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Tall_guy_in_a_152 19th Jun 2003 22:26

Tall guy in a 152
I am tall (6'4).
I am male.
I fly a Cessna 152 (mostly).
I was probably subliminally influenced by the ppruner formerly known as BlokeInAnArcher.


BlueRobin 19th Jun 2003 23:54

..coz it's what I learnt to fly in, guv. A Blue Robin. But now I own the antithesis of a Blue Robin. A Red Jodel.

Perfect for popping into stik's strip ;)

TangoZulu 20th Jun 2003 02:01

Simple really

The aeroplane I went solo in was G-BXTZ


YYZ to POS 20th Jun 2003 02:17

Hmmm...Well, I was born in Trinidad & Tobago, but I currently live in Toronto, Canada.

YYZ-Toronto, Canada
POS-Port of Spain, Trinidad

Simple enough

DB6 20th Jun 2003 03:36

Stik, do I detect a hint of envy at my cutting-edge sartorial elegance :D :D :D .
Nice pic in Pilot by the way :ok: .

skydriller 20th Jun 2003 05:02

Because I dont just drill holes in the ground......:E

BeauMan 20th Jun 2003 05:40

Because I was involved in a Beaufighter restoration, and had turned into a self confessed devotee of Bristol's finest.

strafer 20th Jun 2003 20:08

I realised I was getting the hang of this flying lark when my instructor became so bored he took the controls so that he could pretend to strafe the traffic on the I-95. (Complete with dagga! dagga! dagga! noises).

Blind lemon 20th Jun 2003 20:21

Because I am a Bluesman

Ace Rimmer 20th Jun 2003 21:43

Erm cos the day I registered (blimey that was a long time ago) the talk at lunchtime had been of Red Dwarf so it could have been Dave Lister, Arnold Rimmer, Kryten or Cat really but I think a couple of them had already gone...

stiknruda 21st Jun 2003 03:59

DB6 - jealous of neither your sartorial or tonsorial inelegance!


That pic - I am quite convinced that is a landing, if you recall the wind was strong and out of the north.... so the wrong wing would have been down had I caught a gust on take-off but that wing would/should/could have been down on an arrival!


knobbygb 21st Jun 2003 04:26

Been known as Knobby for ages. Unfortunately not a reference to any physical attribute. Anyone who knows the 'Macc Lads' and thier character 'Uncle Knobby' will know where it comes from (Uncle Knobby ) - I'm not like that at all - honest! GB is just my initals - added by some poxy website once when just Knobby wasn't available.

Lance Murdoch 21st Jun 2003 05:43

Lance Murdoch is an occasional character from 'The Simpsons'. He is the alcoholic stuntman who is always in hospital with broken bones or cirrosis of the liver. Seemed rather apt............

ratsarrse 21st Jun 2003 07:05

Years ago, I decided that I wanted to try and play Command & Conquer online. Whatever username I thought of was taken, started getting frustrated and started typing in swear words. A mis-typed ratsarse was miraculously accepted and the name has stuck ever since in the murky world of the web...

Doesn't really suit me though, but hey, I couldn't really give a rat's arse...

LowNSlow 21st Jun 2003 14:07

Easy peasy, when I first started Ppruning I had a 65hp Cub and I get nosebleeds if I fly higher than I'm prepared to fall down

Whirlybird 21st Jun 2003 15:27

confession time.
Mine's obvious, as someone said, but I wasn't always Whirly.....

Way back in the dim and distant past, when PPRune's number of members was only in 4 figures and I was a newish PPL(A), I got my first PC. I got introduced to the Flyer email list, and someone on it mentioned PPRuNe. PPRuNe had this chat room, and having heard about these strange places, I tried it...as Amelia Earhart II (not a lot of people know that). Well, chat was new, and no-one knew what to say in it...it was kind of silence, then: "Do you fly?" Silence, then: "Yes". Then another long silence while this awesome information in an aviation chat room was digested. You get the point. I left PPRuNe chat, and forgot about it for a while.

When I came back, I was hooked on little whirly things, so I not only went into the chat room, I registered on the forums, as R22. I was R22 for quite a while. But time passed, and I tried a few other names...I think Fling Wing may still be around; not sure if Whirling Palmtree is.

Then I started going to bashes and things, and I wanted a NICE name, one I could live with for ever. So I tried Whirlybird...but it was taken!!! I was distraught; I was virtually living in the Rotorheads forum, I just KNEW there wasn't a Whirlybird, but it was gone. So I had an idea. If I put an askerisk after it, it would look like a rotor (if you have a good imagination). So I became Whirlybird*. Well, people asked about the askerisk, and at a bash one day, PPRuNe Dispatcher asked if I wanted to be just Whirlybird. He'd checked, and the original Whirlybird had only one post, but was long gone. So, to cut this exceedingly longwinded story a little shorter, he arranged it, and even kept Whirlybird*'s posts, and gave me back R22's and Fling Wing's posts...but don't get too jealous, I lost 400 posts in a server crash later on, and couldn't get them back.

So, you see, it's time to confess...

I'm not REALLY The Original Whirly. :{ :{ :{

Lost_luggage34 22nd Jun 2003 04:52

Well sorry for being boring, but after 350 or so sectors as SLF with expensive CISCO kit aboard have lost my lugagge more times than I care to recall.

Simple as that.

Try explaining that to a highly excited Italian boss back in Brussels !!

Why haven't you installed ..... in Berlin, Copenhagen, Madrid, Oslo, Frankfurt, London, Barcelona, Milan, Zurich etc etc ..
errrr - because my equipment is in ........ (choose a 3 letter code)/ I don't know.

But with all respect to the guys that up and offload - most of the time a great job. I have applied to work on the ramp but been told to walk.


Hilico 22nd Jun 2003 05:12

Mine's a contraction of my company name. The company that for three years has been trying to sell aviation software. So it's obvious a) what the company is and b) who I am. Not. But I have had (and continue to have) tremendous fun trying.

In case Paterbrat ever looks at this, it's a three-syllable name and the first syllable rhymes with 'high' and the second with 'lie'. He shouldn't be addressing me as 'Hills'. That would get me confused in the public mind with Steve McQueen in 'The Great Escape'.

OK PB, carry on!

Sir George Cayley 22nd Jun 2003 16:31

The father of aeronautics has been my lifelong hero. I had always felt his name was overlooked by history so choose it to pay homage and keep him in the public domain

Now that we approach the 150th anniversary of his aircrafts first flight hopefully his profile has been raised to its proper position.

He gave us a saying which I believe is the private pilots creed

The air is a navigable ocean that laps at everyones door

Sir George Cayley

maflsc 23rd Jun 2003 19:24

When I first registered I could not think of anything. Then I had what I thought was a good name which was obvious to me but no one else was to use part of the name of my flying school. It is the first two letters of each word:ok:

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