instructors were better than others, but thats life.

Within a couple of months I managed to a job flying something fast and shinny in the midlands, so it worked out for me.

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