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-   -   Blazing row with the wife this morning..... (https://www.pprune.org/private-flying/449770-blazing-row-wife-morning.html)

PompeyPaul 25th Apr 2011 10:06

Blazing row with the wife this morning.....
....one cancelled aircraft later and I'm at ikea buying kitchen cabinets despite CAVOK being reported almost everywhere. Extremely miffed!

Floppy Link 25th Apr 2011 10:49

From the IKEA dictionary:

CAVOK = Cancel Aircraft, View Our Kitchens


Echo Romeo 25th Apr 2011 10:52

Umm, been there got the T-shirt etc. You have my sympathy:ouch:

wsmempson 25th Apr 2011 11:21


I could, if I was inventive, cook dinner on the engine of my aircraft - but I don't think that it would ever be possible to fly my kitchen, however hard I tried.

Perhaps try putting that argument to Mrs. Pp and see if that helps??:E

Mechta 25th Apr 2011 11:25

So you've patched things up enough to cancel the aircraft you were contemplating throwing her out of? :E

Miserlou 25th Apr 2011 11:25

You need a new wife, mate.
Or some balls to stand up to her.

gasax 25th Apr 2011 11:32

As I tell my friends - divorce is expensive, very expensive, because it is so worthwhile and ultimately so financially rewarding.........

Curtis E Carr 25th Apr 2011 11:59

It's all about compromise.

Only the other day, I wanted to watch the Grand Prix whereas Mrs C wanted to watch a DVD.

So we watched a DVD.

cockney steve 25th Apr 2011 14:16

^^^^ And you recorded the GP?

Really, the OP must be sadly lacking in PR and negotiating skills :}

I'd have put it to PP-ess , that the home furnishing store is open until~ 10 PM, whereas the weather is somewhat unpredictable and seldom aligns with the window of opportunity.......

" If we go flying when it's light and suitable, dear, I'll be much more amenable to traipsing around an airless shed and may even be less grudging about parting with the amount of dosh you consider to be necessary"

Or, just TELL her you're going to indulge yourself first. :E

IO540 25th Apr 2011 14:23

divorce is expensive, very expensive, because it is so worthwhile and ultimately so financially rewarding.........
Indeed; the other form is

Why is divorce so expensive?

Because it is worth it!

Best thing I ever did.

Jan Olieslagers 25th Apr 2011 14:28

Not wanting to discuss the merits/worth/cost of divorce, because no two divorces are the same. But any person, and especially a partner, who wanted to divert me from a planned and announced day of flying would have to offer more than IKEA shopping as an alternative.

Pilot DAR 25th Apr 2011 14:44

So in this tale can be found a reason to buy a plane. Either before wife, then it's already there, and not an issue, or with wife's blessing, so you can willingly give up a booking, 'cause you can fly any time!

fernytickles 25th Apr 2011 14:46

Hopefully you have stopped at Ikea whilst en route to the airport? They sell nice throws & pillows & things that could be used to "decorate" the aircraft interior....

FleetFlyer 25th Apr 2011 15:47

My partner understands the word 'no', just as I understand it when she says it.
We get along very well.

Also, the secret is to not marry them. I show my commitment with enough 'yesses' and don't need a contract to enforce my relationship or ruin me should it go bad.

IO540 25th Apr 2011 16:22

Relationships do indeed involve compromise but it helps hugely if you can dig out a partner who has her own interests so she doesn't resent you having fun on your own.

Internet dating should make this far easier than it would have been years ago.

Sadly, however, even these days, too many women marry for "domestic security" (or to escape doing menial jobs) and they don't like the bloke having a life. And most men are terribly inept at spotting these types.

BEagle 25th Apr 2011 17:23

My partner understands the word 'no', just as I understand it when she says it...
Is that as in "No, no, no.....oh god, oh god, yes, yes, yes, Yessss......aaahhh"?

Anyway, PompeyPaul, I hope you stopped at a suitable pub on the way home, then turned to the other half and said "Beer me, bitch - and you're driving home but not until I say so!"

PompeyPaul 25th Apr 2011 17:50

Thanks guys
Some of the responses made me lol

Jan Olieslagers 25th Apr 2011 17:51

And herself? Lolling too? Over you or over me or over whom?

Miserlou 25th Apr 2011 18:00

Compromise means agreeing to do what SHE wants!

Rwy in Sight 25th Apr 2011 19:32

Jan Olieslagers,

It would be worth telling us her offering to refrain from your favorite activities. A mate of mine reject the obvious offer from his wife to join us down the pub.

Maybe a negotiation workshop would be use to some of us. BEagle has a point.
IO540 don't forget that ladies today have options.

PompeyPaul, hope you fly soon.

Rwy in Sight

Piltdown Man 25th Apr 2011 19:44

...but did you get a shag for buying the cabinets?


Biffo Blenkinsop 25th Apr 2011 22:31

Both Mrs Blenkinsop (AKA Jasmine Skyjuice) and I are pilots. So - pas de probleme. Marry a pilot.

Mind you, Mrs B also likes horses. They're pretty much like aeroplanes - always being repaired, scary, unpredictable and just as expensive.

7of9 26th Apr 2011 00:03

My missus loves flying so don't have the problems some of you have.............:ok::ok:


FlyingKiwi_73 26th Apr 2011 02:56

My wife likes flying with me but only when its nice and calm and sunny.... so i tell her i need LOADS of practice flying in the nasty stuff.

Flying with the wife can be fun but a little interesting as she considers anything past a medium turn as aerobatics and 3500ft AGL is too low.

My wife also has a great sense of humour and she knows a C172 for an hour is cheaper than a hooker.


robin 26th Apr 2011 07:08

Worst thing about flying the wife was that I ended up having to pay for the whole trip, the teas and bacon butties. In ten years of flying her, she never once put her hand in her pocket.

And once the divorce came along she very nearly took the aeroplane as well!

IO540 26th Apr 2011 07:19

My wife also has a great sense of humour and she knows a C172 for an hour is cheaper than a hooker.
That is a very good "down under" attitude :ok:

And once the divorce came along she very nearly took the aeroplane as well!
The plane will be a matrimonial asset, unless owned by your business, but then business itself will also be valued for divorce purposes. The thoroughness of the valuation will vary, however.

This is the big catch for a businessman marrying: even a small business can easily be valued at as much as everything else put together, so the businessman comes out keeping the business (the ex wife rarely wants the business) and losing everything else. That was what I got, back in 1999, though I have since rebuilt OK.

However the ex wife cannot just point at a particular asset and demand it.

Unless there are children, in which case she more or less can do exactly that... but she is playing for high stakes because many men then just say 'sod the kids'.

I have a feeling that many men get spectacularly bad advice in these matters. Hardly suprising, since most "family law" lawyers are female and bitter man-haters (and are mostly incompetent anyway, by being too aggressive to deliver a reasonable deal) and many of the few male lawyers in that field are anti-men also. You absolutely must use a male solicitor, to have any chance. 12 years on, I have started writing up some notes on this stuff :)

tonker 26th Apr 2011 08:42

In my miserable dating history i have actually managed to meet and date some very attractive women. In the end i actually married one who has a PPL, who likes large ridiculous cars and B&O televisions(the bigger the better). I'm still working on the girl girl thing.;)

Let your head do the wife selecting, and your balls everything else i guess.

Noah Zark. 26th Apr 2011 12:52

When you think about it, PompeyPaul does not have much to live for.
No flying and supports Portsmouth..
Could it get any worse?
Yeah, I'll bet his other half drags him off to Ikea whenever she wants! :)

HEATHROW DIRECTOR 26th Apr 2011 13:01

Oh dear, you lot: "THE" wife? I always refer to mine as "MY" wife, or by her name. I wonder what your wives call you? "That prat" perhaps?

Some of you sure have some poor marriages. My wife and I have been married 44 years and never had a row. She supports my hobbies and interests and I support hers. What's with the "blazing row" nonsense? Work together; accept that each has ideas that may not appeal to the other but we are all different so you have to find a compromise.

We have done everything together and sympathise greatly with those who do not...

Rwy in Sight 26th Apr 2011 13:34

"I had everything I wanted until my wife find out"

Rwy in Sight

flyingfemme 26th Apr 2011 13:53

I don't understand why your presence would be required for the choosing of a kitchen......not even if the house was being selected at the same time!

Wibblemonster 26th Apr 2011 14:03

My wife asked me over the weekend when we could go flying again, she is very keen & never complains about the time I spend on flying. She certainly feels no financial impact as we have separate bank accounts!

IO540 26th Apr 2011 15:04

Oh dear, you lot: "THE" wife? I always refer to mine as "MY" wife, or by her name. I wonder what your wives call you? "That prat" perhaps?
I agree; it is an odd way to refer to one's dearest.

Mind you, if you listen in to a fairly average group of women, they do slag off their husbands pretty badly. Maybe it is just trendy to do that but it makes one wonder why they don't simply go batting for the other side and avoid men completely.

She certainly feels no financial impact as we have separate bank accounts!
That's a good way to do it, but it works only if your wife/GF is financially independent. That's what we have, and we have a joint account for the household etc stuff. Most women (even these days) are not independent to that degree which is why most of them married in the first place: for security.

I think that a bloke with a costly hobby and a wife has the following options:

1. Have a wife who is financially independent

2. Have a wife who is extremely tolerant

3. Spend a lot of money on his wife (and then it doesn't matter whether she is 1. or 2. above)

Biffo Blenkinsop 26th Apr 2011 15:08

a C172 for an hour is cheaper than a hooker
Blimey. It's expensive round your way. Dolly Clackett just down the road from here will sort it for a fiver.

IO540 26th Apr 2011 15:12

Dolly.... you mean this one?

Wibblemonster 26th Apr 2011 15:26

I'm very lucky I guess, she is finacially independent, owns the flat we live in, with a tiny mortgage & even offered to support me if I end up out of work.

Along with being tolerant of my hobbies, she joins in & has been to the Nurburgring several times, enjoying every minute (well apart from 165 mph on the long straight). She is looking forward to the flying trips this summer & is proud of me gaining my PPL recently. Maybe I'm lucky or maybe I picked a good girl & didn't put up with any bollox. :D

I totally agree with you on the female sport of slagging ones husband off, (most) women do not respect men, we are portrayed as idiots on television & films, just watch some of the adverts where the dad is a clown & the mum is the brains of the family. The pendulum has swung so far in the other direction that men are now seen as the weaker species, IMHO.

jxc 26th Apr 2011 15:40

IO540 Can you fit her in your plane ? what ever floats your boat :E

IO540 26th Apr 2011 15:56

She'd "go" in a Cessna 182 though.

That's the whole point of a 182.

Biffo Blenkinsop 26th Apr 2011 16:01

Dolly.... you mean this one?
Crikey IO, it's her. New teeth though - didn't have any last time I saw her. All the better, some say.

D SQDRN 97th IOTC 26th Apr 2011 16:16

i had an argument with my missus which just finished
last night, she asked what was on TV.
"apart from the dust" I asked?

That was when the argument started.....

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